Quirrell said feebly: "Great master... you are so wise!"

"As for Snape... I will give you a list of potion ingredients and ask him to send the ingredients there!" Voldemort heard the compliment and showed a ferocious and satisfied smile.

"If he gives a real way to pass and is willing to give potion materials, it means that he is indeed valuable. I am willing to let the stray dog ​​go home..."

He yawned again, "We still need to find a way to lure Dumbledore away... This requires relying on your wisdom..."

"Ming... understand..." Quirrell said weakly.

Having been tortured so much, he was now unable to resist much and subconsciously chose to obey.

"Also... I will go to the Forbidden Forest tomorrow and kill a unicorn. I need its blood..." Voldemort's voice became lower and he felt sleepy.

Quirrell said in a panic: "But...but the blood of unicorns has a fatal curse!"

Voldemort sneered: "Quirinas, this is the consequence of not letting the Obscurial brew the potion... Do you understand? It's your own fault!"

"This is what you will get if you want to be... a good professor! Go to the Forbidden Forest to get the unicorn's blood... I don't want to say it again..."

He threatened sleepily: "This is my last kindness to you. After all, your body is still useful, do you understand?"

The scarlet light disappeared, and Voldemort seemed to fall into a deep sleep, but Quirrell did not dare to act rashly.

Two months ago, he made his last stand and suffered the most horrific torture.

To this day, whenever he recalls that torture, he will have hallucinations of severe pain all over his body...

Chapter 103 Meeting Voldemort for the first time

Accompanied by various episodes, spring is blooming in the Scottish Highlands, the temperature is gradually getting higher, and Hogwarts has ushered in the examination season.

Weizet's life is still fulfilling, he has not fallen behind in his daily studies, and his research on silent spellcasting has also made progress.

A lot of things happened during this time.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville and Draco were caught by Filch for a night out, and each of them was deducted fifty points.

After Weizet heard the news, he was also a little frightened.

Every Friday night, he would actually return to Hogwarts very late, which was theoretically a violation of school rules.

Perhaps because of Dumbledore's advice, Filch never caused trouble for him.

This incident also served as a warning to Weizet, who tried to be more cautious on his way back to school to avoid being caught by Filch.

Although there was no dispute between him and Filch, according to Fred and George, the janitor was not someone to be trifled with.

Vizette walked cautiously in the secluded corridor, still thinking about the soul labyrinth in his mind.

All the pleasant memories he could think of turned into positive emotions and were filled into the maze of his soul.

According to Aberforth, being able to complete this act in just a few months is an amazing feat.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from behind him.

Considering that it might be Filch who was patrolling the night, Weizet subconsciously quickened his pace and planned to leave this land of right and wrong.

Before he could take two steps, a cold and unpleasant muffled voice suddenly sounded, "Quirinas, why don't you say hello to your good student?"

Wizette's heart sank, and a question emerged: Professor Quirrell? Why is there another voice?


After a painful groan, Quirrell gasped and stopped in front of Weizet.

Quirrell's face was as white as paper, and he was wearing a large robe, which seemed to hide something.

Weizet's face was full of worry, "Professor Quirrell, you..."


A harsh mocking voice came from the back of Quirrell's head, "Vizert Lovegood, I am your real professor! Do you understand?"

When Weizet heard the sound, he had already made some guesses about the source of the sound.

He kept calm and said slowly: "The knowledge I learned was all taught to me by Professor Quirrell. He... is my professor!"

"Ah... it's so touching! I almost drowned in tears!" the voice continued.

The black-green light instantly covered Quirrell's face. Wizette looked at Quirrell who fell to the ground and twitched, and shouted anxiously: "What on earth are you going to do!"


The black-green light continued to torture Quirrell.

"I know you, Vizette Lovegood! You are very talented, very talented in every aspect, and favored by professors in various subjects... In fact, we are the same kind of people,"

Weizet clenched his fists and still kept his tone calm, "For a person who doesn't even give his name, how can he be the same person as me?"

"Don't tell me my name? Hahahahaha!" The voice laughed wildly again, "You dare not mention my name! Do you understand?"

"Voldemort, right?" Vizette took a deep breath.

Voldemort actually possesses Quirrell, which is undoubtedly the worst outcome.

