Chapter 205: Building a Dragon Breeding Farm in the Forbidden Forest!!

The next day, a piece of parchment was stapled on the bulletin board in the foyer.

This attracted a lot of young wizards to watch, and it turned out that the parchment was written about the Duel Club.

“Oh my God, it’s really going to be a duel club!”

“It’s on a Friday afternoon, in the auditorium, and students in every grade can participate.”

“It’s really exciting, I’ve wanted to take some duel lessons for a long time.”

“It is said that the organizer of the Duel Club is Professor Lockhart, I don’t know what his level is, I think it is better to let Professor Flitwick host it.”

“Yes, Professor Flitwick was the champion of the Duel Tournament when he was young, and if he were to host it, this Duel Club would be very good.”

“However, Professor Lockhart is actually okay, his class is still a little level, and it is estimated that the level of the duel will not be very bad.”

The little wizards of Hogwarts are all talking about the Duel Club, and almost all the little wizards are very interested in this Duel Club ~ Ministry.

“Great, it seems that the Duel Club has succeeded, now I can teach those Slytherin pure-bloods a good lesson, I must use magic to defeat them fiercely.”

Hermione looked excited, as if she couldn’t wait to use magic to defeat the pure-blood wizards of Slytherin.

“But Hermione, are you sure you can beat them?”

Harry asked hesitantly.

“Do you think I’m going to lose to them? Those pure-blood wizards in Slytherin didn’t do as well as me in class, how could I lose to them? ”

Hermione asked rhetorically, she was very confident.

“Hermione, theory and actual combat are different, maybe your theory is very good, but those pure-blood wizards have more or less undergone some training since childhood, don’t underestimate them.”

Toby reminded.

“Is that so?”

Hermione was a little surprised, then a little worried, although she was confident in herself, would she be an opponent if those pure-blood wizards were trained?

“It’s still a few days before the Duel Club, I think you can take this time to train well, practice spells, or learn a few more spells.”

Toby suggested, then laughed again.

“You don’t want to be beaten by the Slytherin students in the Duel Club, it’s a shame.”

“Oh, I don’t want to lose to Malfoy, or Malfoy’s tail will be cocked.”

Harry said he had a natural ill feeling for Malfoy and didn’t want to lose to him anyway.

“I don’t want to lose to Malfoy either, Toby, your magic is so powerful, can you teach us?”

Ron asked, and Harry and Hermione also looked at Toby expectantly.

They may not know how powerful Toby’s magic is, but it has definitely surpassed many senior students, and if Toby taught them, their magic would have grown rapidly.

“Okay, but I’m not free right now, I need to run something, teach you magic in the evening, at seven o’clock in the evening, find an empty classroom, I will train your magic.”

Toby said.

“Fantastic, thank you, Toby.”

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all very happy, and even Harry and Ron had expected that they would defeat Malfoy and Malfoy in the Duel Club

Scenes of his two attendants.

“But don’t do nothing, you can go to the library and find some books on basic spells.”

“Hermione, the two of them are up to you to stare.”

Toby said to Hermione.

“Okay, no problem, I’ll keep an eye on them.”

Hermione promised, and as for Harry and Ron, Ying Ma had a bitter face.

Outside Hogwarts Castle, in front of Hagrid’s cabin, Toby and Jamie took advantage of their free time to come here.

“Hagrid, are you there?”

Toby shouted towards the cabin.

Soon, the door of the cabin was opened, and Hagrid beckoned Toby and Jamie into the house, and Hagrid’s hound teeth kept wagging his tail at them, but did not bark, apparently knowing them.

“Hagrid, what happened to those fire dragons?”

As soon as they entered the house, Toby asked straight to the point, the purpose of their coming here was to be for the fire dragon.

“Oh, those fire dragons have grown big, their appetites are much greater, and I waste a lot of effort every day to get food for them.”

Hagrid said as he poured Toby and Jamie a cup of tea and brought out a plate of rock pies to greet them, but Toby and Jamie didn’t have any appetite.

“That box, it seems that it is no longer suitable for them to live in, we need to find a new place for those fire dragons to live.”

Toby said that the growth rate of fire dragons is very fast, and now that more than two months have passed, the size of those fire dragons is estimated to have grown to the size of a house.

“It’s nice to build a dragon farm in the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid, have you found a suitable place in the Forbidden Forest?”

Jamie asked.

“Finding is finding, but… Do you really want to keep fire dragons in the Forbidden Forest? If Hogwarts finds out…, or the fire dragon flies out and hurts people…”

Hagrid hesitated.

“Could it be that, Hagrid, you already have a dislike for those fire dragons and want to send them away?”

Toby asked deliberately.

“Oh, no, those fire dragons are my children, I hatched them with my own hands and raised them, I am their mother, no one can take them away from me.”

Hagrid said loudly.

“So, Hagrid, what are you still hesitating about? Are you not confident in us? You can rest assured that we will definitely build a suitable, hidden dragon breeding farm, and then you will be able to stay with the fire dragon every day. ”

Toby said.

“Maybe when the time comes, those fire dragons will still give birth, and you can watch those fire dragons multiply in the Forbidden Forest.”

“You are the mother of those fire dragons, maybe those fire dragon babies will still call you grandma, think about that scene!”

Jamie continued.

They were very clear about Hagrid’s weaknesses, and with a few words, Hagrid would take the bait.

“Okay then, I’ll take you.”

Hagrid said that he really took the bait, and the thought that there would be more and more fire dragon babies in the future made him feel the urge to cry.

Hagrid took his crossbow and hound teeth and headed for the Forbidden Forest, while Toby and Jamie followed behind him.

He seemed to have forgotten that Toby and Jamie were still only students, that students could not enter the Forbidden Forest without permission, and that all he had in mind now was the fire dragon.

The area of the Forbidden Forest is very large, it is a primeval forest, and there are many magical creatures in it, such as horse people, unicorns, eight-eyed giant spiders, etc., all living in the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid took Toby and Jamie all the way to the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and I don’t know how far they went, they were completely away from Hogwarts Castle.

Finally, they came to the outside of the mouth of a valley, which was not small, surrounded by cliffs, very dense vegetation, and even a small river that flowed out of the valley.

“This place, but I searched for a lot of places to find it, what do you think of building the dragon breeding farm here?”

Hagrid said.

Toby and Jamie looked at each other for a moment, but nodded in satisfaction.

“It’s good here, it can be used as a dragon breeding farm, the area of six fire dragons is enough, if the number of fire dragons increases in the future, you can continue to expand Toby said.”

“Very nice place, basically do not need to arrange much, just need to lay a magic enchantment around the valley, this can become a closed dragon breeding ground.”

Jamie nodded and said.

“Magic Enchantment Scarf?”

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