"Can't you think of an answer to the question?" Aberforth showed a sly smile, "Actually, this question is very tricky, and there is no accurate answer."

Weizet pursed his lips and said nothing, because he knew that Aberforth had something more to say.

"What a boring boy!" Aberforth curled his lips, "Can't you pretend to be ignorant? Ask in a curious tone, 'Then why did you ask this question?'"

Seeing that Wizette was still indifferent, he could only say helplessly: "Before Albus found you, you had never really been exposed to magic."

"It's just that you were tortured by a bastard and indoctrinated into thinking that magic is bad, making you afraid of the special power within you, right?"

Wizette nodded: "Yes!"

Aberforth continued: "Then let me ask another question. Have you ever considered a similar question?"

"Why can you pick up a cup and drink water when you are a Muggle...ordinary person? Have you ever thought about it?"

"I haven't thought about it." Weizet shook his head and replied tentatively, "Because I am just a human being... and I have strength?"

He thought of the question just now, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "It's like a wizard! Because I am a wizard, I can do magic!"

Chapter 100 Don’t let the things you cherish get hurt

"You're such a smart kid!" Aberforth laughed twice, then straightened his face, "No wonder every time Albus comes to my place, it's because of you."

"I really don't know whether to say that you are talented, or that you are just like ordinary Ravenclaws, knowing how to answer questions in a tricky way... like the ring password."

Weizet remained silent without comment.

Aberforth gave him a strange feeling, and he used a weird parchment to do something like that, which made him feel like there was still a thorn in his heart.

But it also woke him up again.

This is a real world, not children's literature or fairy tales. There are real dangers in this world.

Not to mention Voldemort, who had already set his sights on him, among the wizards sitting in the tavern hall, there were probably only a few who were innocent;

There are even various weird magic props, such as the parchment scroll, which is a good example;

At the same time, he also realized that whether it was the magic eye or the obscurus that might go berserk, they were both unstable factors and could cause others to covet him.

In his previous life, he was just a child who grew up in an orphanage, but now he has the thing he dreams of most - a family.

There are even more, professors who teach everything they have, cheerful and sincere friends, magic, potions, Quidditch...

He doesn't want these precious things to be harmed!

So he needs to have more powerful power, otherwise the scene composed of Legilimency may one day come true.

Wizette let out a long breath, "Aberforth, what should I do? To fight against Voldemort?"

Aberforth sneered, "Fight against Voldemort? Do you think... a first-year student can raise the ashes of a troll? Hahaha..."

"I didn't raise the ashes...but on Halloween, I used magic to dissolve a giant monster."

"Albus didn't finish the story to me!" Aberforth's smile froze and he said bitterly, "He just told me that you did something amazing on Halloween!"

"What kind of magic is used to deal with the trolls specifically? Black magic? If the Obscurus casts black magic, the effect will be increased...am I right?"

Wizer nodded, "Yes!"

"I don't want to know the rest." Aberforth stared at Weizet for a while, "Learning Occlumency is a very long process."

"To become an Occlumency Master, you either have rich experience, outstanding talent, or extreme but controllable emotions..."

He stroked his beard slowly, stood up and walked around and said, "You are the second type, with outstanding talents."

Weizet remained silent here, waiting for the next step.

"Tsk...this kid!" Aberforth curled his lips and continued with a hint of helplessness, "Based on my understanding of Voldemort, he is a Legilimency master."

"In this world... the number of people who can compete with him in Legilimency shouldn't be more than one slap. So your current situation is very dangerous! You have to find another way!"

Wizette responded: "Another way?"

"Create a new path in the literal sense." Aberforth nodded and said with a smile after hearing Wizette's words, "You need to build a maze within your soul to hinder Voldemort's invasion."

Weizet was a little confused, "Excuse me...what is 'building a labyrinth in the soul to hinder Voldemort's invasion'?"

Aberforth explained: "Use your beautiful memories to build a maze, and use the purest heat and beauty to fight against the evil and madness of Voldemort himself!"

"What should be done specifically?" Wiese asked.

Aberforth waved his wand and summoned a book for stepping on, "You understand the concept of Occlumency very well, so I can save my worries and go directly to the actual combat stage."

He handed the book to Weizet, "As a Ravenclaw, I think... you can understand the content above without my explanation, right?"

Weizet took the notebook and opened the title page: If you want to successfully implement Occlumency, you need to understand your own emotions and manage them in order to achieve the effect of controlling your emotions...

