Dumbledore's deep voice sounded: "Let's go this way, Wizette."

I don't know why, although Weizet couldn't see Dumbledore, he could clearly feel his presence.

Weizet felt the warmth in his palms and thought of a possibility, "Maybe it's because of Fox's feathers?"

Following Dumbledore's footsteps, Weizet saw a pointed wooden gate appearing in front of him, with a plaque hanging on it.

The pattern of the plaque is very interesting, with two crossed wands at the top and two wild boars about to collide with each other at the bottom. There is also an arched wooden sign below that reads "Hogsmeade".

Chapter 97 The entangled Dumbledores

Hogsmeade is more prosperous than Weizet imagined.

After all, Diagon Alley is just a commercial street, while Hogsmeade is a pure wizarding village.

The place is very open, with shops and residential buildings intertwined, giving it a very rich atmosphere of life.

There were many residents walking on the street, greeting each other friendly and chatting about the news in the Daily Prophet.

Dumbledore continued in a low voice: "Let's go this way!"

Weizet followed closely behind Dumbledore and walked into a slightly dirty and run-down bar.

There was a tattered door number swaying in the wind, with a blood-stained pig's head painted on it.

"We have to go to the back." Dumbledore said in a brisk voice and walked half a circle around the bar.

There was a huge wine barrel embedded in the back of the bar. He walked around the barrel and pushed open the back door, and a strange smell of mutton hit his nostrils.

Following this, there were noisy shouts coming through the walls.

And... some rude curses, and even the sound of wine glasses breaking and chairs falling to the ground.

"Let's go up to the second floor and wait for him!" he said, extending his fingers and waving casually, moving the heavy goods blocking the inner door...

There is no doubt that this is the combined effect of silent casting and wandless casting.

Through his understanding of Professor Flitwick's notes, Weizet had gained some knowledge about all aspects of silent spellcasting.

However, more practice is needed before perhaps he can reproduce the silent spellcasting that night.

After all, transformation magic requires the least spell, and the so-called spell is more like a reminder;

It is meant to allow the wizard to focus and guide the knowledge and consciousness he has learned to perform transformation magic.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that spells such as "changeable" and "vine shaping" can be used as transformation magic spells.

The structure here is similar to the Leaky Cauldron, with a bar on the first floor and a hotel on the second floor rented to guests.

Dumbledore very skillfully opened a door, waved his wand to cancel the effect of the Disillusionment Curse, pulled up a chair, made tea, and ate candy all at once, as if this was his home.

"Come and sit down!" He greeted Weizet who was standing aside. "There's no need to be so formal here. It's better to be more casual."

Wizette nodded, picked up the hot tea cup and blew in, "Principal Dumbledore, may I ask...what are you doing here?"

Dumbledore took out two Lemon Olaf and asked softly: "Do you remember Occlumency?"

"Remember!" Weizet took a lemon snow treasure, "Professor Quirrell suggested that I try to learn Occlumency, which might reduce the influence of black magic on Obscurus."

"This is an extremely advanced magic skill." Dumbledore stroked his beard. "There are many things that can be done... How much do you know about Occlumency?"

Weizet said without thinking: "I just looked up the books in the library and learned some basic concepts from the few records."

"This technique can resist spiritual penetration, use the method of closing the brain to resist various magical intrusions, and resist the influence of magic."

"It's very useful, isn't it?" Dumbledore blinked and smiled slightly.

Just then, another voice appeared.

"A skilled Occlumens, if prepared, will have no effect on the Stunning Spell."

A tall, thin old man with a long gray beard and a body stained with flour pushed open the door and entered.

The tall and thin old man's voice was a little rude, "I didn't expect you to come here so early!"

Wizette's eyes widened and he first looked at Dumbledore, then at the old man who had just entered the room.

Except for a rougher voice and a little bit of blood on the cuffs, the figure is almost the same and the face not covered by the beard is also somewhat similar...

How can they be so similar?

Perhaps sensing Weizet's strange gaze, the tall and thin old man pulled out a chair and sat down, taking the lead in introducing himself.

"My name is Aberforth Dumbledore, the unknown younger brother of the respected and famous Headmaster Dumbledore."

From Aberforth's tone, Weizet heard something of... Professor Snape's tone, that teasing and sarcastic tone.

