“If I turn into an animal, will I retain the habits of the animal?” Harry nodded and continued to ask

“Some of it will be retained, after all, the human body is different from the animal body.”Professor McGonagall responded

【I was petting the cat just now, so Professor McGonagall must be feeling pretty good. 】 Harry thought silently

“Well, Mr. Potter, you don’t need this knowledge for the time being. It’s great that you recognized me so quickly. I’ll forgive you this time. Remember, next time, even if you are curious, you can’t touch the professor. Although Professor McGonagall is strict, she is indeed a good professor.

She was generous to Harry, who could see through her Armanigus at a glance.

“”Okay, Professor.” Harry nodded obediently.

Professor McGonagall looked at Ron, whose expression gradually calmed down.

Ron held his breath and lowered his head when he was suddenly looked at by Professor McGonagall.

“”Go back to your seat,” Professor McGonagall said calmly.

“call”Ron quickly pulled Harry to his seat.

He was afraid that Harry would suddenly say something shocking.

Harry could bear it, but he couldn’t.

Professor McGonagall did not turn into a cat again, but stood solemnly on the podium, waiting for the students.

She wanted to give the new little wizards a little magical shock.

But Harry’s eyes were always on her.

In order to dispel his interest in Armanigus, Professor McGonagall chose not to transform.

Other students also arrived one after another, and the Transfiguration class officially began.

Professor McGonagall maintained her usual serious face:”Transfiguration is one of the most complex and dangerous spells you will learn at Hogwarts School.”

“Anyone who wants to mess up in my class, get out now and never come back. We call it a rude statement.”After saying that, he glanced at the Gryffindor side, which showed that she, as the head of the house, knew very well what kind of qualities Gryffindor students had.

Then she began to demonstrate Transfiguration. Without Armanigus’s demonstration to them, she was still a master of Transfiguration.

She waved her wand lightly, and the podium turned into a pig, grunting and moving its limbs, walking back and forth on it.

“Wow”Many young wizards below exclaimed.

Harry looked at the big fat pig and wanted to dissect it to see if there was real flesh and blood inside.

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly and turned it back to

“As long as you study hard, you will master this level of Transfiguration sooner or later. Professor McGonagall made a big promise and fed the little wizards well.

“Of course, now we have to start from the basics, so take out your pens.”

Professor McGonagall began to teach the theoretical basis of Transfiguration.

As Harry understood, the magic of the wizarding world mainly lies in spells, gestures, wands, and mental power.

But now with such a senior professor teaching, Harry is more clear about the key.

The magic of the wizarding world is not as obvious as in the game, with a magic value.

The stronger the mind, the more magic, and the more powerful the magic released!

So how to train a strong mind?

Harry understands experience, mind and will.

First, the more experience, the bigger the mind, and the more magic.

Second, one’s own mind affects the casting of magic. People with evil minds are more powerful in casting black magic.

And black magic will also affect people’s mind, making them more evil.

White magic is the opposite.

Third, the stronger the will, the simpler and easier it is to cast magic.

Just like the example given by Professor McGonagall.

A wizard wanted to conjure a table, but it turned into a cow and crushed himself to death.

It was the result of a weak will.

The first three are easy to learn, as long as you spend time, you can master them quickly.

The difficult part is the power of the mind.

But Harry is not afraid, he has a considerable advantage in this regard.

The five years of cooking experience were not in vain.

Five years, do you know how I spent these five years?

For an ordinary person to master Harry’s cooking skills, according to Peng Yingzong, even a person with good talent would need 20 years.

And he also needs a good master to guide him all the time. It only took him five years. Even though he was talented, the effort he put in was ten or a hundred times that of an ordinary person. He used the magic in the game to speed up his knife skills practice, and he would release healing magic when he was tired.

He only slept for two hours a day, and used it to restore his magic power.

During that time, he practiced cooking almost like crazy.

He kept straining his body and challenging his limits.

If Harry didn’t look very normal and healthy, Peng Yingzong would not let him go on like this.

A normal person who did this would die suddenly in a week.

Later, Peng Yingzong taught him how to calm his mind and not let external things affect his cooking.

From the extreme of movement, he went to the extreme of stillness.

It can be said that his mind is… The spirit is extremely powerful.

That’s why he feels like he has endless magic power.

But unfortunately, this magic is only for the wizarding world. The magic in the game obviously doesn’t work like this. They don’t care about the power of the mind, they are only related to the strength attribute.

The greater Harry’s strength attribute, the stronger their effect. The stronger the strength value, the higher the damage of the attack magic, and the longer the range and duration of the increase and decrease magic.

After teaching the theory of magic, Professor McGonagall gave each of them a piece of firewood and asked them to try to turn the match into a needle.

Combining theory and practice, the course arrangement is perfect, and the old professor is a great man.

But until the end of the course, only Harry and Hermione succeeded in changing the match.

Harry completely turned the match into a needle, and Hermione turned into a needle head, and the tail was still firewood.

But Professor McGonagall was very satisfied.

Very happy, justified, and naturally gave Gryffindor 7 points.

“Mr. Potter adds 5 points, and Miss Granger adds 2 points.”

Miss Otter looked at Harry unwillingly, biting her lower lip with her rabbit teeth.

The class was over, and it was over.

Harry glanced at the mechanical watch on his hand. The first-grade course was quite simple.

One class in the morning and one class in the afternoon.

There was plenty of time.

The little wizards were very happy. They were quite satisfied with this arrangement.

But in the dream, there were profound memories of more than ten years of education.

Harry felt quite uncomfortable.

How could this be? Wouldn’t it be a waste if so much time was not used for learning?

He caught up with Professor McGonagall. The class ended at 9:30, but he asked her to go to 10:30.

Professor McGonagall took a sip of water and said that she had to attend classes in other grades next.

Harry shyly said that if she didn’t mind, he could audit it.

He made a request to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall rejected the request.

She It is said that it is not a good thing to be exposed to advanced magical knowledge too early.

You must first understand the knowledge of your own age before you can better learn deeper magic.

Harry left with regret.

In the afternoon, there is the Herbology class.

The professor is the head of Hufflepuff, a professor named Sprout. She is short, has gray hair, and wears a thick hat full of patches.

Harry maintains a positive attitude towards Herbology, but his enthusiasm is not as high as that of Transfiguration.

He mainly wants to know some herbs to see if they can be used as seasonings. After all, in the wizarding world, many herbs are different from those in the Muggle world.

Maybe he can find more seasonings to enhance the taste of his dishes.

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