Wood raised his head and held his chest out, looking proud, "That's my honor!"

The selection of batsmen continued, and Wizette found that becoming a batsman seemed to require taking risks.

The Bludger has an extremely strong desire to attack, and if it fails to be knocked away, the Bludger will hit the Selector's chest hard.

They were knocked off the broomstick. Not only did their mouths hit the ground, but their teeth were also shattered. The word "tragic" cannot be used to summarize them all.

Such an accident also scared off many people. They left the stadium in despair, citing the reason of sending the injured to the school hospital.

"So, Ravenclaw is too valuable." Wood muttered. He noticed Qiu Zhang turning to look at him and immediately made amends.

"Actually, there are some who are brave... In fact, these two young men are not bad, their reactions are very fast, and their skills are also good... They just need to continue to practice."

The two guys who got spots are both juniors named Jason Samuels and Duncan Ingleby.

After the batsman selection was completed, Qiu Zhang suddenly stood up with a "swish" sound and walked forward with a somewhat stiff body.

"Fred and the others told me that the second grader... it seems that Cedric is interested in her..." Wood rambled in a low voice, recording something on the writing board.

"The flying posture is very professional... She wore the uniform of the Tuthill Tornadoes before. It seems that she has loved Quidditch since she was a child. She is probably the seeker!"

Weizet was speechless for a moment, "You are quite professional..."

"I'm just interested in Quidditch." Wood nodded, "Nothing related to Quidditch can escape my eyes...including you!"

"Me?" Wizette shrank to the side subconsciously, "It has nothing to do with me, right?"

Wood said seriously: "I saw Harry's flying level last night. To be honest... although it is good enough, it is still a little worse than you."

"If his flying talent is excellent, then it's as if you were born to fly! To be able to use an antique like the Meteor to achieve amazing speed is incredible..."

He lowered his voice and asked Weizet: "Are you interested in transferring to Gryffindor? I can risk my life to apply to Professor McGonagall."

Weizet shook his head without thinking, "I am very happy in Ravenclaw. I do what I like every day. I also like the atmosphere here very much."

"That's such a pity!" Wood's voice sounded slightly regretful, and he did not continue speaking. He devoted his energy to the court and evaluated the seeker selectors.

The most important thing for a Seeker is flight speed, so that he can catch up with the Golden Snitch. Qiu Zhang has a slender figure and can fly a bit faster than others, basically giving him an advantage.

Roger threw marbles from different angles, and she could quickly detect them and catch them before they hit the ground.

Being able to do this relatively easily shows that her observation skills and reactions are very good.

As Wood said, Qiu Zhang's level was much higher than the others, and she successfully qualified as a seeker.

"The future is really promising!" Wood said with emotion, "At least in the position of seeker, Ravenclaw has found a good talent."

Qiu Zhang, who had qualified as a seeker, was beaming with joy. Hearing Wood's comments, he even smiled.

"All that's left is the chaser..." Wood wrote on the board, "We can go back and formulate tactics later."

Just as he was muttering, a voice came out from the side, "Mr. Lovegood, so you are here!"

It was Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, and beside him was Professor McGonagall in green robes.

"Could it be..." Wood's eyes flickered, as if he thought of something bad.

He sighed and murmured to himself with a wry smile: "Professor McGonagall, you are really too fair! Can you give even more of the overflowing justice to Professor Snape?"

Professor Flitwick is very small and can run very fast on his short legs.

He arrived in front of Weizet in the blink of an eye, "Professor McGonagall told me that you are very talented in flying. Do you want to participate in the selection?"

Weizet asked: "Didn't I remember that the bulletin board said that you need to be a sophomore to participate in the selection?"

"Rules can be broken." Professor Flitwick said happily. "We feel that freshmen have just joined Hogwarts and need time to adapt, so we added this rule."

"But you don't have such a problem at all. Regardless of your class performance or after-school homework, your performance is excellent! This is obvious to all of us."

Vizette nodded: "Since Professor Flitwick said so, of course I am willing to try."

Flitwick immediately took action, "Then you come with me, I'll talk to Arsenal and the others!"

Qiu Zhang smiled and made an encouraging gesture, "Come on! You will be fine!"

Anthony and Michael also stood up and tried their best to show their support with their eyes, but Qiu Zhang stood aside and their actions were relatively restrained.

"Weizet! Come on!" Several more people cheered him on.

Only then did Weizet notice that many Hufflepuff students were here.

It seems that wherever there is excitement to watch, they will appear wherever they are interested in anecdotes.

Vice-captain Roger is responsible for determining the candidates for the Chaser, and the first round of screening needs to be left to others.

Arsenal Vinson is the captain of the team. He is tall and strong and is responsible for the goalkeeper position. He is also a seventh grader.

As a seventh grader, he needs to prepare for the N.E.W.T. exam and does not have enough time.

