Vizet tried to choose his words, "I didn't say too much... I mainly mentioned Credence, and then I would... scold you a few... unpleasant words."

Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief, as if he didn't mind at all, "This is him, always so straightforward."

Vizet pushed the plate of bread over, "Principal Dumbledore, you should try it too! As I said before, I can't really understand what you have been through."

"But I am willing to give a little support! Just like this piece of bread... Just like that night, you are also the only one... willing to believe in me!"

"We are all human beings, it is impossible to be perfect. If you feel that you have become a sinner because of this, you will definitely live in torment and pain every day!"

"Thank you, Vizet..." Dumbledore's voice was extremely hoarse, and there was a faint feeling of choking.

"I should thank you." After a day of tossing and turning, Vizet couldn't help feeling sleepy and yawned a long time.

"Principal Dumbledore, I'm going to go back and rest first. Good night."

"Good night."


After Vizette left, Fox landed on the table and looked at the crispy crumbs, considering whether to take a bite and taste the crumbs.

Dumbledore looked at the empty seat and picked up a piece of bread that was still warm.

He took a bite carefully, chewing very carefully.

His vision was soon blurred by tears, and two lines of tears filled the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and slowly flowed down.

Dumbledore stood up and walked to the Mirror of Erised.

His eyes did not dodge again, and there was no sadness in his eyes. Instead, they were filled with a kind of tenderness, tenderness for family and lover.

After a piece of bread was eaten, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said in a singing voice: "Merry Christmas..."

I don't know how long it took, Snape suddenly rushed into the principal's office.

His face was serious, "Vizet seems to be back. He is not possessed by the Dark Lord, right?"

Dumbledore has regained his composure and sat back on the chair. He asked in surprise, "Are you still squatting on the eighth floor?"

Snape curled his lips, "It's his owl... Exactly the same as the owner, delivering letters and learning knowledge."

"Your summary is very accurate." Dumbledore laughed, "In addition, there is good news..."

"He is not possessed by Voldemort, but just happened to go to a special place and had an unforgettable experience."

Snape frowned, "Unforgettable experience? About the magic on the mirror?"

"Yes... You will understand if you try this!" Dumbledore pushed the plate forward, "Voldemort can't do these... Vizet is not possessed, I can guarantee it with my life!"

Chapter 130 Year of Ravenclaw

Snape picked up a piece of bread suspiciously and sniffed it gently, "This is not ordinary bread... It has a slight smell of soul..."

"Without the medium of potion, the soul can be transmitted... He actually got started? He got started in the first year?"

"Yes! Great, right?" Dumbledore said with emotion, "And it is extremely pure, more of an expression of emotion, rather than an influence by the soul itself."

"This means that we can... experience the true beauty of existence from it, without having to worry about other things!"

He looked at the Mirror of Erised again, with a satisfied smile on his face, "He... will definitely become a very, very good wizard!"

Snape nodded, still carefully avoiding the Mirror of Erised.

Before leaving the headmaster's office, he left a sentence, "It's good that he is not possessed."

"Yes, everything is great!"


In the corridor, Snape picked up the bread in his hand, frowned and stared at it for a long time, and finally took a firm bite.

Although the bread was no longer warm, the crust was still crispy and the softness inside was still there.

It was a wonderful enjoyment for both the soul and the taste buds.

Immediately, Snape's eyes were already red.

He kept rubbing his eyes until his eyeballs were bloodshot and his eye sockets were red.

Looking at the bread he had taken a bite of, he murmured, "Indeed... the Dark Lord can't affect him yet!"


As the last banquet of a school year, the end-of-school dinner was naturally very lively.

Although the students in the hall were noisy, whispering to each other, and announcing their summer vacation plans.

Perhaps the most sad were the ghosts. After the students left the school, Hogwarts would become deserted.

The ghosts lacked someone to joke with, and their faces were a little lonely.

For most students, in addition to announcing summer vacation plans, there was another extremely important thing at the end-of-school dinner - announcing the ownership of the college cup.

Not only the student union was concerned about the ownership of the college cup, but the deans of the four colleges were also very concerned. This was a symbol of honor.

The curtains and various metal decorations in the hall were all changed to blue and bronze, which were the symbolic colors of Ravenclaw.

