"Ancient Magic: Improved Lights-Out Spell (Elementary)": guides ancient magic to cast the Lights-out Spell... enhances the power of magic... creates a dark magic energy field... within the range of the magic energy field, slightly improves the perception of the caster, and slightly increases the caster's perception. Curse speed...

Wizette waved his wand, "Knox!"

Silver-blue light surrounded the wand, and a black bubble popped up, resting on the tip of the wand and shaking gently.

He looked at the silver-blue light in the distance, and then gently waved his wand.

The bubble disappeared with a "pop" and then emerged from the center of the silver-blue light. It quickly expanded into a large black bubble ten meters in diameter, swallowing up the silver-blue light like a spring in an instant.

The lights-out spell improved by ancient magic can still exist and maintain some kind of connection with him even if he does not continue to cast spells.

Wizette entered the big dark bubble, which seemed to absorb all the light inside, and then filled it with boundless darkness.

Even the spring-like silver-blue light in the center only left a few dancing spots, very weak...

Chapter 122 Viper Hall

In order to avoid touching the silver-blue light, Wizette deliberately lowered his wand and waved it gently, casting the magic lighting spell, "fluorescent flash!"

The bright light that just appeared quickly shrank, then shrank into a small ball of light, and then slowly spread out, flying in the air like fireflies until it completely disappeared.

"In that case, let's take action!"

The improved effect of the Lights-Out Curse was outstanding. Weizet felt relieved and lightly snapped his fingers. The devil's net immediately stretched out and spread to the ground.

The Devil's Net enhanced his perception, allowing him to see the surrounding situation in such a dark environment.

The Improved Lights-Out Curse also has the function of enhancing perception, making the sensitivity of this insight even higher.

He stretched out his wand and pointed it at the silver-blue light, and pulled it upward according to the silver-blue light. An armored statue slowly rose, with countless snakes crawling out of the base.

Piles of venomous snakes crawled out of the base of the statue, and a strong fishy smell hit your nose.

They seemed to be attracted by Weizet's aura, and kept flowing forward like a tide.

With the help of the Devil's Net, Vizette naturally sensed the presence of countless venomous snakes around him.

Even without the help of the Devil's Net, the constant "hissing" sound alone was enough to make his eyelids jump.

He immediately activated the devil's net and crawled forward like a poisonous snake.

The creeping devil's net or thrust upwards suddenly, piercing many poisonous snakes directly;

Or they suddenly gather together and strangle them back and forth, crushing the poisonous snake inside.

The sounds of venomous snakes spitting messages one after another, the "puff" sound of the devil's net penetrating the snake's body, and the "click" sound of the snake's body being crushed, all converge into a creepy piece of music.

However, there were too many venomous snakes emerging from the base of the statue, and they were densely packed layer after layer, as if they couldn't be cleaned away.

The devil's net has more advantages against large creatures. It is of little use against such a dense group of venomous snakes.

In order for the Devil's Net to effectively kill venomous snakes, Wizette needs to maintain a high level of mental concentration.

He didn't know how many tests he would have to face in the future. It was necessary to conserve energy.

Weizet looked at the knight statue in the distance and understood that that was the source. If he couldn't find a way to destroy the statue, he was afraid that venomous snakes would continue to pour out.

He twisted the devil's net into the shape of an awl and stabbed straight at the statue not far away.

The moment he took action, countless venomous snakes suddenly jumped up and gathered into a flesh and blood shield, resisting the piercing attack of the devil's net.

The knight statue seemed to have intelligence and sensed Vizette's intentions, and the snake crawled out of the base significantly faster.

The area less than one meter around Vizette was almost occupied by venomous snakes.

Facing the increasing number of venomous snakes, the devil's network is obviously not enough.

He wrapped the devil's net around his body, forming an airtight vine armor, and thought about how to break the situation.

Most of the black magic taught by Quirrell were curses aimed at single objects, and were obviously not suitable for attacking statues in the distance.

Long-range attacks will be blocked by the flesh shield, so you need to find a way to get close to the statue and then attack it at close range.

After some consideration, he quickly found the right magic - the cutting spell.

This magic is both offensive and functional, so improving it is a very good choice.

Now that he has stored a lot of ancient magic power, he simply uses improved magic directly and merges it with the cutting spell.

