Vizet packed up his notebook, released his magic eye and said, "Professor Sprout, please!"

"It is our duty to answer students' questions." Sprout waved his hand and took Vizet to a place five meters away before opening the box containing the Devil's Snare.

"First, we need to create a suitable environment so that the Devil's Snare can feel safe."

She waved her wand gently, and the wand drew a trajectory in the air that looked like a combination of "C" and "D".

"Cold air and cold water!"

A familiar magic energy field appeared, covering the Devil's Snare.

The magic energy field brought coldness and dampness, and the Devil's Snare in it swayed its vines gently.

After a while, the dark green color of the Devil's Snare gradually faded, and it really turned into the appearance of a Christmas cactus.

Sprout continued to cast the spell, gently pressed down the wand, and chanted in a steady tone: "Stay true to the truth!"

For Vizet, he was very familiar with these two magics, and Snape had taught them once when he taught them individually.

"Air-cold water-cooling" is a spell for the moisturizing and preserving spell, which can build a layer of magical energy field to keep the materials fresh at low temperature;

The moisturizing and preserving spell can be compared to a refrigerator, and wizards can adjust the temperature and humidity according to their will;

This spell is very complicated, and Vizet practiced for two weeks before he could barely master it;

When he showed his results, Snape's cheeks kept twitching, perhaps he was a little dissatisfied with this learning speed.

"Stay true" is a spell for the solidifying spell, which can temporarily solidify the state of the material so that the magical effects contained in it will not be lost;

This magic also comes from Snape's teaching, and is often used when dealing with rare potion materials.

During Sprout's spell casting, Vizet saw the process of the devil's snare disguised as a crab claw orchid through the magic eye.

As he expected, the process of disguise gave him great inspiration.

With the help of the Magic Eye, he saw that the magic circuit of the Devil's Snare began to shrink. The originally sharp circuit became smooth and gradually turned into the magic circuit of the Christmas cactus...

He quickly picked up the notebook and recorded the magic circuit he saw.

Sprout took a curious look at the notebook, which was filled with various sharp patterns.

Although the pattern looked very beautiful, she couldn't understand what Wizette was drawing.

However, in the magic world, wizards have their own understanding of magic, and it is normal for others not to understand.

After drawing the notes, Wizette asked a little embarrassedly: "Professor Sprout, can you please restore the Devil's Snare? I want to see it again..."

"Of course no problem."

Sprout agreed, and the paper towel became a victim again and was torn by the Devil's Snare.

Wizette picked up the notebook again, modified the original pattern, and marked some subtle differences.

"Cold air and cold water!" He subconsciously raised his wand, chanted a spell to help the Devil's Snare disguise, and raised his pen to continue modifying the pattern.

Seeing Vizette skillfully casting spells, Professor Sprout was surprised and asked, "Do you know this magic?"

Vizette nodded, "Yes, I learned this magic from Professor Snape."

Sprout slapped his forehead, "I forgot that you go to Professor Snape to study on weekends. It's normal for you to learn this magic."

Potions class is closely related to Herbology class. She often goes to Snape to deliver materials, so she naturally knows about this matter.

She asked curiously, "This spell is quite complicated and requires precise control of magic power. How long did it take you to master it?"

"Two weeks." Vizet said a little, "Maybe it was too slow... When Professor Snape knew about this, his face was not very good..."

"Two weeks..." Sprout was speechless for a moment, and finally patted Vizet's shoulder solemnly, "Don't put so much pressure on yourself, you are already very, very, very good!"

"I will continue to work hard!" Vizet nodded heavily, "After all, I have just started to learn magic, and I still have a lot to learn."

"Professor Sprout, I should go to the flying class... Do you have any classes later? I want to come over later..."

"The next class is also the Devil's Snare, you can come over!" Sprout smiled, "Principal Dumbledore specifically instructed that everyone should master the method of dealing with the Devil's Snare."

Chapter 70 Breakthrough in Transfiguration Magic

Looking at Vizet's hurried departure, Sprout closed the black wooden box.

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"It only took two weeks!" She couldn't help but sigh, "Children nowadays are really amazing... No wonder Headmaster Dumbledore thinks so highly of him!"

"It's interesting to think that he can even make Snape lose face..." She sighed softly, "It's a pity that I didn't see it on the spot. I don't know what Snape's expression was."


The flying broom that Professor McGonagall applied for was approved. Although it was still a second-hand flying broom, it was well maintained and the previous accidents never happened again.

The students took advantage of the rare time to fly freely in the air, only Vizette was still trying to understand the magic circuit.

Watching the camouflage process of the Devil's Snare repeatedly, he felt that countless inspirations were rippling in his mind, and even overflowed.

