Five feet...four feet...three feet...

When the sheepdog was less than one meter away from the devil's net, an amazing scene happened.

The emerald green of the vines instantly turned into a deep dark green, like a swarm of crazy snakes, intertwining with each other to form a deadly black web that tightly bound the shepherd dog.

Immediately afterwards, the devil's net began to tighten, slowly squeezing the shepherd dog's body, slowly constricting it, and crushing it...

Eventually turned back into paper towels.

Sprout pulled out his wand and whispered into the devil's net: "Luminescent flash!"

Chapter 68 Intermediate Magic Eye

Sprout controlled the light at the tip of the wand to form as wide a barrier as possible.

Like a heroic female knight, she held up the shield of light in her hand and suppressed the devil's net back into the dark wooden box.

The students still kept expressions of surprise. The sudden attack of the Devil's Net made them feel a little uneasy.

"Kids, luckily our victim only has a tissue." Sprout returned to his cheerful look and waved the tissue in his hand symbolically to try to make the students relax.

After the students recovered, she cleared her throat and continued teaching, "See? Like I said, Devil's Snare is extremely cunning and extremely dangerous."

"The strangulation ability of the devil's net is amazing, and it can even effectively kill giant monsters. However, their weakness is obvious. Both warmth and light can force the devil's net back."

"You must have mastered the fire-making spell and the magic lighting spell. It doesn't matter if you haven't mastered it. Next, we will practice these two magics."

Wizette was distracted, perhaps for the first time in class.

He was still recalling everything he had seen before, especially the moment when the Devil's Net revealed its true form, which left a particularly deep impression on him.

The moment the shepherd dog approached, the vague magic circuit representing the devil's net changed, and the overall structure seemed to expand a bit and become more complex.

Still limited by the level of the magic eye, he still couldn't see the whole process clearly.

Weizet had an intuition that the transformation of this magic circuit would definitely help him better understand transformation magic.

After a brief thought, he poured ancient magical power into the Magic Eye, expecting it to grow again.

Similar to when the magic eye was opened, everything around him changed.

The world in front of me seemed to be collapsing, with cracks appearing one after another, and colorful lines and blocks of color pouring out.

These lines and blocks of color come together to shape the entire world, turning into clear patterns one after another.

These patterns became more and more numerous, becoming more and more detailed, arranged and combined with each other, stacked on top of each other... until he couldn't see the patterns anymore.

In the blink of an eye, the greenhouse appeared again.

The students lined up and, with Sprout as their safety coach, practiced dealing with devil's nets.

Weizet let out a breath, recalling everything he had just experienced.

When he first opened his magic eyes, he felt like he was standing on the long river of history, looking at things in the world from a macro perspective.

Now that the magic eye has grown further, his perspective has changed from macro to micro, changing the way he looks at the world.

The pages of the Wizard's Practical Guide have also been changed.

"Intermediate Magic Eye": Bring more things into your field of vision, making their magic circuits clear and visible. Discover the ancient magical power brewed over time...absorb it and continue to help the Magic Eye grow...

"Weizet! Come here quickly!" Anthony turned his head and greeted Weizet.

Vizette nodded and got in line behind Anthony.

Anthony asked with concern: "You were distracted for a long time just now... Is it the sequelae of dealing with the troll last night?"

"No..." Weizet shook his head slightly, "Maybe I didn't sleep enough. I didn't go back to sleep until the sun rose this morning."

Michael came closer, "Why did you go to bed so late? Are you too excited to sleep because you killed the troll?"

"Because I have to write a reply." Wizette explained, "By the way, will you eat the toffee that Luna sent me?"

Michael waved his hand and said in a frustrated tone: "I don't want to eat it...the gummy heart inside must be sour!"

"Um..." Weizet corrected: "Actually, it smells like onions, which is the smell of Gordigan. It tastes pretty good after you get used to it."

Chris also joined the chat and asked in surprise: "Is this still toffee? Your sister's taste is so unique?"

Weizet shook his head, "It was Mr. Lovegood's idea. He wanted to give me a surprise."

Anthony hummed: "It seems that you have a good relationship with Mr. Lovegood. I heard from relatives at home that... this person is not easy to get along with."

Weizet said seriously: "He is an interesting person and very respectable."

He meant these words sincerely. After Luna's mother passed away, it was Xenophilius who took care of Luna alone.

Luna's family background is very ordinary. Luna can remain cheerful and optimistic. In addition to being extremely precocious and sensible, Xenophilius also plays a key role.