The pages of the "Wizard's Practical Guide" turned quickly, and the improved cutting spell information appeared on a blank page:

"Ancient Magic: Improved Cutting Spell (Elementary)": Guide ancient magic to cast cutting spells... enhance the power of magic... penetrate the enemy and continue to attack surrounding targets...

Weizet likes this description very much. It is very simple and clear. It does not require much understanding to understand that the improved cutting spell is a group attack type of magic.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that the spell of the improved cutting spell has changed, it is no longer the original "split into four", but "criss-crossed".

Regarding the details of incantation and spell-casting movements, the "Wizard's Practical Guide" gave him enough information as assistance. He only needed to practice the spell twice to cast the spell.

"Cross and cross!"

Wizette waved his wand, drawing a fast horizontal line in the air, and then stabbed forward fiercely, and a sharp sword light burst out of the tip of the wand at an extremely fast speed.

The light of the sword slashed open several venomous snakes, and then suddenly shattered into pieces. The broken edge continued unabated and broke open the bodies of several more venomous snakes.

The more densely the venomous snakes attack him, the more effective the modified cutting spell becomes.

Protected by the devil's network, he used the modified cutting spell to continuously rush forward, and soon he cut a bloody path and stood in front of the knight statue.

He separated several devil's nets, condensed them into the shape of a hammer in mid-air, and then slammed them against the knight statue.

The knight statue exploded instantly, emitting an extremely strong silver-blue light.

However, these silver-blue lights did not appear for long before they were swallowed up by the large black bubbles, sucking away the light inside.

There should be some kind of magic in the silver-blue light.

The magic power was scattered on the ground, and the poisonous snakes that came into contact with the magic power all flew into the air and gathered together to form a long body of flesh and blood.

The mass of flesh and blood squirmed extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a giant snake, which turned out to be a rune snake that they had met once before.

This rune snake looks younger and crawls extremely fast.

It suddenly pounced forward, opening its bloody mouth and biting Weizet.

Vizette immediately activated the devil's net and turned it into a shield to resist the attack.

When the attack failed, the rune snake immediately changed its mind, like a shark looking for food, swimming in circles around Weizet.

"I just got a group attack magic, a single target attack magic... I actually know a lot about it!"

Wizette murmured and closed his eyes, blessing the "Guardian Meditation Method", trying his best to explore the perception limit of the devil's net, and try to capture the rune snake's movement trajectory as much as possible.

The moment the rune snake swung its tail, he suddenly moved and suddenly raised his wand upwards, "La Wei Sa!"

He had acquired this ancient magic for a long time, but never had the chance to use it.

Now facing this rune snake, it can be regarded as an opportunity to show off.

The rune snake's body stagnated, and then floated into the air, twisting and struggling.

"The runes are coming!"

The second magic was still an ancient magic. The rune snake that was originally floating in the air quickly came to Weizet like an arrow from a string.

Devil's Internet status!

The devil's net originally used to protect Weizet suddenly thrust forward and instantly entangled the rune snake, making it unable to move.

The curse of "freedom".

"Deathly disease torture!"

Vizette whispered the spell, and a slender dark gray light flew out and directly pierced the eye of one of the snake heads...

Chapter 123 Salazar Slytherin

In the blink of an eye, the rune snake had lost its vitality, but not a drop of green water seeped out of its mouth.

It continued to disperse like a dandelion, and the flesh and blood sacs turned into silver-blue light again, gathering into the sky.

Wizette used his magic eyes, looked at the silver-blue light, and called to it.

As expected, these lights were also ancient magical powers. They immediately responded to the call, flew into the "Wizard's Practical Guide", and merged with one of the pages.

That was the first ancient magic that Vizette obtained, and it was also the magic that saved him and Luna: "Ancient Magic: Shield".

The original statue of the knight was completely shattered, and a new statue slowly rose.

The statue depicts an old man holding a heavy book in his hand. He is sitting on a throne, with a thick venomous snake surrounding the throne.

The moment the statue appeared, the effect of the modified lights-out curse disappeared instantly...

The moment Weizet looked at the statue, the statue slowly turned its head and looked at him!

The statue's gray eyes are actually piercing, shining with extraordinary wisdom and depth.

The statue of the old man seemed to come to life and put down the book in his hand.

The granite color of his body faded quickly, the exposed skin turned blood-colored, and the color of his beard and hair showed a smooth and shiny silvery white.

The venomous snake statue seemed to come to life, twisting and turning into a long staircase.

"It's been a long time since I've seen the Magic Eye..."

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