"Why do you always tell me these things?" Snape narrowed his eyes slightly, "Just because I gave him extra points?"

"He is different from Voldemort. He is willing to feel the beauty around him." Dumbledore shook his head gently, "You should be aware of his uniqueness, right?"

"It's just a little cleverness." Snape did not deny it and sat in front of Dumbledore. "His eyes can see through the appearance to see the essence."

"As expected...that's no wonder!" Dumbledore nodded, his brows widened, "I not only told you this, I also asked Minerva and the others."

"You don't have to do anything deliberately, you just need to give appropriate guidance so that he can always walk on the right path. I believe that his character will allow him to make the right choice."

"Minerva and the others? Haha..." Snape crossed his arms and sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Including that Professor Quirinus? I don't need to tell you how important the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is, right?"

"He..." Dumbledore showed a sad expression, "This is what I want to tell you, help keep an eye on Quirrell, can you?"

"It's indeed him!" Snape's eyes sharpened instantly, "Then you still let him participate in the levels on the fourth floor?"

"Please enter the urn, Severus." Dumbledore said. "At least for now, it seems that Quirrell acted alone. I want to lure out the person behind him."

"What about Harry Potter?" Snape asked, "What will happen to Harry Potter if he really appears?"

Dumbledore crossed his hands and circled his thumbs, "If the judgment made ten years ago is correct, there should be no life-threatening danger."

"The judgment made ten years ago?" Snape took a deep breath. "It is because of this judgment that he stayed with two stupid Muggles for ten full years!"

"Now he is so understated that he needs to face Quirrell, or even face the Dark Lord? And he says that his life 'should' not be in danger?"

"It's precisely because I need to pay attention to Harry that I can't be distracted." Dumbledore sighed again, "Weizet depends on you."

"I hope you can remember what you said." Snape stood up, gathered his robes, and quickly left the principal's office.


On weekends, Wizette’s life is just as fulfilling.

After posting the letter in the morning, I came to the auditorium and several roommates gathered around me.

"Good morning, Wizette!" Chris handed over a glass of pumpkin juice, "I saw you doing your homework there last night, have you finished it?"

"Thank you." Weizet took the pumpkin juice, "It's almost done. I want to find some information to enrich the paper on the match changing into a needle."

"How much content did you write?" Chris then asked, "Isn't it long enough?"

"The length has been written," Weizet said. "Professor McGonagall taught me more knowledge, so I want to add something about the 'Animagus'."

Terry immediately made a suggestion: "How about we go to the library after you finish eating? The paper for the Transfiguration Magic class... I didn't write it long enough."

Anthony followed closely: "There are also assignments in Potions class, the material properties of boil healing potions, I feel like I missed a little bit."

Michael nodded and agreed: "I haven't finished looking for that one yet. I haven't written all of "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms", and I've written a little less than Anthony."

The unpleasantness in the flying lesson didn't last long. He and Anthony had reconciled and started discussing homework together again.

Looking at the buttered bread, bacon and roasted ham they handed over, Weizet asked with a half-smile: "Did you discuss this?"

The roommates smiled sheepishly.

Terry said: "There is just a little bit of content. Once I finish writing it, I can go out and play!"

Michael shrugged, "There will be Quidditch trials in the afternoon, and Anthony and I plan to go and have a look."

"Once the homework is done, there will be no more burden." Anthony added.

"Yes... Quidditch tryout in the afternoon." Wizette recalled that Qiu Zhang also mentioned this matter to him last night.

Qiu Zhang planned to participate in the selection to see if there was a chance to join the Ravenclaw team, and invited him to come over to cheer him up.

In the expectant eyes of his roommates, Wizette nodded in agreement.

This is the first weekend of school, and not many students come to the library.

Most of the people who come here are in groups. They either gather in front of the shelves to look for information, or sit in the rest area and discuss quietly.

"That one seems to be Gryffindor. It's really strange." Michael looked towards the corner of the rest area.

Hermione was sitting there alone, her fluffy brown hair covering her cheeks, as if she was lowering her head to do her homework.

Ravenclaw has its own library, but the collection of books is not complete, and some materials still need to be found in the library.

Wizette was not surprised. He often saw Hermione here, always alone.

He whispered to his roommates: "As for the Potions homework, you can look for the seventh issue of "Practical Potions Master" in 1986. There is relevant content in it, which was published by Professor Snape."

"There is also the second issue of "Transfiguration Today" from 1895, which contains a paper on the transformation of a match into a needle, written by Principal Dumbledore. I also completed my homework based on these two magazines."

