Chapter 301 Sleeping Pharaoh? Or God?!!

“Standing in the palace and looking down, there is really a kind of heroism that swallows mountains and rivers, and the entire ancient city is at your feet, with an unobstructed view!”

Jamy sighed that their group was standing in front of the palace at this moment, and looking down from here, the square below and the buildings of the ancient city could be seen very clearly.

“Yes, it’s spectacular!”

Both Hermione and Harry agreed very much, which made them feel like they had returned to the ancient Egyptian era.

“Let’s go, let’s enter the palace and take a look.”

Toby said.

The gate of the palace was closed, and it was not pushed open at all by pushing, and this was another enchanted door.

“Sesame open the door!”

Before Toby could say the spell, Hermione preemptively recited the spell, and she wanted to show herself, but to her embarrassment, the gate of the palace was not opened, and she still did not move.

“It seems that the spell to open this door is not to open the door with sesame.”

Toby said.

“It’s not easy to find a way to open this door in a short time, I think it’s better to break through this door directly with magic.”

Jamie suggested that they had been able to open the stone door before, and they were completely lucky, and they suddenly found a spell to open the stone door, but it was not easy to open the gate of this palace.

Who knows how to open the door of this palace, since he has already come here, he can’t return in vain, and he can’t waste too much time.

“So… Isn’t it? ”

Harry said hesitantly.

“Now that we have all arrived at the entrance of the palace, we can’t just leave.”

Jamie said.

“Then try it first, after such a long time, even if the gate of the palace is enchanted, it is estimated that it will not be very strong.”

Time is the most relentless, Toby said.

Even if it is a powerful magic, after the passage of time, it will gradually decline, although this ancient city does not know what age it is, let alone it has gone through several years.

“You all back away, I’m going to blast this door with magic.”

Jamie said.


Toby took Hermione, Harry, and the big black dog and quickly retreated to the edge of the corridor of the palace, leaving Jamie alone in front of the door.

“Give me… Break it! ”

Jamie raised his wand and a thick black light crashed towards the gate of the palace.


With a loud bang, the whole palace was shaken, and Harry, who was standing on the edge of the palace, Hermione almost stood unsteadily, fell down, and a lot of rubble and dust fell.

“Hmm! It’s really hard enough, in that case, I’d like to see how many attacks you can take under my palm.” ”

Jamie looked at the almost intact palace gate, a little surprised, received his full blow, it was not broken, sure enough, the gate was cast with powerful magic.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

There were several loud noises in a row, and the entire palace was shaking continuously, looking like it was about to collapse.

“The palace will not collapse, after all, history is already very old!”

Hermione said with some concern, if the palace collapsed, then they would have time to escape, if they did not have time to escape, they would be buried underneath.

“Don’t worry, the palace will not collapse, since the gate of the palace has been cast with powerful magic, then the entire palace must also be cast with powerful magic.”

Toby said.

“Black War Spear! Break it for me! ”

With a roar, Jamie used his magic to form a huge war spear and blast towards the gate of the palace.


Finally, the war spear was inserted into the gate of the palace, and the gate finally could not hold on and began to gradually shatter.

“Come here, the palace has been opened.”

Jamie said.

Toby walked over with Hermione, Harry and the big black dog, and at this time the palace gate had been broken through a large hole, which looked quite amazing.

“This kid actually has such powerful magic!”

Sirius said in shock in his heart.

“Armor protection! Take care of it all! ”

Toby waved his wand, forming an arc-shaped transparent shield in front of them, not knowing what was going on inside the palace, of course, to achieve defensive measures, they would not be prepared without doing anything, just recklessly broke in.

“Let’s go.”

The group entered the palace through the entrance on the palace gate.

The palace is not dark, but brightly lit, the unquenchable flame Gubrai fairy fire can be seen everywhere, and the entire hall is resplendent with gold, as if it was made of gold.

Even after thousands of years have passed, it is shocking that there is no damage at all.

“It’s really a big deal, everything here seems to be made of gold, look at the pillar, look at this floor tile, it’s really gold brick paving!”

Jamie stomped on the ground with his foot, and the entire hall floor was paved with gold, like a golden boulevard.

“This entire palace won’t be made of gold, it’s too luxurious, how much gold does it take to consume!”

Hermione said in shock, this palace is so big, if it is all cast in gold, how much gold will be needed is completely calculated in tons…

“For wizards in ancient Egypt, gold should not be a rare thing, I remember that gold can be made with philosopher’s stones, and there is also a magic that is said to turn stones into gold.”

Toby said.

“Philosopher’s Stone? But there is not only one Philosopher’s Stone in this world, it belongs to Nicolamy, and Dumbledore said that the Philosopher’s Stone was also stolen. ”

Harry said.

“For modern wizards, it is indeed a very difficult thing to make a Philosopher’s Stone, and only Nicolame has been successful, but for ancient wizards, perhaps making a magic stone is not a difficult matter.”

“Ancient wizards not only possessed powerful magic, they were also proficient in alchemy, and the Philosopher’s Stone is the product of alchemy.”

Toby said that the more he learned about the wizarding world, the more he felt that the wizarding world might have experienced a fault.

They continued to walk towards the depths of the hall, and when they reached the end of the hall, they saw a high platform in front of them, and on the high platform was a coffin made of gold, and there were several samurai-like statues guarding it.

Not only that, as they walked, on both sides of the hall, there were rows of statues of soldiers with weapons standing.

“That wouldn’t be the coffin of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh, would it?!”

Hermione guessed.

“I don’t know, but if you open it, you should know, and I also want to know who the owner of this ancient city and this palace is.”

Toby said with interest.

“Want to open that coffin? There won’t be a wooden 1.1 muie jumping out of it all of a sudden! ”

Harry suddenly felt a little scared, and he suddenly thought of some movies and TV series he had watched, and the wooden knife mummers in them were very scary.

“Who knows, but we are wizards, not Muggles who can’t magic, even if we are mummies, what is there to be afraid of.”

Jamie said.

Several people continued to walk forward, and finally came to the bottom of the high platform, which has nine steps, and on all four sides of the high platform, some murals are depicted.

On one of the murals, a man with a crown on his head and a scepter in his hand, but unable to see clearly, is being worshiped by ordinary people.

In another mural, the man who can’t see clearly stands on a high platform, calling for wind and rain.

There are also murals where the unreadable man is fighting a huge monster.

“Is the man in this coffin Pharaoh or the so-called god?”

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