[Transfiguration and metamorphosis, this is a topic that can trigger debate among wizards. Many wizards insist that they change their essence and make their transformation magic reach a new peak...]

[As a person who is keen on getting to the bottom of things, after contacting these wizards, I discovered a sad fact - they don’t even understand themselves, but they think they have grown and sublimated...]

[In this book, I will serve as a guide to guide you to deconstruct yourself, recognize your essence, and even deconstruct everything, hoping to allow you to go further on the road of transformation magic...]

After reading the prologue, Vizette was deeply attracted and couldn't wait to turn to the next page.

This book not only contains the author's insights, but also notes in the blank spaces to express his views.

Combining insights and notes, he felt that he had a better understanding of transformation magic.

Vizette even had a vague idea that it was his own path of transformation magic.

Now he has reason to believe that the second paragraph of magic text at the beginning may really be left by Principal Dumbledore.

"Focus... Start with the most familiar things... Relax... Don't let the pressure control you, find a place to remember..."

While reading, Vizette tried. He pulled out a hair and put it on the ground. A familiar garden appeared in his mind.

The tip of the magic wand was suspended above the hair, "Change in a proper way!"

The hair quickly grew larger and turned into a palm-sized, leaf-shaped bookmark.

Vizette compared the deconstruction diagram in the book and improved the details of the bookmark. The color was more emerald and the veins were more distinct, just like a real leaf...

He suddenly felt like a creator, as if he could really create things out of thin air.

Luna's voice seemed to be heard in his ears: "You need to have a wish..."

"My wish is to make it really become a leaf!" Vizette murmured, and the magic wand emitted an emerald light, drowning the leaf bookmark.

In Vizette's mind, a branch appeared, with a few green leaves attached to the stump, emitting a faint sandalwood scent...

His imagination became reality, the leaf bookmark stretched outward, the texture became tender, the color became more vibrant, and even branches grew little by little...

"Vizette! Vizette!" At this moment, Anthony suddenly stretched out his hand and shook, waking up Vizette who was immersed in the book.

"Hurry up, if it's any later, there may be no food in the auditorium, and we still have to watch the Quidditch selection in the afternoon!"

Chapter 43 Quidditch Selection

Vizette slowly opened his eyes and smelled the unique sandalwood scent.

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In his hand, a branch appeared, emitting sandalwood, and a mistletoe leaf was attached to it.

There is no doubt that this is a completely magical product, with a sense of mix and match.

"Why do you have a branch in your hand?" Anthony asked curiously.

"Because I want to borrow this book." Wizette smiled and gently tapped the branch with his wand.

The branch shrank rapidly and turned into a mistletoe leaf bookmark with a sandalwood scent.

"Let's go!" He put the bookmark into the book.


"Theory of Metamorphosis" benefited Wizette so much that he was still waving his wand on the way to the Quidditch field, trying more applications of transformation magic.

If you have insights, you should practice more. This is the learning method he summed up in his previous life. Now that he is in the magic world, this method still works.

He walked on the grass, waving his wand like a symphony conductor. Every time he took a step, the grass he stepped on would change and turn into a sparse white primrose.

"Theory of Metamorphosis" records a large number of structural diagrams, from plants to animals as a distinction of difficulty.

Primrose is one of the structural diagrams. The structure itself is not complicated, which is very suitable for practice.

Vizette turned around and looked at the primroses that disappeared behind him, and a sense of accomplishment filled his heart.

Every step he took was followed by primroses, which gave him a feeling of "lotus blossoms at every step".

Transfiguration magic, as an important branch of magic, has its own unique charm.

Freedom and unpredictability are the unique features of transformation magic, which made him immersed in it.

In fact, Michael had noticed this a long time ago. He looked at primroses one after another, opened his mouth wide, and finally couldn't help picking one.

The petals flew, and the sparse white primroses lay in his hands, turning into a piece of grass.

He pulled Vizette's sleeve, "How did it become like this?"

"The most basic transformation magic, changing grass into flowers is not very difficult." Anthony explained, "It's just that Vizette is very skilled... very, very skilled..."

"How can he be so skilled!" He sighed a little frustrated, "He performs transformation magic too fast. I'm afraid that for him, the first-year course has lost its meaning."

"Practice makes perfect." Vizette put away his wand, and the petals behind him flew instantly, and the primrose returned to the appearance of grass. "I usually practice more, it's no big deal."

"If you are interested, I can lend you my notes." He raised "Theory of Metamorphosis and Transfiguration" and waved it, "This book has given me a lot of inspiration, you can take a look."

Faced with the "Theory of Metamorphosis and Deformation" which was more than ten centimeters thick, Anthony swallowed his saliva subconsciously, "Let's talk about it when we get back... It's a rare weekend to combine work and rest!"

