Chapter 300: A magnificent underground ancient city!!

“Sesame open the door?! Isn’t this a hole-opening spell in “Alibaba and the Forty Thieves” in the book “One Thousand and One Nights”! ”

Hermione said in surprise.

“Yes, in fact, sesame opening is also a door-opening spell in the wizarding world, much earlier than the history of the opening of the Araho cave, it is an ancient spell.”

“However, because the sesame opening spell is too violent to use, some wizards invented the Araho Cave Opening Spell~ Spell.”

“Because when using sesame seeds to open the door, it often splits the door in half, which is too inconvenient for wizards, and the movement is too large.”

Toby said.

“So, can Sesame Open Door really open this stone door?”

Harry asked curiously.

“I don’t know, I can only try, if it doesn’t work, let’s find another way.”

Toby said, he picked up his wand and tapped it on the huge stone door.

“Sesame open the door!”

Toby pronounced the incantation.

As soon as his words fell, the huge stone door in front of him began to vibrate, and a crack was slowly opening, and rubble, dust and so on kept falling.

Toby and they hurriedly moved away from the stone door and retreated to the back, they didn’t know what was inside the stone door, if something dangerous rushed out, there would be a buffer away from the stone door.

“Sesame to open the door, this spell really works!”

Hermione looked rather surprised.

“It’s quite surprising, those goblins in Gringotts, as well as those wizards, the stone door that could not be opened with great effort, is now opened with a spell.”

“Maybe it’s because they’re thinking too complicated, and sometimes the easiest way is often the most effective.”

Toby said with a smile.

“However, this is not something that anyone can imagine.”

“Toby, you’re so smart.”

Hermione marveled that the average wizard who could think of using the ancient spell of opening the door with sesame seeds to open the door could only be when Toby’s mind was too agile.

“yes, Toby, you’re so smart.”

Harry also agreed very much, even the big black dog nodded secretly, the secret that other wizards couldn’t crack their heads could not crack, but Toby easily cracked it, it can only be said that he is too smart.

With a shock, the huge stone door finally opened, but it was not pitch black, but shining with a faint light.

“Isn’t it all gold and silver jewelry?”

Looking at the light shining inside the stone door, Jamie guessed.

“Just go in and take a look, but before you go in, you must take precautions.”

Toby’s wand waved, and an arc-shaped transparent shield was suddenly formed in front of them, which was a variant of the Iron Armor Spell and was able to withstand many spells.

“Let’s go!”

Tothan they were all careful, when they didn’t know what was inside the stone gate, they didn’t dare to rush in, otherwise the dead didn’t know how to die.

After entering the stone gate, the scene they saw made Toby and them stunned, it turned out that behind the stone gate, there was a magnificent ancient city.

“Oh my God, this…”

Hermione looked at the scene in front of her, and she didn’t know what to say.

“Sesame closes!”

Toby chanted a spell towards the stone door behind them, he didn’t want other wizards to break in and share the pie.

The huge stone door began to close, and Toby and the others walked forward, where they were at this moment a cliff, and the magnificent ancient city was just below the cliff.

Standing on the cliff and looking down, you can clearly see the ancient city, which is very large, about the size of hundreds of Hogwarts castles.

The buildings are very old, some have weathered and collapsed, but looking at the city, you can still imagine the prosperity of the city.

“Is this ancient city a lost wizard civilization?”

“Or is this just an ancient Muggle city?”

Jamie guessed.

“Let’s go, let’s go down and take a look.”

Toby took out the flying sword and pulled Hermione to stand on the flying sword, as did Jamie on the side, carrying Harry and the big black dog with the flying sword, and the two flying swords quickly flew towards the ancient city below.

“It’s spectacular! I wonder how many years this ancient city has been buried deep underground? ”

Hermione said in admiration, she never thought that under the face of the master, there was such an ancient and magnificent city, it was really amazing, this ancient city was built by ten people?

Flying above the ancient city, Toh could see the buildings of the ancient city below more clearly than they could, the buildings were already very old, they couldn’t see anything from that era, and many of them had collapsed, leaving only the ruins of the broken walls.

“This seems to be an empty city, and no human bones can be seen?”

Jamie said.

“Maybe it’s already turned into bone powder, the history of this ancient city may be beyond our imagination.”

Toby said.

They landed on an empty street in the ancient city, which, although underground, was not dark, and in many places in the ancient city, many flames were lit.

The Gubrai Immortal Fire is an immortal flame that can burn forever, and it is the light of the flame that illuminates this ancient city…

“These buildings are very weathered, I don’t know how many years this ancient city has existed, but at least it should be thousands of years.”

Jamie looked at the buildings around him and said.

“We are not experts, but we can’t judge the age of this ancient city, maybe this ancient city is really a lost wizard civilization.”

Toby said.

Next, they searched several buildings, but they did not find anything of value, maybe there had been, but because of their age, they had long since turned to ashes.

“There is nothing valuable here, let’s go to the palace in the middle of the ancient city to see, maybe there is something to find in that palace.”

Jamie said that in ancient times, palaces were generally the residences of those in power, and perhaps something of value could be found in that palace.

“That’s fine.”

Toby they once again harnessed the flying sword and flew towards the center of the ancient city, after all, the area of the ancient city is too large, if you use it, I don’t know how long it will take, fortunately, the sky above this ancient city is not set up with any forbidden space field and other prohibitions Soon, Toby They came to the center of the ancient city, and they landed on a huge square in front of the palace.

Standing on the square and looking at the palace in front of them, let them feel that the palace is really very grand, there is an awe-inspiring feeling, the palace is tens of meters higher than the square, standing in front of the palace, you can look at the entire square Maybe thousands of years ago, the ruler of this ancient city stood in front of the palace, overlooking the square below, and the square was full of ordinary people or his army.

Toby and they walked up the stairs in front of the palace, although I don’t know how many years have passed, the stairs are still very strong, although there are some places broken, but it does not hinder walking.

“It felt like we were on a pilgrimage!”

Hermione looked up at the magnificent palace above and said to Toby.

“Maybe it’s really a pilgrimage, maybe this palace is inhabited by ten big people!”

Toby said.

“Will it be the pharaoh of ancient Egypt?”

Hermione asked, the pyramid is the tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh, and the sphinx is closely related to the pyramid, perhaps this ancient city was ordered by the ancient Egyptian pharaoh to build it.

Perhaps inside this palace, some pharaoh of ancient Egypt slept in it.

“I don’t know, he promised.”

Toby said.

They had climbed a total of ninety-nine steps before they finally reached the palace.

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