Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 794 Arrangement and Protection Plan

Fred and George thought it was ridiculous that Kyle killed seventy Death Eaters, and they didn't believe it at all.

And strictly speaking, Kyle didn't do it. He roughly calculated that the basilisk had the most records. Counting the sneak attack at the beginning and the indiscriminate attack afterwards, there were about thirty.

The main reason was that the basilisk's sight was too difficult to solve. When there were not many people, almost everyone would die when they saw it, and the Death Eaters were caught off guard.

Norbert joined later. Although the fire dragon had amazing destructive power, it was still much less efficient than the basilisk. At most, it was only a fraction of the total.


Together, they just exceeded half of the number.

So when Kingsley said this just now, Kyle could say calmly that he didn't kill all the Death Eaters.

Because he only solved half of them, as for the rest, Kyle didn't know.

It may be that Voldemort wanted to silence him. After all, when he said the last name "Riddle" before, his voice was not small.

And the Muggle father has always been a taboo for Voldemort. If he wants to continue to maintain his identity as a pure-blooded Slytherin descendant, he will definitely not let go of the Death Eaters who may have heard this secret.

With Voldemort's character, it is unlikely that he will waste time to screen one by one. Directly silencing is the simplest way, and there will definitely be no mistakes.

Of course, these are all speculations made by Kyle based on Voldemort's character. What happened after he ran away, only Voldemort himself knows.

At the same time, at the dining table...

"Molly, Sirius, you really misunderstood." Kingsley sighed. He seemed to want to explain something, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

In fact, the reason why he asked this was just out of the habit of an Auror, including Moody.

Or if it was anyone today, even Dumbledore, they would ask clearly.

But now there is no need for this, because they also don't believe that Kyle can kill so many Death Eaters in fifteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes, seventy... an average of nearly five per minute, even if facing warthogs, it is impossible to be so fast.

Even if there are seventy warthogs, they will run when they realize the danger, let alone seventy wizards.

In a place like Godric's Hollow, if you want to run, it is really not that easy to chase.

So there must be something they don't know about it, which has nothing to do with Kyle.

"Sorry." Kingsley looked at Kyle and said, "This is my duty, I hope you understand."

"Of course." Kyle said, "and I don't care."

The two smiled at each other, and no one said anything after that, and the matter seemed to have passed.

Seeing that the atmosphere became a little stiff, Mr. Weasley took the initiative to change the subject and said, "By the way, has anyone seen Dumbledore? His phoenix is ​​here, but why is he gone?"

While speaking, he subconsciously glanced at Fawkes who had landed on Kyle's shoulder... I don't know if it was because he had used Apparition too many times or was simply sleepy, Fawkes was sleeping so soundly that so many people talking couldn't wake him up.

However, in the face of Mr. Weasley's doubts, the others shook their heads and said that they didn't know what was going on. It seemed that no one had seen him since noon.

So, everyone's attention was focused on Kyle again.

There was no way, because Sirius had just said that Kyle could command the actions of the phoenix, and Fawkes sleeping on his shoulder also confirmed the truth of this statement.

If anyone present knew the whereabouts of Dumbledore, the first person they thought of was Kyle.

"Don't look at me, I don't know either." Kyle shrugged. "Dumbledore just said that he had something important to do and asked me to help take care of Fawkes."

The excuse was the same as when he was at the Hog's Head. In fact, this was also discussed in advance when they were still at Bathilda's house.

Dumbledore didn't want too many people to know that he used the time turner, so he thought of such a vague reason... there was something important to deal with.

After all, he usually ran around, so he wouldn't be suspected for a while, but if it took too long, it wouldn't work.

So Kyle is just fooling around for a day, just hoping that he can come back as soon as possible, not a year or two.

I have to admit that at this time, the name Dumbledore has become a symbol in a sense. As long as he is still there, he can give people a confidence of victory.

This kind of confidence is very necessary when facing the Death Eaters.

At this time, Mrs. Weasley just brought a midnight snack.

It's not very rich, just a very ordinary sandwich, corned beef and fried ham, but it's still very good to match whiskey.

Of course, only the people rescued by Fox were drinking, while the others who came from the Ministry of Magic still didn't drink a drop of alcohol.

When everyone was almost sober, the topic at the table returned to the Death Eaters again.

"I didn't expect that their number would become so large." Mr. Weasley said worriedly.

