"Look!" Anthony got a lot of strength from Weizet's approval.

Michael laughed and said, "That's because Wizette is easy to talk to. Didn't you hear Chris and Terry laughing?"

"Damn it! Just wait for me!" Anthony became angry, gritted his teeth and pushed forward.

Michael was still laughing, never stopping, not worried that Anthony would bump into him.

Anthony was already dizzy and showed no sign of fear. He bumped into Michael, and their broomsticks howled at the same time.

They were like mutually repelling magnets of the same sex. At the moment of collision, they flew backwards in two opposite directions.

"You two!" Mrs. Huo Qi instantly noticed the abnormality and blew the whistle immediately, "Everyone! Get back to the ground immediately! Get back to the ground immediately!"

Before she finished speaking, she swooped down on her broomstick at high speed and landed one step ahead of Michael.

She quickly dropped her broomstick and rushed forward, just in time to catch Michael, and neither of them was hurt.

"Look up there!"

The students screamed and looked into the air as Anthony's broomstick emitted green smoke, carrying him higher and crashing towards the castle.

"Can this job continue?" Mrs. Huo Qi's voice was a little desperate, and she stepped on the broomstick again.

She is too far away from Anthony. I'm afraid there will be another injured person in class today. I don't know what Madam Pomfrey is going to talk about.

At this moment, she caught a figure out of the corner of her eye, "How could it be so fast?"

Wizette soared into the sky on his broomstick, leaving an afterimage in the sky.

The strong wind roared in Weizet's ears, and the air flow poured into his robe along his sleeves, making the robe rumble and make a rumbling sound.

The broomstick is indeed a bit old. When the power is fully turned on, the broomstick is also making a mournful sound. But if you want to save Anthony, you can't stop the broomstick.

At the moment when Anthony was about to hit the castle window, Vizette just raised his wand, "The robe is flying!"

Anthony's robe was suddenly pulled by a force to prevent him from hitting the window. The broomstick under him made a "click" sound and finally broke into two parts.

Anthony screamed as he fell downwards, grabbing his hands everywhere, as if trying to grab a "life-saving straw", but unfortunately he could only grab air.

The real "life-saving straw" Wizette controlled the broomstick, shot down like an arrow from the string, and cast a flying spell again.

Anthony's fall slowed down again, but his robe made a tearing sound at this moment. His robe could not withstand the third flying curse.

Weizet was not surprised. He had expected this to happen and had prepared a backup plan.

He was not idle this week. In addition to integrating the knowledge he had learned, he used the remaining time to explore Hogwarts Castle.

It's just that this castle is too big, and it contains countless secret passages and chambers. He can only try his best to explore.

The ancient magic power collected during this period is enough for him to enhance and improve magic.

There are many more wonderful uses of the summoning spell, and he decided to further improve the ability of the summoning spell.

The current summoning spell can capture larger creatures, such as Anthony who is about to fall to the ground.

Many students covered their eyes as a bloody scene seemed to appear in front of their eyes - the back of Anthony's head was torn apart and blood splattered all over the floor.

"Come here Anthony!" Weizet shouted, ancient magical power poured into the wand, and the wand instantly lit up with bright silver-blue light...

Chapter 40 Wood: Can Wizette join the Gryffindor team?

An invisible force wrapped around Anthony's body, lifting him up a little, and stopped ten centimeters above the ground.

Anthony gasped for air, his nose filled with the fishy smell of soil and lawn, and the feeling of the aftermath sent shivers down his spine.

"Weizet? Mr. Goldstein?" Professor McGonagall's serious voice sounded, "Why...why did something happen to you in the flying class again?"

Time goes back to three minutes ago.

"Professor McGonagall, can you let us use the Quidditch pitch after tomorrow's Quidditch tryouts?"

"Harry is only in his first year. He needs to practice cooperating with us more." Oliver Wood asked as he followed Professor McGonagall.

As captain of the Gryffindor team, he has always had his sights set on the Quidditch trophy.

As Charlie Weasley graduated, this goal seemed further and further away from him, until Professor McGonagall recommended Harry Potter to him.

"I can negotiate with Professor Snape. He has applied for the requisition of the stadium the day before yesterday." Professor McGonagall nodded.

Wood was a little impatient, "How about we let them practice for two hours less? Half the time on one side is just right!"

"I will try." Professor McGonagall turned around and looked at Wood with a serious expression, "I know you are anxious, and I am anxious too, but the stadium is shared by everyone."

Looking at Wood who looked anxious, she suddenly realized something was wrong, "Mr. Wood, it's class time now, why aren't you in the History of Magic classroom?"

Wood was sweating profusely, and his eyes were darting around, trying to find something irrelevant to divert Professor McGonagall's attention.

"Professor McGonagall, look! There's a flying lesson over there, and it seems there's been an accident again!"

Professor McGonagall was unmoved, "Mr. Wood, I hope you can answer my question head-on!"

