This eagle was so huge that it almost covered the entire ceiling. Its sharp eyes and fine feathers made it look like a real eagle!

Dumbledore showed his unparalleled transformation magic, making the eagle fly around the hall, and then exploded, turning into a rain of candies falling from the sky.

Vizet stretched out his hand, and a chocolate frog happened to fall into his palm.

He looked up quickly, and Dumbledore happened to wink at him and raised his arm to make a silent gesture.

On the day of leaving school, the test results were finally announced, and Vizet was ranked first in the grade without any suspense.

It was normal to get an "O" in other subjects, but Snape gave an "O", which became the last big news before leaving school.

Except for a very small number of Slytherins, no students from other colleges could get the evaluation of "excellence" from Snape.

Of course, the Slytherins wanted to know the reason, but they were turned away in the Potions Office.

According to the caretaker Filch, Snape left the castle early in the morning to start his summer vacation.

Vizet came to the hospital ward again. He planned to try the Purgatory Charm to see if it could help Quirrell.

Dumbledore was also in the hospital ward, showing a satisfied smile as it should be, "I knew you would come."

"I asked Madam Pomfrey, Professor Quirrell has not woken up." Vizet picked up the wand and said, "So I want to try..."

Dumbledore nodded, "The magic of the guardian is always beyond our imagination. That's why I came here, please Madam Pomfrey, I want to be alone with Quirrell for a while."

"I'll start!" Vizet waved his wand, drawing a beautiful "S" shaped trajectory, "The dust is gone!"

The wand lit up with a silver-blue light, and a cyclone surrounded Quirrell, bringing out only the ethereal black air like gauze.

Dumbledore looked at the black gas and said, "It seems that the Philosopher's Stone in Quirrell's body is the main reason for his coma."

"Huh!" Quirrell suddenly opened his eyes and gasped for air.

He looked around in a daze, and said in a daze: "School...School Hospital? Vizette? Why are you here too?"

Vizette waved his hand, "Professor Quirrell, good morning!"

"Quirrel, you have been in a coma for several days." Dumbledore said softly, "So we came to see you."

"What's wrong with me now?" Quirrell struggled to sit up, but his arms kept shaking and he couldn't support him to complete this action.

Dumbledore explained: "The Philosopher's Stone, your soul and body cannot be coordinated, so you are now in an extremely weak state."

He explained in depth and mentioned the matter about Nicolas Flamel.

"It's incredible!" Quirrell widened his eyes and yawned, "After a long journey, I can actually become... Nicolas Flamel's student!" He forced himself to cheer up and looked at Vizzet, "Vizzet, Principal Dumbledore, everything is your help. I will always remember it in my heart and will never forget it!" Dumbledore's tone was full of smiles, "I didn't do anything. At most, I used a stone... to poke you." Vizzet recalled the past and couldn't help but feel a sore nose, "The same for me... I have actually been protected by you." "Hey... There is no such thing..." Quirrell yawned again, his eyelids gradually drooping, "I will come back... Then we will come again..." Before he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and fell on the bed, falling into a baby-like sleep. "This has nothing to do with evil thoughts. It's the purity of Quirrell's soul that makes the body uncomfortable." Dumbledore explained with a smile, "But... this way of saying goodbye is not bad."

Vizet looked at the scorching sun outside the window and laughed, "Yes! We will see each other again!"


After leaving the school hospital, Vizet planned to go back to pack his luggage and go to the platform with his roommates to wait for the train to arrive.

To his surprise, when he came to the eighth floor this time, Trelawney jumped out again.

Just like the encounter at the beginning of the school year, Trelawney appeared behind Vizet almost without warning in a blink of an eye.

Trelawney was still full of alcohol, burping continuously, and mumbling.

"Hip with a four-leaf clover in its mouth... Hiccup! The new star will eventually reach... Hiccup! Reach the ancient... Hiccup! The gear... Hiccup! Turning the destiny... Hiccup!"

"Hip of a triangle... Hiccup! The interweaving makes everything... Hiccup! The strange... Hiccup of the mist! More and more blurred... Hiccup! Blurred!"

It must be said that this is the first time that Vizet has seen a professor like Trelawney.

He tried hard to hear what Trelawney was saying, but unfortunately Trelawney was too drunk and her voice was too vague.

In addition, the punctuation caused by the hiccups made the already difficult to understand words even more elusive.

At the other end of the corridor, a tabby cat appeared. She jumped forward suddenly and changed into Professor McGonagall in the air. "Vizet, you are not entangled by her, right?"

As she spoke, she waved her wand and conjured a blanket out of thin air and wrapped it around Trelawney.

At this time, Trelawney was already asleep, and was wrapped in a colorful blanket, looking like a caterpillar.

