There was a calmness in the old man's tone. Time had left many wrinkles on his face, and every wrinkle seemed to be a legend.

He stood up slowly, his medieval dark green robe hanging to the ground. The silver embroidery along the edge of the robe was looming, exuding a luster of honor.

The old man's silver-white hair flew freely back without any wind, giving off an unruly feeling.

"Are you the new guardian? What's your name? It seems you've just entered Hogwarts. Which house?"

"Ravenclaw? His name is Vizette Lovegood... I can see that he is a diligent student and he also knows how to apply it flexibly. Not bad!"

These few words seemed to be just the old man talking to himself, but it gave Weizet a chill.

There is no doubt that from the moment Weizet and the old man looked at each other, the old man used Legilimency.

The passage just now was nothing more than the old man asking a question, and Weizet thought of the answer in his mind, and then it was read out.

Wizette's soul maze has been somewhat successful. Even Voldemort was able to stop it for a moment, but he didn't expect that the old man would see through it at a glance...

Who is this old man?

Is this old man a ghost or a soul?

"Perhaps you should have heard of my name." The old man's lips curved, "Salazar Slytherin, the founder of Slytherin House."

Wizette groaned. Since the old man was Salazar Slytherin, it didn't seem so surprising to him that he could be seen through.

There is a lot of history about Hogwarts in the library, which also mentions one of the key magical items - the Sorting Hat.

It is said that the four founders gave the Sorting Hat different abilities. Among them, Salazar gave the Sorting Hat Legilimency, which is the fundamental reason why the Sorting Hat can sort into different houses.

The Sorting Hat's Legilimency can be maintained to this day. Salazar must have reached the pinnacle of mastery of this magic.

Salazar stroked his beard lightly, "This method of constructing the soul labyrinth is indeed a bit interesting... but it is only interesting."

"And I am standing above the maze. The twists and turns in the maze are naturally ineffective to me. I can see what you are thinking at will."

"In are still struggling with the soul, but you don't know that it is the same as the body, but it is a deeper body...there is a more important existence within the body."

Wizette's eyes lit up, "Dean of Slytherin, is it appropriate for me to call you this...?"

"I know what you are thinking... As a Ravenclaw, naturally you will not hide your desire for knowledge." Salazar said in a deep voice.

"Since you are the new guardian, you will definitely cross the threshold of the soul and understand the more profound secrets, so why rush it?"

"As long as you use more ancient magic and collect more ancient magic power, you will understand all this sooner or later. As for the name... you can do whatever you want."

Wizette touched his nose embarrassedly, "In that case, I will call you 'Dean of Slytherin'!"

"Actually, I have a question. You keep mentioning the title 'Guardian', including the "Guardian Meditation Method" that I have mastered..."

"What kind of existence is the so-called 'Guardian'? Does it require me to shoulder some kind of responsibility?"

"Oh? You just became a guardian and you want to take responsibility?" Salazar raised his eyebrows, "This is not something you need to care about now."

"There is only one thing you have to do now - learn and strengthen yourself! The so-called responsibility is nothing but an illusion. Every action of the guardian will have an impact that will eventually affect the magical world."

Salazar's eyelids were lowered and he seemed to be speaking carelessly, but he naturally exuded a calm and confident demeanor.

Especially his last sentence made Weizet feel unspeakably proud.

"Do you just need to learn and strengthen yourself?" Weizet stretched out his palms and clenched his fists.

He suddenly thought of the history of Hogwarts. Could it be that the four founders...were all guardians?

If this hypothesis is brought into history, it can make sense of what Salazar said - the impact will eventually spread to the magical world.

"It's okay to understand here." Salazar stood with his hands behind his back, "Just like the person who guided us..."

"He didn't tell us the responsibilities we needed to shoulder. We just went with the flow, accomplished what we wanted, and worked together to build Hogwarts."

Weizet looked into Salazar's eyes, his gray eyes showing an extremely complicated light.

Perhaps this is related to the history of Hogwarts. Salazar had differences with the other three founders because of his teaching philosophy, and then he chose to leave the school.

And this disagreement is related to today's "pure blood theory."

Salazar believes that children from pure wizarding families are more reliable, and those born from Muggles may betray Hogwarts because of their blood relationship.

"To this day, I still think this idea is correct." Salazar narrowed his eyes slightly, "This is the wizard, Vizette!"

"If a wizard cannot implement his beliefs, then he does not deserve to be called a wizard! Maybe you can call it paranoia. This description... is very accurate!"

"The so-called faith is the road to climb to the top of magic. If faith wavers, it means that the road diverges, and it will take more time to climb to the top."

"Therefore, implementing your beliefs and walking on a path that you think is right is more important than the so-called objective 'correctness'..."