At this moment, he felt the pendant box on his chest was heating up...

Not only that, there was warmth in the palm of his hand, which was the comfort from Fox.

This is a good sign that Fox is paying attention to him, and it also extends to the additional possibility that Dumbledore is also paying attention to him.

"You actually called me by my name? But you are still a student, there is still room for training..." Voldemort seemed to be asking himself questions and removed the black-green light lingering on Quirrell's face.

"Professor Quirrell, are you okay?" Wizette immediately stepped forward and helped Quirrell up.

"Thank you so much! Thank you for helping my servant up!" It was Voldemort who spoke.

Quirrell had fallen into a coma, but was maintained by some kind of magic, and was controlled by Voldemort to stand up.

Voldemort continued: "Vizert Lovegood, it seems that my servant is unable to move... But I have an operation tonight, why don't you do it for me?"

Weizet said coldly: "Do I have any other choice?"

He noticed that those black and green lights lingered around Quirrell's neck, which was a clear sign.

"You are very smart." Voldemort laughed again, "You go ahead! Let's go to the Forbidden Forest!"

Weizet pursed his lips and moved forward without saying a word, paying attention to the surroundings along the way.

Hogwarts Castle seemed particularly peaceful tonight, and even Filch, who was on night watch, was nowhere to be seen.

They came all the way to the wide grassland, and only then did Weizet notice Filch's figure.

Not only Filch, but also Harry, Ron, Neville... five students were all following behind Filch.

Following Filch's direction and extending forward, Weizet could basically determine that the goal of Filch and his party was the Forbidden Forest.

Could it be because of Harry's night trip?

Wizette remembered that Hannah told him a few days ago that Harry and the others needed to be punished with labor because of their night outing.

"What's wrong? Wizette Lovegood, are you unhappy with that old and evil janitor? Or those five little devils?" came Voldemort's faint voice.

"Follow your heart and kill them, okay? You have learned so much black magic, you can always find something suitable to deal with them, right? Give it a try! Put your knowledge into practice!"

"The Sickness Curse can make them become nutrients for the lawn. Think about it... nourishing the lawn with fertilizer, what a perfect thing! It can also improve the environment of Hogwarts..."

Weizet could indeed feel that there was something trying to enter his consciousness and soul through the sound...

However, under the obstruction of the soul maze, these things quickly disappeared.

He pursed his lips and quickened his pace, quickly heading towards the Forbidden Forest.

Vaguely, he also heard Harry and Ron calling his name.

In order to avoid an accident, Weizet bypassed Hagrid's hut and chose to enter from the other end of the Forbidden Forest.

"You really have great potential... Visette Lovegood!" Voldemort smiled strangely, "You are really skilled at avoiding that stupid big guy on purpose!"

"Actually, you don't have to be so repressed...you should learn to release your nature and the evil thoughts in your heart. If a person is too repressed, he will not be able to fully display the power of magic. Do you understand?"

"Oh? I don't understand what you mean." Weizet responded.

"Aren't you an Obscurus? That's the result of suppressing magic and talent." Voldemort said smoothly, "Otherwise, what do you think Hogwarts is for?"

"It is to allow you to release your talents, not to suppress your magic power, but to learn to control and master the skills to release magic, so that you know how to display your talents freely."

Chapter 104 Entering the Forbidden Forest for the First Time

Weizet frowned slightly and thought: "To use your talents freely? That means you don't need to deliberately cast spells? So you need to maintain a relaxed state?"

"Vizet, your understanding is so good!" Voldemort said with a satisfied voice, and then sighed in a pretentious manner.

"What a pity! You are too stubborn in your thinking. Even now, you still refuse to say to me, 'I have learned a lesson.' It is really regrettable!"

"I've learned a lesson." Vizette said casually, "Thank you very much for telling me this."

Voldemort let out a series of harsh and unpleasant laughs, "That's really interesting. Can you say this twice more?"

Weizet said nothing and even quickened his pace.

Unknowingly, Vizette came to the other end of the Forbidden Forest.

Under the protection of night, the outer perimeter of the Forbidden Forest looks like a sleeping evil beast. The dark outline formed by the tree crowns covering each other reveals an indescribable sense of uneasiness.

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