"First of all, this..." Vizet pointed at the nettles and said, "Neville and Hannah have already given the answer."

"Next is the pufferfish eye..." He pointed to the jar containing the pufferfish eye, "Why is it used in the swelling potion?"

Fred's eyes lit up, "Because pufferfish will also swell up!"

George looked at the last bat spleen and answered, "The last spleen will enhance the effect of the potion... In fact, using animal spleens usually has similar effects."

Neville and Hannah quickly responded, "We know this!"

After all, Snape mentioned it more than once in class: "The color of the potion is wrong! The effect is too poor! Why don't you add the spleen? You all lose five points!"

"Let's solve the most urgent problem first..." Vizet said with a smile, "When facing the potion exam, the most common problem... is that there is not enough time to brew the potion, right?"

Neville and the others nodded in agreement.

"You need to have confidence in the magic subjects you are good at..." Vizet pointed at the nettles and said, "For example, through herbology, you can shorten the time of processing materials and speed up the brewing of potions."

"Use herbology?" Neville and Hannah followed Vizet's words and frowned as they thought.

"The conventional method is to crush the nettles and then add them to the crucible, right?" said Wezzet. "It takes a lot of time to crush the nettles, so is there a better way?"

"You can pick off the leaves and scrape off the epidermis of the stems!" Neville replied, "This is what Professor Sprout told me."

"Good method!" Wezzet nodded and looked at the crucible that was about to boil, "Neville, you use this method to deal with the nettles, and I use the method mentioned in the book."

George said with a smirk, "I like watching fights the most!"

Fred nodded, "Neville! This is a good opportunity for you to defeat Wezzet!"

Neville waved his hands repeatedly and said hesitantly, "I... I don't want to defeat anyone... But I... I am good at herbology!"

He took a deep breath, put on gloves, picked up a nettle, looked at Wezzet and nodded, indicating that he was ready...

Chapter 198 Professional players are prohibited from participating!

Wezzet took out the stone pestle and mortar, and put the nettles in it as described in the book.

With a rhythmic grinding sound, he began to grind in an orderly manner.

Fred said in amazement: "As expected of a Ravenclaw who can get an 'O' in Potions, his movements are really standard and skillful, and there is nothing wrong with it!"

George nodded and said seriously: "Listen to the sound! The force of each stroke is very even, it is definitely a textbook-level movement!"

Fred stood aside and laughed: "If the expression is more serious and the whole face is tense... Who do you think it looks like?"

"Vizet, don't listen to Fred!" George also laughed, "Otherwise it will definitely interfere with Neville's performance."

Neville was also dealing with nettles. His brows were tightly knitted together, and he was carefully peeling the skin with a knife, and his expression was extremely focused.

Not long after Vizet put down the stone pestle, Neville also put down the knife in his hand and let out a long breath.

George exclaimed, "Amazing! Catch up with Vizzet's speed!"

Fred patted Neville on the shoulder and said, "So we have a good eye, otherwise how could we pull you here?"

"You... I... actually didn't..." Neville was shy and a little embarrassed, and there was a little worry in his words, "Is it really okay to handle it this way..."

"Why not try it?" Vizzet pointed to the crucible, and the water in the crucible was boiling at this moment.

Vizzet took the nettle that Neville had processed and poured it into the crucible. The nettle quickly sank to the bottom, and the liquid in the pot gradually turned yellow-green.

"Facts can prove a lot of things..." He turned down the flame and pointed to the yellow-green liquid with fish-eye bubbles and said, "The release speed is very fast. This is a very successful treatment."


The Tritops family has a formula with extremely complex materials. Vizzet combined it with the expansion spell during the summer vacation and conducted a relatively thorough study on it;

It was because of this study that Vizzet chose them as examples to illustrate his ideas.

The potion brewing continued, and Vizet led everyone to re-analyze the various processes of the swelling potion from the perspective of other magic subjects.

For example, the materials put into the crucible can echo the pauses of the swelling spell;

The amount of materials is also related to the stress of the spell pronunciation. The puffer fish eyes that need to be added in the second step are actually the most important material in the entire swelling potion;

Therefore, the amount of puffer fish eyes put into the crucible is also the largest in the entire formula, requiring as many as three.

After the potion brewing was completed, Fred and George brought two cats, let one of them take the swelling potion, and cast the swelling spell on the other cat;

The two cats grew larger quickly, and their hair looked more fluffy, like two soft pillows, which made Fred and George marvel.

Based on the current progress, Vizet made a staged summary, "This is what I want to explain... Charms and potions can verify each other, and herbology can supplement potions..."

Hannah is also getting better now. After listening to Weizet's summary, she suddenly realized, "From this perspective, it seems to be very similar to a therapist!"