As the head of Gryffindor, she knew Wood very well. As long as it didn't involve Quidditch-related matters, Wood was still very disciplined.

Once something related to Quidditch happened, Wood seemed to be a different person and became extremely fanatical...

Just like what it looks like now.

"Incredible speed! Beautiful dive, so flexible! How come he seems to be born to fly? This is the Meteor! An antique from 1955! There are a lot of questions..."

Wood spoke at an alarming speed, sputtering a lot, "It turns out he was rescuing someone... I should be able to save him... No! Professor McGonagall, someone is about to fall!"

Professor McGonagall quickly turned her head. When she saw that it was Vizette who was flying on a broomstick and a student was falling to the ground, her pupils instantly shrank to the size of a pinpoint.

She quickly pulled out her wand, and just when she was about to turn the lawn into an air mattress, Wizette's wand erupted with silver-blue light, stopping the student's fall.

There was no accident between the two of them. Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards them quickly, "Weizet? Mr. Goldstein? You...why did something happen in the flying class again?"

"Merlin's beard!" Madam Hooch finally arrived and said breathlessly, "Are you okay? Is there anything broken? I'll take you to Madam Pomfrey!"

"That's enough! Yesterday, a child was so competitive that he broke his wrist, and today the broomstick broke down again... Why does it keep doing this lately?"

"Mrs. Huo Qi, you are too nervous." Professor McGonagall adjusted her glasses, "Accidents in flying lessons are quite common, please don't worry about it."

"Mr. Weizet, Goldstein, are you feeling uncomfortable in any way? Do you need to be taken to the school hospital for a checkup?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Anthony waved his hands repeatedly, "It's quite exciting! I almost thought I was going to die!"

"Stop talking!" Mrs. Huo Qi covered her heart, "This problem has happened two days in a row. Professor Trelawney is right, I will have bad luck in the near future!"

"Professor Trelawney?" Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows and coughed lightly, "You really don't need to worry about it, it was just an accident."

Wood picked up the malfunctioning broomstick and inspected it. "It was indeed an accident. The branches are too old to be used... Even if nothing happens today, something will happen one day."

"These broomsticks are antiques that are forty or fifty years old. It would be best to replace them as soon as possible. If you continue to use them, many good ideas may be buried."

"Mrs. Hooch, you should go back to class! I will submit an application to replace a batch of broomsticks." Professor McGonagall said, "Wood, you should go back too!"

Mrs. Hooch took Weizet and the others away, and Wood's face became very troubled, "Professor McGonagall, can Weizet join our team?"

"Although I haven't seen Harry's true strength yet, I have seen Wizette! If both of them join the Gryffindor team..."

"I will definitely win the championship this year!" His eyes seemed to be shining, showing full of longing. "If I can't win the championship, I will stand on my head and eat spaghetti!"

"Mr. Wood, please go back to class quickly!" Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows high, "Otherwise... I will have to deduct points!"

Looking at Wood's running back, Professor McGonagall covered his forehead and said, "I also want Wizette to join the team, but it's a pity that he is from Ravenclaw."


Late at night, Hogwarts Headmaster's Office.

Dumbledore flipped through a copy of "Transfiguration Today", "It's been a week, what do you think?"

Snape paced back and forth in the headmaster's office, his voice dragging like his steps, "Poor! Very bad! Just as mediocre and arrogant as his father."

"He likes to violate discipline and has the same enthusiasm for being in the limelight. He just likes to attract other people's attention, but he doesn't understand anything. It's ridiculous!"

"Severus, you may have only seen what you want to see." Dumbledore said softly, "Other professors say that he is humble and easy-going, has good talents, and is a lovable child."

"Oh, so what?" Snape responded expressionlessly.

Dumbledore put down the "Transfiguration Today" in his hand, "What about the other child? There was once a person who was similar to him, with equally superior qualifications and a more handsome appearance."

"Having an extreme thirst for knowledge, he was also favored by professors, especially Professor Slughorn, who also let him join the Slug Club."

"I also heard an anecdote. You gave Ravenclaw five points. To achieve this, it will be no less difficult than joining the Slug Club..."

Snape seemed to be thinking of something bad, his face became even uglier, and he even stopped pacing.

Dumbledore continued: "Severus, what do you think of him?"

Snape's cheeks moved, and his voice became more undulating, "Since you noticed the similarity, you can just strangle him in the cradle without asking me!"

Chapter 41 The first weekend at Hogwarts

"Severus, I have no such intention. There are no two absolutely identical people in the world." Dumbledore smiled with interest.

"Just like two feathers on the same phoenix, as long as the wand body and length are different, two different wands will be born."

"Another weapon?" Snape's expression was very bad. "The wand will not surrender 100%. You should know about 'wand backfire', right?"

"Of course I know." Dumbledore sighed and frowned, "In the past, I had to face Grindelwald and ignored Voldemort who was still studying here."

"Severus, my energy is not as good as before. The situation I face is still severe. I need the help of others even more."

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