When Vizette heard the whistling sound of the Bludger, he had already prepared himself mentally.

When he saw the Bludger appear in front of him, he was not panicked at all, but felt a different kind of excitement, which made him continue to speed up.

The flying broom used in the game was very easy to use, and it was far better than the Meteor in terms of acceleration and stability.

He had no intention of slowing down, and bent down to clamp the Quaffle with his elbow, with his chest against the handle, and avoided the Bludger in a very thrilling way.

Vizette's speed was amazing, like a swift flying through the sky, leaving a trail of afterimages.

He went from extremely active to extremely quiet, and appeared in front of Arsenal in a blink of an eye, and the distance was also less than three meters.

Ancient magic: throwing mastery.

He smashed the Quaffle with force, and under the blessing of ancient magic power, the Quaffle whistled.

Arsenal subconsciously wanted to catch the ball, but the Quaffle left a bright red trail of afterimages and flew straight through the ring.

Less than thirty seconds after the serve, Vizet actually scored a goal, which was unexpected by most people present.

Qiu Zhang smiled brightly and shouted loudly: "Vizet scored ten points!"

"Professor McGonagall, I don't know how to thank you." Professor Flitwick smiled brightly, "I will definitely help you and snatch the trophy from Professor Snape!"

"It's too early to say this now, our Potter is not bad either." Professor McGonagall tried to smile, "You will know after the game... Anyway, it's enough to snatch the trophy!"

Wood looked at the writing board and didn't know what to write for a while.

When the speed is so fast that it is unimaginable, you have to break through imagination to formulate tactics.

In the end, he smiled bitterly and wrote this sentence: Fortunately, Vizet is not a seeker, otherwise it is unimaginable how short the time will be for him to end the game.

Roger flew to the goal post and complained with a smile: "Arsenal, don't let me go! I've been working so hard, why don't you resist at all?"

"It's really hard to react at such a short distance!" Arsenal smiled bitterly, "Give me another five minutes! You also have to work hard, don't let Roger work alone!"

The training camp almost became a personal show for Vizzet.

Although they didn't understand the shortcomings of other players, as Arsenal said, they all had confidence in Vizzet.

If it really doesn't work, wait until half a minute after the game starts, and then you can choose to trust Vizzet directly.

Chapter 46 Three-headed Dog and Package

Becoming a chaser for the Ravenclaw team, Vizzet immediately returned to the dormitory to write a letter to share this good news with Luna.

Even in Ravenclaw, which focuses on learning, topics related to Quidditch can also cause heated discussions.

Captain Arsenal, who was preparing for the N.E.W.T. exam, was not in the common room. The people who lost their target caught the vice-captain Roger and surrounded him, wanting to know the specific list of team members.

"Except for me and Arsenal, the others are newcomers. As you know, many people graduated last year..."

"Next is Qiu Zhang, a sophomore. She is a seeker with a solid foundation and quick reaction. And... Vizzet! Come on! Say hello to everyone!"

Vizzet, who had just come downstairs, was seen by Roger and greeted in front of everyone.

Roger put his arm around Vizzet's shoulders and raised his voice to introduce: "Top Chaser! Even I am ashamed of myself!"

"Even Arsenal didn't react. You can look forward to this year's Quidditch! We really have a chance to win the championship!"

With such an introduction, Vizzet is considered to be a little famous in the college.

Ravenclaw's Quidditch performance is not ideal, which makes many senior students hold their breath.

After finally getting Roger's guarantee, they want to provide Vizzet with substantial help so that Vizzet can focus on training.

Vizzet did not refuse the help. He got a lot of useful notes from these senior students.

This is also the reason why he likes Ravenclaw. Students here like to take notes. These notes full of personal ideas are very good learning samples.

With the learning induction method he mastered in his previous life, he can sort out a set of unique experiences through different notes of the same magic.

Just like the healing spell that Vizette just learned, this magic works like a band-aid and can help ordinary wounds heal quickly.

Like the soreness left after exercise, the healing spell can also be used to eliminate the soreness, which is very helpful for daily life.

After summarizing four notes, he had his own understanding of releasing the healing spell.

He thought of the doctor's advice in his previous life, the doctor would let the patient relax his body and mind, so that the disease would get better faster.

This doctor's advice can be applied to magic, so that you can keep a relaxed mentality and it will be easier to release the healing spell.

"Healing as before!"

