"When I was traveling to Sweden, I saw this magical pattern in a second-hand bookstore," Wieset said.

"I haven't been exposed to magic for a long time. I just thought this pattern was very interesting...and magical, so I wrote it down."

"It wasn't until today, under your guidance, that I began to truly understand runes, and I vaguely realized that there should be some similarities between them."

The magic circuit he drew was not only simple, but also slightly different from the magic circuit he had observed and modified by Luna;

The reason for doing this is naturally because of the secret of the "Magic Eye";

He has seen many powerful wizards, so he naturally understands that there are mountains outside the world;

There must be other wizards who can observe these magic circuits or similar patterns in some way;

Therefore, he combined some actual things and told such a reason, which could not only protect himself, but also Bathsheda Bablin.

"Sweden! That's no wonder!" Bathshedda Bablin nodded, "Sweden... after all, it is the birthplace of runes..."

"Second-hand bookstores are indeed an interesting place. If I am lucky enough to find a lot of interesting books, I will go there occasionally."

"In addition to translating runes, there are also many wizards who like to study the runes themselves... I also have friends in Sweden who can help you ask."

Weizet quickly thanked him: "Professor Bablin, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

"This is not a big deal." Bathsheda Bablin waved her hand, "But one thing you have to pay attention to is that they may only send the rubbings without any translation."

[World-weary novel Transit Station 2948 Three Two Seven Eight Zero Zero]

"Of course it's no problem!" Weizet nodded, "I took the ancient rune class as an elective, and translation is something I should learn and master."

"This couldn't be better!" Bathshedda Bablin said appreciatively, "When you finish the translation, or if you encounter confusion during the translation process, you can come to the office to see me."

Weizet responded: "Professor Bablin, I'll trouble you!"

The bell rang, and Bathsheda Bablin watched all the students leave the classroom before letting out a long breath.

In addition to Weizet's performance, Hermione's classroom performance also left a deep impression on her.

Although she dozed off at the beginning, when the formal teaching began, Hermione still showed her due concentration;

Even when translating runes, Hermione did not slack off at all. Although she did not have the amazing speed of Weizet to translate a whole sentence, she still completed half a sentence.

"As a third-year student, my first class was quite successful!" Bathsheda Bablin said to herself.

She stood up and paced briskly in the classroom, waiting for the next class of students.


"Can you please straighten your hands a little further? And then move further away from me? Otherwise my ribs will hurt like hell!"

Draco Malfoy commanded in a lazy voice as he lay in Hagrid's arms.

"Uh... like this?" Hagrid quickly followed Draco's instructions and stretched his arms straight.

After getting away from the unkempt beard, Draco hummed with satisfaction, "That's it, you can bend your arms a little more...yes! I feel a little better, at least it's not as painful as before."

He had to say that Hagrid's embrace was actually very comfortable. Even now on the path in the Forbidden Forest, he didn't feel too many bumps;

It was just Hagrid's thick beard that was a little annoying, making him itchy and wanting to laugh.

"He did it on purpose! He wasn't injured at all!" Harry said angrily, "I'm the Seeker, I can see his movements clearly!"

"That is, when Buckbeak landed, he did not hold Buckbeak's neck, and then he fell to the ground. He actually said he was stepped on by Buckbeak?"

Hearing Harry's voice, Draco didn't bother to argue with him. He even felt his eyelids trembling. He yawned and fell asleep in a daze.

Weizet's voice sounded, "Hagrid, what's wrong with him? Is the class not going well?"

Hagrid replied: "It went very well! The suggestions you and Luna gave are very good! They are all applauding me... This is the third time I have received so much applause..."

"It was during the students' test flight that when Buckbeak landed with Malfoy, Malfoy said he was stepped on... You know, Buckbeak's claws are very sharp."

"When I introduced the hippogriff, I made this clear to the students... When I checked Malfoy, I found that there was no trace of blood on his body at all."

Weizet asked: "So you're worried, why don't you go to the school hospital for another checkup?"

Hagrid guessed in a panic: "Yes! He keeps crying out in pain, maybe he is still injured inside?"

"Once, when I was driving away a giant monster in the Forbidden Forest, I punched the giant monster many times because I was so angry. I saw its body a few days later."

"Fierenze, who came over to check, told me that the troll's body was completely broken, like a ball of paste, so I'm worried about Malfoy..."

