In the middle of the corridor, there is a one-eyed witch statue, with its back to the corridor and its head turned to look around.

Vizet took out his wand and tapped the statue's hunchback, "Separate left and right!"

With a slight "click" sound, the statue's hunchback split into two, opening a narrow passage with a dark area inside.

To be on the safe side, Vizet snapped his fingers and turned his fingers into a devil's net, then leaned over and got into the narrow passage.

After a week of hard work, he finally completed his first silent spell: "Ancient Magic: Self-Shaping (Devil's Net State)".

It's just that the silent spellcasting process is not stable enough, so he took a shortcut and used "snapping fingers" as a command to trigger the devil's net state.

In the narrow passage is a slide. After sliding for a long distance, Vizet stepped on a piece of wet and cold mud.

With the help of the devil's net state, he carefully paid attention to the movements around him and walked through this new passage in the dark.

Vizette unfolded the map in his mind, and whenever an area lit up, he would absorb the ancient magic power contained in it.

The passage was winding, like a tunnel dug by some giant rodent.

At the end of this tunnel, there was another steep stone staircase, which went up all the way and seemed to have no end.

Such a long road became a little more interesting because it could absorb ancient magic power.

After walking for an unknown period of time, Vizette finally reached the end of the stone staircase, where there was a trap door.

Vizette used the Devil's Net to explore, and after confirming that there was no one around, he finally pushed open the trap door.

Vizette exhaled, "Just like Fred and the others said, this is the cellar of Honeydukes."

He looked back at the trap door, which was closed and integrated with the surrounding floor.


After some twists and turns, Vizette opened the back door of the Hog's Head Bar according to the route he remembered.

He did not go to the inn above, but waited quietly in the lobby.

Not long after, Aberforth, covered in flour, appeared in front of him.

"It seems that you have not been poisoned by Albus. I thought you would wait until next month to find a way to sneak here. How did you get here?"

This was the second time that Vizet met Aberforth. It was obvious that Aberforth and Dumbledore were like the two sides of a coin.

Dumbledore always kept his clothes clean and tidy, spoke politely, treated people with gentleness and kindness, and often wore a kind smile;

Aberforth was a little sloppy, spoke in a rough voice, and raised his eyebrows high like Dumbledore, which made him look a bit fierce.

Vizet said, "I learned about a secret passage from a friend."

"You can tell me the secret passage, it seems that you have a good relationship." Aberforth raised his eyebrows, "Much better than Albus, follow me!"

The bar hall is darker than the Leaky Cauldron, the air is filled with a heavy smell of sheep, and chewing sounds are constantly coming from the direction of the bar. It is a moving wild boar specimen that is grinding its teeth.

Vizet took only a few steps and found several malicious eyes.

Most of the guests in the bar were hidden in black robes, only their eyes seemed to glow, exuding a little bit of viciousness.

A few people saw that Vizet was a child, and immediately took off their hoods, smoothed their messy hair, grinned with a mouthful of black and yellow teeth, and laughed strangely there.

Aberforth took Vizet into the side hall, which was lit with candles around it, so the light was more sufficient.

A long table covered with flour was placed in the middle, with several bags of flour piled in the corners, and sugar, butter and other materials on the shelves, like a place for making bread.

"This is the Hog's Head Pub, you still have time to leave now." Aberforth said, "Not only are the guests outside not as good as Hogwarts, I am the same!"

Vizet shook his head and asked loudly: "Mr. Dumbledore, what do you need me to do?"

"Don't call me 'Mr. Dumbledore'." Aberforth said solemnly, "Just call me Aberforth, and I will call you Vizet, it's that simple."

"Okay, Aberforth."

"Yeah." Aberforth nodded, took out his wand to summon two round stools, and motioned Vizet to sit down.

He took out a strange parchment scroll, which was written with dense and strange words, together forming an eye symbol.

When Vizet looked at the parchment, the eyes on the parchment suddenly opened and uttered a voice that was indistinguishable between male and female: "Where is your home?"

Chapter 99 Weird parchment

Vizet had a strange feeling, as if he had been seen through.

Just as he was about to speak, the parchment seemed to answer itself: "Ottery St. Catchpole Village, black castle, right?"

Vizet twisted his neck, "Is it this feeling again? As if I have been seen through..."

He still remembered that in the first month of school, Snape also made him feel similar.

"It's a very accurate description." Aberforth said, "This parchment is attached with Legilimency. Next... look carefully at the eyes on it!"