At the beginning of this school year, he left most of the team's affairs to Roger, while he read and reviewed.

If nothing else happens, Roger will successfully become a regular player after graduating from Arsenal.

"Seeing Wood look so ugly makes me happy." Arsenal smiled. "He came to my place yesterday at noon to show off, saying that Gryffindor has a talented player..."

He patted Weizet on the shoulder, "Professor Flitwick said that you are also very talented? Then ride on the broomstick and let me see your strength!"

Chapter 45 If it doesn’t work out, then choose to believe in Wizette

The first round of selection began, and just as Weizet expected, this session was very easy.

Whether it's hanging in the air, making circuitous turns, or even flying upside down, he can handle all kinds of flying maneuvers with ease.

When he returned to the ground, Arsenal said with a smile: "This is the first time I have seen a freshman fly so well with the Meteor!"

"This year is the most promising year for Ravenclaw!" He was both excited and excited. "Have you considered a specific position?"

Weizet suddenly remembered that he had gained new abilities in the library, and there might be a position that would suit him, "Is it okay to be a Chaser?"

"No problem!" Arsenal said with a smile, "I will make you a chaser no matter what!"

As the captain of the team, Arsenal naturally yearns to win the championship.

Unfortunately, the team has suffered a serious loss of talent over the years, resulting in Ravenclaw's unsatisfactory results and always being in fourth place.

There are only four teams in the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup. Compared to the last place, the fourth place is just a more comfortable name.

Ravenclaw prides itself on adopting the colors of the sky and the eagle, but Quidditch is always at the bottom, which is really unreasonable.

The emergence of Weizet gave Arsenal, who were facing graduation, the hope of winning the championship.

With excitement, Arsenal approached Roger; "Have you found the right Chaser?"

"Jeremy Stratton." Roger pulled over a third-year student, "His reflexes and accuracy are pretty good. He'll be fine after some training!"

"But we need two chasers, and there are no more suitable candidates at the moment. We can only go through the list again and at least get the team together."

"Then let's meet Weizet!" Arsenal raised his voice unconsciously, "The genius recommended by Professor Flitwick! His flying skills are impeccable!"

"Really?" Roger was a little surprised, "Vizete... I have an impression, is this a new student?"

Arsenal was as excited as if he had won the lottery jackpot, "I have already taken him through the first round of screening. He even managed to fly upside down and dive. No matter the balance or speed, it is impeccable!"

Roger's eyes lit up, "Then I'll just add your name to the list!"

Arsenal nodded, "Bring the Quaffle and Bludger with you so that everyone can get familiar with each other and have a brief training session."

Riding on the broomstick used by the team for competitions, Weizet followed everyone into the air.

Arsenal came to the goal post, "Jeremy and Duncan, you are responsible for grabbing Wizette's Quaffle."

"Qiu, you and Jason form a team. Jason and Roger will hit the Bludger together. The target is Vizette."

Qiu Zhang frowned slightly, raised his hand and asked, "Can I ask...why are the targets all Vizette?"

"Of course I have confidence in him." Arsenal said with a smile. "We will formulate tactics around him in the future. Now let everyone understand clearly. There is no need to explain more in the official training next week."

"Bludgers are an important threat on the court. This training is also a test for you and can expose your shortcomings. I will formulate your training tasks based on this training camp."

After everyone was ready, they immediately dispersed.

With Weizet as the center, they kept a distance of more than ten meters from each other.

Roger opened the box containing the bludgers. The two bludgers were like cannonballs, roaring and drawing an arc in the air, and began to attack the players present.

Arsenal threw the Quaffle, "Wizet! Catch the ball!"

Vizette, who was hovering in the service area, caught the Quaffle and shot it out like an arrow.

Roger moved quickly in the air, successfully intercepted a Bludger, and knocked it away with a swing of his bat.

The Bludger made a loud noise as it broke through the air, drawing a dark arc in the air, and flew in front of Weizet in the blink of an eye. The distance between one person and one ball was no more than two meters.

When Qiu Zhang saw this scene, he clenched his broomstick nervously.

The reactions of the new players were all similar. They didn't expect that Roger was serious and showed no mercy at all.

"Isn't that too cruel..." Roger muttered and continued to look for another Bludger.

Professor Flitwick, who was sitting in the spectator stand, tightened his wand and would immediately come to help once Wizette fell off his broomstick.

Professor McGonagall, who was sitting aside, adjusted her glasses, but her fingers held the frames without letting go, and her eyes were fixed on Wizette in the sky.

Wood's eyes narrowed and he clenched his fists subconsciously, "Such a short distance! Most people don't have time to react, right? Roger is obviously a chaser, but he hits the bludger so hard!"

Arsenal held his breath and stared at the Bludger unblinkingly.

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