Weizet actually participated in this class?

Hagrid beat the troll to pulp?

Hagrid can actually defeat a troll with his bare hands?

When Draco heard these words, his scalp couldn't help but feel numb. He felt that this embrace was not warm at all now, and even felt like a coffin that had not yet been closed, full of the threat of death.

"I want to come down! Put me down quickly!" He twisted his body quickly, his tone full of panic.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere again?" Hagrid quickly stopped and asked with concern, "It's his ribs, right? We're almost at the campus hospital!"

"I don't feel uncomfortable anymore! I don't feel uncomfortable anymore!" Draco struggled to jump out of Hagrid's arms.

Turning his head to look at the ground, he found that he was still some distance away from the ground;

He quickly realized that he had ignored Hagrid's size. It was very challenging to jump to the ground in his current posture without looking embarrassed.

He could only say helplessly: "You... just put me down!"

Weizet comforted him: "Hagrid, just put him down! He should be fine."

"Okay..." Hagrid squatted down with a worried look on his face, raised one arm a little, and smoothly let Draco slide to the ground.

"Look! Nothing happened to me!" Draco took a few steps in succession, as if to prove something...

Chapter 160 Goals of Learning

"Are you really... okay?" Hagrid was still a little worried;

He cherishes his status as a professor very much and does not want to be a professor who is expelled from the school after teaching only one class.

Draco said firmly: "It's really okay!"

Hearing Draco's affirmative answer, Hagrid finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to ensure that there would be no changes, he asked again worriedly, "Then when you fall, say Buck..."

"I didn't say anything!" Before Hagrid could finish what he said, Draco immediately raised his voice and interrupted, "Anyway, I'm fine!"

"That's good!" Hagrid finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Weizet, I'm going back first! Those little guys must have been frightened if I left suddenly!"

"Goodbye!" Vizette nodded, "I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Care of Magical Creatures class."

"You will definitely be happy!" Hagrid grinned, "When the time comes, you can ride them and fly around the paddock..."

"They look so good-looking, and they are definitely very different from broomsticks when they fly! But there may be no way to let them fly to high places like today..."

"It's still quite dangerous... Fortunately, you and Luna came over to help me at noon, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of this. It's really too dangerous!"

Hagrid left chattering, obviously still a little frightened by the accident that just happened.

"Do you really don't need to check it out?" Wizette looked at Hagrid's retreating back and looked back at Draco.

"If you feel uncomfortable, it's best to get checked out to avoid an accident. You will be the one who feels the most discomfort."

"I'm really fine!" Draco waved his hands repeatedly, "The hippogriff was too high. I just slipped a little when I came down."

There is another joint class this afternoon, which is a joint class with Slytherin on Transfiguration Magic.

Gregory Goyle found Draco in the corridor. After the two chatted for a while, they ran back to the common room to help get the textbooks.

On the way to the Transfiguration classroom, Weizet asked curiously: "What did you learn today?"

"I got to know how powerful the Hippogriff is..." This class left a deep impression on Draco, and he still remembered some details, "But I feel how dangerous it is..."

"Actually, I think it's okay... not the most dangerous one..." He thought about what Hagrid said just now, that he actually defeated a troll with his fists, that was the real danger!

"Indeed." Wizer nodded, "So Hagrid is amazing, he can make such magical animals docile..."

He thought of the various items in Hagrid's hut, which were all high-quality magical animal materials that were rarely seen on the market.

"Not only hippogriffs, but also birds, snakes, invisible beasts... Do you know the Thestrals? In fact, Hagrid helped raise them."

"Thestrals? That's an unlucky symbol!" Draco became nervous, "Have you seen them?"

"Only those who have witnessed death, and fully accept and understand death can see the Thestral." Weizet explained, "This is probably why they... think the Thestral is unlucky, right?"

At the beginning, he could only vaguely see the outline of Thestral through his magic eyes;

Later, he explored the soul through the Patronus Charm, and it happened that he came into contact with death. Only then did he truly accept and understand death, and was able to see the Thestral with the naked eye.

"In fact, it is also a type of Pegasus, a magical animal of the XXXX level." Weizet continued, "It flies very fast, not inferior to a flying broomstick."

"It turns out to be Pegasus!" Draco nodded, not knowing what to say for a moment.

After returning from his trip to New York, Draco found some changes in his life.

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