It is also not something that can be accomplished overnight to perfect the "inflatable swelling potion" and make it a new potion or a prank food.

Vizet can actually foresee what obstacles Neville, Hannah, and the Weasley twins will encounter in this process;

First of all, it is natural to control the effect of the potion, adjust the scope and intensity of the "inflatable swelling potion", control the speed and degree of "inflating" the human body, and avoid safety hazards;

Secondly, the ratio is also very important, and other possible side effects must be considered, such as whether it will cause breathing difficulties during the "inflating" process to ensure a good experience for users.

Vizet believes that Neville and Fred can gradually feel the connection between magic subjects in this process, and apply it to practice, so as to better exert their talents.

Vizet intends to organize and summarize these related contents and write a new paper to submit to "Voice of Hogwarts";

It is a supplement and extension of the previous paper, extending from hobbies to hobbies of magic subjects, and looking forward to helping more students build their own understanding of magic.

Vizet understood that one person's power was limited, and only by sharing more could he gain more in the future.

Fred and his team wanted to make the research more challenging, so they declined the two "professional players" to join;

At the same time, they also promised that when they really figured it out, they would share it with Vizet and Luna as soon as possible.

However, today's research, at least the research during this afternoon, could not continue;

There will be a Quidditch House Cup tomorrow, with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff as the two teams. As the batsmen of the Gryffindor team, Fred and George naturally need to participate.

In order to prevent Fred and George from disappearing, Oliver Wood had already ambushed in the hall at noon, waiting for Fred and George to appear.

Just as the two cut the fried pork chops into pieces, Oliver Wood appeared behind them quietly, whispering kindly: "Tomorrow there will be a game... It's time for training in the afternoon."

Fred and George were so scared that their hands trembled and they almost cut the plate in half.

They could only force out a smile, put down their knives and nodded, "Of course! We love training!"


After lunch, Vizet and Luna left the auditorium and talked about what happened in the morning.

"Actually, I'm not that great..." Luna blinked, her eyes seemed to penetrate everything in front of her, "Maybe it's because I think... you said it very well, right?"

"All the wonders and mysteries in this world are like various gifts, including spells and potion recipes, waiting for us to explore."

She lowered her head and pinched the crystal beads on the bracelet. Inside the crystal beads was a daisy-shaped iron plate. "We can feel with our hearts... what is in the gift."

"And when we wave our wands and recite the spell, it's like opening a gift that has been prepared for a long time. This gift can contain many, many things... …”

Vizet turned to Luna, with a gentle light in his eyes, and said with emotion: "The gift contains the wisdom of ancient wizards, the mysteries of nature... and ourselves!"

"Yes! And ourselves!" Luna looked at Vizet and nodded, "Perhaps everyone living in the world... is a gift?"

"Our talents, experiences, emotions... are all part of the gift, contained in the body. We need to explore and feel, so that this gift can bloom like a flower!"

Vizet stopped, and he now knew one thing - Luna, like him, was clearly walking on a magical path.

It seems that this is also a reasonable thing. After all, Luna not only mastered Animagus, but also mastered the Patronus Charm this summer.

Luna looked back and asked: "What's wrong?"

"I seem to have found something interesting..." Vizet raised his hand, and a strand of imperceptible filaments appeared in his palm.

Luna asked curiously, "Is this... the cloak of the Dementor?"

"Yes!" Wizette nodded, "I didn't pay much attention to its changes this week... I didn't expect it to become like this."

"It looks wonderful..." Luna blinked at the thread, "It doesn't feel that disturbing anymore."

She stretched out her slender fingers and tried to touch the thread, but failed to pinch it.

After thinking for a moment, she stretched out her fingers again to touch it, and this time she finally held it in her hand.

Vizet thought of a possibility, "Ancient magic power?"

"Yes!" Luna nodded, "Vizet, if we twist it into a rope...what do you think?"

"If it is used as..." Vizet understood what Luna wanted to say, "The core of the wand!"

Luna nodded with a smile, "Dementors are a kind of 'non-existence' that seems to be impossible to eliminate..."

"But my magic will cause irreparable damage to the wand..." Vizet followed Luna's words and said, "Maybe it really is a...suitable material!"

Chapter 200 The Trial of Selina Pendragon?

A Dementor cloak can only be purified into a thin filament, and the purification time is extremely long. It took two months to be truly purified.

However, as long as it can be made into a magic wand and can withstand the power of "Thunder", everything is worth it.

The "Dementor filament" is very thin, and it requires the use of ancient magic power to touch it;

Fortunately, Vizette has a preliminary introduction to soul casting, so when releasing ancient magic power, he can use the soul as a guide to accurately control the filament.

He was busy all night, combining an elm wood as the material for the wand body to make an extremely simple magic wand.

