During meal time, the steaming food in the hall was ignored, and the fifth and seventh year students kept flipping through books, with almost no time for distraction and chatting.

This atmosphere of anxiety has a tendency to spread, not only in the hall, but also in the common room, which has become much duller.

Ravenclaw pursues knowledge and wisdom, and exams are undoubtedly the best way to reflect these two points.

Especially for the fifth and seventh year students, their conversations in the common room are almost all related to exams;

Full of discussions on the details of the theory of transfiguration magic, proofreading the correct order of potion making, and reciting key dates and events in the history of magic...

Like Penelope, who needs to serve as a prefect, she needs to squeeze out time to patrol or maintain order on campus.

At this stage, after fulfilling her duties as a prefect, she seems a little overwhelmed, and even unwilling to talk to people around her, with vague signs of collapse.

When Vizet finished Snape's private lesson and returned to the common room, he heard intermittent crying from the corner.

Just as he approached and stepped on the shadow on the ground, a figure poked his head out first, with red eyes showing confusion, "Vizet?"

Vizet nodded, "Penelope...what happened to you?"

"Ahem...nothing..." She hurriedly wiped away her tears and hid a textbook behind her, "Just sit here."

Vizet noticed that it was a textbook for the Potions class, a large volume of "Intermediate Potions Making", "If it's about Potions...maybe I can think of a way."

"You said you want to go find Professor Snape? No! No!" Penelope subconsciously refused: "Professor Snape is too scary...there's no way!"

"Ahem..." Vizet coughed twice. He didn't even mention this point, but he didn't expect Penelope to react so strongly.


It can be seen that Professor Snape's reputation is indeed very bad.

In some ways, even Professor Quirrell's reputation is better than his.

According to Fred and George, although Professor Quirrell stuttered in class and his efficiency in listening to lectures was not as good as studying on his own, at least he had a good temper!

Even if he was hit on the head with a snowball, Professor Quirrell would not get angry.

Vizet immediately dissuaded him, "Can you not do this next time? He is under a lot of pressure."

The twins saluted and nodded, "If it is a request from the material consultant, we promise you that we will not do it next time!"

Fred and George also talked about that if they dared to hit Snape's head with a snowball...

Vizet still remembered that the twins showed an exaggerated expression of fear, strangled their necks with their hands and said, "We will definitely not see the sun the next day! We will be poisoned to death that night!"


"In fact, Professor Snape... is still quite easy to talk to." Vizet said carefully, "As long as you know how to identify the important information in it, after all, that is Professor Snape's... language style."

"Is that so?" Penelope was relieved, and gently wiped away the last bit of tears with her sleeve, and her eyes were not as red as before.

"Of course!" Vizet nodded, "I just asked him some questions..."

"Tell me first, and I'll help you ask when you ask Professor Snape next time."

"That's fine..." Penelope was a little embarrassed, "Professor Snape...didn't scold you?"

"No! It seems...he gave you too many points! Right? I heard people from Hufflepuff say this before!"

"Yes." Vizet did not deny it, "So you can tell me with confidence."

Penelope nodded, took out the textbook hesitantly, and turned to the page full of different line marks.

"For the preparation of this vitality tonic, I remember Professor Snape mentioned two key points when he scolded people..."

She pointed to two of the brewing steps, "It's here, about the key points of dosage and stirring speed, Professor Snape seems to have said that there is a way to speed up the brewing of potions."

Chapter 96 Hogsmeade

Potion brewing is a long process. If the brewing time can be effectively shortened, it will be of great help to improve test scores.

Vizet asked, "Didn't you go to see Professor Snape after class?"

"I didn't dare to ask..." Penelope's voice weakened a little, "Remember last semester, Robert mustered up the courage to walk into the classroom, but before he asked any questions, he was left behind to clean up."

Robert Hilliard is another Ravenclaw prefect.

"What happened next?"

"Nothing was asked."

"Ahem..." Vizet coughed twice, "Professor Snape is actually a good person...just have to get used to his way of speaking."

There is no harm without comparison, Vizet felt that Professor Snape was...quite kind to him.

At least he helped clean up, not only would he get extra points, but he would also help answer questions.

Penelope actually had learned the relevant content of the two questions he mentioned before the Christmas holiday, and now he could answer them.

He pointed to a line in the textbook and said, "You need to use two portions of verbena here. Chop it up and add it to the crucible. It can shorten the boiling time by ten minutes, but you need to turn to medium heat."

