Chapter 203 Early Duel Club!!

“Finally, I have a few good methods here about how to deal with vampires, all of which are not written in the book, I think you can write them down and maybe use them later.”

“Lockhart” smiled and looked at everyone and waved.

The little wizards below immediately prepared parchments and quill pens, Professor Lockhart was an expert in dealing with dark creatures, and as he wrote in those books, his experience was invaluable.

Then, “Lockhart” talked about several ways to deal with vampires, and he talked very vividly, and the little wizards below all wrote down everything Professor “Lockhart” said.

A Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended quickly, and the little wizards were still a little unsatisfied, and only now could they be sure that “Lockhart” was indeed a good professor.

If before this, they had some doubts, after this lesson, the doubts were gone.

“Lockhart’s class was good and fun.”

Ron said.

“Well, I think so too, I always thought that Lockhart’s class should be very bad, it seems that he is indeed a Defense Against the Dark Arts expert.”

Harry agreed, and besides, Lockhart was not as enthusiastic about him as he was in Diagon Alley, he preferred the current Lockhart.

“You guys even suspected Professor Lockhart, he is a great writer and an expert in Defense Against the Dark Arts, now you see, Professor Lockhart is so powerful.”

Hermione said a little proudly, after all, Lockhart is her idol, and now her idol is indeed as powerful as she imagined, which proves that her vision is not wrong.

“Well, Hermione, you’re right, it seems that our impression of Lockhart is about to change, he is indeed a great professor.”

Ron said.


Just then, some of the little Slytherin wizards stood in the way.

“Dirty Mudblood, weren’t you very good in class just now? Then come and fight us with magic. ”

Pansy Parkinson looked at Hermione with contempt and a proud expression, as if she was looking at something dirty.

“Stinky smelly, you think you’re awesome? Then come, I will still be afraid that you will not make it. ”

Hermione stepped forward and crossed her waist to fight each other.

The pure-blood wizards of Slytherin were all gathered behind Pansy Parkinson, including Malfoy and his two henchmen, but they didn’t say anything.

“What do you want to do, do you want to bully less, we Gryffindors are not afraid of you Slytherins.”

Harry, Ron, and the others also stood behind Hermione, glaring angrily at the Slytherin wizards.

“Potter, don’t be too proud, do you think you can protect that Mudblood, and Weasley, who heard that your father modified a Muggle car and was about to be expelled from the Ministry.”

“If you are expelled from the Ministry of Magic, I don’t think you will even have the money to eat, Draco Malfoy looked at Harry and Ron triumphantly, heads held high, and looked proud.”

“Longbottom, just because you want to be our enemy, I’m afraid you can’t even cast a single magic, right?”

Malfoy, like Professor Snape, sprayed venom wantonly.


Hermione rushed forward and slammed a punch into Malfoy’s nose, knocking him to the ground, but fortunately she didn’t have much strength and didn’t make Malfoy bleed.


Pansy Parkinson screamed and hurried to Malfoy’s side.

“Are you all right?”

“You filthy Mudblood, you dare to hit me!”

Malfoy, including the other young wizards, looked incredulous, and Hermione would be the first to strike.

“What’s wrong with hitting you, who made your mouth stink so much.”

Hermione said disapprovingly, glancing at Malfoy who was half-lying on the ground with a dismissive look.

“I said, this is really that Hermione, not some wizard pretending to be a compound decoction, right?”

Jamie walked up to Toby’s side and said in surprise, is this still the same Hermione, the personality change is too big, right?

“I don’t know, how can I guess the little girl’s thoughts, but it shouldn’t be pretended with a compound decoction.”

Toby said with a shrug.

“You actually hit Draco, did you want to fight?”

Pansy Parkinson took out her wand and pointed it at Hermione.

“Am I afraid of you?”

Hermione also took out her wand and pointed it at Pansy Parkinson.

“What are you waiting for, watching Gryffindor bully us Slytherins, didn’t you see Draco being beaten by that Mudblood?”

Pansy Parkinson shouted at the little wizards behind him.

Slytherins had always been at odds with Gryffindors, and now that the Gryffindors had actually hit the Slytherins, how could they be indifferent.

Many of the Slytherin wizards took out their wands.

“Gryffindor can’t let Slytherin bully!”

The little wizard of Gryffindor also shouted, and they also picked up their wands.

“What are you doing, you can’t use magic in the hallway between classes, do you want to be locked up?”

At this moment, the castle keeper Filch and his cat Lady Lores rushed in, saw the little wizards all holding wands, and immediately shouted.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please calm down!”

“Lockhart” also walked quickly between the Gryffindors and the little wizards of Slytherin, waving his hands to stop him.

“Professor Lockhart, these little wizards are simply lawless and dare to use magic in the corridors, you really should lock them up.”

“If you don’t want to do such a troublesome thing, you can give them all to me and let me lock them up.”

Filch said, looking at the little wizards with a malicious smile.

“Oh, Filch, they’ve just taken out their wands now, and haven’t used magic in the hallway yet, have they?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this.”

“Lockhart” said.

“Okay then, but Professor Lockhart, don’t be too merciful, these little wizards just won’t learn their lessons, and you should punish them severely when it’s time to punish.”

Filch seemed a little sorry, and he stood aside to see what would happen to these little wizards.

“Professor Lockhart, we’re not fighting or fighting, we’re just trying to do magic, yes, just talk.”

Toby said.

“Classmates and classmates to try magic with each other, this should not violate the rules of Hogwarts.”

Jamie also said.

“Oh yes, it’s just magic, and if you try magic, of course it’s allowed, but you can’t use magic in the hallway, or our administrator will be angry.”

“If you really want to play magic with each other, maybe I can provide you with a platform to propose to Headmaster Dumbledore to form a duel club.”

“This will not only improve your actual combat experience, but also teach you some duel skills, what do you think?”

“Lockhart,” Professor asked with a smile.

“That’s a great idea, and I don’t think Professor Dumbledore would refuse.”

Toby agreed.

“So, Professor Lockhart, please form a duel club as soon as possible, I think we all can’t wait to compete with the other students.”

Jamie said.

“Okay, okay, I’ll get the headmaster to agree as soon as possible, if nothing else, this Friday, the first duel club event should be held.”

“But before that, you can’t have a magical duel in private, if I know, then I can only cancel his club spot.”

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