"Yes! You have a wide range of reading, which is a good thing." Dumbledore smiled appreciatively, "This is the 'Unbreakable Oath', an extremely powerful magical contract."

"Unbreakable Vow?" Weizet read in a low voice.

Although he inferred from "keeping secrets" that Dumbledore had concluded a magical contract, he did not know the specific function of this magic.

Adhering to the learning attitude of asking if you don't understand, he asked: "In other words... this magical contract cannot be broken?"

"In a sense, it cannot be broken..." Dumbledore nodded, "If the oath is broken, the person who breaks the oath will die."

Weizet took a breath, "It's a very dangerous magic contract! But it's also safe enough!"

"Principal Dumbledore, would you like to know... why did you conclude such a dangerous magical contract?"

"Ollivander cherishes your talent. This is the most important reason." Dumbledore explained. "When he told me this, I was shocked."

"In order to prevent this secret from being discovered by others, he made a contract with me. The content of the contract is very simple... Regarding your magic eye, we cannot reveal it to more people."

"Mr. Ollivander really...I..." Weizet was very moved.

Obviously he and Ollivander only had a one-time relationship, but the wand maker did it to this extent.

Although he read the wand notes during this period, he only stayed at the theoretical level and did not put it into real practice.

Dumbledore smiled slightly, he was keenly aware of Weizet's emotional changes.

"Wand making is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It is equivalent to an extension of alchemy. It requires a lot of knowledge as support to learn wand making better."

"You should relax more and enjoy life in the wizarding world... If you go to the campus hospital for similar reasons again, Madam Pomfrey will probably hit me on the head."

Wizette thought of "Metamorphosis Theory", smiled and nodded, "I was just thinking that Mr. Ollivander said the same thing to me."

"Okay! Don't think so much!" Dumbledore patted Weizet on the shoulder and took out two lemon sorbets.

He handed one to Vizette, then unwrapped one and ate one himself.

"The reason why I am telling you this is because your eyes are very special, so I thought of something that should be suitable for you..."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a notebook with signs of use.

There is a special symbol on the notebook: ???: A circle is embedded in a triangle, and a straight line touches the top corner of the triangle and runs through the center of the circle.

Weizet took the notebook. In addition to the logo, the cover of the notebook also had two signatures: Albus Dumbledore \u0026 Gellert Grindelwald.

He rubbed the mark on the notebook and couldn't help but ask: "Are these the notes of Gellert Grindelwald and you?"

"Yes, this is my secret... I hope you can keep it for me." Dumbledore blinked and nodded generously.

Wizette coughed lightly to calm down his somewhat upset mood.

There is an extraordinary relationship between Grindelwald and Dumbledore;

This can be seen in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

But Weizet didn't expect that the two of them had actually shared a notebook and probably conducted some kind of magic research.

Dumbledore looked at the notebook with some nostalgia in his eyes, "Grindelwald's eyes are very magical. Although they are not as good as the Magic Eye, they are still a rare talent."

"He has a pair of Third Eyes, so he is a true prophet... He can even accurately predict the upcoming actions of the enemy wizards through his Third Eyes."

"Principal Dumbledore, can I understand this?" Wizette felt his breathing quicken. "Can this notebook help me develop the ability of the Magic Eye?"

"It's not like 'helping develop'." Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "I just think it serves as a reference book. After all, the Magic Eye is even rarer."

"During that time, Grindelwald and I were a little crazy. We were extremely obsessed with developing the ability of the 'Third Eye' and summed up a lot of relevant theoretical knowledge."

"We have recorded all relevant theoretical knowledge in it." He patted the notebook, "Including some related magic traces, I have kept them completely."

"Is it too precious?" Weizet was a little worried, "And the name on it...how should I hide it?"

"Good boy!" Dumbledore's tone was gentle, "I will give you some extra protection..."

He took back the notebook, pulled out his wand and gestured back and forth, as if he was writing something.

After a while, he closed the notebook and handed it back to Weizet's hands.

As soon as Weizet touched the notebook, he felt a warm feeling in his palm, and the notebook was submerged in the soft light...

Chapter 76 Injured Ball Escape Bird

In the light, the notebook seemed to come alive, and it actually crawled onto Weizet's wrist like a snake that snaked forward.

When the light dissipated, a silver bracelet appeared on her wrist.

Weizet looked at the bracelet repeatedly. The surface of the bracelet was exquisitely embossed with a phoenix. The slightly dull silver texture was very simple and had an extraordinary feeling.

"Principal Dumbledore, this is..."