Professor McGonagall waved her wand at the armor in the distance, and the armor walked towards Trelawney step by step, carrying the "caterpillar" on his shoulders.

"She is always so worrying!" Professor McGonagall sighed, like an old mother who was worried about her, "It will have a bad influence on the students if they see this!"

She just watched the armor carrying Trelawney and disappearing at the end of the corridor.

After a while, she turned to face Vizet, "Let's find an empty classroom and have a good chat about the topic of transfiguration magic!"

Vizet nodded, followed Professor McGonagall and quickly shuttled through the corridor, and soon found a classroom with the door wide open.

The classroom seemed to be being destroyed by someone, and there were constant clanging sounds.

When I walked in, I found that the floor of this classroom was full of mess. In addition to chalk heads and scraps of paper, there were also various pieces of lime statues.

"There are no more footsteps in the corridor, and the stairs are so boring that they yawn. Jokes and scary plans will have to wait until the next school year..."

"My playmates, my little friends, all put on invisible cloaks, leaving me here, unable to sing a happy song to the broken copper and iron..."

Just above the classroom, there is a humanoid object floating, humming an unpleasant tune while drawing on the ceiling with chalk...

Chapter 132 Professor McGonagall: Do you want to learn Animagus?

It is a ghost-like, but very different existence-Peeves.

Compared to the uniform pearl white of the ghost, Peeves is much more flashy, wearing bright clothes like a clown costume, a tie, and a round hat.

It looks formal, but it is wearing a pair of open-toed slippers; the face is also very funny, and it is somewhat similar to the cat bus in "My Neighbor Totoro".

Peeves saw Vizet and the others, grinned, and made a strange sound, saying, "Wo wo wo! Who is coming here..."

"It turned out to be our Professor McGonagall! She refused to let the students go even though it was holiday. The little lions will turned out to be a little eagle..."

Professor McGonagall shook her head gently, waved her wand and chanted, "Restore it to its original state!"

She first restored the messy classroom to its original state, and then took care of Peeves, "Please leave here and give me a quiet space."

When Peeves heard this, his mouth opened wider, almost touching his ears, and he looked quite evil and terrifying.

He put his hands on his waist with a smile, and swayed back and forth in front of Professor McGonagall, "Oh? Why should I listen to you?"

Clang clang clang...

The sound of chains colliding resounded throughout the empty classroom.

A thin and haggard ghost appeared, with silver blood stains all over his ragged robe, which seemed to flow back and forth.

He stared at Peeves with wide eyes, shook the shackles on his body vigorously, and roared: "Peeves! So you are here!"

That was the Bloody Baron, the ghost of Slytherin.

Perhaps because of his ferocious appearance and his silence, most students would stay away from him.

"Oh! Mr. Bloody! Mr. Barrow! Sir..." Peeves said in panic, "Why are you here..."

"Of course I'm here to settle accounts with you!" The Bloody Baron continued to shake the shackles and approached Peeves little by little.

Peeves seemed even more panicked. After looking left and right, his figure slowly disappeared, leaving only a hat floating in the air.

The next moment, Peeves showed a hand, grabbed the hat and disappeared in the classroom. His voice drifted farther and farther, "Mr. Bloody! I have something else to do, so I won't bother you anymore!"

"Peeves is in awe of the Bloody Baron." Professor McGonagall waved her wand gently, and the Bloody Baron disappeared. "You have to take the train later, so we have to hurry."

Vizet asked curiously, "Professor McGonagall, what's the matter?"

"The practical exam for Transfiguration magic at the end of the term is not difficult for you." Professor McGonagall pulled her wand lightly, and a box of chalk flew over.

"I know you have been studying "Theory of Metamorphosis and Transfiguration". I guess you have tried the more difficult Transfiguration magic, right?"

Vizet asked eagerly, "Professor McGonagall, do you want me to demonstrate it?"

"Of course!" Professor McGonagall nodded, "The snuff box in the final exam is very exciting, so I want to know how many more surprises you can bring me."

Vizet picked up the wand and looked at the box of chalk, thinking about how to show more advanced Transfiguration magic.

So far, thanks to his understanding of the Devil's Snare, he is best at transforming vines.

But he has already demonstrated this type of transformation magic before, so he has to think of other transformation projects.

In "Theory of Metamorphosis and Transfiguration", deconstruction diagrams of various animals were shown, and now they can be used...

After making up his mind, he exhaled lightly and tapped the magic wand on the chalk box lightly, "Transformation is a good way!"

The image of the deer appeared in his mind, and as Vizette performed the transformation magic, the chalk box floated in the air.

All the chalks inside flew up, and the white chalks connected to each other, gradually forming a simple skeleton.

Professor McGonagall's eyes widened slightly, subconsciously adjusted his glasses, and pursed his lips tighter.

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