Vizette held the wand tightly, looked around and asked: "The next round of tests? Will it be completed here?"

"Don't be so nervous! Isn't it the end of the school year for you? It's time to have a good rest!" Salazar held his chin with his hand, opened his mouth and yawned, feeling lazy.

"The next round of tests is my is still in Hogwarts and continues to perform its old duties. You can choose to defeat it, kill it...or tame it."

"No matter which one you choose, I just want to see the final result - after you obtain its body fragments or gain its trust, come back to me through the Mirror of Erised!"

Weizet asked tentatively: "No more information?"

"Let me think about it..." Salazar put his slender fingers on his lips, "You can't ask for help from the professor, you have to rely on yourself... to find the answer."

Weizet raised his eyebrows. He caught some ambiguity in the word "self".

"You can think whatever you want!" Salazar naturally knew what Vizette was thinking, and showed an unknown smile, "It's almost time, you should go back."

Weizet took a deep breath and solemnly said: "I understand!"

"Then go back!" Salazar waved his hand and held the book in his hand again. The serpentine staircase returned to its original shape, surrounding the throne, and became stiff first.

"In addition, I can reveal to you the reward after the test, which is about the method of controlling the spell. This should be what you need most urgently at the moment."

"Spell?" Weizet heard an extremely unfamiliar word.

Chapter 125 Dumbledore and Snape’s Conjectures

Snape stood in front of Dumbledore, and the warm yellow candlelight swayed randomly, seeming to reflect the worries in their hearts.

Fawkes hovered above the Mirror of Erised for a while, hovering in front of the Mirror of Erised.

It pecked twice at the mirror, then looked at Dumbledore and let out a loud chirp.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "Fox is very concerned about Weizet. He probably saw the scene of Weizet coming out of the mirror..."

"Fox, come here! You have taken me to so many places today and you are very tired." He waved and let Fox rest on his shoulder.

"I wonder where Vizette went..." Snape's voice didn't waver at all, but he rubbed his fingers back and forth.

"You mentioned to me before that the Dark Lord entered Vizette's mind, so just in case, I wanted to verify it..."

"Yes, I do think so. After all, he still came back after leaving scars on Harry." Dumbledore nodded, "It is necessary to verify again."

Snape leaned forward slightly, "So... Weizet disappeared in the principal's office, was it your intention... or was it an accident?"

Dumbledore said in a low voice: "It's both. When it comes to dealing with Voldemort, I generally only believe what I see with my own eyes."

"Seeing is believing..." Snape narrowed his eyes slightly, "If you hadn't insisted on this point of view, I'm afraid no one would have thought that the Dark Lord was really back!"

"Yes! After all, magic is so magical and ever-changing." Dumbledore continued; "So I hope to witness with my own eyes the moment when Wizette faces the Mirror of Erised."

"In this way, I can see whether Voldemort is in his mind and whether he is disguised. However, something unexpected happened in the middle, and this mirror... turns out to be more mysterious than I imagined."

"Sure enough, more mysterious?" Snape did not look back at the mirror, "Aside from allowing people to see silly fantasies, what else can it do?"

"Some more unspeakable magic..." Dumbledore stroked Fox's feathers lightly, "otherwise, why can it reflect everyone's heart?"

The two fell into silence at the same time. After all, they were both proficient in Occlumency, but they could still see the beautiful fantasies in their hearts from the Mirror of Erised.

"Go back to Weizet!" Dumbledore started talking again, "Fox and Weizet still maintain contact. If Weizet leaves school, it means..."

"Voldemort invaded Vizette! But Vizette did not escape, so he was not invaded, right?" Snape's tone was even lower, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity.

Dumbledore said: "That's right! Fawkes told me that Vizette is in the mirror... a place I can't go to through magic."

Fawkes glanced at Snape and nodded very humanely.

"A place where even you can't go..." Snape stroked his chin, "Isn't this good news? Does it mean that Vizette is just a...person qualified to enter the mirror?"

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded and said, "Severus, you go back first! No matter there is good news or bad news later, I will inform you again."

Snape stood up and gathered his robes, "Okay!"

When the door closed and the footsteps gradually disappeared, Dumbledore let out a long sigh, with obvious fatigue and sadness on his face.

Being able to weaken Fox's connection means that the place where Weizet goes is definitely not simple, and can even be said to be dangerous.

Even though he knew that maybe only the guardians could enter that place, he still couldn't help but feel worried.

"Another accident."

He looked up and looked out the window, as if through the dark sky, he had returned to the long past, to that year in Godric's Hollow that he didn't want to mention again.

