Voldemort urged: "Hurry in! I can't wait!"

Weizet continued to move forward, and the surroundings were quickly enveloped in a smell of decaying moss, as if he was being swallowed by the Forbidden Forest.

It's darker here than expected, and the moonlight can't completely penetrate the gaps in the canopy and shine into the forbidden forest.

After taking only a few steps, he stepped on slippery moss and almost tripped.

"If you use a magic lighting spell, it may attract unnecessary attention." Weizet said, "What else... is there any other way to see the surroundings clearly?"

Voldemort said with great interest: "What a polite boy... Why don't you add the word professor? Maybe I will be willing to help you?"

Weizet curled his lips and kept his tone calm, "Professor, how can I see my surroundings clearly?"

"So this is what it feels like to be called that... No wonder Quirinus is so fascinated." Voldemort's tone was very pleasant, "My student, let the learned professor guide you!"

"The spell of this magic is 'Night Peeping', which is an ancient spell. Before the invention of the magic lighting spell, wizards who needed to travel would use this spell."

"Of course, this spell may be spread among thieves now. I will only tell you how to cast it once, and I hope you can succeed. First, you need to pay attention to the tone and chant it after me..."

It took Vizette about five minutes to get the method of casting this night vision spell from Voldemort.

The principle of the night vision spell is not difficult to understand, which is to make oneself more sensitive, so that the body can be used as a medium to feel everything around you.

From this simple magic, he could also get a glimpse of the way of thinking of ancient wizards - making full use of their own advantages to solve problems.

This is very similar to Aberforth's bread magic, both living as a wizard and in a magical way.

Weizet closed his eyes and thought about it carefully, then put the wand against his eyelids, raised it lightly and said: "Night Peeping!"

His eyelids followed the arc of the wand and opened again, and everything in front of him became much brighter, but the light was cast in a faint green light, which felt a bit like wearing night vision goggles.

"Your talent is indeed very good." Voldemort said, "Shouldn't you say something to me? Just like what you usually say to Quirinus."

Weizet took a deep breath and said calmly: "It's because of your good guidance, Professor, that I can learn so fast!"

"So Quirinus is enjoying this..." Voldemort took a deep breath, "If I could have become a professor back then, maybe I could enjoy this every day, right?"

Weizet frowned, "Back then?"

Voldemort said: "Yes! I originally wanted to return to Hogwarts and become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"It was Dumbledore who rejected me...so! The current situation was caused by him, and he is the culprit!"

"Got it!" Vizette was unmoved and continued to move forward with the help of the night vision spell.

Voldemort didn't explain anything and continued to drive Quirrell's body forward, while making a series of low mocking sounds.

There are many magical animals in the Forbidden Forest.

There is a sleeping bird snake. As it breathes and breathes, its body suddenly expands like a python, and then shrinks back to the size of an eel;

There is a ball escaping bird that suddenly appears on Weizet's shoulder, and it also picks up struggling earthworms, hoping that Weizet will share the delicious food with it;

There are also hippogriffs that are fighting. They make sharp screams, flap their wings at each other, show off their sharp claws, and start a brutal fight...

As he went deeper into the Forbidden Forest, Weizet had more and more doubts in his mind, "What exactly are you looking for?"

"Call me professor, this is basic etiquette."

"Professor...what are you looking for?"

Voldemort still did not answer the question, "Just keep walking inside, and you will always find what I want, right?"

"Anyway, you are the Obscurus. Not many beasts can harm you... You can even kill at will without anyone noticing!"

If the Forbidden Forest is the Garden of Eden, Voldemort is the snake that bites the apple.

The decaying atmosphere around him seemed to be more intense, and Weizet could see that there were many broken animal bones mixed in the soil.

There were also pieces of meat covered with maggots attached to the broken bones, indicating that the broken bones were still "fresh" and that there was some kind of predator nearby.

The occurrence of such an abnormal thing immediately made Wizette vigilant. He held the wand in his hand tightly and his steps became more cautious.

"It's a good habit to stay vigilant..." Voldemort's voice was a little higher than before, "I seem to appreciate you more and more... my student!"

Just then, a rustling sound came from the bushes in the distance.

Before Weizet could stab out his wand, an incredibly beautiful magical animal emerged from the bushes and appeared in front of him.

It was a unicorn, and its fur exuded a bright luster. Even when it appeared, the moonlight could break through the layers of obstruction and cover it with a layer of gauze;

It took two steps forward lightly, its large clear eyes were extremely bright, and seemed to contain magical magic that soothed people's hearts.

Weizet could feel the unicorn's kindness toward him, making him want to step forward and stroke the satin-like fur.

"Aha!" Voldemort laughed inappropriately, "Vizet, that is our target! I want its blood! Give me its blood quickly!"

"Impossible!" Vizet immediately refused, his voice firm and loud.