"Yes." Sirius nodded.

The number of Death Eaters they encountered before was not many, and there were basically only a few of them each time, but now the situation has become different.

Seventy Death Eaters were dispatched at one time... This number was almost the same as when Voldemort was at his most powerful more than ten years ago.

Although most of them were brought in to make up the numbers and their strengths varied, it was also a troublesome matter for the Order of the Phoenix and the Ministry of Magic.

Voldemort didn't even appear. Just one Bellatrix could bring out seventy Death Eaters, which also showed from the side that their number must be much more than seventy.

Bellatrix is ​​like this, as well as Antonin Dolohov, Lucius Malfoy, Barty Crouch Jr., Dolphin, Yaxley... they are also deeply influenced by Voldemort. Trusted Death Eaters.

Based on this calculation, the number of Death Eaters would be at least five times greater, that is, about 350.

In comparison, their side seems a bit weak.

Counting old members and new members, the Order of the Phoenix only has more than thirty people at full strength. The number of Aurors is about the same. There are more strikers, but it will not exceed a hundred.

Even if you add in the guards and other combatants, their number can barely reach about two hundred.

One is at most 200, and the other is at least 350. The difference is clear at a glance.

For a moment, everyone had a look of helplessness on their faces.

"Everyone, don't be so pessimistic. We have experienced wars with greater disparity, haven't we?" Lu Ping comforted everyone: "In the last war, the number of Death Eaters was thirty times ours, but they were still defeated. ”

But his words had no effect.

Everyone sitting here knows very well the reason why the Death Eaters failed last time... It has nothing to do with the Ministry of Magic, and it has nothing to do with the Order of the Phoenix. The most important reason is because Voldemort is dead.

Or maybe others thought he was dead.

The prophesied savior killed the arrogant Dark Lord, leaving the Death Eaters leaderless. Dumbledore, the strongest white wizard, seized the opportunity and led the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix to defeat them in one fell swoop.

This sounds exciting, but in the final analysis, it is still due to luck. If Voldemort is not dead, no one can guarantee what the final outcome will be.

Even if they can win, there is a high probability that it will only be a miserable victory.

Thinking of this, some people couldn't help but look at Harry...

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"No, it's nothing." Kingsley said, "I just want to remind you that seventy Death Eaters were lost this time, and the mysterious man will not give up. He will definitely find ways to get back.

"So in the recent period, if there is nothing particularly important, you'd better not leave here."

"But I can't hide here forever." Harry frowned, "We will start school soon, and I will have to go to King's Cross Station then."

"Well... I think it's best not to go to King's Cross Station," Kingsley said.

"Then how are we going to get to school?" Hermione was a little anxious.

"Hogwarts isn't the only way to get to Hogwarts by train, dear." Mrs. Weasley came over and placed a basket of fried potatoes on the table. "We will find a way to send you safely to Hogwarts. Portkeys and Floo Network are both good choices."

"I am more inclined to Apparate." Sirius said, "Sending them to Hogsmeade by Apparating is the safest way. To be honest, I don't really trust the Floo Network that is supervised by the Ministry of Magic. "

"Me too." Lupine said, he raised his head and glanced at Kingsley, "Of course, this is not directed at you, I just wonder if the Death Eaters have instigated people from the Department of Transportation. Are there any of them? Few wizards are proficient in the Imperius Curse."

"I understand, Remus." Kingsley nodded, "No matter what method is used, the ultimate goal is to allow Harry Potter to reach Hogwarts safely.

"As long as he gets to Hogwarts, he will be safe under Dumbledore's protection."

While they were talking about this, Kyle just sat there in silence.

This year's Hogwarts may not be that safe.

The only good news now is that no one except him knows about Dumbledore's movements, and without definite information, Voldemort does not dare to act rashly.

"By the way, we still need to arrange some manpower to go to Hogsmeade." Moody said, "Last year, someone tried to use cursed dark magic items to assassinate Kyle."

"It was Malfoy who did it." Harry said suddenly: "He admitted it when he was in the tower. He was also the one who used the Imperius Curse on Ms. Rosmerta and controlled her to use the love potion on Slughorn. "

"Malfoy?" Ron was a little surprised, "What did he say? Why have I never heard you mention this matter?"

"Didn't I say that?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"Of course not, just ask Hermione if you don't believe me." Ron said.