When the flying class was over, he said goodbye to his roommates and returned to the greenhouse.

Sprout was the only one in the greenhouse, doing the final cleanup before the weekend.

Vizette first greeted, then took out his wand and helped clean up.

Sprout handed over a drink, "Fresh white honey water, you can't drink it anywhere else, it's my exclusive secret recipe!"

Vizette took the cup and took a sip. In addition to the sweetness, it also felt refreshing.

"It tastes good? The honey this year is of good quality." Sprout said proudly, "Are you still going to observe the Devil's Snare?"

Vizette shook his head, "Professor Sprout, I actually want to borrow a Christmas cactus... Can I cast a spell on it?"

Sprout nodded, "Of course no problem! As long as you don't use black magic, the vitality of the Christmas cactus is still very tenacious."

"I want to practice transformation magic..." Vizette said quickly, "I have some experience before, and I want to practice it."

"Of course no problem!" Sprout took out his wand and waved it not far away, and the black wooden box immediately floated into the air.

"Practice here slowly..." She told Vizette, "I have to hide the Devil's Snare, it's still quite dangerous. When you leave later, just help me close the door."


"Wingardium Leviosa!" Vizette gently raised his wand, and several pages of notebooks floated in the air.

These pages of notebooks recorded the magic circuits of the Devil's Snare and the Christmas Cactus, from dynamic to static changes.

Not only that, the "Theory of Metamorphosis" in his mind was also ready and could be consulted at any time.

He cast the "Guardian Meditation Method" and let the pages follow around, and came to the front of a Christmas Cactus.

The Christmas Cactus felt someone approaching and became active, and the vines danced gently in a certain rhythm.

With the help of the "Guardian Meditation Method", his attention was highly concentrated, and his mind shuttled between the pages of the notebook and the "Theory of Metamorphosis".

Vizette gently flicked the wand, guiding the floating spell to turn the pages of the notebook back and forth, forming an effect like a hand-flipping book.

Combined with the "Theory of Metamorphosis and Deformation", his eyes seemed to light up, "It turns out that this method can be used..."

He opened the Magic Eye, raised the magic wand in his hand, and raised the tip of the magic wand forward, pointing directly at the Christmas cactus that was still swaying in front of him.

With the help of the Magic Eye, Vizette's magic penetrated into the Christmas cactus and pointed directly at the magic circuit of the Christmas cactus.

He turned his magic into "clothes" and wrapped the magic circuit of the Christmas cactus.

"Vine shaping!"

Vzette whispered, controlling the magic that wrapped the Christmas cactus to become sharp, approaching the magic circuit of the Devil's Snare;

While he was shaping, the swaying movement of the Christmas cactus stopped, and the emerald green of the vines turned into dark green...

The vines of the Christmas cactus were as flexible as a group of snakes, twisting and winding in all directions, as if stretching their bodies.

Suddenly, the Christmas cactus seemed to have received some orders, and the stretched dark green vines rushed up, completely wrapped Vizette, and lifted him directly into the air...


The sun gradually set, and the two professors went to the greenhouse together.

Sprout looked at Professor McGonagall, his tone full of worry, "Minerva, is it really okay for me to put the Devil's Snare there?"

"At least that's what Headmaster Dumbledore said..." Professor McGonagall shrugged, with a bit of helplessness on her face, "After all, he asked you to popularize the weaknesses of the Devil's Snare."

Sprout sighed, "I still feel a little unsafe, that's... the mysterious man."

"This shouldn't be prepared for the mysterious man." Professor McGonagall adjusted his glasses, "It's an extra... final test, right?"

"If so, the students being tested are quite pitiful..." Sprout sighed, "Even adult wizards Teacher, facing so many problems at once, I'm afraid it will be a headache for a while. "

"Since it is Dumbledore's consideration, we just need to continue to believe it." Professor McGonagall said firmly, "After all, he has led Hogwarts through so many ups and downs for so many years."

"Of course I won't doubt Dumbledore." Sprout laughed, "Speaking of which, he has started working overtime again recently, and he always comes to me for white fresh honey."

She shrugged helplessly, "I originally prepared a whole jar of white fresh honey for you, but now there is only half a jar left..."

"It's enough to have this thought, after all, Principal Dumbledore is under a lot of pressure." Professor McGonagall couldn't help laughing.

"If you want to relieve stress, sweets are undoubtedly the best way, but I feel that he is a little obsessed with sweets."

Sprout also laughed, looking at the greenhouse in the distance, and then screamed: "Oh! Merlin's beard! Why is there a devil's snare!"

"Impossible! I only brought a devil's snare here! And I've taken it away... I also told Vizette..."

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