The unicorn seemed to sense Voldemort's malice, nodded to Vizet, and disappeared into another bush.

"It seems that the relationship between you and Quirinus is not so solid!" Voldemort seemed to have expected it.

"Qurinus's life is not as important to you as a unicorn! Tsk tsk tsk... I seem to have misjudged him."

Chapter 105 Voldemort's real plan

"You plan to drink the blood of the unicorn, right?" Vizet's eyes narrowed slightly, and his silent core trembled continuously.

Many methods flashed through his mind, and he wanted to use them to deal with Voldemort, including the ancient magic of the Purgatory Curse, which might be effective at this moment.

But he did not take this opportunity. After all, Voldemort possessed Professor Quirrell, which was the worst result in itself.

Once the Purgatory Curse fails, it means that Voldemort is on guard, and the difficulty of casting this magic again or thinking of other ways to deal with Voldemort will be doubled.

Vizet naturally has many opportunities. The pendant box and the warmth of his palms are enough to make him confident enough to face Voldemort, but Professor Quirrell has nothing.

Once an accident happens, he can be unharmed, but Professor Quirrell may die, which is the result he least wants to see.

"You're right!" Voldemort did not deny it. "That's what I planned to do. I want to replenish my strength before I finish that thing."

"What about Professor Quirrell?" Vizet asked sternly. "Professor Quirrell will drink the unicorn's blood instead of you! It means that he will be infected with a curse that is difficult to remove!"

"You know a lot!" Voldemort laughed wildly. "So what? It's his own fault. Who told him not to ask you for the soul soothing potion?"

"Soul soothing potion?" Vizet frowned. "You want the soul soothing potion I brewed?"

Voldemort admitted: "Yes! Such a special soul soothing potion... Of course I want to drink it happily. It's more delicious than unicorn blood."

"Or You continue to brew soul soothing potion for me, or I will let Quirrell come here another day, and he will still drink unicorn blood for me. "

"What do you think? The choice is in front of you, you should know what to do, right? My student, Vizet Lovegood!"

"What about the potion materials? Do I need to prepare them myself?" Vizet did not agree directly, but asked one more question with concern, "How many days do I have? What will you do with this time?"

"Really cautious!" Voldemort laughed, "As a professor, if I still have to ask students to prepare materials, isn't it a bit too rude?"

Quirrell's body moved stiffly like a puppet, and took out all the things hidden in his robe.

With the help of the night vision spell, Vizet was still able to recognize that these things not only included potion materials, potion bottles, but also a foldable crucible.

It must take a lot of time to prepare these things, and it is obviously prepared in advance.

After figuring this out, Vizet let out a long breath, "You have been planning all this..."

"Yes! I am indeed planning all this." Voldemort's tone was a bit boastful, "My servant Quirinus, his knowledge of potions is still a little poor."

"I asked him to collect the materials for the soul soothing potion, but he didn't know anything about it... Isn't this a wonderful feeling? I didn't want you to do this, but in the end you became an accomplice!"

"Maybe he had doubts? But the severe pain from the soul gradually made him give up this idea... My student, a curse that can make the soul tremble, do you want to learn it?"

"No need!" Vizet loosened his clenched fists, "Where are we going to brew the potion?"

"Right here." Voldemort looked around and seemed to have found something interesting, "I will protect your safety for the time being, you just need to concentrate on brewing the potion."

He pulled open the foldable crucible, helped to raise a ball of fire, and unpacked the potion materials.

Having already done this, Vizet could not find a reason to refuse, so he simply put forward a condition.

"This kind of high-level potion cannot be interfered with by the outside world. I think you should know this better than me."

"Of course! During the time you brew the potion, I will protect you." Voldemort controlled Quirrell's body, raised his wand to the sky, and laid a layer of magic energy field.

It was a gray magic energy field with a sense of death.

"Very standard movements... Every step can be done meticulously. No wonder Severus is willing to teach you this..."

"In fact, we are really alike. I was also favored by professors back then. They were always willing to teach me everything they knew..."

"You are the Obscure. Do you want to see a more powerful power? Follow me! Leave this damn place..."

"Hogwarts is becoming more and more corrupt, and the level of students is getting worse and worse. This is caused by the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic..."


Voldemort kept talking, trying to seduce Vizet.

Vizet could naturally feel this, but under the filtering of the soul maze, the seduce from language had no effect.

Voldemort seemed to realize this as well, and murmured softly, "This body is still weak... There is too little I can do!"

"Can you please shut up?" Vizet said, "Brewing potions requires concentration... at least for me, it takes concentration. Do you want to drink poison?"

"You can say this, which means you are not affected." Voldemort's tone was full of interest, "Your technique is very stable, and simple external interference should not affect you."

"In fact, I hope to add more chaos to this bottle of soul soothing potion. It seems that you are not interested in what I said before? It doesn't matter, let the professor change something interesting for you!"

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