The processing methods of these materials are relatively conventional, and the processing methods of dragon blood tree resin are relatively different;

To obtain dragon blood tree resin that can be used to brew magic potions, it is necessary to cut the dragon blood tree bark with a knife, wait for the resin to solidify, then collect it, dry it, and finally grind it into powder;

The rest of the materials are various plants, and they only need to be washed and dried after picking;

But the timing of picking needs to be paid attention to. Thyme and rosemary should be picked in spring, hypericum in early summer, sage and lavender in summer, Echinacea in late summer, and water stachys in autumn;

Even if Vizette is not familiar with these materials, he can now combine the knowledge learned from arithmetic divination to "divine" the seasons suitable for picking these materials.

After quickly completing these most basic analyses, he focused his energy on the "Third Law of Gobarot";

He judged these materials with the "Third Law of Gobarot" and identified three of them as the main materials: dragon blood tree resin, water stachys and hypericum.

These three materials have their own unique features. For example, the dragon blood tree resin itself is different from the other eight herbal materials, and it can also strengthen the connection between the body and the soul;

Hypericum not only has the magical property of "protection", but also has a powerful magical property of "purification", which can also have a significant effect on some damage caused by curses.

After determining the three main materials, the remaining steps are also simple. Based on the knowledge he has mastered, Vizette breaks through the remaining materials one by one;

Rosemary can enhance other materials. In the wolfsbane potion, its additional function is to enhance the dragon blood tree resin, making its effect more significant and helping to strengthen the connection between the soul and the body;

The additional function of sage is also enhancement, which can enhance the magical property of Stachys "awake";

The additional function of thyme is to regulate and enhance, balancing the overly powerful "purification" magical property of Hypericum, while also further enhancing the "awake" magical property of Stachys;

The additional functions of Echeveria and lavender are similar, both of which are relatively suitable for the overall enhancement of the materials used in the wolfsbane potion.

Using the "Third Law of Gobarot" to analyze this point, Vizette realized a problem - this potion called wolfsbane potion does not seem to be too special;

If we have to say what these materials can do, it is nothing more than awakening werewolves by purification, or a relatively ordinary awakening;

In Marlo Ferfang's notes, similar potion formulas were actually mentioned, and the reasons for the birth of such potion formulas were recorded;

Some werewolf wizards became potion masters in order to save themselves. They wanted to combine the two magical properties of "purification" and "awakening" and try to invent a "waking up werewolf rationality agent";

The result is also obvious. These werewolf wizards failed, otherwise this potion called wolfsbane potion would not have appeared until now.

The formulas left by the werewolf wizard were recorded in Marlo Ferfang's notes;

The materials used in these potion formulas are very similar to those used in today's wolfsbane potions, the main difference is the material in the wolfsbane potion - dragon blood tree resin;

It is not clear why Damocles Belby emphasized the "connection between body and soul".

Snape noticed the change in Vizet's expression, nodded slightly, and asked in a low voice: "Is it over? Have you found a problem?"

"Yes, Professor Snape!" Vizet admitted, spreading out the notebook for Snape to check, "At least so far, it's too ordinary."

"The materials used only look more complicated... equivalent to the level of soul soothing agents, but the effect on werewolves..."

"I don't think it will be too good. After the werewolf wizards transform into werewolves, their madness towards humans is difficult to suppress..."

"At least it is difficult to suppress it through such potions. After all, there are actually quite a few potions with similar effects..."

"It seems that you know a lot." Snape glanced at Vizet, "You have dealt with a wizard who specializes in werewolves..."

Vizet nodded and admitted very straightforwardly: "I have communicated with Professor Ffang, and he also gave me a research notebook..."

Chapter 174 "Fighting poison with poison" wolf poison potion?

"I'm not interested in that kind of thing." Snape interrupted Vizette, his eyes stayed on the notebook, and carefully checked what Vizette wrote.

After a long while, he looked up and said, "It seems that you haven't gotten rid of the financial difficulties. The handwriting in the notebook is too dense, just like bundles of herbal materials!"

Hearing this, Vizette already understood that what he wrote passed the test and was written comprehensively enough, so Snape didn't find any thorns...

He smiled and said, "Professor Snape, I must face this problem!"

"Very good!" Snape responded briefly, "Family... They usually monopolize something. You should already know about this, right?"

Vizette nodded. Whether it was the Runes of the Parkinson family or the Hippogriff of the Scamander family, they were actually monopolized.

Snape mentioned this matter now, of course, not to discuss the matter of monopoly, but just to remind Vizette that the medicine package provided by Damocles Belby's family was the key.

Snape took out a parchment and said, "Let's get started!"

Weizet took the parchment, which contained the specific steps for brewing the wolfsbane potion;

Not only is the color change that will occur in the crucible when these materials are added, but also the specific number of stirrings.

