Vizet felt calmed down gradually, and the depression and frustration in his heart dissipated a lot.

Luna raised her wrist and pointed the crystal bead at the sky, where the moon shyly showed half of its face.

"The moon rises tonight, and the sun will come out tomorrow. They are like the nirvana and rebirth of the phoenix, which are all natural things."

Vizet listened to Luna's words quietly, and when he saw the pair of light golden eyes, he suddenly smiled with relief.

He was like Cedric on the train, trapped in a maze;

Because of an extremely simple question, he trapped himself for a long time;

Fortunately, there was a guide like an elf to show him the direction.

"The end may just mean... the beginning of a new life. The same is true for failure. It is also a valuable experience. I have been too successful during this period."

"Maybe I should eat some Bibi Multi-Flavor Beans?" Luna's eyebrows curved, "Dad often told me that he would taste the taste of vomit..."

"Of course, I remember there was a pack in the candy jar!" Weizet nodded, "I hope my luck is not so bad... Forget about vomit, the most I can accept is the smell of snot."

"I am very lucky. I can always taste orange flavor." Luna said with a smile, "If there is a delicious taste, I will share it with you."

Weizet slowly stood up and looked at Luna who was brushing her hair behind her ears. He felt that everything was the same.

Setbacks are not a big deal. What is important is how to face setbacks.


During the last Christmas holiday, Weizet spent his mind on life.

The gifts from the professors were packed into the suitcase and kept properly, waiting to be unsealed when they return.

"Dark Shadows in the Fortress! The Wizard's Last Dance! 》 was so popular that it was even sold in the front row of Flourish and Blotts.

Xenofilius was so busy during the day that he would start the printing press early in the morning and print the book over and over again.

With the help of the Floo Network, Vizet and Luna continued to travel around London.

This time, the travel was different from the previous ones. Neither of them had any purpose, but simply enjoyed the purest happiness.

They would take the Knight Bus to the farmers' market in the suburbs, sit on the wooden chairs with peeling white paint, and taste crispy toast and fresh cheese;

After enjoying breakfast, they would digest it in the chairs, smell the fragrance of flowers and coffee outside the restaurant, observe the pedestrians coming and going, and try to imagine the story that would happen next.

They would stroll along the Thames and count how many spires and domes there were in London on the other side;

Or climb the hills next to the city to enjoy the panoramic view of the city...

Vizet felt that both his body and mind had been well rested, which seemed to be more effective than taking soul relaxants.

If he is compared to a house under construction, the magical knowledge is the foundation and brick walls, and the bits and pieces of life will constitute the windows.

With these windows, the moonlight can shine into the room...

Unconsciously, the day of returning to school has arrived.

Vizet and Luna did not say any extra farewell words, just looked at each other, and felt that everything was said.

After saying goodbye to Luna, Vizet took the train again and returned to Hogwarts.

The Scottish Highlands were still covered with snow, and the gatekeeper Filch was wearing a big coat and shivering all over.

He leaned against the railing of the small platform and shouted to the students who got off the train in an annoyed voice: "Come to my side! Follow me!"

Under the leadership of Filch, Vizet came to a wide dirt road in the forest, where rows of carriages were parked.

Vizet got into one of the carriages, and the carriage closed the door automatically and ran slowly again.

He cast the Magic Eye and looked forward curiously. There was a huge magic circuit there. The ability of the intermediate magic eye was not enough to see the specific composition.

Through the intermediate magic eye, creatures that were no larger than wizards could be seen clearly, but only the vague magic circuits of large creatures could be seen.

As for what kind of magic circuits wizards contain, with the current ability of the magic eye, it is still completely beyond reach.

Back to the dormitory, Vizet found that there was no one here.

From the messy desks of the roommates, it can be seen that they are probably making the final sprint and fighting the homework that has been accumulated for a holiday.

As expected, Vizet saw a note on his desk with help information from four roommates: Vizet, come to the library to help us check our homework!

He brought the notes of Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick and came to the lively library.

Madam Pince is much stricter than usual. As long as the noise exceeds a certain level, she will randomly drive away a group of "lucky" students.

Anthony and the others were very foresighted. The cat was in the corner farthest from Madam Pince, and would look into the distance from time to time.

When they saw Vizette, they immediately showed a happy expression, and took advantage of the gap when Madam Pince turned around, they stood up and waved desperately.

"Vizette! You are finally back!" Michael lowered his voice and said, "Help us see if there is anything that can be optimized!"