"He is not unknown, he is just content with his current life." Dumbledore continued with a smile, "He can always help me a lot, and I am very grateful for his help..."

"I don't need you to whitewash it for me!" Aberforth interjected slightly arrogantly, and then looked at Wizette who was standing aside.

He rolled up his bloodstained sleeves, pinched his greasy collar, and held up the dusty rag.

"Boy, as you can see, I am a bar owner...by the way! The Pig Head Bar is not like the Three Broomsticks. It is not a glamorous place. You'd better be mentally prepared!"

Dumbledore still smiled, "No matter what kind of wizard, it is possible to open up a different route on the road of exploring magic, so please don't underestimate it..."

"Did you bring him here today, or did he bring you here?" Aberforth raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you let him make his own choice?"

"Why do you have to arrange everything? It was like this before, and it is still like this now. How many people's lives do you plan to control?"

Dumbledore took a deep breath, put away his smile, and showed a trace of dejection, "You are right... Vizette, you tell me!"

Aberforth's face also became worse, panting slightly, and he would sneak a glance at Dumbledore from time to time.

Facing the somewhat abnormal Dumbledore, Vizette's curiosity was aroused.

He has been observing the two of them, and through their words and subtle expressions, he noticed something unusual.

The relationship between the two brothers is extremely complicated. They seem distant and tense, but there is an inexplicable connection, and they jointly guard a past secret.

For the two of them, this secret seemed like a hideous wound with scabbed flesh.

The two were like a pair of conjoined twins. They were completely connected by blood and knew each other well, but they suffered endless pain because of the wound at the joint between them...

Principal Dumbledore actually trusted Aberforth very much, otherwise he would not help to smooth things over and speak well of Aberforth.

However, Aberforth seemed to dislike this very much. He would always speak out and expose everything bluntly, showing a more real side.

Not only did he want to show his real side, but he also wanted Dumbledore to show his real side.

"Boy, my time is limited. Tell me what you really think!" Aberforth shouted impatiently.

Vizet stood up, but his thoughts did not stop.

He thought about a lot of things during the Christmas holidays, and also talked about a lot of things with Luna, which changed his mentality a little.

Where is there no learning in life?

Leaving Hogwarts Castle and leaving the formal teaching environment, I think you can also gain different knowledge.

This meeting with Aberforth may be a good opportunity...

Chapter 98 Going to the Hog's Head

Thinking of this, Vizet bowed slightly and said, "Mr. Dumbledore, I am more concerned about... what can I do here?"

"Ah..." Aberforth shook his head and sighed, looking heartbroken, "You are like this now... It reminds me of the great... Headmaster Dumbledore!"

"When he was young, he was like you. Meticulous and old-fashioned... You are even better! What house were you sorted into? Gryffindor? Or Ravenclaw?"

"Ravenclaw." Vizet said.

"If it's Ravenclaw, it's quite suitable..." Aberforth stroked his beard and sighed again.

"Anyway, I've already agreed, so you stay! I hope it won't affect my bar business..."

"Thank you..." Dumbledore's eyes flashed, as if relieved, "When do you need him to come? I'll give him a Hogsmeade pass."

"No need for that kind of thing!" Aberforth waved his hand and refused directly, "Not meeting the age requirement means not meeting the age requirement!"

"Starting next week, he has to come here every Friday night... He can't get a Hogsmeade pass, he has to find a way to come here by himself!"


Vizet specifically asked Quirrell about the existence of the soul soothing potion.

After confirming that the potion did not cause trouble for Quirrell, he was relieved and devoted himself to studying.

In addition to reviewing the old and learning the new in class, Vizet also arranged some extra tasks.

He has five notebooks on hand.

Two are from private lessons of Professor Quirrell and Professor Snape, two are Christmas gifts from Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall, and the remaining one is Grindelwald's notebook.

It was a sufficient resource, enough for him to arrange his life more fully.

On Monday, he studied two private teaching notes, had Quidditch training on Tuesday night, studied Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall's notes on Wednesday, and Grindelwald's notes on Thursday.

As for Friday night, he needed to go to the Hog's Head.

As for the first small test arranged by Aberforth, Vizet had learned from Fred and George that there was a secret passage to enter Hogsmeade.

After the flying class, he turned into a secluded corridor on the fourth floor of the castle according to the route map given by Fred and George.

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