"Didn't I not expect it?" Harry felt suddenly enlightened, and a smile appeared on his face, "Fortunately, Wizette reminded me."

"Vizet, do you also like to collect pictures of chocolate frogs?" Ron asked curiously, "Do you have pictures of Agrippa and Potolemi? I can exchange them for pictures you don't have..."

Seeing that Harry and Ron were about to take the topic away, Weizet immediately expressed his doubts, "What I'm more curious about is, what does this matter have to do with Professor Snape...?"

Ron explained: "Because Snape will always find various excuses to deduct points from Gryffindor in front of Harry!"

"My points will be deducted! As long as Harry and I sit at the same table, points will be deducted for both of us..."

"Others will too!" Harry said angrily, "Anyone sitting next to me will have points deducted along with me!"

Wizette coughed lightly and tried not to laugh.

Professor Snape would indeed deduct points from Gryffindor in front of him. He had experienced this twice.

Noticing Weizet's almost unstretched smile, Harry said firmly: "He definitely wants to harm me! There is a wound on his leg! A big wound! It was bitten by Lu Wei!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and pulled up his trouser legs, gesturing back and forth on his calf, "It's the wound at this location! I discovered it!"

"So there was something wrong with my broomstick! Then Ron and the others discovered that Professor Snape was casting the spell there, so they uh... planned to uh... stop it..."

His mouth was blocked by Ron, and he uttered a few intermittent words.

"Harry, stop talking!" Ron showed an extremely frightened expression, as if he had seen something terrible.

Wizette quickly turned around and looked at Snape, who was dressed in black robes and was less than two meters away from them.

The corners of Snape's mouth curved slightly, with an expression that was half-smiling.

"Very good...Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, very good!" His voice was very cold and drawl, without any fluctuation.

"Let me think about it... talking about the professor in the corridor, once casting a spell to burn the professor's robe..."

He took two steps forward, stood in front of Weizet, and leaned over to stare at Ron.

"Mr. Weasley, you seem to know very well who the person who set the fire was." He narrowed his eyes slightly and even hissed when he spoke.

Harry's face was just as red as Ron's, Harry's was even redder.

Ron was blushing because of nervousness and fear, while Harry was blushing because Ron covered his face, unable to breathe.

Harry finally pulled Ron's hand away and glared at Snape.

Snape straightened up and continued to look at Ron condescendingly, "Twenty points from Gryffindor for talking about the professor in the corridor!"

"You!" Harry gritted his teeth and continued to glare at Snape.

Snape blinked and continued to focus on Ron, "Twenty points each!"

Ron felt frightened when Snape looked at him like this. He didn't care about the forty points he had been deducted. He grabbed Harry's hand and fled the corridor as quickly as possible.

When the two of them were about to disappear at the end of the corridor, Ron's voice came over, "Weizet! Thank you for telling us so many things! Take care!"

Snape turned around, his expression still cold, but his tone did not drawl, "Vizet, come to my office!"

Chapter 93 Curious Toad

Ravenclaw is not without its faults...

Snape sighed in his heart.

In fact, he had thought about how he should answer once Weizet asked about the Sorcerer's Stone.

However, on the way to the office, Weizet just followed silently without asking any unnecessary questions.

This is undoubtedly the best result. It can help explain Dumbledore's messy things without spending any effort.

He was even a little glad that he had chosen to teach Wizette knowledge instead of being Harry's "nanny".

Haha... I want to kill Harry Potter?

"Ten points from Gryffindor!"

"Uh..." Weizet raised his head and glanced at Snape quietly, his face was completely expressionless.

It was this kind of point deduction for no reason again, and he seemed to be somewhat used to it.

He can even skillfully hold back his laughter and keep his face expressionless.

Probably similar to Snape's expression at this time.

He followed Snape into the office. On the desk in the corner, in addition to a notebook, there was also a brand new potion equipment.

Weizet narrowed his eyes slightly and finally saw the logo of the potion equipment clearly...

Well, it’s the Christmas gift I gave myself.

Luna was right. A potion master would not refuse a brand new piece of equipment.

