His father Lucius Malfoy talked to him less, while his mother Narcissa Malfoy talked to him much more than before;

Narcissa was also very surprised by the content of his conversation, which was to ask him not to restrict himself so much and to do things according to his own voice and ideas.

Draco felt a little at a loss about this, but he tried his best to digest this talk, think about what happened before, try to determine his own ideas, and then decide what to do.

As for Harry Potter's idea, since the friend invitation was rejected at the beginning, he thought that there was a grudge between the two, so he didn't plan to make much change;

It was for this reason that in today's Care of Magical Creatures class, he and Harry Potter would compete with each other to see whose hippogriff could fly higher;

It was also for this reason that he made such an extraordinary move after losing. The idea at that time was very simple, which was nothing more than covering up the result of his defeat.

As for Vizet Lovegood, his attitude was completely different from Harry Potter's;

There was no grudge between the two at the beginning, and even during the last summer vacation, Lucius asked him to have a good contact with Vizet;

The longest contact between them was probably when they were riding in the carriage at the beginning of last year's school, and when he asked Vizet for help with homework on the way back from summer vacation;

Although the contact time was short, he occasionally saw news about Vizet from the professors or various newspapers;

Draco had to admit that everything Vizet had now was what he had been instilled with and desired since he was a child - to become a person with fame and wide connections;

So his idea of ​​Vizet was to take Vizet as his goal and become someone like Vizet who could often appear in newspapers.


Draco had a learning target before, that is his father Lucius Malfoy;

In terms of action, he learned one thing from Lucius, that is, to take the initiative to create topics, so as to avoid embarrassment and make the meeting go smoothly.

Draco abandoned the topic of the Thestrals, "Vizet, what courses did you take?"

Vizet replied, "There are also ancient runes and arithmetic divination, which are very interesting courses. I was inspired a lot."

"Arithmancy?" Draco frowned, "What kind of course is that? I heard it is very different from divination."

Vizet explained, "It requires the use of mathematical calculations to judge some things. It is a very challenging course."

"It doesn't seem to be... a course that wizards should learn... It's not a course that wizards are good at." Draco murmured, "It doesn't sound too... magical?"

"It's actually quite magical." Vizet smiled, "Through arithmetic divination, you can break some magic traps, that is, become a curse breaker..."

"After studying arithmetic divination, I was able to have a new understanding and interpretation of magic from another perspective..."

"But because I haven't been exposed to it for a long time, there are very few magics that can be reinterpreted. So far, there is only one magic illumination spell."

Chapter 161 Past trifles

"Magic lighting spell?" Draco Malfoy was puzzled. "This should be a very simple magic, right? It doesn't even require gestures... You can use it as long as you can chant the spell."

"Yes!" Wizette nodded. "Although it is simple, it has a very simple discovery from the perspective of arithmetic divination."

"Have you ever tried to think about it this way? What is it that helps you to make light appear through a 'fluorescent flashing' spell?"

"I seem to..." Draco looked confused, shook his head and stammered, "I have never thought about this kind of thing..."

Wizette Without keeping the secret, he said directly: "In arithmetic divination, I found an answer that can stand the test, because of 'glory'!"

"Glory?" Hearing this word, Draco quickly reacted, "For the glory of the family?"

"Of course you can understand it this way, because there are many kinds of 'glory'..." Vizette took out the wand, "It is hidden in our hearts and is even difficult to detect at ordinary times."

"As long as there is 'glory' in your heart, you can cast a magic lighting spell..." He held the wand tightly and chanted in a low voice, "Luminescent Flash!"

The sound of the spell fell, and a bright light with a halo appeared at the tip of the wand.

"This is the most basic magic lighting spell. What we need to do next... is to recall the 'glory' in our hearts, such as the moment of winning the Quidditch trophy... Luminescent Flash!"


Draco watched the light in front of him gradually solidify and form a round ball of light;

He seemed to hear cheering sounds in his ears. He felt like he was in the Quidditch stadium, and people around him were shouting "Draco Malfoy", shouting his name!

He could hear faint cheers in his ears, as if he was in the middle of the Quidditch field, the screams and shouts were not only celebrating the victory of the game, but also celebrating his victory - Draco Malfoy.

The cheers came again and again, and every syllable hit his heart like a hammer;

"Draco! Draco! Draco!"

The sounds became clearer and clearer, and for a moment, he wanted to immerse himself in them.