Happy people use their childhood to heal their lives, and unfortunate people use their lives to heal their childhood.

Apparently, Xenophilius did his part so that Luna didn't have to spend her life healing her childhood.

"Stop talking." Michael pretended to cover his chest, showing an expression of angina pectoris, "I feel that the sour smell is getting worse..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Weizet's lips, and he looked at the crab claw plant not far away.

With the help of the intermediate magic eye, the magic circuit is clearly visible...

Compared with the symbols presented by the potion materials, the magic circuit presented by the crab claw as a magic plant is obviously more complex.

They are arranged and combined one by one, running precisely like mechanical gears, moving the whole body, which makes the crab claw plant so agile.

Wizette looked at the clear scene in front of him and couldn't help but feel fascinated.

Sprout's voice sounded, "Mr. Lovegood, are you ready? Please take out your wand."

"Weizet! Weizet!" Michael on the side pushed Weizet's shoulder.

Weizet quickly apologized, "Sorry... Professor Sprout, I was distracted."

Sprout looked concerned, "You must have not slept last night, right? After all, it is the first time you have encountered such a thrilling thing."

"But I hope you still have to cheer up. Under special circumstances, the danger of the Devil's Net will not be lost to that of the troll."

"So I want to teach you how to use the magic wand to protect yourself and be able to deal with the devil's net calmly."

"Thank you, I will try my best!" Vizette nodded and held the wand in his hand.

Sprout instructed: "I will open the box. You have more than ten seconds to react...don't force yourself. You can use magic lighting spells or fire-making spells."

She put her hand on the handle of the box and held the wand in her other hand, ready to cast a spell to repel the devil's net.

"Are you ready?"


The box was opened. The devil's net was not camouflaged at this moment, and the vines were dark green, which made Weizet a little regretful.

He had an intuition that taking another look at the disguise process of Devil's Net would be of great help in understanding the transformation magic.

Sensing that there was a living creature in front of him, the Devil's Net immediately stretched out snake-like vines and grabbed Vizette from all directions.


Wizette waved his wand, and a flash of light exploded like a flashbang.

The devil's net didn't dare to get close at all, it almost retracted into the box in the blink of an eye, and it didn't even dare to continue swinging the vines...

Dilan's magic circuit

The herbal medicine class ended and the students left the greenhouse with unfinished content.

Compared with the usual watering, fertilizing and transplanting, the actual practice is obviously more popular among the students.

"Weizet, isn't there a flying lesson next?" Sprout, who was humming a little tune, raised his head and asked skillfully, "Do you have any questions you want to ask me?"

"Professor Sprout, I would like to ask... how does the devil's net disguise itself as a crab claw?"

"You can always ask some unexpected questions," Sprout said with a smile. "When the devil's net senses danger or needs to hunt, it will disguise itself."

"In fact, it can also disguise itself as smaller and more inconspicuous, such as a creeper or an ordinary vine. But when it launches an attack, it is not as fast as it is disguised as a crab claw plant."

"After all... they are actually the same magical plant."

"Is it a magical plant?" Weizet asked in surprise, "Is it like... the relationship between a wolf and a dog?"

"It's a very wonderful metaphor. You are very keen and you can understand it this way." Sprout praised, "The relationship between them can be regarded as the relationship between dogs and wolves."

"In the very ancient past, devil's net was a very threatening magical plant. At that time, wizards who wanted to go deep into swamps and rainforests usually had to travel together and look after each other."

"It wasn't until later that wizards created more magic that the threat of the devil's net gradually decreased. Later, some wizards tried to improve the devil's net, so the crab claw plant was born."

"It seems... something doesn't make sense." Weizet looked at the notebook and said, "How does the ghost net imitate the crab claw plant? It is obvious that the devil net came first and then the crab claw plant came into existence."

"The appearance of the crab claw plant is one of the disguised forms of the devil's net." Sprout explained, "When it is not attacking, the camouflage of the devil's net is still very pleasing to the eye."

"The wizards in the past must have noticed this, so they solidified this form. Don't you think so? The Crab Claw Orchid looks very cute!"

Weizet smiled. He felt that Professor Sprout was very similar to Hagrid. They both had a deep love for magical plants or magical animals.

Sprout took out the wand in his pocket, "Nevertheless, the danger of devil's net still exists. Next, I will show you how to make devil's net disguise as crab claw plant."

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