"Coo?" Thor hummed twice and rubbed Vizette's neck.

Vizette shook his head and returned to reality.

He first picked up Thor and whispered, "Can you go back and rest first? It's really too hard for you to run back and forth like this all the time."

"Coo?" Thor tilted his head and pecked his hand lightly with his beak, as if to show that he didn't care.

"I plan to submit the manuscript to Mr. Lovegood, so I can't finish it so quickly." Vizette smiled helplessly and changed his words, "Come and get the letter tomorrow afternoon, okay?"

"Coo!" Thor really accepted the suggestion, flapped his wings and flew up, flew out of the window nimbly, gliding and disappearing into the night.

Vizette picked up a toffee and stuffed it into his mouth.

This time he didn't chew it, slowly waiting for the candy to melt, picked up the pen and started writing the letter.

I don't know if it was because of the unique taste of the soft candy heart or because he felt the taste of home, but he didn't feel sleepy at the moment.

Two months can change a lot of things.

For example, he has a deeper understanding of magic, mastered a dangerous curse, and gained a lot of ancient magic power.

Another example is that he can now reply to letters easily and convey everything he wants to say to Luna.

As for tonight's adventure, he plans to refer to the novels he read in his previous life and write some more dramatic stories.

This is not an easy thing. By the time he has conceived the overall framework, the sun outside the window has risen.

Facing the rising sun, Vizette stood up and stretched.

"A brand new day!"

Today is Friday. First-year Ravenclaws have no classes in the morning, so they can just make up for their sleep.

It was noon when he woke up. The midday sun shone on the blue carpet, making Vizette feel like he was in the clouds.

Vizette stood in front of the window sill and looked at the Forbidden Forest in the distance.

It is now the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, and the Forbidden Forest is still dark. I am afraid that only when winter comes can the snowflakes dress it in silver.

The airship plum on the windowsill sprouted, and the seedlings stretched out in the sunshine, enjoying the comfort of the sun.

With the guidance of Professor Sprout, the airship plum seedlings grew well.

Anthony's voice suddenly sounded, "We took care of it for you this morning."

The roommates all returned to the dormitory, holding a few oil paper bags in their arms, faintly oozing with rich fragrance.

Chris put down the oil paper bag in his arms, "I saw that you haven't come to the hall, so I brought it back for you."

Just when Vizette was about to thank him, Michael took the lead and said, "Thank you. When we didn't wake up in the morning, didn't you also bring us breakfast?"

"Oh! It's a pity for the Halloween dinner last night." Terry closed his eyes and savored it, "You didn't come last night. The Yorkshire pudding with pumpkin pulp left a deep impression on me..."

Michael started to talk again, laughing and mocking; "You like it so much, you should go to Hufflepuff!"

Terry immediately hit back: "Haha! If it wasn't you last night, I wouldn't know that Yorkshire pudding is so delicious. You are more suitable for Hufflepuff!"

Anthony concluded, "My suggestion is that you go together!"

Vizet has long been accustomed to the fights of his roommates.

He picked up a piece of apple pie and sat at the desk to watch the fun.

When the stomach is empty, sweets always have a different appeal.


Chapter 67 Devil's Snare

After leaving the Ravenclaw Common Room, Vizet discovered something strange. People around him kept pointing and whispering to him.

Even after walking past him, they would turn back, as if they wanted to confirm something.

Anthony came to Vizet's side and said with seven points of envy and three points of jealousy: "You are now a celebrity, after all, you defeated the troll."

"That's right!" Michael nodded, "I heard several versions of the story today, which seems to be quite different from the experience you said last night."

"Several versions of the story?" Vizet asked in confusion, "What did they say?"

He was still thinking about his manuscript. It would be nice if he could get inspiration from these stories.

Michael turned around and asked, "Chris, do you remember what Ron and the others said?"

"Well, let me think about it..." Chris scratched his head, "They seemed to say that the troll was very unusual, much smarter than Flint, and actually threw a stick to attack."

"Flint..." Vizet couldn't help laughing when he heard the name.

As a member of the Ravenclaw team, he also knew about the teams of the other three colleges. Flint was the captain of the Slytherin team.

As a senior Quidditch fan, Anthony immediately understood what Vizet was laughing at.

He also laughed, "Gryffindor and Slytherin have always been at odds. I have seen that Flint several times. He is indeed... a bit like a troll, but too short."

