Class was over at 3:30.

Harry walked out of the herb shed.

He seemed a little confused for a moment.

Class was over so early, where was he going? What was he supposed to do?

Professor McGonagall had classes in the afternoon, so he obviously couldn’t go to her to study.

Let’s go see Hagrid. Harry had a good impression of this man who was the first to lead him into the wizarding world, even though he often stubbornly denied his identity. Ask senior students about the direction of the hunting ground where Hagrid stayed. Harry and Ron walked over. Hagrid was feeding the chickens, and he was very happy to see Harry and Ron coming.

“Harry, have you finished your lessons?”Hagrid smiled and said to Harry

“Yes, Hagrid, this is Ron Weasley. Harry briefly introduced Ron’s identity.

“Hello.” Ron saw Hagrid and swallowed.

He had just got off the train and when Hagrid came to pick up the new students, he was also frightened by the huge giant.

“”Hello, Ron.” Hagrid seemed very enthusiastic.

He threw the remaining food into the chicken coop, clapped his hands, and took Harry and Ron to the cabin where he lived.

Of course, the word”small” in this cabin was for Hagrid.

He opened the door.

A huge Neapolitan Mastiff excitedly climbed onto Hagrid’s body with its front paws, stretched out its saliva-covered tongue, and wanted to lick him.

“”Oh, cute Fang, come down, come down.” Hagrid stroked its little head.

Fang got down from Hagrid’s body, and then found the new guests.

He ran towards them with drooling.

Ron was so scared that he quickly hid behind Harry.

To put it bluntly, he might not be able to beat this big dog.

Harry did not hide, he could feel that this big dog had no bad intentions.

The big dog wanted to pounce on Harry.

But Harry grabbed his two front legs and stopped it from pounce.

Hagrid was obviously not the kind of person who liked cleanliness, and he would not bathe this big dog often.

“His name is Fang. Isn’t he cute?”Hagrid introduces his dog to Harry and Ron

“It’s really cute.” Harry threw its front paws to the ground and touched its head.

Fang obediently lowered its head to let Harry touch it.

It made a comfortable sound.

Ron saw Fang’s look and slowly walked out from behind Harry and tried to touch its fur.

Fang made a purring sound.

“Oh my god, you’ve grown so big.”Ron was no longer afraid, and squatted down and said to Fang.

Let Ron play with Fang, and Harry walked to the chair and sat down.

Hagrid poured two cups of black tea and put them on the table, and then enthusiastically took out biscuits and invited Harry to taste them.

Harry stretched out his hand to pick up a piece to taste, but when he felt the hardness of the biscuit, his face froze and he silently retracted his hand.

Damn, he just forgot Hagrid’s bloodline.

He took the black tea and took a sip.

“Hagrid, where is your hunting ground?”Harry put down his tea and looked at Hagrid and asked.

Hunting ground, as the name suggests, is a place for hunting.

Harry wanted to go hunting now.

“The hunting ground is the Forbidden Forest. I have to protect the students so that they don’t get into the Forbidden Forest by mistake.” Hagrid said with a smile, and took a piece of rock cake and chewed it easily.

“Can you take me to see it?” Harry said

“This, Hogwarts should not allow students to enter.”Hagrid seemed a little embarrassed.

He didn’t want to refuse Harry’s request, but he couldn’t break the school rules.

“I’m just going to take a look, I’m not going in.” Harry obviously wouldn’t make things difficult for Hagrid.

“All right then, I’ll take you for a walk outside.” Hagrid nodded in satisfaction after hearing what Harry said. If they just walked around outside and didn’t go in, it wouldn’t violate the school rules.

Harry was such a considerate and good boy, and his cooking was delicious.

It would be nice if I could eat Harry’s cooking again someday.

The three of them and the dog walked towards the Forbidden Forest. Ron was obviously also very interested in the Forbidden Forest.

Fred and George often told him that the Forbidden Forest was fun, but they didn’t have many opportunities to go in.

Dumbledore also said not to go into the Forbidden Forest, but what was he?

He was a Gryffindor. He had the traditional adventurous spirit of Gryffindor, and he was not lacking in it.

“”Harry, the Forbidden Forest is ahead. We can only look around here but cannot go in.” Hagrid took Harry and Ron to a wooded area.

It was obvious that no one had ever entered this place. It was exactly the same as the primeval forest. The trees were very tall and lush, and the scenery was beautiful. There was no trace of human intervention and it was full of the flavor of nature.

Not a single ray of sunlight could penetrate the Forbidden Forest.

The outside and inside of the Forbidden Forest seemed to be divided into two worlds by the sunlight.

Harry’s emerald green eyes were glowing.

According to his perception, there were a large number of magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest.

His perception range was very small, which might be related to his strength attribute.

But even in such a small range, he could sense so many magical creatures.