In addition to the content about brain occlusion, the book also has lines of neat and concise handwriting, "May I ask what those words in the book are..."

"My notes." Aberforth said, "When I hadn't experienced so much, I left a little foolish opinion."

Some of the habits of the two Dumbledores are quite similar...

Weizet combined the notes in the blanks to understand the content of the book itself.

The originally obscure text has become much easier to understand.

It feels like reading "Theory of Metamorphosis" with Dumbledore's notes.

Weizet quickly immersed himself in it and absorbed the relevant knowledge of brain occlusion.

There is no doubt that Aberforth also has a high talent, but he did not show any edge, just maintaining the identity of the bar owner on the surface.

Unconsciously, after reading the whole book, he felt that he had a deeper understanding of brain occlusion.

Aberforth also noticed this and asked directly: "What have you learned?"

Vizet closed the book and tried to summarize it in his own words: "If you want to master the brain block technique, the most important thing is emotional management."

"Through emptying your mind and repeated practice, try to build a 'box' to store your emotions in the box and prevent them from showing."

"This is a very long process. You need to practice for a long time and consolidate it at all times to control your emotions stably enough."

"Legislatives will create illusions, and any emotional fluctuations will become a breakthrough in the brain block technique."

"To strengthen the control of the lens The sensitivity of telepathy can enhance the effect of brain occlusion in time at critical moments to resist illusions..."

"That's about it!" Aberforth interrupted, "You read well. I didn't expect you to understand the contents in such a short time."

Vizet asked, "Do we need to start practicing now?"

"Aren't you hungry?" Aberforth raised his eyebrows, "If you want to come here from Hogwarts, you should leave after class, right?"

He waved his wand without waiting for Vizet to refuse, and began to cast spells like humming.

The bread materials on the shelf in the corner obeyed his call and flew to the table.

"Milk is like a stream, gently stirred, flour clouds are flying, white sugar is covered, butter is soft, eggs are jumping, warm love is sent to the small dough..."

Aberforth had a smile on his face, and the materials for making bread were like playful children, playing happily with his chanting.

"When the bread is ripe, wishes float with the smoke, in the magic flame, enthusiasm is not over, in the willow forest dream, sweet aftertaste lingers, the feast invites all walks of life, come to the feast..."

A ball of flame appeared on the table, and the dough jumped into the fire, like a hippo rolling in the water, constantly rolling, expanding, and coated with golden color...

Chapter 101 Constructing a soul maze with emotions

Vizet just stared at it in a daze until he smelled a fragrance at the tip of his nose;

It was an indescribable sweet smell of bread, which made him swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"You should be hungry now, right? Come, have a piece of bread!"

Aberforth's voice sounded, and with this, a piece of bread floated in front of Vizet, and the aroma of baked wheat came to his nose.

The candlelight on the wall flickered, illuminating the crispy baked bread, giving it a layer of warm glow.

Vizet couldn't help but hold it, and the bread crust made a crisp cracking sound when his fingers gently squeezed it.

Gently tearing the bread, the steaming hot air with the rich wheat aroma rushed straight into his nose, making him inhale a big breath unconsciously.

The crispness of the bread surface and the softness inside formed a sharp contrast in his mouth;

He felt the subtle sweetness and wheat aroma, and closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling of slowly melting on the tip of his tongue.

He took a bite of the bread, the crispness of the crust and the softness of the inside contrasted sharply, intertwined with subtle sweetness and wheat aroma, and slowly melted in his mouth.

There were also some indescribable things that melted in his heart. He could actually feel a kind of warmth from the bread, a warmth close to home...

If you have some Gordigan and Flying Boat Lee, it will really taste like home!

This bread is as big as two palms, but he finished it unknowingly, and even felt unsatisfied.

"This is my answer to wizards and magic." Aberforth grinned, "In my opinion, those wizards who are well versed in the magic of life are the real wizards!"

"They use their talents and minds to build entities and realize their ideas. Magic enables us to do better. It is not just as simple as achieving the goal. It is magic that makes wizards special."

"What you feel from the bread is the emotion I give it." Aberforth sat on the stool, picked up a piece of bread and took a big bite, not caring about the crispness and drilling into his beard.

"What I want to tell you is that the method of the soul maze is also very similar. Use emotions to build a defense to protect your soul and resist the erosion of Voldemort..."

The method of constructing a soul maze is contrary to the concept of brain block.

Brain block requires restraint of emotions. Those emotions that appear may be illusions created by brain blockers;

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