"Vizet, this is..." He shook his head hard, trying to get rid of this feeling, "Why do I seem to hear cheers."

"Just like laughter... the sense of 'glory' can also infect others, making them feel 'glorious'." Vizet waved his wand and let the light dissipate in the air, "Very interesting, right?"

"Yes! Very interesting!" Draco nodded, and asked impatiently, "How can I cast such a magical lighting spell?"

"'Glory' is a very broad concept..." Vizet murmured, "Everyone has their own understanding or experience."

"I can only start from my own perspective. For example, winning a championship or helping others on the train can become a kind of 'glory'."

"Everyone's understanding is different?" Draco blinked, with a thoughtful light in his eyes.

Try to follow what Vizet said and determine what you think "glory" is.

There seemed to be a picture in his mind. During the sorting ceremony, the sorting hat had almost no hesitation and let him enter Slytherin very smoothly;

At that time, he felt extremely proud. The fact that the sorting hat could sort the house so quickly showed that he had lived up to the family's... glory!

"That's the feeling!" He exhaled, as if he had found the direction from the fog.

It was as if he was back to the night when he wrote a letter to his family. At that time, he was extremely excited and couldn't wait to tell his parents that he, like other people in the family, had become a Slytherin!

"Fluorescent flash!"

Draco's tone was high-spirited, and a solid light appeared in front of him.

This light not only appeared in front of him, but also seemed to be reflected in his heart and in his mind.

The past memories were churning in his mind, especially the memory of his first time stepping on the Hogwarts Express and about to welcome campus life.

He recalled that when the Hogwarts Express arrived at the station, he had an argument with Harry Potter and even fought over it;

He recalled that he had invited Harry Potter to a duel, but he had no intention of going to the appointment, and he also reported to Filch, trying to get Harry Potter to lose points;

He also recalled what happened today, in order to compete with Harry Potter, he flew high into the sky on the hippogriff, and almost fell down and made a fool of himself.

Draco suddenly realized that what he had done in the past, all the pursuit and fighting... seemed to be increasingly different from the Slytherin qualities he longed for.

The so-called shrewdness, ambition and cunning are not to fight with Harry Potter, complain to Filch, and pretend to be injured to cover up his embarrassment;

It was really too petty!

Obviously he could do better, and obviously he had a better role model, why did he keep chasing Harry Potter? Why waste time on meaningless trivialities?

He should make good use of the resources from his family and work hard to improve his magical abilities, so that he can truly practice the qualities of Slytherin!


"Draco...what's wrong with you?"

"Why is it so bright? Lovegood, what did you do to him?"

Behind Draco, the voices of Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe suddenly came.

Hearing their voices, Draco came back to his senses, with a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

The ball of light at the tip of his wand, which was originally only the size of a fist, has now grown several times larger, and its volume is at least equivalent to that of a Quaffle.

"Goyle, Vizet didn't do anything to me!" Draco hurried to help explain.

"I caused these lights! This is my masterpiece!" He waved his wand and said a bit like showing off, "Possessing the magic lighting spell of 'glory'!"

"Possessing... the magic lighting spell of glory?" Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe narrowed their eyes slightly, looked at each other after listening to Draco's words, and didn't understand what Draco was saying.

Draco did not explain, but turned to look at Vizette and asked, "Vizette, what should I do next?"

"Although the magic illumination spell can be broken by arithmetic divination..." Vizette smiled slightly, "But we have a simpler magic, the lights-out spell... Knox!"

"I actually forgot this!" Draco laughed dumbly, and quickly chanted a spell to the wand, "Knox!"

After the light ball dissipated, he frowned slightly, shook the wand tentatively, and cast the magic illumination spell again.

This was the most common spell, without the "glory" feature attached, and the halo that appeared at the tip of the wand was weaker than before.

"What's going on? It's strange..." Draco asked in confusion, "It seems that I suddenly feel that... the wand is not as smooth as before."

Chapter 162 No more contradictions

"Not as smooth as before? The magic cast... seems to be different..." Vizette hummed, looking at the wand in Draco's hand, "Can you show it to me?"

"Of course!" Draco handed the wand over immediately without any hesitation.

Vizet took Draco's wand in his hand, weighed it briefly, and then slowly spoke: "Ten inches... hawthorn wood... unicorn tail hair?"

"Yes!" Draco was surprised, "It's unicorn tail hair! How did you know?"

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