It is conceivable how many magical creatures there are in such a large Forbidden Forest.

The Forbidden Forest is a good place!

Harry couldn’t help but licked his lips with his tongue.

“Harry?”Seeing Harry staring at the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid asked in confusion

“Oh, I’m fine. Is the Forbidden Forest dangerous?”Harry looked at the Forbidden Forest eagerly, wanting to go in and explore it right now.

“It’s very dangerous. In fact, there are many dangerous animals in the wizarding world, except dragons.”Hagrid obviously wanted to scare them away from entering the Forbidden Forest by saying this.

“Really?”Harry blinked when he heard Hagrid’s words.

What a dangerous Forbidden Forest.

Damn, I want to go in even more.

“Come on, Hagrid, we should go back.” Harry took a deep look at the tempting Forbidden Forest, turned to Hagrid and said.

Hagrid nodded and took them away.

Another day passed, and this morning was the Charms class.

The professor of the Charms class was Flitwick, the headmaster of Ravenclaw, who had obvious goblin blood.

Harry looked at his figure and thought of Hagrid’s completely opposite figure.

He also said that Hogwarts was not a school that taught everyone, even the professors were mixed-blood.

This class will learn the first magic of the little wizards, the Illumination Charm.

The little wizards were obviously very excited, and even the theoretical knowledge was learned with great interest.

“Pick up your wands. Professor Flitwick said.

The little wizards excitedly took out their wands and returned to their favorite practical session.

“Pay attention to our gestures and spells.”Professor Flitwick reminded the key points again.

This kind of low-level magic is not difficult for Harry at all. As long as a person has a normal brain, this kind of magic can be learned by self-study.

But seeing the classmates around him constantly swinging their wands, trying to use brute force to make the light appear,

Harry fell silent.

Maybe not everyone has a brain.

Harry waved his wand casually, without reciting a spell, a bright light appeared between the wands.

“”What a beautiful silent spell!” Flitwick clapped his hands when he saw this.

The whole classroom fell into silence, looking at Harry with surprise and envy.

Then Gryffindor applauded.

“Harry Potter indeed”

“Harry, you are amazing.”

“Lion King, Harry is the Lion King of our Gryffindor!”

“Lion King”

“”Lion King.”

The reputation of the savior made them naturally worship Harry.

In addition to his superior talent, the group of Gryffindor wizards immediately surrounded Harry and put him in the first place.

Miss Granger was a little unconvinced.

She knew this spell, but she didn’t use it as well as Harry.

“”Lumos.” Miss Granger chanted the spell, and her wand also glowed, but not as brightly as Harry’s.

“Excellent, Miss Granger also succeeded.” Professor Flitwick was also generous with his praise.

“10 points for Mr. Potter and 5 for Miss Granger.”

Miss Granger’s face, which had been smiling when she heard Professor Flitwick’s praise, froze.

She had less than him again.

Miss Otter bit her lips with her rabbit teeth again.

After class, Harry found Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick was delighted to see Harry coming.

He smiled warmly and said to Harry,”I heard from Minerva that you are a child with great ambitions in learning. You should come to Ravenclaw.”

Harry nodded and said,”Professor, in fact, I mastered some simple spells before entering school. If I follow the progress of the class, I am afraid I will not have much room for improvement.”

“Well, for a child like you who is extremely talented, you can learn more knowledge in advance. If you have time on Saturday, you can come to my office.”Although Professor Flitwick is the headmaster of Ravenclaw, he is not partial.

As long as there is a motivated child, he will never be stingy with his knowledge.

“”Thank you for your help.” Harry’s eyes lit up and he bowed his head in thanks.

After thinking for a moment, he took out a bag of gold galleons from his pocket and handed it to Flitwick.

“What is this for? Professor Flitwick was obviously stunned and didn’t understand Harry’s behavior.

“I am grateful to you for taking the time to tutor me.”Harry said.

In his dream, tutoring classes require payment.

“Take it back. Hogwarts is a place to educate young wizards. You are also an ambitious child. How could they let you spend money?”Professor Flitwick shook his head, and without even taking the wand, he waved his hand and the purse automatically returned to Harry’s pocket.

What a wandless and silent magic.

In the afternoon, there was the History of Magic class.

The History of Magic was still an interesting course.

But Professor Binns, who taught the class, was a ghost, reading the textbook in the ghost’s unique hoarse, cold and ruthless tone.

Harry felt a bit like the earliest AI artificial listening to books.

There was no emotion, and he didn’t even understand the changes in polyphones.

Listening to books with eyes closed was also a kind of fun.

Most people listened in a daze and drowsiness.

The only people who could listen to the class seriously were Harry and Hermione.

Wednesday night was astronomy.

Thursday was Defense Against the Dark Arts.

This class disappointed Harry.

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