Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 194 Tom Riddle: The Successor of Slytherin

The research and development of magic spells is not easy. Riddle suffered a lot in the research of flying magic.

This made him once think that his ability to create the Cut Throat Curse so quickly was just a matter of talent.

Outside of black magic, he may not have such a talent.

This self-denial gradually disappeared as the research on flying magic deepened.

Riddle was not the first person to want to fly physically. Someone had proposed this idea when flying carpets were still popular in the world.

There is a legend that the maker of the first flying broomstick invented a broomstick that could fly more freely because he failed in researching this magic.

Riddle was certainly adequate in terms of desire, but struggled to find the right direction in the rhythm of the spells and wand-wavings that made up the magic.

To this end, he even consulted a large amount of information from an organization named "Calling Night" hundreds of years ago.

The Nightcallers are an anti-Muggle extremist group who embody their hatred of Muggles in a unique way by not lifting, carrying or moving any object without the use of magic.

To put it simply, the summoning spell - which can also be called the flying spell - is used in various situations that require action.

It is said that this organization was disbanded because their founder, Gideon Flatworthy, used a summoning spell to summon gold and property in Gringotts' own vault, causing the goblins to become angry and disbanded - the reason for its establishment and the reason for its dissolution are equally bizarre. .

Moreover, the founder was eventually crushed to death for summoning barns and livestock.

The entire organization looks like a stage comedy.

But what should not be underestimated is that the documents they left behind do contain a large amount of in-depth research on summoning spells - Hogwarts began to use them in the late 1970s, and was written by Miranda Gorshak in "Standard Spells, IV" The summoning spell in "Level" also draws on the content in this part of the information.

Starting with this spell, Riddle began to try to study flying magic that had never been studied before.

At first, he devoted almost all his enthusiasm here, but as obstacles in the research continued to appear, he had to give up the idea of ​​completing it immediately.

Slowly, he began to regard this research as a pastime and began to study the fifth and sixth grade Hogwarts courses in advance - he believed that the failure to produce research results quickly was related to his insufficient understanding of magic.

Because of this adjustment, his life in the third grade once again entered a calm state, and he even began to have less involvement in matters related to the Cavaliers team.

All his time was taken up by study and research, and Riddle lived day and night in a way that his friends could not understand.

"If my life turned out to be like Tom's, I'd rather die."

Avery and Mulciber both thought so. The two seniors were a little better. As they entered the fourth grade, they had already begun to compete for the position of fifth grade prefects, and school life began to become busy.

Only Geraint Nott stays with Tom every day, studying with him or studying magic.

The third grade passed by in a hurry. During the summer vacation, he visited all the families of several friends - he seemed to be deliberately building a network of future contacts for himself.

This year's summer vacation, he did not give up studying flying magic, but he still failed.

Turning around, it was already his fourth year in Slytherin, and except for the seventh grade part, he had already mastered all the learning content through self-study and consulting professors.

And the seventh grade at Hogwarts...

In a few decades there may be more courses, but in this era there is no substantial teaching content. People are more likely to seek jobs or become proficient in the application of magic in school.

Faced with this situation, Riddle finally took his eyes off the book temporarily, and he began to pay attention to a story that has been circulating in Hogwarts for a long time:

Legend has it that before Sarah Slytherin and the other three founders parted ways because of their ideas, they left a secret room in the castle.

Of course, this is just a legend. Neither the other three founders nor the previous principals have stated the existence of this secret room.

But within Slytherin, this statement is quite popular.

Riddle, who was proud of his Slytherin blood, decided to explore this legendary chamber of secrets.

Before Christmas in fourth grade, he spent every day looking for the special place in the castle.

He even asked Professor Horace Slughorn, who was particularly fond of him, to apply for a note that would allow him to enter the restricted area of ​​the library.

But after months of hard work, there was no result, and the secret room seemed to really not exist.

But he did not give up because of this. He began to think, if he were Slytherin and he built such a secret room, what clues would he leave behind?

Soon, he guessed two extremely important and key clues:

Slytherin symbol and Parseltongue.

So he began to search for snake-shaped marks all over the castle, which puzzled Dumbledore, who was always paying attention to him.

The professor even approached Riddle himself and asked him what he was doing.

However, Riddle is no longer the same person he was a few years ago, and Dumbledore can't get anything he wants from his mind.

As far as appearances go... Riddle is always smiling, humble, and polite.

The two broke up on bad terms, but Riddle was still obsessed with exploring the secret room.

He began to look through the records in books and explore the stories passed down by students orally, and even discovered the Room of Requirement in the process.

However, that damn secret room seemed to be hiding from him, always getting nothing for his efforts.

Until one day, he suddenly remembered a scene he had seen in the orphanage - a snake crawled into the toilet along the pipe, and the children at that time were frightened.

This led him to start exploring the pipes in the castle, starting from toilets, bathrooms and other places, until one day, he finally found the mark he was looking for next to the water pipe in the women's toilet on the second floor.


With the word "open", the wall rumbled, and the deep corridor behind it appeared.

Facing this alluring secret room, Riddle did not lose his mind.

He closed the door to the secret room and went back to prepare for half a month before he came here again and entered it.

In the secret room filled with green mist, he saw dusty, primitive and dilapidated tables, chairs and benches, as well as many books neatly placed on the bookshelves against the wall.

He fell in love with it right away and couldn't wait to read the books.

However, before he could reach the bookshelf, the tall Slytherin statue slowly appeared behind the green mist, and the figure made of green mist standing on the statue, making him stop in surprise.

"Welcome, heir of Slytherin." The green figure said with a smile.

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