In this way, the effect of avoiding Legilimency can be achieved, and at the same time, one can also become more rational.

To build a soul labyrinth, one needs to amplify positive emotions, let the full emotions fill the soul, and then build a labyrinth;

Wizards who are good at Legilimency or have in-depth research on the soul need to explore this labyrinth to truly penetrate the soul.

There is no doubt that brain occlumency is a more sophisticated magic, which can be done without anyone noticing, causing the Legilimency master to misunderstand that what he sees is the truth;

[倅迣/亅说尰啭立尊?㈨ ④ 八 З 二 四 ○ ㈨②]

The soul labyrinth is an open card, telling the Legilimency master that he is on guard and hopes that the Legilimency master will not push his luck;

Even if the Legilimency master has bad intentions, it will take a certain amount of time to pass through the labyrinth before he can enter the depths of the soul.

However, in terms of the speed of entry, the construction speed of the soul maze is much faster than the entry-level brain block.

The most suitable solution for Vizet at present is to quickly master a magic to protect the soul in a short period of time and start practicing brain block at the same time.


"I asked you to recall those happy memories, why are your ears so red?" Aberforth, who was in charge of supervision, said with a teasing tone.

"It shouldn't be because you eat too much bread? I'm really curious... What are you thinking about now? Let me see if I can find that parchment roll..."

Vizet, who was recalling the Christmas holiday, opened his eyes and suddenly raised his wand, "Knox!"

The candlelight around him dimmed instantly.

After a snap of his fingers, countless devil nets rushed towards Aberforth, tied him up tightly, and made him speechless.

Aberforth's counterattack was also very fast. A ball of fire appeared out of thin air, rising to the air and emitting light and heat.

The weakness of the devil's net is obvious. The moment the fireball appeared, it quickly withered and curled back into Vizet's palm.

Aberforth showed a surprised expression on his face, "Human Transfiguration Magic? How many surprises do you have that I don't know?"

"I was wondering why Albus became so rogue, totally unlike his usual self... It turns out it's because of this, it's really worth cultivating."

He rambled on and on, all about Dumbledore's embarrassing things, as if he was talking to himself, or as if he was pouring out his heart to Vizet.

"Albus said you are very reliable. I told you this, you shouldn't tell anyone, right?" He laughed, like a poisonous snake that induced Adam and Eve to eat the apple.

Vizet was unmoved, "I will keep it a secret!"

"It's so boring..." Aberforth muttered, "Let's stop here today! You can initially mobilize emotions through bread, your learning ability has exceeded my imagination..."

Until Vizet returned to Hogwarts, his ears were still a little red.

You can place emotions in food...

If you can learn this kind of magic, you can show it at home during the summer vacation!


During the time of building the Soul Labyrinth, Vizet's mood was also infected, and everything in Hogwarts seemed to be more beautiful.

In fact, this is also a part of building the Soul Labyrinth. He needs to discover the beauty of this world and use these beauties as materials to pile into the labyrinth.

In addition, the Soul Labyrinth also needs a core. The more deeply this core makes him remember, the more convenient it will be for him to extend and expand, and the Soul Labyrinth will continue to grow.

Undoubtedly, the core memory to build is naturally the car castle, the magic garden, the people living there... and everything that happened during the Christmas holiday.

Vizet thanked Snape for his letter. If it weren't for those letters, perhaps he wouldn't really calm down and enjoy the rest of the holiday wholeheartedly.

This key memory consolidated the core of the Soul Labyrinth.

In addition to building the Soul Labyrinth, Aberforth would also let him come outside and sit next to the bar to feel the atmosphere here and listen to the stories told by the guests.

The Hog's Head Bar is indeed a mixed bag. When they talk, they always say "Damn it" every three sentences, and they end the five sentences with "Shit".

But putting aside these words, recording their bragging and farting stories can also become a good reading material, and can even be polished and submitted to "The Quibbler".

The guests here not only brag to each other, but also easily get drunk and draw their wands to duel when they disagree.

Other guests have long been accustomed to it, and even want to make a fuss, cheer with dirty words, and bet on which side will win.

Usually at this time, Aberforth will not get involved for the time being.

Only when the wizards on both sides destroy the property of the bar will he wave his wand, subdue the two wizards, and demand compensation.

These wizards' duels are also very interesting. They will swear at each other. If they are familiar with each other, they will also expose each other's shortcomings and interfere with each other's mentality.

And interfering with the opponent's mentality is a fighting skill that Vizet learned from it.

In a duel, in addition to the magic mastered by oneself, interfering with the mentality is also an extremely important link.