"Are you still listening to me?" Chris complained dissatisfiedly.

Michael hurriedly said, "Of course I listen, you speak quickly!"

Someone cheered, Chris continued, "Vizet used the Levitation Charm to catch the stick, and then threw the stick back, which directly made the troll's head explode."

"For some reason, the fallen troll came back to life and seemed to have turned into a corpse, and wanted to die with Vizet."

"At such a critical moment, Vizet used a magic that would emit black air all over his body and successfully solved the troll who had turned into a corpse."

Vizet touched his nose. He had reason to suspect that this story should come from Fred and George.

As eyewitnesses, Fred and George knew so many details.

"It fits the Gryffindor story very well." Terry commented, "They love stories of defeating the enemy single-handedly. This kind of story best reflects the quality of bravery."

When they arrived at the greenhouse, several Ravenclaw girls gathered together, discussing something with great excitement.

From time to time, they glanced in the direction of the door, then showed disappointed expressions and started chattering again.

Until Vizet and his friends appeared at the door, these girls stopped chatting, looked at Vizet with curious eyes, and laughed softly with their hands covering their mouths.

Terry pouted at the girls, "They came to ask us several times this morning. If it weren't for Penelope stopping them, I guess they would have rushed into the dormitory directly."

"Damn it!" Michael clenched his fists, looking heartbroken, "When will I become a topic of conversation for them!"

"When you get a 'T' in the final exam." Anthony teased, "A Ravenclaw got a 'T', and others can bring you out to save the situation when they want to explain why they didn't do well in the exam."

"I support you to do that!" Chris said solemnly, "Not only will the girls discuss you, we will also remember your 'great achievements'!"

The bell rang, and Sprout came to the greenhouse with a wand in his hand, with two large boxes floating behind him.

"Children, it's time for class!"

The two large boxes are different. One is an ordinary wooden box, and the other is painted with thick black paint.

"Let's open "A Thousand Magical Herbs and Mushrooms" and turn to page 726 to learn about an extremely dangerous vine plant - the Devil's Snare!"

"They usually appear in dark and humid places, such as dense rainforests and swamps filled with miasma, which are hotbeds for their growth..."

"Remember! Be extra careful with the Devil's Snare, they are extremely cunning and even disguised..."

She picked up the magic wand and knocked on the ordinary wooden box, and the wooden box opened.

Inside was a emerald green vine plant, and the vine would swing back and forth like a crab claw.

"This is Christmas Cactus, a common magical plant, vigorous and easy to keep, even if you don't water it for a month."

As a demonstration, she watered the Christmas Cactus, and the Christmas Cactus immediately swayed happily, as if dancing.

"Okay, everyone please stand away." She cleared her throat and clapped her hands at the students, "I will open another box, which contains the Devil's Snare..."

Sprout stepped back five meters and asked the students to stand behind her. She waved her wand and made the greenhouse as dark as dusk.

The black wooden box was also opened at this moment. The magical plant inside was very similar to the Christmas cactus. Not only was the vine green, but the swing amplitude was also similar, which looked harmless and interesting.

Sprout reminded at the right time: "It is the Devil's Snare, but it is disguised as the Christmas cactus... Please look carefully below!"

She turned a piece of tissue into a sheepdog and drove the sheepdog to slowly approach the Devil's Snare.

The students stretched their necks and were extremely curious, looking forward to what would happen next.

When teaching on weekdays, Sprout always looked happy.

Today, Sprout seemed to be a different person. Not only was his face solemn, but his tone was also much more serious.

Influenced by her, the students held their breath and concentrated, not daring to relax at all.

Vizet was also on high alert, casting the Magic Eye and the Guardian Meditation Method, ready to carefully observe what happened next.

Under the blessing of the Magic Eye, the two plants in front of him changed slightly, showing a fuzzy magic circuit of similar shape.

Using the primary magic eye, you can only see the magic circuit of magic materials;

For those untreated magic plants and magical animals, the magic circuit will become much more blurred.

The sheepdog controlled by Sprout is getting closer and closer to the devil's net.

The devil's net is as harmless as the Christmas cactus next to it, and it has a sense of calm before the storm.

Twelve feet... eleven feet... ten feet...

The students silently recited the numbers in their hearts, estimating the distance between the sheepdog and the devil's net.

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