Not only that, a huge flag with a vivid eagle pattern was hung on the wall behind the teacher's desk.

This year, Ravenclaw finally spread its wings like an eagle. After winning the Quidditch championship, the House Cup Hourglass is far ahead.

Professor Flitwick smiled from ear to ear and bought a lot of candies from Honeydukes.

Before the dinner officially started, he cast a spell on the sky and released a lot of candies in the air.

As the students sat down, these candies would fall and float in front of the students.

He also showed his own partiality, giving Ravenclaw more candies than other houses.

For most students, such a thing is naturally a happy thing, and they immediately peeled the candies and tasted them beautifully.

Only the Slytherin students looked unhappy, after all, they had won the House Cup for six consecutive years and the Quidditch Cup for several years.

However, they could only stop here, and the new double champion belonged to Ravenclaw.

Harry, who had recovered and returned, was very depressed, and Hermione, Ron and Neville were also affected by this depressed mood.

Because of the previous night outing, the four of them caused Gryffindor to lose 200 points.

This made the already low score of the House Cup even worse, solidified Gryffindor's bottom position, and made Gryffindor become Gryffindor less.

Because of this incident, Harry once became the target of public criticism, and people pointed fingers at him wherever he went.

It was not until the invasion of the dark wizards at the end of the semester that the controversy about the deduction of points finally passed.

As Dumbledore walked into the hall, the noise soon subsided, and the students looked at the podium eagerly.

The same was true for Vizet, but he was mainly concerned about Dumbledore's expression.

When he saw Dumbledore's ruddy face and a look of high spirits, he was relieved.

Dumbledore seemed to have started his vacation. He wore a loose warm orange robe and an equally loose warm orange hat, which made people think of the warm and swaying fire.

As if he had noticed Vizzet's gaze, Dumbledore also looked at him and nodded gently, as if to say that everything was fine.

Dumbledore smiled, as excited as the students, "An unforgettable year has passed! I'm glad that we can gather together and celebrate the banquet together."

"Before enjoying the delicious food, we have to pick the fruits of honor and give them to the winners of this year's college cup. Let me see the current college cup score..."

"Gryffindor, fourth place, scored 278 points; Hufflepuff, third place, scored 376 points; Slytherin, second place, scored 435 points; Ravenclaw, first place! Score 573 points!"

Ravenclaw suddenly burst into thunderous applause, and Hufflepuff and Gryffindor next door also applauded.

After all, it ended Slytherin's dream of seven consecutive championships, so they were naturally very supportive.

"Everyone, please allow me to say a few more words!" Dumbledore raised his voice with a smile, "I believe you also know something about the invasion of dark wizards?"

"We have several outstanding students who, with their extraordinary courage and ability, resolved a crisis in Hogwarts, so I still need to allocate some points."

Snape narrowed his eyes slightly, folded his arms and leaned against the back of the chair, looking like "see what tricks you are going to play".

Dumbledore had his back to Snape, so he naturally couldn't see these little movements. He continued to speak loudly: "First, Mr. Ronald Weasley!"

"He showed a spirit of sacrifice and won a very exciting game of wizard chess. For this, I will reward Gryffindor with 50 points!"

"Miss Hermione Granger, he remained calm in the face of danger and conducted a careful logical reasoning, and also won 50 points!"

"Mr. Harry Potter! He dared to face the dangerous dark wizards, showing extraordinary courage and courage, and won 60 points for Gryffindor!"

"Mr. Neville Longbottom! It is a rare courage to stand firm and persuade friends. Another 10 points!"

The Gryffindor table was boiling. Although they didn't get the college cup, they jumped from the last to the second because of the extra points this time.

They cheered ecstatically, holding Harry and his friends' hands, looking happier than getting the college cup.

Harry and his friends were also very excited and accepted hugs from their classmates around them.

"Finally!" Dumbledore looked at Harry with satisfaction, then turned to Vizet who was applauding, and said in the clearest voice, "Mr. Vizet Lovegood!"

Chapter 131 The Unpredictable Trelawney

Dumbledore shouted loudly: "He accomplished something that even I could not do, saving a professor's life and winning 100 points for Ravenclaw!"

After the voice fell, he took out his wand and waved it violently, and the eagle flag suddenly flew up and turned into a real eagle in the air.

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