However, he was a little surprised that he could study the soul from Boggart.

Just as he was about to speak, a familiar voice came from the other end of the corridor, "Remus, you are here, I was just going to find you!"

Dumbledore walked towards Vizet and Lupin. When he saw Vizet, he smiled, "Vizet, what are you talking about? Can I join in?"

"Principal Dumbledore, good afternoon!" Vizet greeted and said directly, "I just talked about Boggart with Professor Lupin, and I found something interesting."

"Boggart..." Dumbledore nodded, "Compared to Dementors, this kind of 'non-existence' is at least much friendlier. What did you find?"

"It's like this..." Vizet took out his notebook, "I have conducted a series of studies on Boggart..."

Listening to Vizet After listening to Vizet's story, Lupin felt that he seemed to... gradually fall behind Vizet's train of thought;

Dumbledore would smile and nod his head to show his approval when he heard some of the statements about the soul, but he found it difficult to understand;

Fortunately, Vizet would combine the contents of some books to provide some evidence for the content of the story, and Lupin only needed to write down the titles of the books and then combine them to understand;

At the same time, Lupin also felt a little sad that he had wasted too much time after Voldemort's fall;

Of course, there were reasons that he had to do, after all, as a werewolf wizard, wandering around was almost his fate;

In fact, it was because he couldn't get over his own level. The different experiences of several close friends had dealt him a huge blow, so he had no intention of continuing to improve his magic like he did during his school years.

Looking at Vizet and Dumbledore who were talking happily, Lupin couldn't help but sigh;

Although he wanted to calm down and improve his magic again, Sirius, who was still on the run, was always a thorn in his heart...

Chapter 172 "Gorbarot's Third Law" and cooking

"Through Boggart, we can deepen our understanding of the soul..." Dumbledore stroked his beard, "It's a very interesting research direction."

"I think there should be something more interesting in Boggart..." Vizet closed his notebook, "but I haven't found it yet."

"More interesting things?" Dumbledore murmured, and looked at Vizet meaningfully, "Vizet, do you remember the armor I mentioned to you?"

"Actually, I have always kept it in mind." Vizet said bluntly, "But I think you are too busy, so you may have forgotten it."

"Plus, last school year, I was also busy with other things... like Animagus, or some other things, and I didn't take care of it."

"Then my memory is actually okay, not so old." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Actually, I have always kept it in mind..."

"It's just that I have always I was thinking about how to express it. But now it seems that I can worry less! "

"You can learn such interesting ideas through Boggart... I think you should be able to understand the armor easily."

Weizet asked quickly: "Principal Dumbledore, when do we start?"

"Next weekend..." Dumbledore said, "I have some things to do this week, so I will be free next week."

"Free?" Weizet thought for a while, "Principal Dumbledore, I can continue to study Boggart, and I am not in a hurry..."

"Maybe when I study it more deeply, I will be able to accept it more easily when you tell me the principle? It may take less time. "

"It's okay! Let's do it next week!" Dumbledore waved his hand, "With your current understanding of the soul, I believe it won't take too much time."

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"Okay." Vizet nodded, "Principal Dumbledore, I'll go back first!"

Looking at Vizet's back, Dumbledore said to Lupin: "I have reinforced the Shrieking Shack again."

"Principal Dumbledore, thank you so much!" Hearing this, Lupin said gratefully: "You have done so much to allow me to join the company!"

"Not only did you provide me with wolfsbane potion, let the professors keep secrets for me, but you also helped me repair the Shrieking Shack... I don't know what to do..."

"Remus, you have done a great job." Dumbledore interrupted Lupin gently, "At least from what I heard... you have won the welcome of all the students in the school."

"We can talk more openly... The reason why I hired you is to let students master the Defense Against the Dark Arts. You have done this very well and accomplished what I wanted. "

"Since you can do this, then everything I have done is actually worth it. This is a happy cooperation, so you don't need to have so many burdens, just keep working hard!"

Looking at Dumbledore's gentle smile, Lupin hesitated to speak, his palms clenched into fists, his nails deeply embedded in the flesh

He pursed his lips, and thousands of words turned into one sentence: "Principal Dumbledore, I will work hard!"


On a weekend afternoon, Weizet came to Snape's office.

Snape sat opposite Weizet, with his arms crossed and watching the Golden Eagle Patronus disappear into the air, the gloom on his face showing no sign of dissipating.

He looked very disgusted and reluctant, and said in a low voice: "Today's content is... wolfsbane potion."

"Okay, Professor Snape!" Weizet nodded in response.

It had been a while since school started, and he had actually been making preparations, knowing that sooner or later he would need to learn magic potions like Wolfsbane Potion.