"I heard my elders mention this before... They said it is very difficult to obtain the qualifications of a therapist!"

"Of course there is no problem with this understanding!" Weizet affirmed, "Therapists need certificates in many magic subjects, and the two most important subjects are Potions and Charms."

"When some special patients appear, they will combine herbal medicine, protection of magical animals and other knowledge to prepare more targeted potions, supplemented by charms to treat the patients."

The "Guardian Charm Healing Technique", which is still being improved and perfected, actually falls within the research scope of therapists.

Fred and George looked at Pu Rongrong in a daze, and they looked up almost at the same time, "Weizet, what will happen if you continue to increase the size of the puffer fish's eyes?"

Weizet asked, "Why do you think so?"

Fred smiled: "Because the expansion spell actually has other effects... For example, it can make people fly uncontrollably for a while like a balloon."

George added: "Dad told us when school started... that Harry cast a swelling charm and blew up his aunt into a balloon."

Weizet understood what Fred and George meant, "I want to increase the variety of 'magic fireworks', so I have to change the materials inside, right?"

George snapped his fingers, "Yes! That's it!"

Fred puffed up his chest: "How about it? We learn quickly, right?"

"Of course there is no problem, but..." Wizette looked at Neville and Hannah, "What adjustments do we need to make?"

"What kind of adjustment?" Hannah pursed her lips, "Reduce the amount of nettles! Then increase the amount of bat spleen!"

"This will enhance the effect of the puffer fish's eyes!" Neville also responded, "Then the amount of nettles used will be less, and the possible sting will be less!"

After clarifying their thoughts, Neville and the others took action and began to brew a swelling potion with a modified formula according to their own ideas.

Weizet stood aside, waiting for the finished product of several people.

Because of the previous analysis, Neville and the others made rapid progress. The processed nettles and puffer fish eyes were put into the crucible one after another.

The crucible now showed an unspeakable color, and Fred and the others began to consider whether to brew a new pot of potion or try to add some other ingredients.

Fred and George's idea was to keep boiling, and if it failed, improve the recipe;

Neville and Hannah felt that maybe they should think of another way and ask Weizet directly.

Luna looked at the color change of the liquid in the crucible and said thoughtfully: "I think the current potion is too heavy..."

"You should also need something light and light. If you just rely on bats to fly the pufferfish, it will actually be a bit difficult..."

"Perhaps we need to give the pufferfish a pair of furry wings so that it can fly better, but the wings must be tied tightly!"

She thought about it and took action, taking out two beautiful bird feathers and a bunch of dried bluebells from the locker.

Seeing this, Weizet shook his head and laughed. He suddenly thought of what Fred said before, "Professional players are not allowed to participate!"

It was really difficult for him to explain it clearly. He could only attribute it to spirituality, an indescribable quality.

If Fred and the others complete the preparation of the entire potion according to their previous ideas;

Then the magic potion can indeed inflate people, but that's all. It will also leak quickly, which means the effect is not long-lasting.

Adding the materials chosen by Luna will make the "inflating" that Fred and the others are looking forward to last longer due to the addition of magical properties.

For example, Honeydukes sells "Blow Baby Super Bubble Gum", a candy that allows people to blow blue bubbles, and bluebells are used in it...

Chapter 199 Dementor’s filaments?

The two materials provided by Luna can be regarded as laying the foundation for the "blowing swelling potion";

The original version of the "blowing swelling potion" can make the cattails swell again by a small circle and float slightly by a few centimeters;

However, the duration was extremely short. Only two breaths had passed. Before Pu Rongrong could even take two steps forward, it had already returned to its original shape and fell back to the ground.

The size of the Puffy is about the same size as a Bludger, and with its fluffy hair, it is much smaller than it looks;

After Pu Rongrong drank the first version of the "blowing swelling potion", he could only float for two breaths, so the effect on people should be weaker or even non-obvious.

Fred and George tried the medicine on themselves, and the result was exactly the same. They only felt their stomachs were bloated for a few seconds, and then they felt nothing more, not even farting;

It's a regret expressed by Fred and George themselves that if the original Blowing Potion could make people fart, it would be a good prank food.

In this way, Fred and the others had two research directions;

The first is of course to perfect the "blowing swelling potion", and the second is a derivative whose function is to make the user fart loudly;

The second research direction would be relatively simple and the results would be very interesting, so Fred and George came up with a name;

This is an extremely joyful process. At the end of the discussion, the possible names for this prank food include "Fart Nougat", "Recoil Lollipop", and "Puff Bubble Gum".

However, the specific name will have to wait until the finished product is out to see which candy is most suitable for it before deciding what the candy name should be.

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