It was also because of an accident that year that his fate changed, and everything seemed to be happening again.

This was not his original intention, but it eventually led to the worst outcome of his fate...

Dumbledore sat there from nightfall until late at night, until the dim moon hung high in the sky. The sadness and fatigue on his face became more and more obvious.

Fawkes would also peck the Mirror of Erised from time to time, and then groan a few times to Dumbledore.

"Okay, we will find him." Dumbledore nodded slightly, his voice as weak as a mosquito's moan.

However, something is different this time. The Mirror of Erised really mutated and emitted a silver-blue light...


Mirror world.

"G-e-i-s, spell! An interesting magic mark." Salazar stretched out his finger and tapped his temple lightly. "If you want to learn, then find a way to find my pet!"

"About the things here, if someone asks later...except for my name, other information can be revealed...Go! It's time for you to go back!"

After Salazar's words fell, magic power rippled on the wall behind Weizet, and an extremely tall mirror appeared there.

"Okay, I'll do my best!" Weizet waved goodbye, "Dean of Slytherin, goodbye!"

Before he finished speaking, the statue had returned to the color of granite, as if the Slytherin Dean who taught and taught had never appeared.

He looked at the note in his hand and felt relieved when he saw the writing on it, confirming that everything that just happened was true.

"It's time to go back... I guess Principal Dumbledore and the professors... should be worried about me!"

Weizet put the notes into the inner pocket of his robe, then stepped into the tall mirror and returned to the principal's office.

The principal's office was filled with warm candlelight, and he realized that he had been in the mirror world for so long, and it was a familiar late night scene again.

However, after a lot of fighting and brainstorming, he didn't feel much tired. He even felt... energetic, and it wouldn't be a problem to review his notes a few times.

"Vizert!" Dumbledore stepped forward quickly, looked up and down, and checked back and forth with his wand several times before letting out a long breath.

"It seems nothing happened to you! You...went to another place through the mirror? What happened?"

He kept asking with concern, but accidentally saw the Mirror of Erised head on...

As if seeing something unusual, Dumbledore's body trembled, and his expression became extremely sad, with a little yearning mixed in with his sadness.

He blinked a few times quickly and continued to lead Vizette to his seat.

Wizette noticed Dumbledore's red eyes and asked in a tactful way: "Principal Dumbledore, are you okay? Are you too tired? Why don't I bother you again tomorrow?"

"I'm indeed a little too tired. It would be much better to eat some candy." Dumbledore nodded gently, his voice was hoarse and soft...

Chapter 126 Quirrell and the Philosopher’s Stone

Dumbledore opened a lemon sorbet, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

His voice was a little blurry because of this, as if he wanted to chew through the complex emotions contained in it in this way, "Weizet, do you know the name of this mirror?"

"Mirror of Erised?" Weizet responded. He had just learned the name of this mirror from Salazar.

"It seems that a lot of interesting things happened to you on the other side of the mirror." Dumbledore was not surprised at all. "How about I talk about the Mirror of Erised first!"

"It is a magic mirror. It will not show a mirror image, but will shine into your heart...reflecting the deepest desires in your heart, which is very, very wonderful..."

"The deepest desire in your heart?" Weizet murmured, recalling the three images he saw in the mirror, none of which seemed to be his inner desire.

"Vizet, you seem to have doubts about this? What did you see inside?"

"I saw chaos and flawlessness, as well as myself reading a book. There were many books behind me, ocean of knowledge?"

"Chaos, flawlessness, and reading? It seems that your desire for knowledge is enough for the Mirror of Erised to reflect it..."

Weizet pouted, wanting to ask Dumbledore what he saw.

However, when he thought of the red eyes and the strange look in his eyes that was mixed with sadness and longing, he gave up the idea.

Dumbledore coughed lightly and crossed his fingers in front of him, "In addition to reflecting your inner desires, that mirror can also become a passage."

"It's like I quickly reached the basement through the Mirror of Erised. At the same is also inextricably linked to the Guardian."

Weizet looked at Dumbledore with slightly surprised eyes.

Dumbledore smiled slightly and asked calmly: "Oh? It seems... you don't have any special understanding of your identity as a 'Guardian'?"

"I didn't know that I was the new Guardian until I entered the mirror world." Vizette nodded and said, "Principal Dumbledore, do you know anything about the 'Guardian'?"

Before Salazar Slytherin told him his identity, Vizette's knowledge of the Guardian was limited to the Guardian Meditation.

He originally thought that this was simply the name of a meditation method, but he did not expect that the answer was on the surface of the riddle.

It was like a dark secret under the lamp, which made him not think of this.

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