Chapter 124 Salazar’s Second Test

Weizet nodded repeatedly, picked up his notebook and wrote quickly.

What Salazar said is very instructive.

Even if Wizette cannot understand or practice it now, it can be used as important material for further interpretation in the future.

But there is still a question lingering in his mind. Will four like-minded friends really choose to leave decisively because of differences?

"Those are things in the past, so do they still matter?" Salazar, who is proficient in Legilimency, asked, "Hogwarts still exists, so that means I did the right thing!"

Wizette raised his head, smiled and asked: "Excuse me... Dean of Slytherin, what is your current state?"

"Want to know what else is in the soul?" Salazar also smiled, "What a cunning little eagle... But you have to understand it yourself!"

Wizer nodded, "Sorry, I am indeed a little curious."

"You were able to pass the first round of the test without any injuries, which is considered a good achievement..." Salazar murmured in a low voice, "Since that's the case... I'll give you a reward!"

Wizette's eyes lit up, he held a book in hand and a pen in hand, pretending to be asking for advice humbly, and thanked him repeatedly: "Dean of Slytherin, thank you very much!"

"Hogwarts!" Salazar whispered in a low voice, "Actually, I haven't heard anyone call me Dean for a long... a long time!"

"It seems that the new guardian is really not simple... From your body, through the body of your soul, I feel that you are absolutely unique..."

"It seems that anyone who is willing to get close to you and accept you will easily open up to you... You should be very popular in school, right?"

Weizet shook his head, "Maybe I'm lucky. The professors take good care of me, and most of my classmates also have a good attitude towards me."

"Is that so?" Salazar coughed lightly, showing off the style of a professor, "I want to ask you a little question, if I have a box now..."

He snapped his fingers, and a wooden box with an exquisite snake-shaped carving appeared, with a small lock on it.

"The lock on this box can only be opened by me, no one else can! So... can you confirm that there is a Billywig bug inside the box?"

"Billywig?" Wizette frowned and thought, "Dean of Slytherin, do you want me to get into trouble? You just have to figure this out."

"Of course." Salazar nodded slightly, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes, "It's convenient to talk to Ravenclaw, you can think about it as much as possible."

"If that's the case..." Wizette murmured, "Unless you open the box, I will never believe that there is a Billywig worm in your box."

"Oh?" The admiration in Salazar's eyes became more obvious. He waved his hand and the lock opened with a click.

He opened the box, took a look, and then locked it, "What if I told you that the Billywig bug in the box is very beautiful, with a sapphire-like luster all over its body?"

"I still don't believe it!" Weizet shook his head firmly.

Salazar stroked his beard lightly, "What if I told you again...that this Billywig flies very fast, almost as fast as the Golden Snidget?"

Weizet still shook his head, "I don't believe it!"

"What if I describe more, more detailed features, like...this billywig bug is about a foot long and has a small notch on the left wing?"

"In this case... I still don't believe it! I want to implement my belief!"

"This does not count as carrying out your beliefs, cunning little eagle!" Salazar said with a smile in his tone, "This is Ravenclaw-style trickery, and I've seen it too many times!"

"Tell me about it! I described the Billywig bug so clearly, why do you still refuse to believe...that there is a Billywig bug in my box?"

Weizet said: "Because you just told me and didn't really show it to me. I have to see it with my own eyes...wait a minute!"

He felt a flash of inspiration and seemed to have captured the key to this problem.

"Head of Slytherin, may I understand that... each of us has a box with a Billywig inside?"

"It's like what we call the soul...or what you call, something deeper than the's all unique to us...and it's still unique..."

Weizet stuttered a bit. He was trying to organize his words and make what he said as coherent as possible.

"The soul cannot be can only be understood by yourself! The Billywig bug you described is just what you see from inside your own box..." He began to speak fluently.

"And the Billywig bug I see must be different from what you see. In other words! No matter how you talk about the soul, I can't really understand it, right?"

After saying these words, he felt like he had a sudden enlightenment, and he seemed to vaguely see the threshold of his soul.

"To be able to think of this so seems that the new guardian still has great potential." Salazar smiled and nodded slightly, "Yes, that's the truth!"

"I can never tell you exactly what I have explored within myself. If I tell you too much, even worse things will happen..."

"You may believe my description and think that there is something wrong with your understanding, so you will not believe the soul you see, or even deny your understanding."

"In this way, you will become extremely mediocre, because you can't even trust yourself, let alone the so-called implementation of your beliefs."

"I have benefited a lot..." Vizette wrote down the last paragraph and let out a long breath, "Dean of Slytherin, I have learned a lot! I really don't know how to thank you!"

"Want to thank me?" Salazar took a step and climbed the serpentine staircase step by step.

He returned to the throne again, "Then complete the next round of tests!"

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