During the first private lesson of this school year, Snape asked a relevant question: "Do you know that person is a werewolf?"

Weizet's answer at the time was also very simple, "I know, we met once when we were in North America. He was injured at the time, and I don't know what happened next."

Snape didn't say much at that time. First, when he heard the word "injured", a hint of contempt appeared on the corner of his mouth;

The second thing is that when Wizette was processing the materials, he vaguely heard movement from behind, which seemed to be Snape's gritted teeth and whispered, "Dumbledore!"

In the following period, Snape only taught him to master "Gorbalot's Third Law".

This is an extremely important law and extremely difficult to grasp and understand;

Especially when faced with extremely complex poisons, you can save your life through "Gorbalot's third law";

"Gobarot's third law" describes it in a simple way, which means that when faced with a poison that is a mixture of multiple poisons, if you want to detoxify, you cannot mix the antidote to the poison together;

This is because when multiple poisons are mixed, the toxic effects become more complex due to interactions;

In the process of understanding, Weizet also tried to express whether he understood "Gorbalot's third law" through the analogy of cooking.

Assuming that detoxification is to make a dish delicious, since salt and sugar have different tastes, if you mix the two for seasoning, the taste of the dish will most likely be worse;

Therefore, it is necessary to find some special ingredients and apply these ingredients into antidotes to help neutralize the interaction between poisons;

Just like when cooking, in addition to salt and sugar, you may also need to add spices or soy sauce to really make a dish taste better;

This leads to the conclusion that the materials used to make the antidote to a mixed poison will be more than the sum of the antidote ingredients for each poison;

In other words, the relationship between poison and antidote is not the simplest one plus one equals two, but requires more ingredients to ensure that each toxic complex reaction can be neutralized;

At the same time, the order and proportion of adding these ingredients also need to be strictly required, just like when cooking, ingredients need to be added in order.

He told Snape this analogy, and although he was deducted a point from Snape, he also received a nod of affirmation from Snape, indicating that there was no problem with this way of understanding;

The reason why the points were deducted was probably because Snape felt that confusing the cauldron with the soup pot was a very ridiculous thing;

Snape stood up and walked to the potion table nearby, "Wolfsbane potion is a new potion. You should know something about it, right?"

"It is said that the Wolfsbane potion contains two parts..." Weizet recalled, "One part is provided by the family of Damocles Belby, and the other part needs to be brewed by the potion master."

Chapter 173 The seemingly ineffective wolfsbane potion

Weizet looked at the potion table. In addition to the crucible, there was also a magic energy field;

This magical energy field is constructed with a Moisturizing Preservation Charm to protect the materials inside so that their effectiveness does not diminish.

Snape waved his hand, and the chair he was sitting on flew behind him again.

He sat down and crossed his arms again, "Let's get started! I've been learning the 'Gorbalot's Third Law' for a while, and it's time to put it to use."

After hearing these words, Weizet realized that the Wolfsbane Potion might be more complicated than imagined;

According to Snape's past habits, if he wanted Weizet to analyze potions, he would often just say "Let's get started" without giving any further hints, and they were such obvious hints;

Explain that his request is not only to point out the name of the material and the processing method of the material, but also to consider the deeper interaction between these materials based on "Gorbalot's third law";

For example, a certain material may have side effects that require another material to weaken;

Or which material is not effective enough and needs to be combined with another material to enhance its effectiveness.

As Snape said in his first lesson, Potions is a precise and rigorous subject, and as such requires many complexities to be taken into account;

Potions is the result of the efforts of countless wizards. The more Weizet studies it, the more he is able to understand its mysteries.

The materials on the table include sage, thyme, hypericum, rosemary, stachys leaf, echinacea, lavender and dracaena resin;

Vizette preliminarily classified these materials according to their magical properties;

Among the eight materials, six materials have the magical property of "protection";

The magical properties of stachys and rosemary are relatively unique and special. Their magical properties are both "awakening" and are usually used in "awakening agents";

After taking this potion, you will stay awake even if you are sleepy during the period when the potion lasts. The awakening agent can also be used for coma caused by accidents, such as collisions or accidental ingestion of certain sleeping potions;

The magical properties of stachys are stronger. Although the "awakening" magical properties of rosemary are weaker, if used properly, it can enhance the effects of other materials.

The six materials with "protective" magical properties can be further subdivided;

Among them, the magical properties of sage, purple chrysanthemum and lavender are more inclined to "protect the soul", and dragon blood tree resin can strengthen the connection between the body and the soul.

Snape glanced at the contents of the notebook and nodded slightly, expressing his affirmation.

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