"Awesome!" The roommates all gave him thumbs up, "I have seen so many."

Weizet smiled and waved his hand, "It's all thanks to Mrs. Pince that I discovered that magic magazines are so interesting."

Irma Pince is the librarian of Hogwarts. As long as she does not break the rules of the library, she is a kind lady.

Although she is serious, she reads a lot. Vizette can always get the whereabouts of the books he wants from her.

The roommates gathered in the newspaper section to look for magazines. Vizet came to Madam Pince and said, "Madam Pince, I want to read a book about 'Animagus'. Where should I find it?"

"At your age..." Madam Pince looked Vizet up and down, "It may be dangerous to come into contact with 'Animagus'."

Chapter 42 Ancient Magic: Throwing Mastery and "Theory of Transfiguration"

Vizet explained, "Professor McGonagall asked me to find some information about 'Animagus'. I don't plan to practice this magic."

"It turned out to be Professor McGonagall!" Madam Pince said in a flat tone, "Theory of Transfiguration, the seventh row of the 103rd bookshelf in the Transfiguration section."

She added, this time with a much heavier tone, "Remember, don't scribble on it!"

The library was expanded countless times by magic. Among them, Potions and Transfiguration Magic are two larger categories, occupying a large area.

The entire library has thousands of bookshelves and hundreds of narrow aisles, with countless books of all kinds.

It was the first time for Vizet to go deep into the library.

Many of the books in the library were very old. They were more outrageous than the books in Flourish and Blotts, and they could even talk.

Some books would mutter obscure sounds, some would howl suddenly, and some would say some bewitching words...


"Ah! They are all scum! They have tainted Hogwarts! Magic belongs to the pure-blood family!"

"Open me... The power is waving at you! With me, you can have everything! Escape from death!"

Vizet was not afraid of this, but found it very interesting. He even released his magic eye to observe.

As expected, the library, as a place that has existed since the founding of the school, naturally contains a lot of ancient magic power.

Although he only took this path, the ancient magic power he gained was also considerable, enough for him to turn to the next page of "Wizard Practical Guide".

"Ancient Magic: Throwing Mastery": Master the ancient magic power, hide the ancient magic power in objects, and burst the ancient magic power after hitting the target.

From the description, this is an offensive ability, and it has a certain degree of concealment, which can achieve unexpected results.

Vizet stopped where he was and digested this ability first.

He found that throwing mastery is not simple, because this ability is used in conjunction with other magic.

With the summoning spell, it can summon surrounding objects to attack; with the transformation magic, it can directly create throwing objects...

You can even use the ancient magic power as "fuel" to increase the flying speed when throwing objects, so as to achieve unexpected effects, just like the nitrogen acceleration in the speed game.

And the most important point is that this ability can also play a certain effect even with bare hands.

If he had this ability in his previous life, he could consider developing in the direction of a shot putter, basketball player or baseball player.

Vizet shook his head gently and whispered, "But I like magic more."

Without the ancient magic power, those strange sounds weakened a lot, as thin as mosquitoes.

Vizet continued to walk forward, and it took about five minutes to come to the bookshelf mentioned by Madam Pince.

Vizette found "Theory of Metamorphosis and Deformation", a book with a black cover and an extremely complex pattern outlined with gold stamping.

This pattern has a sense of déjà vu of "Vitruvian Man".

"Vitruvian Man" is a work by Leonardo da Vinci, depicting a man standing in the shape of a "cross" and a "fire".

And this pattern is more complex, with countless animal structures between the circle and the rectangle.

Vizette can only see the more classic images of pigs, dogs, cows, sheep, lions, tigers, elephants, etc.

He opened the page, and the first thing that caught his eye was not the prologue, but a line of floating words made of magic:

No scribbling on the book! Even Headmaster Dumbledore is no exception! Irma Pincelu.

Vizette smiled lightly, leaving this paragraph, which is in line with Mrs. Pince's attitude towards book collection.

The magic text changed and became another string of text:

It's true. When I was writing the annotation, the book actually flew up and hit my head. It hurt. You have to be careful. Left by Albus Dumbledore.

Vizet almost laughed out loud, but he was still a little confused. Would Dumbledore really leave such a message?

The Dumbledore he met was a kind and amiable old man.

Vizet couldn't imagine that such an old man would leave such a witty message.

Due to his desire for the content of the book itself, he did not continue to struggle, but reached out and opened the page.

As his hand touched the page, the magic text dissipated, and the real prologue appeared.

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