Vizet frowned, he did not do as he was told, and lowered his head directly.

"Very good! What we need is resistance!" However, Aberforth laughed, "But for Legilimency masters, such resistance may not be very effective!"

Wizette once again felt like he was being seen through. He subconsciously used the "Guardian Meditation" in an attempt to isolate this feeling of being seen through.

The eye kept blinking, and even the parchment became unstable.

Aberforth smiled even more happily, "That's right! No wonder Albus would say that you have talent, you actually have a way to resist prying eyes, you are indeed capable!"

"Look directly at me! Look directly at me!" the parchment urged, and Vizette continued to resist.

At this moment, flames burst out from the bottom of the parchment scroll, erupting with a strange silver light.

Silver light instantly filled the side hall, and even though Wizette had closed his eyes long ago, he was still affected.

A picture appeared in his mind: the old castle he regarded as home was burning, and the beautiful garden turned into a sea of ​​fire, burning everything mercilessly...


This was the first time that Vizette was so angry. The core of Obscurus instantly rioted. The "Wizard's Practical Guide" also turned pages frantically at this moment, pouring out the stored ancient magical power.

These ancient magical powers gathered together and turned into more silver-blue chains, trying to stabilize the blockade of the core.

However, it was too late. Countless black and red mist penetrated the silver-blue chain and covered Weizet's body, as if it were coated with a layer of strange and evil evil patterns.

The Obscurus that came out of the body quickly gathered together, transformed into a tentacle-like form, tied Aberforth directly, and smashed him against the wall.


The wall felt as if it had been hit by a huge boulder, and a large piece of it was dented. The rumbling sound drowned out Aberforth's pain.

Wizette's sword eyebrows stood up, his pupils turned scarlet at this moment, and he shouted viciously: "Do you want to die?"

Aberforth looked a little embarrassed, but he pretended to be indifferent and even smiled, "Very good! You are much better than Albus! I just want to see your true side!"

"At least you still have a real side, instead of hiding it completely! You know? Albus has been extremely good at keeping secrets since he was a child, just like he was born to understand magical contracts."

"He can hide himself completely... Fortunately, you are different! If you know how to express your emotions, it means you are better than him! What did you see just now? I am very curious!"

Wizette let out a breath, looked at Aberforth's indifferent expression, and couldn't help but cursed: "Madman!"

"No! Voldemort is a madman..." Aberforth laughed, "I just pretended to be crazy. The current situation is that Voldemort is targeting you!"

"You are about to face madness! So you are in a very dangerous situation now! Although I don't know what that piece of paper created for you..."

"But as long as Voldemort is involved, the parchment will show you the scene, maybe... it will really happen!"

Vizette suddenly felt the warmth in his palms, which was the warmth conveyed to him by the phoenix feathers.

He pursed his lips, performed the "Guardian Meditation Technique", and tried his best to collect the black and red mist back to the core.

Aberforth slipped to the ground and coughed violently. Blood streaks could still be seen in the saliva.

After a while, he recovered and struggled to stand up while mumbling.

"No wonder Albus said you have talent... you can indeed have the same abilities as Credence..."

Weizet raised his eyebrows when he heard this familiar name, "Credence?"

At the end of the "Fantastic Beasts" movie, Credence turned into a tiny wisp of obscurity and disappeared into the ruins.

Although Newt Scamander discovered the anomaly, he did nothing to stop it.

This is obviously a foreshadowing that the second "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" will also feature Credence.

"Yes... Credence, my... son." Aberforth coughed twice and spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. "This is the difference between Albus and me. I am willing to talk about my pain."

"Since you choose to stay, maybe you will have the opportunity to learn about another Dumbledore from my few words. A Dumbledore that is different from the 'greatest wizard of our time'."

Aberforth used magic to restore the side hall, and used violent means to calm the frightened guests who were about to cause trouble.

After doing all this, he repaired the two damaged stools and let Wizette sit in front of him again.

"Let's start the real study. Let me ask you a question first, what do you think is a wizard? What is magic?"

What is a wizard?

What is magic again?

Hearing this question, Weizet couldn't help but be stunned.

In his previous life, he might have said that this was the setting of a novel or the special effects of a movie...

Now he has really become a wizard, studied in a real magic school, and truly mastered magic. He can wave his wand to sweep away dirt, and he can use magic to dissolve giant monsters...

He was a little confused, what exactly was a wizard? What is magic?

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