Hermione nodded, "No."

"Maybe I forgot," Harry said. "He said a lot that day, and he also admitted that he had been trying to kill Kyle and Dumbledore since he entered school, but he had never succeeded."

"You actually hid such an important thing from us?" Ron said loudly, unable to accept it for a while.

After all, most other times, Harry would tell them no matter what happened, but now he had a change of heart?

"I didn't mean it, I really forgot." Harry quickly explained: "You know, something even more unbelievable happened that day. If Alastor hadn't mentioned this just now, I might have thought I can’t get up.”

What Harry was talking about was the scene where Kyle rushed into the tower and directly washed the ground with fire. At that time, he was protected by Dumbledore and saw with his own eyes that the entire tower was filled with raging fire. It was like the end of the world. The horrific sight made him forget everything else.

It was also because of this incident that when Kingsley said that Kyle had killed seventy Death Eaters by himself, he had no doubt at all and almost subconsciously believed it.

After hearing his explanation, Ron nodded and reluctantly believed it.

"Hey, Malfoy...it's just as I guessed." Moody snorted, "But he probably won't go to Hogwarts this year."

"That's great." Harry couldn't help but laugh.

Hogwarts without Malfoy...it was like a dream.

"If you ask me to say, Dumbledore is too kind." Hagrid said gruffly, "The Malfoys are all evil, but Dumbledore still thinks that he is deceived. He is just like that Lucius. , is evil at heart.”

"Don't say that, Hagrid." Mr. Weasley waved his hand, "Dumbledore must have his own considerations. We just need to trust him."

Hagrid didn't say anything. He took a bottle of brandy, uncorked it and drank it in one gulp.

"In short..." Moody continued: "Although last year's culprit has left the school, none of us can guarantee whether there is still such a person among the students, and whether the target will be changed to Harry this year.

"For safety reasons, it is best for someone to stay in Hogsmeade for a long time after Hogwarts starts school.

"Protecting Harry is one thing, and at the same time, it can provide quick support when special situations arise."

"No problem, I agree."

"I agree……"

"So much the better."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Although Harry really didn't want everyone to do extra things for him, he also knew that what he said didn't count and he could only sit there and listen silently.

Moody glanced around the crowd and said, "Mundungus, you go..."

"Alastor," Sirius said suddenly, interrupting him.

"Leave this to me."

"You?" Moody frowned and hesitated.

Of course he believed that Sirius would be able to get things done, but the problem was that ability was only secondary, what they needed was concealment.

Whether it was to protect Harry or anything else, once he was discovered, the effect would be greatly reduced... because no Death Eater would be stupid enough to attack Harry in front of the protection personnel.

When it comes to hiding oneself, besides Nymphadora Tonks, Mundungus is more suitable.

"It's best to change to someone else." Moody said, "Your face is so recognizable that almost all Death Eaters recognize you and know that you are Harry's godfather.

"On the surface, Dumbledore and the professors are enough for protection. There is no need to add more people."

"I can drink Polyjuice Potion," said Sirius. "And more importantly, I have property in Hogsmeade and can stay there legitimately."


"The Shrieking Shack," Sirius said with a smile, "Remus and I bought it and it's ours now."

"No, it's you and Kyle." Lupine corrected: "I don't have that much money. Kyle lent me the money. I need to pay it back first."

As soon as he mentioned this, Sirius's face turned not so good. He still couldn't figure out why Lupine would rather pay interest and borrow money from Kyle, who had not graduated yet, rather than talk to him. What's going on? He could obviously give it to Lu Ping.

Chris also had a great reaction.

He knew that Kyle had made some money in the past few years, but he didn't know how much exactly, and he never asked.

Why did he already have his own industry just after graduation?

Or in Hogsmeade?

As far as he knew, the prices there were not cheap.

As the only wizard-only village in the UK, Hogsmeade has always had a reputation, so even the price of the Shrieking Shack, which has been abandoned for a long time, cannot be lower than three thousand galleons.

Even if Sirius's half is removed, fifteen hundred galleons is his salary for most of the year. Can Kyle and the others earn so much from the small businesses they do in school?

Oh, yes, the Triwizard Tournament.

Chris suddenly remembered that the prize money for the winner of the Triwizard Tournament seemed to be a thousand galleons, which made it much more reasonable.


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