"Also, regarding the stirring speed of the spoon... it should not be about speed, but about strength. You have to reach to the bottom every time and stir along the wall of the crucible..."

As Vizet explained in detail, Penelope's expression gradually brightened, and she suddenly realized: "It seems to be like this! That's what he said at the time! Thank you so much!"

"I'm glad I can help you." Vizet smiled, "But I suggest that you can actually do it again."

"If the process is correct, the time to brew the vitality tonic should be shortened by fifteen minutes."

"This is the nth time you have helped me? I don't know how to thank you," Penelope showed an envious expression, "You are still bold enough to ask Professor Snape questions."

"Hiss!" She took a breath and hurriedly took out the prefect badge, "It's so unlucky, I have to go on patrol again, see you later!"

"See you later!"

After saying goodbye to Penelope, Vizet continued to walk towards the common room.

He still has a lot to learn, such as studying Professor McGonagall's notes, and combining them with Professor Flitwick's notes to explore the mysteries of silent casting.

On the night before Christmas, he remembered that he didn't want to wake Luna up, so he cast a nearly silent transformation spell...

Just as he was thinking and walking, Dumbledore's faint voice came from behind him, "Wizzet, can you go somewhere with me?"


Hogwarts Castle is very large, and it takes a lot of time to explore it completely.

Dumbledore took Wizzet and walked on a completely unfamiliar road.

"Weizet, I received your Christmas gift, a variety of candies... Great!"

While collecting ancient magic power, Weizet smiled and said, "I was actually a little nervous. I thought I should give you a book... But I thought it was too old-fashioned."

"Later, Luna and I were traveling in London and tasted a lot of interesting candies, so we got that Christmas gift... I'm glad to get your approval."

"Family!" Dumbledore whispered in a low voice, his melodious tone was like a saxophone, "I like it very very very much!"

"If possible, you can also give some daily necessities... Such as wool socks or more novel candies, which is an unreasonable request for an old man like me."

Weizet smiled and replied, "Of course, I will write it down."

He followed Dumbledore, passing through corridors and halls, and finally came to the back garden of the castle.

In the center of the back garden is a huge circular fountain, and in the distance there is a magnificent marble arch, and there are two winged wild boar statues.

The marble arch is in Gothic style, and it is very imposing, with various patterns blooming on it.

Two winged boar statues crouched there, and the carvings were very delicate and lifelike, as if ready to attack at any time.

Vizet asked curiously: "Principal Dumbledore, where are we going?"

"Hogsmeade Village." Dumbledore walked in front of it, "According to the normal process, you have to be in the third grade to enter there."

"So... we need some hiding means." He raised his wand and gently tapped Vizet's forehead.

Vizet felt liquid flowing on his forehead, and this touch instantly spread all over his body, as if a bucket of cold water was poured on his head, very transparent.

He quickly looked at his hands, where his hands should be, he could see the ground directly, as if he disappeared directly into the air.

"Principal Dumbledore, this is the Disillusionment Charm, right?"

"Extraordinary intelligence is the greatest wealth of mankind!" Dumbledore sighed, "Yes, just follow me and try to talk as little as possible."

There is magic everywhere in Hogwarts Castle. When they walked into the archway, the iron gate in front of them rose up with a "clatter", and outside was a wide stone bridge.

The stone bridge looked weathered, and the potholes were all marks of history.

Vizet followed Dumbledore on the bridge and opened the map in his mind.

Sure enough, after following Dumbledore all the way, many areas were lit up.

Vizet was not polite at all, and absorbed and stored all the ancient magic power closest to him.

Dumbledore seemed to feel something, looked down at Vizet, and a bit of thoughtful light appeared in his eyes.

Around the stone bridge were students returning to school, talking and laughing with each other, carrying large and small bags in their hands.

The Disillusionment Charm can make you invisible. As long as you don't make obvious noises, it will be difficult for these students to find you.

Leaving the stone bridge, there is a pastoral scenery in front of you. On both sides of the simply flattened dirt road, there are all kinds of lush magical plants, which occasionally sway in the wind.

They followed this road until they stopped at a T-junction.

In the middle of the T-junction, there was a series of tree-like road signs, which looked crooked and swaying, marking the names of Hogsmeade shops and their directions.

Dumbledore seemed to deliberately slow down so that Vizet could get familiar with the entire route.

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