"First add the dew to the crucible, heat it slowly over low heat, then start processing the scurvy, crush the scurvy with a stone mortar..."

"Pour the castor oil into the beaker and heat it over low heat. After it bubbles, add the frog brain. While it's heating, process the sneezeweed and cut it into thin strips..."

Snape's speed was not too slow, and with the help of his magic eyes, Vizette could barely keep up.

"When you see fish-eye blisters popping up on the inner wall of the crucible, add the lovage and keep it boiling for ten minutes. Take out the frog brain, take a stone mortar, add raw castor oil and mash together to make a paste..."

"Add the mashed scurvy, adjust to medium heat, and simmer until the potion takes on a chaotic color and a dim gray mist emerges, then remove from the heat and cool..."

Chapter 94 A soul so abundant that it overflows

Although Weizet had never learned about confusion medicine, he had mastered the process of making soul soothing medicine, so it was not difficult to do it while following the instructions.

When he got used to this rhythm, he even had time to take out his notebook and record down the specific process and key points.

"Reheat the crucible, add sneezeweed cut into thin strips, and cook for five minutes...The gray fog disappears, add the mixture of frog brains and castor oil, and heat over high heat..."

Weizet scooped out the Delirium, a pinkish-purple potion that smelled like leaded gasoline.

Snape found another toad and dropped the confusion potion on the toad's back...

The effect of this trial was gratifying. After absorbing the confusing drug, the toad began to scream "croaking" and the range of its jumps became larger. It did not even care whether it hit the wall.

"Well..." Snape groaned and threw the toad into the inner door, "Do it again, you will do it again as I say!"

Still using the same confusion potion ingredients, Snape's command became much rougher.

"Boil the dew over high heat, then add lovage into it...Chop the scurvy directly, just chop it as you like! No need to pay attention to any rules..."

"Mix frog brains and castor oil into a paste, add them directly to the crucible and cook them together... Sneezeweed can also be added... No!"

In the middle of his command, Snape suddenly waved his wand, causing all the potion ingredients on the table to disappear.

He made a weird request, "You can do whatever you want, I just want the final product!"

"Huh?" Weizet raised his head, "Including what you did last time, you don't need to take it into account?"

"That's right! Do whatever you want!" Snape nodded, "I don't need to look at the boiling time you recorded, or the processing method in the notes, just rely on your intuition and instinct!"

"Okay!" Weizet was confused, but he still did it.

He closed his eyes and cleared his mind, leaving himself in a state of relaxation.

If you look at his eyes, you will find that they are unfocused and have a sense of confusion.

Weizet maintained this feeling, randomly picked up the potion ingredients on the table, put them into the stone mortar, and pounded them all into juice.

Then put the castor oil and frog brains into the crucible and fry them directly.

When a strange smell filled the air, he poured the mixed juice of scurvy, lovage, and sneezeweed directly into the crucible.

There was a crackling sound in the crucible, and an even weirder fishy smell replaced it, floating throughout the office.

It only took Vizette one-third of the normal time to complete the potion, and the final product turned out to be pink and purple.

The third victim, the toad, appeared, and after absorbing the potion, he showed even more terrifying madness.

Not only did he show aggressive tendencies, but he even kept hitting walls and hurting himself, seemingly falling into madness.

"This..." Vizette looked at Snape.

Snape threw the third toad into the inner door, "As I told you in my letter, do not continue to practice the soul soothing potion for the time being... Obscurus is still affecting you."

"You suppressed Obscurus very well... In such a long time, you only lost control once, that time on Halloween."

"But the Obscurus is inseparable from you, and you will inadvertently release the dark magic properties carried by the Obscurus."

Weizet asked: "Will it hurt the people around me?"

"Not at the moment." Snape waved his wand and cleaned the cauldron, leaving only a few potions.

"If you want to release your Obscurus characteristics, black magic and some potions are the most efficient ways..."

As he spoke, he observed Weizet's expression.

Weizet just nodded, his expression was very calm, and his eyes did not show any panic.

Observing this, Snape continued: "It's keeping up well, just keep it up."

Wizette was stunned and asked tentatively: "Professor Snape, is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

"Pay attention to what?" Snape raised his eyebrows, "Just pay attention to maintaining your vital signs and don't die in Hogwarts. I don't want to face a ghost named Weizet."

Wizette left the office, but Dumbledore came out from the inner door.

"Severus... Actually, you can put the toad on the table first, there is no need to leave it to me."

