As a magical animal, the ball bird itself has a very remarkable magical ability - it can suddenly disappear and appear in another place.

This ability is similar to the wizard's Apparition and Disapparition, but it is quieter and not restricted by ordinary anti-Apparition magic.

"Barry! How are you injured?" Hagrid put down the kettle in a hurry, and the water in it spilled into the fireplace, emitting clouds of steam.

He quickly took the ball bird into his arms and put it on the table for careful examination.

"Injured... and poison... It seems you have to rest here for a few days."

As he spoke, he walked to the wall to take down a unicorn hair bandage and prepared to bandage the ball bird.

Seeing this, Vizet stood up and said, "Hagrid, can you let me try? If magic works, there's no need for this bandage..."

Hagrid's eyes widened, "You learned healing magic so quickly?"

Vizet nodded gently, "I learned a little bit."

"Since you have this intention, let's try it first!" Hagrid nodded and held the ball bird in front of Vizet.

Chapter 77 Attack from the eight-eyed giant spider

Vizet did not cast healing magic immediately, but used the skills learned from Snape's private lessons to check the classification of toxins in the ball bird.


A ball of light came out from the tip of the wand. The light was not dazzling, but as warm as the sun.

This was the magic he learned from Snape. It was a variant of the magic illumination spell, used to check whether the material contained black magic.

The ball bird screamed in pain, and the flesh around the wound on its wings kept trembling.

Hagrid quickly took out a few pieces of food from his pocket and stuffed them into the mouth of the ball-escape bird, while gently whispering: "Don't be afraid, dear Barry... It will be fine soon..."

Under the light ball, the trembling flesh and blood emitted a trace of black gas, which was a very obvious trace of black magic.

"Knox!" Vizette scattered the light ball, "Hagrid, are there many black magic creatures in the Forbidden Forest?"

Hagrid nodded, "Yes, there are quite a lot! Otherwise, Hogwarts would not have explicitly stipulated that entering the Forbidden Forest would violate school rules if found."

"In fact, it's like this every winter. As the activities of ordinary animals decrease, those ferocious magical animals will be hungry and eat anything."

Just as he was talking, two more ball-escape birds appeared.

Their condition was not good either, and the wounds were mixed with green liquid.

"Magical animals that can injure ball-escape birds..." Hagrid's eyes flickered, and his face was filled with solemnity and worry.

He put down the ball-escape bird in his arms, strode to the wall, and took down the umbrella, leather jacket and crossbow hanging there.

After getting dressed, he took out a small packet of rations from his pocket and handed it to Vizet.

"I'll go to the Forbidden Forest to see... If there are more storks coming, feed them this and they won't be afraid of you."

Hagrid left in a hurry, leaving Vizet and Fang in the hut.

Fang quickly crouched to the window, wagging his tail and watching Hagrid go deep into the Forbidden Forest.

Several more storks came to Hagrid's hut, all of them looked frightened, but fortunately they gradually calmed down with the rations left by Hagrid.

Vizet exhaled lightly, and according to the techniques for handling materials, he cast magic to clean the wound.

At first, the storks would tremble in his arms until the venom in the wound was pulled out, and then the storks stopped trembling.

After the venom left the body, the spirit of the storks finally improved a little.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Vizette stared at the venom floating in the air, "This venom looks so familiar... Have I seen it somewhere?"

He used the magic eye to see the clue from the symbol revealed by the venom.

"It's the venom of the Acromanthus? Is there such a magical animal in the Forbidden Forest..."

The Acromanthus is a dangerous creature of XXXXX level. It usually lives in tropical rainforests, especially in the deep jungles of Kalimantan Island, where a large number of Acromanthus live.

Hogwarts is located in the Scottish Highlands. The cold should be a huge test for the Acromanthus.

In order to survive the cold winter, it's no wonder that they started hunting magical animals.

It's just that they didn't choose the right target. The movements of the ball-drifting birds are too flexible, and it's easy to get in trouble.

According to the description in the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", the Acromanthus was cultivated by wizards to protect the wizards' homes or property.

Perhaps because of artificial cultivation, this magical animal is cruel by nature and even hunts humans for food.

The Acromantula can lay down a very tough web and secrete venom for better hunting.

Its venom has a very high value for potions. It can not only be used as a raw material for invisibility potions, but also neutralize armadillo bile.

Before neutralization, armadillo bile is very corrosive. Only by neutralizing it with Acromantula venom can it eliminate the corrosiveness and become a raw material for intelligence enhancers.