"That's right! That's right!" Michael immediately echoed, "Look! The selection seems to have begun!"

Vizet's range of activities is still in the castle. At most, he can see the Quidditch field from a distance through the window of the dormitory.

The oval field is shaped like an olive and is as big as a football field. The serving area is located in the center of the field and is specially marked with a white ring pattern.

As a high-altitude ball game, the stands are also built high up. They are like the pillars of ancient Greek temples, surrounding the field.

Three gold-painted goalposts stand at both ends of the field. The top of the goalposts is connected to a ring. The function of the ring is similar to a basket. If you want to score in the game, you need to throw the ball into the basket.

Facing Vizet, who doesn't know Quidditch, the two roommates proudly raised their heads and chests, seized this rare opportunity, and talked about the configuration of Quidditch players and scoring methods.

This is a long-standing event that has always been loved by wizards around the world. There is even a large-scale event such as the Quidditch World Cup.

This event will use four balls: a Quaffle, two Bludgers and a Golden Snitch.

The two sides participating in the event will send seven players, three Chasers, two Beaters, a Keeper and a Seeker.

The Chaser's duty is to snatch the Quaffle. Throwing it into the ring can get ten points, which is the main scoring method of Quidditch;

The Bludger contains magic and will attack players randomly. The Beater is equipped with a bat. They need to prevent the Bludger from hurting teammates and hit the Bludger to the opponent to create trouble;

The Goalkeeper is responsible for guarding the goalposts to prevent the opponent's players from throwing the ball into the ring to score;

The Golden Snitch contains flying magic. It is similar in size to a ping-pong ball and flies very fast and silently. The Seeker needs to find the Golden Snitch as soon as possible and catch it to end the game.

Vizet asked curiously, "One hundred and fifty points? If you catch the Snitch at the beginning, you will win directly?"

"This is the fascinating part of Quidditch!" Anthony danced with joy, "The team that was originally behind seized the opportunity and caught the Snitch to turn the tables in one fell swoop. How exciting!"

Vizet nodded in agreement. The appearance of the Snitch can indeed make the game full of variables and more enjoyable to watch.

As soon as they walked into the stadium, they heard Qiu Zhang's call: "Vizet! Come to me!"

There were already many people sitting on the benches on both sides of the team lounge.

Some of them would bring their own flying brooms to participate in the selection like Qiu Zhang, while others would use the flying brooms provided by the school.

Qiu Zhang wiped the broomstick, his voice a little hurried, "I thought you forgot."

"Sorry, I almost forgot." Vizet sat on the bench, "Anthony reminded me."

Qiu Zhang waved, "Hello! Thank you!"

"Okay...ah...nothing, just like that..." Anthony's ears were red, his head was buried low, and he didn't dare to look at Qiu Zhang's face.

"Yes...Anthony is right!" Michael's situation was not much better, his ears were red as if they were scalded by boiling water.

Vizet couldn't help laughing. When the two of them were walking on the road, they could still point out the world with a smile on their faces, but when they greeted Qiu Zhang, they became mimosa.

It's not the time for Qiu Zhang's favorite position selection yet, and she still needs time to adjust.

In order to calm down her nervous mood, she talked to Vizet about the team's recent situation.

The Ravenclaw team has a serious loss of personnel, whether it is a seeker, a beater or a chaser, there are vacancies.

Qiu Zhang sighed, "So the captain and his team are in a hurry. Before you came, twenty people had been screened out."

"How were they screened out?" Vizet asked. He was quite interested in the Quidditch selection.

"Hover, accelerate, detour, sharp turn..." Qiu Zhang counted on his fingers, "The captain will randomly say the action, and if you can't keep up, you will be eliminated..."

Chapter 44 Rules can be broken

Vizet recalled yesterday's flying class. He felt that if he participated in the selection, he would at least be able to enter the second round of selection.

The second round of selection began, and the first to be selected was the batsman.

This position has certain requirements in terms of accuracy and strength.

More than a dozen people participating in the selection rode on the flying brooms, hung balloons on their chests, and were divided into two groups for testing.

They were divided into two groups, protecting the balloons on their chests while hitting the bludgers that might appear at any time.

"Just in time!" A male voice came from behind. It was Oliver Wood, who had met Vizet once.

Qiu Zhang obviously knew Wood, and she asked in confusion, "Why did you come to the Ravenclaw trials?"

Wood put down his writing board, glanced at Vizet, and said with a vague look, "I just came to take a look. After all, I'm the captain!"

"It seems that you are spying!" Qiu Zhang smiled, "I heard Roger mention you. He said you are a Quidditch fanatic who can sacrifice your life for Quidditch."

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