Vizet curled his lips and continued to focus on brewing the potion.

To his surprise, Voldemort actually did what he said and talked about something that Vizet was interested in.

"Vizet, my student... remember what I told you before? Cast magic freely? It's not easy to do this..."

"Especially when you are misled by your current professors, your thinking becomes rigid, and it is difficult to change the way you cast spells, it will become very difficult to be 'free'!"

"The so-called 'free' is not verbal 'relaxation', it requires the coordination of the magic knowledge you have learned, the cognition of things, all kinds of..."

Vizet gritted his teeth, this time he was really affected, and even his movements stagnated.

Although he was full of disgust for Voldemort, he was full of desire for the knowledge that Voldemort told.

Voldemort's reputation is very strong. At least in the English magic world, most wizards will not call Voldemort by his name, because they are afraid that calling this name will threaten their lives.

When they had to mention Voldemort, they only dared to refer to him as "the mysterious man" or "the one who must not be named".

To leave so many people with unspeakable fear, Voldemort's magic talent is beyond doubt.

It is precisely because of this that the various magical views spoken from his mouth can be said to be resounding and every word is precious...

Chapter 106 What is "free"?

Vizet really wanted to take out his notebook, record all the knowledge Voldemort said, and then take it back to the castle to study slowly.

Even if there are many misleading contents, he can ask the professors in the school to get rid of the hidden traps.

"Vizet... my student!" Voldemort said with pride, "You are a pure Ravenclaw. Are you worried that you can't write down what I said?"

"Have you ever considered leaving Hogwarts with me? I can tell you more about magic! You are the Silent One. You have such a unique talent. Don't let it go unnoticed!"

"Leave Hogwarts?" Vizet let out a long breath, his eyes clear, "I still prefer to stay here!"

He scooped the potion in the crucible into the potion bottle, "The soul soothing potion is ready!"

"What a pity!" Voldemort sighed and waved his hand to remove the magic energy field.

"In fact, I am really shaken... Your talents and gifts are worth cultivating. What a pity! What a pity!"

Before Voldemort finished speaking, there was a rustling sound in the distance, and the tall trees trembled strangely.

"I didn't underestimate your talent. The time to brew the potion is just right!" Voldemort put away the potion bottle and sighed again, "What a pity!"

The trees trembled more and more violently, and accompanied by a sharp whistle, a black shadow appeared between the trees.

The black shadow fell to the ground with a bang, and the dead leaves, branches and broken bones on the ground exploded, raising a cloud of dust and debris.

Accompanied by a rapid whistle, the black shadow suddenly broke through the dust, and eight eyes blinked at the same time, revealing a hot malice like a branding iron.

With the help of the night vision spell, Vizet finally saw what the black shadow was...

It was a nearly one-meter-tall eight-eyed giant spider, with its chelicerae constantly opening and closing, making a "clicking" sound, and its black bristles were dense and glowing, looking very scary.

Vizet performed the Guardian Meditation to improve his perception as much as possible, while retreating rapidly and thrusting the wand in his hand forward, "Change well!"

The flying dust gathered together and turned into vines one after another. These vines gathered into a web in the air and caught the aggressive eight-eyed giant spider.

When Vizet dealt with the eight-eyed giant spider, Voldemort said with a smile: "Only a small one came. It seems that they don't know the goods and can't detect your deliciousness..."

He controlled Quirrell's body to raise the wand, but his arm drooped down the next moment.

"Tsk... Since there is no way to cheer for the next performance... Vizet, this is a little test for you as a professor."

"If you can pass this little test, I will tell you what the real final exam is next week... Stay tuned!"

After saying these words, Voldemort strolled away in the distance, leaving Vizet to deal with the eight-eyed giant spider alone.

Vizet was not sure whether Voldemort was secretly observing or really leaving here, so he had no reason to act rashly.

He still did not know how others viewed the power of ancient magic.

In order to be cautious and prevent "excellent" from becoming "out of line", it was better to expose ancient magic less.

So he tried to avoid using ancient magic as much as possible, and instead waved his wand to cast transformation magic to restrict the movements of the Acromanthus.

Vizet learned from the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" that an adult Acromanthus was as tall as a carriage and could reach a height of two or three meters.

The Acromanthus in front of him was no more than one meter tall, and could not be considered an adult Acromanthus.

Although this Acromanthus was not fully grown, it was worthy of the XXXXX-level evaluation.

It was seen opening and closing its claws, injecting venom and biting the vines, but it destroyed the vines in the blink of an eye and fell in front of Vizet.

