Chapter 204 Dumbledore’s Doubts!!

“Professor Lockhart is actually going to hold a duel club!”

“What is the Duel Club for? Is it used for duels? ”

“It seems to be interesting.”

The little wizards were interested in the duel club, and despite the mediation of Professor “Lockhart”, the situation between Gryffindor and the little wizards of Slytherin was still very bad.

In fact, this contradiction has long existed, Gryffindor and Slytherin’s, pure-blood wizards and non-pure-blood wizards, just missing an introduction, once that introduction is ignited, then the contradiction will completely explode.

“Everyone has heard it, Professor Lockhart wants to open a duel club, if you have any grievances and conflicts, put it on the duel club activities to settle, and don’t make any small moves in private.”

Toby said to the crowd.

“Don’t do anything to sneak up on the classmates who have fallen behind, this kind of thing will not only make people shameful, but also be retaliated by others afterwards.”

“If you want to duel, it is a duel of the bright light, sneak attacks are absolutely not allowed, if anyone has an opinion, welcome to come to me.”

Jamie also said to the crowd.

Whether it is Toby or Jamie, they are quite prestigious among the students in the same grade, as for why, it is very simple, it is two words eleven strength.

In this world, both Muggles and wizards are strong, and they will submit to the strong.

The little wizards of Gryffindor and Slytherin had no opinion, and they did not dare to have any opinion.

Soon, what happened to Gryffindor and Slytherin second year students, and that Professor “Lockhart” was going to start a duel club, spread throughout Hogwarts Castle.

In Hogwarts, there is no secret to hide, because the little wizards are very gossipy, and with the help of well-intentioned people, the news spreads faster.

First-year students and senior students were also talking about it, and they were also quite interested in Professor Lockhart’s duel club.

Eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, Headmaster’s Office.

“Lockhart” came here, and it was his first time in this headmaster’s office, a room where Dumbledore had lived for almost more than half a century, and there were traces of him everywhere.

“Lockhart” looked at the principal’s office, as if to remember everything here, and the expression on his face was unexpectedly serious, and the “perfect smile” had disappeared.

“Oh! Professor Lockhart, keep you waiting. ”

Dumbledore smiled and walked out of the back room.

“Headmaster Dumbledore!”

“Lockhart” looked slightly stunned when he saw Dumbledore, but quickly recovered, and the “perfect smile” appeared on his face again. ”

“Professor Lockhart, is the course still going well, although you are an excellent graduate of Hogwarts Ravenclaw House, you are still a professor for the first time, if you have any questions, you can raise them.”

Dumbledore asked Lockhart to sit down and said with concern.

“Oh, thank you, Headmaster Dumbledore, I don’t think there’s any problem at all, although I am a big writer and an internationally renowned person, being a professor is a breeze for me.”

“Lockhart” said with a smile, a very narcissistic expression.

“Well, Professor Lockhart, you’re an expert in Defense Against the Dark Arts and have published so many bestsellers, I think kids can learn something from you.”

Dumbledore smiled, his half-moon glasses shining white.

According to his investigations, Gilderoy Lockhart seems to be an incompetent liar whose experiences were obtained by stealing other wizards.

He had also investigated those wizards, such as the old wizard who chased away the werewolf by Armenia, and it seemed that he had been hit by the Oblivion Curse, and as for who did it, it was obviously not.

Only, why would he let an incompetent liar become Hogwarts’ Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year?

First, because of the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, there are very few wizards to apply for this position, coupled with the tragic deaths of the first two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, the wizards who applied for the job are basically gone.

Of course, except for Professor Snape, he applied to Hogwarts every year for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professorship, but Dumbledore never agreed.

Second, he also felt that allowing Gilderoy Lockhart, an incompetent liar, to become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, would be able to debunk his disguise so that students could see his true face.

At the same time, it can also warn the students that there is such a living example, and the students will definitely be able to learn the lesson so that they will not become wizards like Lockhart in the future.

That’s what he’s for.

“That’s for sure, those students will definitely learn a lot from me, and they will also become famous wizards like me in the future.”

“Lockhart” said triumphantly.

“If the students become incompetent liars like you, then they will really be finished.”

Dumbledore said in his heart, of course he would not show it, he wanted Lockhart to show his horse’s feet.

“Oh yes, Professor Lockhart, you came to me today, is there something Dumbledore asked.”

“Yes, although I have only been a professor for one day, I have found a problem at Hogwarts that I think is important.”

“Lockhart” waved his hand, seemingly excited.

“So, I don’t know what the problem is?”

Dumbledore crossed his hands on his chin, and those eyes seemed to look at Lockhart with interest, he wanted to see what questions Lockhart would ask.

“I think the lack of a practical course at Hogwarts is very detrimental to the students.”

“Lockhart” said.

“Practical lessons!”

Dumbledore was a little surprised, he didn’t expect Lockhart to actually make a useful suggestion.

“Headmaster Dumbledore, I think actual combat is very important for students, they can improve their magic in the process of actual combat, after all, the wizarding world is not very safe.”

“There are many dark creatures that pose a threat to wizards, such as werewolves, trolls, etc., and wizards must have the ability to defend.”

“Lockhart” said excitedly.

“Oh yes, Professor Lockhart, you have a point, and that’s why Hogwarts has a Defense Against the Dark Arts course.”

Dumbledore said.

“However, Headmaster Dumbledore, it is useless to just take a theory class, you must let the students take practical lessons.”

“Lockhart” said excitedly.

“But, Professor Lockhart, you know, practical classes are quite dangerous, and those students, especially the juniors, can’t control magic well, and it’s not good if they get hurt.”

Dumbledore said that Hogwarts did not consider setting up a practical combat class, but the danger level of the actual combat class is too high, and now it is a peaceful era, the actual combat class is not so important.

“Oh yes, of course, students will get hurt, so I just plan to start a duel club where students can practice in real combat while I can teach them some experience.”

“Headmaster Dumbledore, I can guarantee that as long as I watch, those students will not be injured, and I will teach them how to perform magical duels.”

“So, please approve and let me set up a duel club.”

“Lockhart” said.

“If you say this…”

Dumbledore was a little hesitant, if it was Professor Flitwick or Professor Snape now, he would definitely agree, but Lockhart’s words………

However, perhaps this will allow Lockhart to show his horse’s feet and allow students to see his true face.

“Well, Professor Lockhart, I think I can agree with you to start a duel club, but you alone may have a hard time watching all the students, maybe you can go to Professor Flitwick or Professor Snape to be your assistant.”

Dumbledore said that he felt that with Lockhart’s character, he would not refuse this kind of thing, and this was a good opportunity to gain fame.

However, he vaguely felt that the Lockhart in front of him seemed to be a little different.

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