Next to this set of potion equipment, there was a toad in a cage. The toad was very quiet. It just looked at the two people who came in, and it could even be read as a sign of curiosity.

For some reason, Weizet felt that this toad looked familiar, not like he had seen it before, but with an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It was difficult for him to explain this feeling. Maybe if Luna was around, she would be able to understand what he wanted to express instantly. This was a tacit understanding between them.

Snape quickly walked to the desk, pulled out a chair and sat down. He waved his wand and summoned a pile of potion ingredients.

Vizette recognized it at a glance as a material related to the soul soothing agent.

Snape put away his wand, crossed his arms and said, "Begin! I'll watch you make a soul soothing potion."

Vizet nodded, rolled up his sleeves, lit the cauldron, and moved swiftly.

Grind the moonstone into powder... Mix the moon dew nectar with the wormwood infusion... Pour the dew into the crucible... Wave the wand to cast a spell...

During the Christmas holidays, he was a little unclear about how many soul soothing potions he had made, and he was naturally familiar with the whole process.

Vizet's movements were smooth and there was no pause in any step.

These were all Snape could feel. In terms of the skills of brewing soul soothing potions, Vizet had almost no flaws.

Although all this was accumulated with a lot of time and materials, he still remembered Vizet's age and the grade he was in now...

First grade at Hogwarts, eleven years old...

Snape stretched out his hand and rubbed his brow, waiting for the final product of the potion.

"Professor Snape, it's done." Vizet said calmly, and brought the soul soothing potion with silver mist to Snape.

"Still the same..." Snape murmured, frowning and asked, "Have you tried the potion yourself?"

"Tried..." Vizet nodded, "Although the effect is far from your potion, after drinking the potion, I feel relaxed and want to sleep."

"In other words... you used yourself to test the potion at the beginning?" Snape raised his eyebrows, "Why not use an owl? I remember you have an owl?"

"I can't bear it... Thor is usually very tired from delivering letters, and it is my friend." Vizet coughed lightly, "So I drank it myself."

In fact, there is another reason. He used the magic eye to observe the potion and confirmed that there was no problem before testing the potion.

Snape didn't say much, got up, opened the inner door, and took out a toad that was still struggling.

Toads are good partners for potion masters at all times, because their skin can absorb liquids, which is very suitable for potion testing.

"Let me put it this way!" Snape gently tapped the toad, and the toad immediately froze in place, "Feed the toad with medicine, if it is the right soul soothing agent..."

He demonstrated as he spoke, took a tube of soul soothing agent and poured it on the toad's back.

"After the toad absorbs the soul soothing agent, it will gradually calm down and then fall asleep. The better the soul soothing agent, the faster the toad will fall asleep."

Vizet frowned. Not only did his soul soothing agent not make the toad sleep, but it even became more and more excited...

The word "excited" is not accurate enough.

Or it should be said that after the toad absorbed the soul soothing agent, its behavior became extremely strange.

It became more and more excited and wanted to jump forward, but it would suddenly twitch in the air, then fall down, and start rolling back and forth on the table.

Just when it was about to knock over the potion equipment, Snape waved his wand, and it seemed that a magic barrier was erected in front of the magic equipment.

The toad struggled like this for more than ten minutes, and with a "quack", it fell into a coma, as if it had exhausted all its energy.

Vizet swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Professor Snape, why is it like this?"

"Maybe it's the influence of the Obscurus." Snape threw the toad back to the inner door, "Try another potion."

He waved his wand again, and another potion material flew onto the table.

Scurvy, lovage, sneezeweed, castor oil, frog brain...

This is the material for a drug of intoxication.

Vizet knew this potion, but he had never made it.

If he follows the normal teaching process, he should formally learn about intoxication when he enters the third grade.

Snape said, "It seems you know what it can be used for?"

Vizet replied, "A potion that confuses the mind and makes people impatient and reckless..."

"The stronger the effect, the more obvious the related effects, and it can even make people fall into complete madness and difficult to regain their sanity."

Snape nodded, "You do what I say, let's get started!"

"Okay!" Vizet nodded and returned to the crucible.

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