He quickly browsed through the contents of the entire parchment roll and found that just this part of the cooking process took a relatively long time;

If you are not experienced enough in brewing potions and cannot optimize the material processing process based on your own experience, even if there are no errors in every step, it will take at least two hours and fifteen minutes.

Vizette set up the crucible and lit the flame, and while it was boiling he set to work on the material;

This content requires solid basic skills, and it does not require too much energy for him;

He added dracaena resin to the boiling water, reduced the flames, and while he waited for the liquid to turn red, he tried arithmetic to optimize the stirring gesture.

Snape watched Weizet's movements from the sidelines. When he noticed the change in the stirring gesture, he snorted slightly but said nothing.

Vizette caught this "hum" and knew that he was heading in the right direction, so he boldly carried out the second stirring;

The original time required for the liquid to turn red should have been twenty minutes, but now, with the optimization of Wizette's gestures, the time has been shortened by half;

In just ten minutes, the liquid in the crucible completely turned into a pot of bright blood with fish-eye blisters.

Vizette increased the flame, let the liquid boil again, added stachys to it, and at the same time continued to optimize the stirring gesture according to the previous idea...

Wait for the liquid to turn light yellow... Add hypericum grass... Optimize the stirring gesture...

The liquid turns golden... Add the rosemary and stir the liquid until it turns dark green...

Weizet continued to add sage, thyme, echinacea, and lavender to the cauldron, and the color of the liquid continued to change;

From dark green to light green, then to golden yellow, and after a while it turned to beautiful purple, until finally it turned into lavender.

Weizet removed the cauldron from the fire, and the whole office was filled with a light fragrance, which smelled particularly refreshing;

This effect will occur, and just as he judged before, the essence of the so-called wolfsbane potion, at least the essence of this part of the potion, is a very effective "sobriety agent".

Due to the optimization of stirring gestures during the process, it only took an hour and a half to brew the potion.

"Go on to the next step!" Snape pursed his lips and made no further comments, "Use the Bubble Curse."

He placed a silver box on the table, with a bottle of liquid in a crystal bottle. The liquid was pure silver similar to the box.

"Head-soaking spell?" Weizet frowned slightly, first cast a head-soaking spell on himself, and then carefully picked up the crystal bottle.

Since Snape would give such a reminder, it means that this bottle of liquid may be dangerous and therefore needs to be treated with caution;

Usually Snape would not use words like "be careful" to explain, but would ask Wizette to perform some kind of magic as a reminder.

Therefore, after Weizet unscrewed the bottle cap, he did not pour it directly into the crucible, but placed it into the crucible to shorten the distance between the bottle mouth and the crucible liquid to avoid causing splashing.

The silver liquid did not blend into it immediately, but floated above and continued to spread outward.

The parchment roll also has instructions: [Light the flame and keep it on medium heat, keeping the liquid slightly boiling until the silver liquid is completely diffused. 】

"Okay." Snape snorted again.

Wizette nodded and waved his wand to make the bubbles on his head disappear. When he smelled the air around him, a strange feeling came over him.

He could feel that the potion in the crucible had undergone great changes. If it was just a pot of "powerful sobriety agent" before, it might now be... some kind of poison.

Weizet couldn't tell the specific toxicity, but he wanted to resist the potion, and he even felt like goosebumps would appear on his skin.

Rather than saying this is an instinct, it is better to say that it is because he has learned "Gorbalot's Third Law" and is therefore more sensitive to poisons during this period;

Perhaps this was Snape's good intentions. He must first master "Gorbalot's Third Law" before he could arouse his disgust for this pot of potion.

In order to verify his idea, Weizet asked: "Professor Snape, is it poison?"

"It's not like I haven't seen the method of 'fighting fire with fire' before." Snape said noncommittally, "Continue!"

Wizer nodded and saw that the silver liquid was completely spread. He immediately minimized the flame and gave the final stirring to the liquid inside.

The spoons required for stirring also have special requirements, and a sterling silver spoon is required for stirring.

When the Wolfsbane potion is completed, it appears to be a strange silver color, with a calm liquid surface, uneven light-colored patches, and a swirling flow;

Before it cools down completely, it will emit a strange smell, somewhat similar to rusty iron plates;

However, as the wolfsbane potion cooled completely, the strange metallic smell disappeared, and the strange flowing feeling became difficult to detect.

Snape said: "Put a cup in and let's start the experiment."

Wizer nodded and began to fill the Wolfsbane potion while continuing to observe the Wolfsbane potion itself;

The wolfsbane potion has a viscous texture. When it slowly falls into the cup, it seems to have a slight metallic luster, bringing a cold feeling.

Snape took out a cage of toads, then waved his wand, letting one of the toads float in the air;

The toad seemed to realize what was going to happen, and kept twisting its body, trying to break free from the shackles of magic...

Chapter 175 Weird Toad

Snape waved his wand very skillfully, picked up the cup of wolfsbane potion, and poured it directly into the toad's mouth.

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