Snape waved his wand and said, "Since you have come to my office, it is necessary to do something for me."

"If I don't throw it in directly, I'm afraid with Vizette's character, he will enthusiastically help me get it through the inner door and then find you."

"Vizet would indeed do that, a very good child." Dumbledore smiled and placed the unconscious toad on the table.

Snape waved his wand, and three glass jars appeared out of thin air, covering the toads respectively.

Dumbledore picked up two glass jars, "I will take two away to see what they will become under the effect of the two potions."

"The result is predictable..." Snape pointed to the toad next to the potion equipment, "It will be given characteristics... some characteristics belonging to Vizet."

He recalled that during the Christmas holidays, those toads who were unconscious due to drug testing would change their temperament after waking up, and their behavior would actually be close to Vizet.

Become calm, harmless, curious about the surroundings, study the potion equipment, and look at the world with curious eyes.

Back to the present, Snape continued: "This means... his soul even directly affects the user through a certain type of potion... This is my judgment."

Dumbledore nodded and agreed: "Based on your description and the performance of the toad just now, I would make a similar judgment. Wonderful... It's really wonderful!"

"In this way, it means that his soul is sufficient, just like an overflowing spring... It's really unprecedented! What is his origin?"

Snape hummed in a low voice, a little dull: "With your great magical powers, you can't find out the true life experience of Vizet?"

"Including the origin of that dark wizard, I can't find any clues, as if he appeared out of thin air..." Dumbledore sighed.

"Someone must have concealed it deliberately, and did it very cleanly... It's impossible to find any flaws in a short time. If you want to get clues, maybe you have to calculate it over years..."

"The origin is actually not important." Snape looked at the set of potion equipment, "What's important is... what purpose does the dark wizard want to achieve by torturing Vizzet like this?"

"I don't know..." Dumbledore recalled, "I asked St. Mungo's to do a detailed examination. There is no residual damage on Vizzet's body. Those dark magics were cured by Fawkes."

Snape asked suddenly: "What about the soul?"

"Even with Legilimency, it is difficult to explore the soul itself." Dumbledore said, "You are also a master of Legilimency, you should know this, right?"

Chapter 95 Lord, no one will dare to mention your holy name!

Snape did not comment, "There are only a handful of wizards who want to study the soul."

"Indeed..." Dumbledore said with emotion, "Wizards walking on the path of magic can never avoid the eternal topic of soul..."

"Quack! Quack!" The toad next to the potion equipment became restless, as if it had regained its animal instincts.

Snape waved his wand and summoned a notebook.

He said while recording the data: "Five days... Vizet's soul soothing agent has affected this toad for five days!"

"It's amazing... It's amazing..." Dumbledore responded with emotion.

The office suddenly fell silent, with only the rustling sound of Snape's notes and the quacking of the toad.

"So noisy!" After Snape recorded everything, he swung his wand and annihilated the toad and the glass jar together.

He looked at Dumbledore again, "Why don't you tell the truth to Vizet?"

"In fact, we told part of the truth." Dumbledore explained, "He is indeed not suitable to continue studying this kind of potion."

"Those wizards who have studied the soul will detect Vizet's abnormality through this kind of potion, which is a very bad result."

"For example, the Dark Lord?" Snape put down the notebook, "Vizet sent Quirrell a bottle of soul soothing potion, probably dedicated to the Dark Lord."

Dumbledore sighed, "Vizet carefully prepared every Christmas gift, we can't kill this sincerity."

"So we need to use 'white lies', use this dishonorable way... to protect his safety."

Snape sneered, "Fortunately, the Dark Lord will hide this matter... In fact, he hides a lot of secrets!"

"He said that he had gained immortality, but he never revealed the secret of immortality... This is the 'Lord Voldemort'."

"He wants to be the 'Lord' of everyone! He enjoys that feeling, 'Lord, no one will dare to mention your holy name'!"

Dumbledore's tone was soft but firm, "That's why we have to dig out... the secret of this 'Lord'! Defeat this 'Lord'!"


The second half of the school year is coming. In this new semester, students are more or less troubled by anxiety.

For example, fifth-year and seventh-year students need to take O.W.L. or N.E.W.T. exams, which makes this anxiety more obvious.

They either hold notes in their hands or hold textbooks under their arms. These materials are marked with various lines, which seem to confirm their preparation day and night.

The library occupied by fifth-year and seventh-year students is like a battlefield. Students shuttle between the bookshelves from time to time;

They want to find information fragments that can be used in the exam from those books.

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