Vizette kept his experience in mind, and with the sound of the spell, a ball of emerald green light emerged from the tip of the wand.

The light enveloped the wrist, which would produce a feeling similar to hot compress, and the soreness caused by throwing the Quaffle disappeared instantly.

"You learn too fast." Penelope doubted her life again, "I spent the whole weekend to master this magic..."

"If I didn't have your notes, I wouldn't have mastered it so quickly." Vizette said quickly, "I'm just lucky and have the honor of standing on the shoulders of giants."

"I'm very happy that you can say that." Penelope felt much better and devoted herself to reviewing again.

Vizet was not idle either. In order to continue practicing the healing spell, he targeted other Quidditch players and treated every one he could catch.


The next morning, before Vizet entered the hall, he was blocked by Fred and George at the door.

"I heard that you became a chaser?"

"Why don't you consider being a seeker? I want to see you and Harry go head-to-head!"

Vizet asked, "Did Wood tell you?"

Fred shook his head, "Of course not! Wood would not say that, he only makes tactics..."

"Make the kind of tactics that can tire us to death." George continued, "He sat in front of the fireplace all night and made a plan as thick as "History of Magic"!"

"Yes! It's terrible!" Fred shuddered, "One hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats and ten miles of long-distance running..."

"The most important thing!" George George's face suddenly became solemn, "You can't wear thick clothes in winter. You have to use your willpower to fight the cold. He's crazy! Our hair will be frozen off!"

The twins' funny tricks made Vizet couldn't help but say, "Don't worry! I just learned the healing spell, which can be used to save you."

"Ah! That's great!" Fred screamed, "If I'm dying in the future, remember to save me!"

George answered the previous question, "If you want to know some news, it's best to find Hufflepuff. Their news is always the fastest!"

"I will!" Vizet smiled and nodded.

He still lives a regular life. After breakfast, he went to the library to continue studying "Theory of Metamorphosis and Transformation".

I don't know how long it took, but Ron's faint voice came to his ears, "Vizet, have you finished your homework?"

Vizet raised his head, "I finished it the night before yesterday. Did I miss the notes? You can ask me if you need it."

Ron said to Harry next to him, "See! This is the difference between him and Hermione."

Harry glanced at Madam Pince in the distance and nodded in agreement.

Vizet was a little confused about their purpose, "What happened?"

Harry nodded quickly: "That's right! We were so focused on that monster that we couldn't concentrate on our homework."

"Monster? Homework?" Vizet was even more confused.

Harry and Ron opened up and talked about what they had experienced in the past few days.

Malfoy proposed a midnight wizard duel to Harry. Harry and Ron were so excited that they sneaked out of the lounge at night to keep the appointment. They also met Hermione and Neville on the way.

In fact, this midnight duel was a lie. Malfoy not only did not keep the appointment, but also reported them to Filch, intending to make them violate school rules.

While they were in a panic to avoid Filch, the four of them broke into the restricted area mentioned by Dumbledore and encountered a three-headed dog as big as a house.

Vizet frowned, "Three-headed dog? Guarding the trapdoor?"

"Right!" Harry nodded quickly, "Do you know about the invasion of Gringotts? It should be guarding the package that I went to get with Hagrid!"

Vizet said, "I don't think this kind of thing should be your business. After all, Headmaster Dumbledore said that it was a restricted area."

"So we came to borrow homework..." Harry said bitterly, "Completing homework is the most important thing. I don't want to be ridiculed by Snape!"

Ron echoed on the side, "Hermione refused to lend it to us, so we can only come to you."

"Copying homework is not a good behavior." Vizet raised his eyebrows, "With Professor Snape's ability, if you copy my homework, I'm afraid you will be seen through at a glance, right?"

"Since you said so..." Ron asked quickly, "Then what should we do?"

Vizet guided skillfully: "Go to the newspaper section and find the seventh issue of "Practical Potion Master" in 1986. After reading it, summarize the content above, which can help you complete your homework."

Chapter 47 Defense Against the Dark Arts

Ron and Harry received tutoring and finally finished their homework with great difficulty.

Watching the two men leave, Vizet began to think.

No wonder Hagrid was so nervous when he mentioned Fluffy before.

It seems that Fluffy became a trapdoor guard to help guard a treasure obtained from Gringotts.

"Why think so much?" He thought about it and smiled softly. This matter had nothing to do with him.

Not long after, another faint voice sounded.

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