Usually whichever side gets angry and takes the first shot will become the loser.


Chapter 102 Mutual Testing

Ravenclaw's second Quidditch match was held in the spring, and the opponent was the Slytherin Quidditch team.

This team had a bad reputation, and even in Fred and George's mouth, they were synonymous with meanness.

The Slytherin team's broomsticks are the best. Thanks to the support of those pure-blood families, new broomsticks can usually be replaced every three to five years.

Generally speaking, Quidditch players generally seek flexibility.

But for the Slytherin team, flexibility is more than made up for by broomstick performance.

Therefore, they used "muscular development" and "tall people and big horses" as the selection criteria to create a team of strong men.

Their team style is also known for its brutal violence. It is very common for them to use their physical advantages to cover each other and then sneak fouls.

All this information about the Slytherin team comes from "Quidditch Know-It-All" Oliver Wood.

Although he is the captain of the Gryffindor team, Gryffindor and Slytherin have a long-standing feud;

In order to avoid Ravenclaw's defeat, Wood quietly came to Arsenal and shared the updated information.

There is no doubt this is a tough game.

At the beginning, the Slytherin team relied on the speed of its broomsticks, the cooperation between several players, and the use of cunning fouling skills, causing Ravenclaw to suffer a lot.

Not only did they lose several points, Roger and Jeremy also suffered injuries to their arms.

Arsenal called a timeout, and Wizette quickly picked up the wand and cast healing magic on them, curing their injuries.

With Wood's intelligence and Arsenal's encouragement, the Ravenclaw team adjusted quickly.

They followed Hufflepuff's defensive strategy and gathered their teammates outside the scoring area, and then relied on Wizette's flexibility and speed to gradually recover the score.

The game lasted for nearly twenty minutes. Qiu Zhang finally adapted to the rhythm of the game and caught the Golden Snitch first before Slytherin's Seeker, ending the fierce battle.

Victory was achieved through hardships and obstacles. This game was also remembered by Vizette and built into the maze of his soul.

After the game, other things happened, such as Snape canceling his private lessons for the week.

And when he was teaching next week, Snape suddenly became much meaner in his speech, and it felt like he was dreaming back to the beginning of school.

It's no wonder that as the head of Slytherin, it's normal to complain when your team loses.

Weizet was already familiar with Snape's way of speaking, so smiling was the best way.


Snape forced Quirrell into an empty classroom and chanted a fierce curse, "Expelliarmus!"

Dazzling red light filled the entire classroom, and Quirrell's wand flew high into the air and fell into Snape's hand.

Quirrell was hit by the disarming spell and fell directly to the ground. He forced out a smile that was uglier than crying, "Professor Snape... you... what are you going to do?"

"Three months are not enough for you to figure it out?" Snape looked at him condescendingly, "Have you forgotten what you promised me at that time?"

"Professor Quirrell, let me help you recall your memories! You must already know how to pass the three-headed dog raised by Hagrid, right?"

"Heh...hehe..." Quirrell looked around, trying to hide the panic in his eyes and his guilt at losing his wand.

Snape shouted sternly: "Professor Quirrell, it's the last week! If you don't take action to seize the Philosopher's Stone for the Dark Lord, I'm afraid you will die miserably!"

Quirrell was extremely surprised, " know everything!"

"Don't think I don't know about your little tricks!" Snape crossed his arms, "The dragon egg that Rubeus Hagrid got is probably the bait you sent out, right?"

"You have only one way to go! Either tell me where the Dark Lord is and you will get a way to pass the potion level; or... you die here!"

"Okay... okay..." Quirrell seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and even his eyes were empty, "Actually, I don't know where he is..."

"He will contact me on the day of the operation... then I can get his real address and dedicate the Philosopher's Stone to him."

"This is the last time I trust you!" Snape threw the wand back to Quirrell. "I will also wait until that day to tell you how to pass the potion level!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Quirrell quickly held the wand in his hand and crawled out of the classroom.

He ran all the way back to the office, skillfully cast a spell on the door, and then opened the cloth.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and breathed in big gulps of air until Voldemort became a little impatient before he quickly spoke and told what happened to Snape.

"It seems like that..." Voldemort yawned and said with interest, "There is a little bit... a stray dog's urgency to find its owner."

Quirrell finally calmed down and asked cautiously: "Master...then what are you going to do?"

"He is willing to be a helper, so he must be satisfied." Voldemort's eyes glowed scarlet, "Wait another week until those students finish their exams!"

"Then they will have a lot of time, making it easier for you to create chaos! Once the plan changes, you can use these students to find opportunities to escape!"

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