"You can try flipping your wrist and saying 'open' to it."

Vizette immediately followed the instructions, but in the blink of an eye, the silver bracelet turned into a notebook again, lying quietly on the palm of his hand.

"That's amazing!" Weizet exclaimed, "Principal Dumbledore, is this also a transformation magic?"

Dumbledore waved his hand with a smile, "In addition to transformation magic, it also involves some basic alchemy skills... This is also the result of his and me's research when we were young."

He pointed to the notebook and continued: "I also recorded the method of making this bracelet in the notebook."

"I saw it!" Weizet said in surprise, and he noticed a newly added handwriting.

The strokes of this handwriting are much thicker, which is in sharp contrast to the elegant and free handwriting on the front.

"I guess... you should be very interested, right?" Dumbledore asked with a smile, "I have written it all clearly from the elementary to the final form. You can use it as extracurricular reading and study it slowly."


A new week begins, and Hogwarts winterizes overnight.

Not only is the weather getting colder, but heavy snow is also coming.

The gray peaks around the school are dyed desolate white by ice and snow.

When the sun shines on it, the snow-covered peaks are no longer desolate and become as warm as Hetian jade.

The lake next to the castle has condensed into thick ice. The ice is as hard and clear as tempered glass, reflecting the fantastic underwater world.

The discussion about the trolls is still not over, especially after the students learned that Weizet was sent to the school hospital by Professor McGonagall, the momentum of the discussion has become more and more intense.

In their opinion, this kind of story direction is normal, otherwise it would be hard for them to believe why a first-year freshman could deal with the troll.

Perhaps the "feat" of defeating the troll was completed by Harry, but it would not arouse everyone's discussion.

After all, Harry's title is not only "The Boy Who Lived", but he is also regarded by many people as the "Savior".

For a savior who defeated Voldemort at the age of one and defeated a giant monster, that was a reasonable thing.

Many students who do good things will even follow Weizet to the library.

They didn't speak or read, they just stared at Weizet, until Weizet felt his heart tremble and had no intention of giving up.

Weizet was helpless when he was disturbed and could only find other places to study.

The Ravenclaw common room is actually a very good place, but unfortunately other Ravenclaws think so too, causing the common room to be full from time to time;

The dormitory is also suitable for studying, but occasionally he has to perform certain magic exercises. In order to avoid being too ostentatious, he cannot stay there often.

Fred and George's secret base is hidden, but there is not enough space. When they experiment with prank props, they will cause various accidents.

After much thought, Weizet finally found a good place - Hagrid's hut.

The fireplace in the cabin is burning with firewood, and the room is very warm. After becoming familiar with Tooth, it will lie down in front of Weizet and let him help scratch its belly.

Although Hagrid looks extremely rough, he likes to make gadgets.

He would sit alone on a chair, whittling wood with a knife to make a wooden flute.

In Weizet's view, a three-meter-tall giant holding a knife to cut a wooden flute is no less difficult than threading needles and threads for embroidery. It is a very remarkable talent.

"It should be fine in a few days. They won't be chasing you and peeking at you." Hagrid consoled him while chipping wood. "After all, the Quidditch match is about to start!"

"I heard from Harry and the others that you are Ravenclaw's Chaser, which is really amazing! When Quidditch starts, they should turn their attention to the game..."

Wizette nodded in agreement: "I think so too. Things about trolls are actually relatively new these days."

Arsenal has already told him about the schedule. In mid-November, Gryffindor will play Slytherin;

There is another match before the Christmas break, between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

Hagrid put down the knife in his hand, rubbed his hands and said in anticipation: "Would you like some tea? And some of the rock cake I made! It's hot and will be out of the oven soon!"

Weizet waved his hand gently, "I'll just drink some tea. I'll be full at lunch."

Hagrid has a very special talent in cooking and can bring out certain characteristics of food to the extreme.

Take rock biscuits for example. In terms of "rock", Hagrid has achieved the ultimate. The biscuits he baked are very hard, comparable to real stones.

Just as Hagrid stood up to boil the water, a slight "pop" sound came from the room.

A rooster-sized, plump, fluffy bird appeared in front of the fireplace.

The bird's feathers were brightly colored, and there was a shocking wound near its wings, oozing out a little blood mixed with green liquid.

This is a magical animal similar to the dodo.

Or it should be said that the dodo is the dodo of this world, and according to Muggle records, the dodo has become extinct.

Only wizards in the magical world know that the ball evaders are not extinct, but are just tired of being harassed by Muggles, so they all hide in the magical world.

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