Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 195 Tom Riddle: Magic and Soul

Riddle became mysterious, and the first person to notice this was his little follower Geraint Nott.

"What have you been doing lately, Tom? You never come to meetings."

"Study, Geraint, I'm studying, see you later."

Riddle would use various excuses to avoid trivial matters, and then go back to the dormitory to read, or go to the secret room to change a magic book that interests him.

To be honest, he had no interest in the basilisk or Mr. Oblivion Curse in the secret room.

The only thing there that kept him lingering were the dusty magic books from more than a thousand years ago on the bookshelf.

The content in that book was completely different from what it is now.

The content is obscure and the principles are profound. It would take him a long time to read through a book.

But he was happy to do so, because it allowed him to see a different magical world.

Completely different from today's magic spells and waving wands, the magic of that era was still very ancient.

To learn magic in those days, a wand was not a necessity:

Mastering magic, letting it run and spread out the way you want, is the only way to use magic.

Magic wand?

That enhances the power of your magic and increases your casting speed, but it doesn't do much more.

Controlling magic power was the most important method of cultivation in that era.

This almost broke Riddle's understanding of magic, because magic has become simpler since he came into contact with magic.

First you need to have talent, secondly learn to recite the spell, and finally understand the rhythm of swinging the stick.

After doing all this, everything will fall into place.

People have long wondered why such a spell is used and why the wand is waved like this.

I no longer thought about the connection between the spell and the swing of the wand, the secret between the magic spell and the magic power.

And these connections and secrets are all in these magic books.

"More than a thousand years ago, the first thing wizards learned was to cast spells without a wand..."

The contents of the book shocked and excited him.

He even re-deconstructed his own spell-casting methods and began to try more ancient methods to release spells.

He encountered many problems in the early days. It was not easy to mobilize the magic power in his body and make it flow and vibrate as he imagined.

But he is a persistent person and he never gives up easily.

Slowly, his magic began to transform.

Many times, all preparations for mobilizing his magic power were completed before he waved his wand.

The magic wand no longer seems to need to be waved in a unique rhythm.

Its function is just to allow the magic to leave the body more smoothly, and then to strengthen and speed up the magic spell.

After he became proficient in using several magic spells in this way, he asked his classmates to compete.



The result of several attempts was that the opponent was knocked down before he had even used half of his magic.

For a time, Riddle's reputation as a good fighter attracted the attention of his classmates.

Even some senior classmates came to challenge him, but he never failed.

"Tom Riddle is the most powerful wizard apprentice in Slytherin history, but he is never proud and complacent, he is always humble and polite."

This reputation began to spread to the entire school with the help of Malfoy, Lestrange and several other seniors.

He is respected by more and more people, and many junior students even come here to ask him for advice.

Riddle never shied away from such inquiries or was perfunctory.

He was helpful and polite, even treating students from other colleges as if they were students from his own college.

There was no professor who disliked him, and everyone praised him publicly.

Professor Horace Slughorn even said publicly when students asked questions after class: "Ask Tom Riddle, he understands this problem, and he will definitely be willing to guide you."

More and more people think he will be extraordinary. Those who pursue power and like to invest in young men are all looking at him.

He began to stop refusing funding.

Yes, he put aside his damn pride, just because he needed more gold Galleons in exchange for magic materials.

His life at Hogwarts became increasingly prosperous.

But in the process, he suddenly found that the eyes staring at him had become more and more aggressive.


Riddle didn't quite understand. Was it just because he had snatched a few toys from others?

He didn't believe the answer, and quickly found out why:

The man staring at him was actually close friends with Grindelwald.

He believes that birds of a feather flock together, so he looks at this person the same way he looks at Grindelwald.

Then he unexpectedly discovered that there was no difference in the behavior of the two people.

They all have their own charm, and they all affect the people around them, and...

During this period, both of them made breakthrough progress in their magical achievements and status.

In other words, they were doing the same thing in two different places—Germany and the United Kingdom.

Become the most outstanding one in your group.

They each climbed to the pinnacle of power in their respective locations at the same time.

This frightened Riddle. He felt that the person staring at him was more dangerous than the one in Germany.

The one in Germany is too prominent and attracts too many people’s attention.

But the one staring at him used a silent and gentle way to steal everyone's trust.

Riddle began to become cautious, and even showed a faint intention to break away from the previous group.

Without his coordination, Edward began to be unable to suppress Henry, and the team split from within.

The knights of Walpurgis slowly began to exist in name only.

But Riddle didn't care about this. He focused more on magic. During this period, he read a very interesting book called:

【Magic and Soul】

The book says that top wizards thousands of years ago would try to connect magic with souls.

The soul power is reflected in the magic, making the magic more magical and powerful.

It's hard to do this.

First of all, the magic power needs to be controlled very finely.

Secondly, you must be able to actively mobilize the power of the soul and map the soul into magic power.

These two conditions directly cut off the possibility of modern wizards using magic in this way, because modern wizards no longer mobilize magic power, they let everything take its course.

For them, magic has been reduced to spells + swinging a wand.

Mobilize magic?

Who knows what it is.

"Adding the power of the soul to magic would raise the emotion of the spell to a new level. If so..."

Riddle glimpsed a possibility. He couldn't wait to study the Flying Curse again, reversed its magical trajectory, and then tried to add the freedom of flight imagined in the soul to the magical movement...

One sunny afternoon, on the lawn behind the Quidditch pitch.

In this unnoticed corner, Riddle introduced soul mapping into his magic for the first time, and he also realized the flight he had dreamed of for the first time.

His feet slowly left the ground, the wizard's robe was hanging down, and Riddle opened his arms to embrace the blazing sun.

At this moment, he was extremely happy.

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