The reason why Vizette chose to do this was because this was just an experiment to prove that the "Dementor filament" was strong enough to withstand the power of "Thunder".

The week after Halloween, the Scottish Highlands were shrouded in continuous rain, and the drizzle was almost endless, filled with the unique dampness and chill of autumn.

Everyone thought that the rain would slow down by the weekend, but it didn't stop at all. Instead, it got heavier. The fine raindrops gradually turned into big raindrops.

Vizet and Luna walked out of the common room and looked at the raindrops hitting the window. Luna was very interested and hummed a song to the rhythm of the raindrops.

"Let's duel! Don't be a coward who runs away!"

When they went downstairs, they heard a relentless roar not far away.

"Come back quickly! Don't run away from the battle!"

This is the voice coming from the direction of Gryffindor Tower, the roar of Sir Cadogan, the current guard of the Gryffindor common room;

Sir Cadogan is either inviting a duel or thinking of various unfamiliar passwords, many of which are from his time and are relatively obscure words;

Neville is deeply tortured by Sir Cadogan. His memory is not good to begin with, and he has to remember at least two unfamiliar passwords every day;

Fortunately, there is a place to rest in the corridor. If he can't return to the common room because he forgets the password, he will go to the corridor to continue his herbology research.

The arrangement of the Marauder's Map has been completed. Vizet plans to take advantage of the time in the morning to go to the map chamber and transform it according to the principle of the Marauder's Map.

"Aren't you going to watch the game?" At the dining table, Vizet looked at Luna and asked, "Maybe the transformation process will be boring."

"The map chamber itself is very interesting..." Luna shook her head gently, "I won't feel bored staying there."

"That's right... The rain seems to be getting heavier..." Vizet glanced out the window, "Today's viewing experience probably won't be very good."

Luna wiped the corners of her mouth, stood up first and said, "So let's go!"


"Ouch! It feels like the timing is not very appropriate..."

When Vizet and Luna appeared in the map chamber through Selina Pendragon's notes, they heard a strange female voice.

Although the female voice sounded a little old, it exuded a vitality, and there was a bit of fun in her tone.

"But how can I say it? It's so rare to see each other..." The tone of the female voice changed, and a spell sounded, "Petrify all!"

Vizet looked in the direction of the voice, and it was a witch wearing a black mask and a black robe that was like smoke and skulls appeared from time to time. She looked a bit evil.

Although the witch cast a full-body binding spell, which should have been a more concealed and lightless magic, a red light burst out from the tip of her wand.

Vizet knew what the witch did, and immediately took three steps forward, blocking Luna behind him, and a bubble-like magic barrier covered his whole body.

The red light hit "Ancient Magic: Instant Shield", and the two magics canceled each other out. Vizet pressed the wand in his hand down like a sword.


A series of tiny sounds appeared, as if something was easily shattered by him.

The witch obviously knew soul casting and silent casting. She cast two spells in total. The red light was actually the magic light of the coma spell, and the magic that was "chopped" by Vizet was the whole body binding spell.

After this fight, Vizet has confirmed the identity of the witch on the other side - Selina Pendragon.

Selina Pendragon was amazed, "I really didn't expect that the understanding of the soul has reached this level..."

Vizet did not hesitate at all and immediately counterattacked. He thrust the magic wand forward, and a dazzling red light burst out of the tip of the magic wand, "Disarm you!"

"Faint!" Luna also chanted the spell with Vizet, and a red light rushed towards Selina Pendragon.

Similar to Vizet's defense, Selina Pendragon held up the magic barrier, offsetting Vizet's disarming spell, and waved the magic wand to pick up Luna's coma spell.

However, the light of the disarming spell did not completely dissipate. A not so dazzling red light suddenly appeared and attacked Serena Pendragon again.

Serena Pendragon's wand flew out of her hand, pulling a thin rope in the air. She connected the wand to her wrist through the thin rope, which could not only prevent the wand from actually falling out of her hand, but also help her find the wand as soon as possible.

"This is not fun! You actually sneak attack a hundred-year-old wizard like me, this is not good!"

Her tone was smiling, and the moment the wand returned to her hand, she immediately raised it and pointed it towards the ceiling.

There was a rapid falling sound in the air, and two armored giants filled with silver-blue light fell to the ground like meteorites.

Accompanied by a strong tremor, the star map under his feet rippled, but there was no sign of damage.

Vizet waved his wand gently to ensure that he and Luna could maintain balance and were not affected by the fall of the armored giant.

Selina Pendragon exhaled lightly, "Now it's a little fair... Let's continue!"

One of the two armored giants held a mace and the other held a two-handed sword. As Selina Pendragon's voice fell, they raised their weapons and smashed towards Vizet and the others.

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