In such an environment full of dead grass, it was unwise to use fire magic, which would definitely cause a fire and attract unnecessary attention.

Vizette attacks with a cutting spell and uses a knockback spell to distance himself from the Acromantula.

While avoiding the webs spewed by the Acromantula, he was thinking about his next strategy.

The Acromantula's magic resistance is very strong, and the cutting spell that can easily cut materials can only leave shallow marks on the Acromantula's carapace.

It can be seen from this that it is still quite difficult to deal with the Acromantula simply with magic spells.

After eliminating this option...there is no doubt that using black magic is the best solution at present.

Even if ordinary black magic has no effect, he can enhance the power of black magic through Obscurus.

Even if the Acromantula has excellent magic resistance, as long as the power of black magic is strong enough, it is not difficult to solve it.

The problem is that the feeling of evil thoughts sweeping over your mind is really unpleasant.

The last time I cast the Meditation Curse with all my strength was in the castle, with Fred and George by my side, so nothing major happened.

This time is different.

It is still unknown how much danger there is in the huge Forbidden Forest.

If evil thoughts invade the will due to dealing with an underage Acromantula, it must be due to Voldemort's trick.



An idea flashed through Vizette's mind, and he recalled what Voldemort once said——

The so-called "freedom" to perform magic requires the coordination of many aspects. It is best to have a thorough understanding of the principles of magic itself in order to "freely" adjust the power of magic.

He didn't take notes, he just focused on integrating the memory fragments, and summed up this sentence based on his understanding of magic.

Weizet intends to combine the concepts of past lives to jointly understand the meaning of these words.

"Adjusting the power of this the so-called repentance of a strong dragon? It's a wonderful change!" He murmured in a low voice and continued to use transformation magic to contain the Acromantula.

"If I cast the Meditation Curse with all my strength, I can easily kill the Acromantula, but I will be invaded by evil thoughts... This is what I don't want to see!"

"What if I restrain the Acromantula first, and then adjust the power of the Sinking Curse? It should be possible! Find the weakness of the Acromantula first!"

Thanks to Quirrell's teachings, Wizette had a deep understanding of the Sickness Curse, and he was able to try out Voldemort's theory and cast magic "with ease".

He continued to transform into vines to restrain the Acromantula, while observing the Acromantula's weaknesses.

For most animals, eyes are a weak point, not to mention it has eight eyes.

Even if it can't hit the eyes, it's still a good choice if it hits the Acromantula's head.

Weizet combined the actions of the Acromantula just now and rehearsed in his mind what would happen next.

The Acromantula once again broke through the blockade of the vines, using all eight legs to leap forward. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Weizet...

Chapter 107 Centaur Firenze

"What a change!" Wizette's eyes glowed brightly, and several vines burst out from the dead leaves, trapping the Acromantula again.

The Acromantula seemed to have seen through Weizet's trick a long time ago. Its eight eyes showed the same disdain and ridicule, and it slowly tore the vine into pieces.

"Death disease torture!" Vizette muttered in a low voice, and Obscurus' core trembled slightly, showing no signs of going berserk.

The next moment, the Acromantula felt a strong sense of crisis, causing it to hurriedly speed up its bite of the vines.

Wizette shook the wand, and a slender dark gray light burst out from the tip of the wand and shot toward the Acromantula's eyes.

He showed a smile. This time he cast the spell and it felt right. It felt like he was very comfortable and in control of the Sickness Curse.

The core of Obscurus does exude some malice, but it does not affect his behavior.

He can reduce the power of the Sickness Curse and increase the release speed at the same time. Everything is under his control.

The Acromantula's chelicerae kept clicking, and it twisted its head desperately to avoid this fatal light.

But it was too late, the dark gray light shot out at an extremely fast speed and disappeared into the outermost eye in the blink of an eye.

The eight-eyed spider's head shook violently, its claws opened and closed, making intermittent sounds.

And its body was drooping motionless.

Wizette waved the wand in his hand, and the vine turned into a huge cocoon, wrapping the eight-eyed spider tightly, leaving only a head exposed.

The eight-eyed spider showed no reaction to this and continued to shake its head, spraying out spider silk mixed with green water from time to time.

"It should still be considered alive now. Even if it's not an adult Acromantula, the venom should be fetched at a good price!"

Weizet is not a person who likes to hesitate. Once he decided to do this, he took action immediately.

He continuously cast cutting spells on the position of the chelicerae, cut open the Acromantula's head, and saw a group of poison glands behind the chelicerae.

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