Ravenclaw still has some requirements for their homework. Completing the homework is just the basis. Being able to get good comments and keep improving is what they want.

Vizette quickly went through the homework of the four people and praised: "Well done!"

"If you really want to improve it, you can quote the original text in the book as the ending to sublimate the idea."

"Let me think about it. In the twelfth cabinet of the potion section, there is a book called "Basic Potions Theory", the sentences in it are serious and concise, which is in line with Professor Snape's style."

"In the sixth cabinet of the spells section, there is a book called "Chadwick's Magic Volume 1", the summary in it is quite interesting, you can refer to it and make some changes."

"In the fifteenth cabinet of the Transfiguration Magic Section, I remember it was the sixth row of bookshelves, there is a book called "From Silver Needles to Blades", the sentences in it are also good..."

"You are so strong!" The four roommates lowered their voices and gave Vizet a thumbs up.

They acted separately, trying not to make any noise to avoid being criticized by Madam Pince, and disappeared in the vast sea of ​​books in the library.

"Vizet! Vizet!"

Two extremely faint voices appeared.

Harry, Hermione and Ron appeared in front of Vizet.

"Hmm?" Vizet glanced at Madam Pince and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Dillermel and the Philosopher's Stone

"Um..." Ron and Harry looked at each other and said in unison, "Do you know Nicolas Flamel?"

Harry and Ron stayed at school for the holidays, and they spent several days in the library.

They were not there to complete their homework, but to find information about a person's name - Nicolas Flamel.

Harry always felt that this name was familiar, but they felt that they had tried very hard and almost turned the library upside down, but still couldn't find any whereabouts.

Even Hermione, who returned to school, couldn't find any relevant information about Nicolas Flamel.

The three of them were going to try their luck in the library again, and they happened to meet Vizet. In addition, they trusted Vizet, so they simply came to ask.

"Do you know?" Harry looked at Vizet with expectation, "After all, you are simply..."

Ron immediately joined in, "You are even more like Madam Pince than Madam Pince! Not only do you know the title of the book, but you also know where to find the book!"

These are all what they saw with their own eyes. After all, before becoming friends with Hermione, Vizet helped them complete a lot of homework.

"Nicolas Flamel?" Vizet looked up the book in his mind, immediately found the relevant information, and extracted the important information.

"He is an immortal wizard, a great alchemist, currently living in seclusion in Devonshire, and holds the only Philosopher's Stone in the world."

"That's it!" Hearing this, Harry took a breath, "Fluvia is guarding the Philosopher's Stone!"

Ron continued, "Merlin's beard! Snape is planning to take the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Oh? Fluvia? Professor Snape? Philosopher's Stone?" Vizet raised his eyebrows, "The Philosopher's Stone is in the school?"

"Hey!" Hermione heard Vizet's series of questions and shouted in panic.

Although she had just realized that something was wrong, she failed to stop Harry and Ron in time.

The two not only revealed key information, which made Vizet suspicious, but also attracted the attention of Madam Pince.

As a result, Harry and the other two were thrown out of the library, and even Vizet was asked to leave.

"Sorry... We really didn't mean to implicate you..." Ron's face was flushed, almost the same color as his hair.

Hermione asked anxiously: "Vizet, you just said that Nicolas Flamel is an immortal wizard? What does it mean?"

Vizet said concisely: "He has lived for more than 600 years, from 1327 to the present."

"So that's it!" Ron suddenly realized, "So we spent a Christmas holiday looking for "Research on the Development of Modern Witchcraft", but we couldn't find him!"

"I remember where it is! Wait for me... See you in the hall!" Hermione was very anxious, and ran to the moving stairs in a hurry.

"Don't chocolate frogs?" Vizet looked at Ron and Harry, "The name Nicolas Flamel is in the chocolate frog picture."

"Really?" Ron and Harry were a little confused.

Vizet said, "It's not Nicolas Flamel's picture, but it's mentioned in Headmaster Dumbledore's picture."

"Oh! Headmaster Dumbledore!" Harry's eyes lit up, "I said I've seen it! I've been saying this before!"

He fumbled in his pocket, took out a wrinkled chocolate frog picture, and read the words on it.

"Discovered twelve uses of dragon blood... and achieved great results in alchemy with partner Nicolas Flamel!"

"I didn't expect it!" Ron raised his fist and knocked it on his forehead, "I have collected more than 500 pictures!"

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