In addition, after dilution, the venom can also be used as a synergist for some potions.

According to Snape, the highest quality Acromantula venom costs one hundred Galleons per pint.

(Ps: One pint is about 550 milliliters, which is about the same as a bottle of Scream.)

After the Acromantula dies, its stored venom will dry up quickly.

If you want to collect the venom, you have to take advantage of the Acromantula being half dead.

This also means that wizards need to take risks to avoid being attacked by the eight-eyed giant spider before dying, which is why the eight-eyed giant spider venom is expensive.

Continuing to clean the wound of the ball bird, Vizette collected a small bottle of venom, about 50 ml.

Unfortunately, the venom has been fused with blood, and the quality has slightly decreased, so it cannot be sold at the highest price.

After cleaning the wound, he began to help the ball bird heal the wound, "Healed as before!"

The healing magic exuded emerald green light, sprinkled on the wound, and the flesh and blood that were turned over squirmed slightly...

Just when the wound was about to close, a wisp of black gas rose from the flesh and blood, offsetting the effect of the healing magic.

After this period of study, Vizette has become more and more proficient in distinguishing the types of magic.

"No wonder it was rated as XXXXX level..." He looked at the black air and whispered, "Not only did it leave poison, but it also hid a layer of poisonous curse."

"Then try ancient magic!" Vizet raised his wand and drew an "S" in the air, "All the dust and dirt will be removed!"

The cyclone rose up, and the ball-escape bird that trusted Vizet did not hide, allowing the Purification Soul Cleansing Curse to scrape across its body.

The Purification Soul Cleansing Curse was very effective, and it really completely cleaned the poisonous curse.

Vizet smiled and continued to treat the ball-escape bird.

It was a very fulfilling thing that all the knowledge he had learned could be put to use.

The wound on the wing healed, and the spirit of the ball-escape bird also recovered.

They would also stretch out their long beaks and rub Vizet's arms affectionately.

The ball-escape birds started to play with each other, chasing each other, disappearing and reappearing together, touching each other with their beaks, and having a lot of fun.

Vizet still maintained the magic eye, and he discovered a magical thing - the magic circuit of the ball bird actually changed during the flashing and revealing process.

He quickly took out his notebook and recorded the magic circuit in full.

However, he did not study it in depth, but only improved the change process of the magic circuit, striving to record all the changes contained in it.

"It seems that the ball bird likes you very much!" Hagrid returned to the cabin and shook off the snow on his fur coat.

"Hagrid, you're back safely!" Vizet put away his notebook and said with concern, "There are Acromanthus in the Forbidden Forest, and these spherical birds were attacked by Acromanthus."

"You..." Hagrid's eyes flashed with a bit of panic, and he asked nervously, "How do you know that it was Acromanthus that attacked them?"

Chapter 78 The Hissing Curse of Hanging Neck

"I cured all the spherical birds!" Vizet took out the venom bottle from his pocket, "I've come into contact with Acromanthus venom, so I recognize it."

"Oh... So that's how it is!" Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief, forced a smile and changed the subject, "You actually cured the spherical birds, it's amazing!"

After returning from the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid seemed to have something on his mind, his face was not looking good, and his eyes revealed some worry.

As for the venom of the Acromanthus, he was not interested at all, and directly let Vizet keep it for himself.

The Forbidden Forest was not very peaceful, and Hagrid would occasionally go deep into the Forbidden Forest, carry back a few injured magical animals, and ask Vizet to help treat them.

Vizet did not refuse this request. During the treatment, he could continue to collect the venom of the Acromanthus, which was a two-pronged approach.

Not only did he get the venom of the Acromanthus, but Hagrid also gave him a pack of unicorn hair bandages as a reward for treating magical animals.

"Didn't we agree on this before?" Hagrid pushed the bandages back to Vizet, "If you help me treat the injuries of magical animals, I will give you bandages."

"Even if I use bandages to treat them, they will take several days to heal. How can it compare to your healing magic? Just accept it!"


Vizet spent another fulfilling week in busy learning and practice.

About the magic circuit of the ball-escape bird, Dumbledore and Grindelwald's notes, review materials for compound magic, Quidditch training... There are so many things he can learn.

So many learning materials always make him feel that time is not enough, and he wishes he could materialize time and break it into several petals to use.

In addition, he also needed to revise and polish the manuscript about the Halloween troll, and try to finish it before the Christmas holiday.

Before he knew it, it was the weekend again, and Vizette went to Quirrell's office as scheduled.

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