Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 795 Fox's Roost

This discussion lasted until late at night.

Originally, the best candidate to go to Hogsmeade was Nymphadora Tonks. As a Disguisemagus, she could easily deceive everyone's eyes and hide herself perfectly.

Mundungus was also good. He often did gray business and was proficient in various disguises and could hide himself well.

But under Sirius's insistence, everyone finally agreed to let him perform the task of protecting Harry.

But the only requirement was that he must ensure that he always drank Polyjuice Potion and always maintained a different appearance in front of outsiders.

Sirius also agreed.

This is not difficult. There is a Muggle village ten miles away from Hogsmeade. At that time, he only needs to wait until night and find a Muggle with thick hair.

Harry was also very happy about this decision.

Compared with the other two people, he obviously still prefers to be with his godfather. Although they usually have to pretend that they don't know each other, it is always good to be close.

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After that, those who rushed back from the Ministry of Magic stood up and prepared to leave.

Mainly because Kingsley received the news from Scrimgeour through the special means of the Aurors that Godric's Hollow was short of manpower and they needed to rush over overnight.

Others also needed to help.

Kyle wanted to take this opportunity to go back to St. Catchpole Village. Calculating the time, he seemed to have not lived there for a long time, and when he passed by the door just now, he missed the old cat.

However, Kyle just followed Chris to the door and was pushed back by someone before he had time to go out.

"You have been living here recently." Chris turned his head and said.

"Why?" Kyle didn't understand, "I have to go to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow, it should be more convenient to live at home."

"It's safer here than St. Catchpole Village." Chris glanced at him.

Others didn't know what was going on, but he knew very well what was in Kyle's box.

Dragons, leopards, cats, basilisks, three-headed dogs... these are the most troublesome among the 5X-level magical animals.

Even every time he thought of Kyle carrying that dangerous box around, he couldn't help but feel a palpitation.

In terms of quantity, Kyle's box is definitely not as good as Newt's, but in terms of quality and danger factor, both are equally deadly.

So Chris knew very well that as long as they were used properly, those magical animals would be enough to help him deal with a large number of Death Eaters in a short time.

Let alone the basilisk.

The basilisk is a species created by humans. Strictly speaking, it is not a magical animal, but the most popular black magic creation thousands of years ago. And the purpose of its original creation was to kill.

The eyes of the basilisk are two materialized killing curses. There is no need to recite spells or wave wands, just look at each other, simple and crude.

Coupled with the scales comparable to the skin of a fire dragon, the basilisk can ignore most magical attacks and run rampant on the battlefield.

In front of this creature, unless there are powerful wizards like Dumbledore and Voldemort, it would be useless even if there were more people.

Of course, he didn't say these, even though he trusted others, he still chose to keep it secret.

"Have you ever let it out?" Chris asked in a low voice while Kingsley and Moody were talking.

"Yes." Kyle naturally knew what Chris was talking about, and he didn't hide it and admitted it directly.

"That's the reason." Chris shook his head and said:

"I don't know what you did, but one thing is certain, your behavior has angered the mysterious man. In this case, St. Catchpole Village is no longer so safe.

"In order to prevent him from retaliating against you, it's safer to live here. ”

"Yes, you can live here. "Mrs. Weasley also came over and said.

She didn't quite understand what Chris meant, but she understood the last sentence. When it comes to safety, there is no place better than here.

As the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore didn't know how many protective spells he had added here. The Fidelius Charm was only the most basic, and there were also anti-tracking spells, indestructible spells, fixed portkeys, etc. She knew seven of them.

It can be said that even if Voldemort knew the location of No. 12 Grimmauld Place and came here in person, it would take him a long time to break through the defenses here.

To some extent, the safety here is even better than Hogwarts without Dumbledore.

Of course she hoped Kyle could live here.

"Well...Okay." Kyle glanced at Chris, who had a calm expression, "Then I'll stay here."

"Yeah." Chris nodded, "In addition, don't go to the Ministry of Magic for the time being, hide here for a while first, and I'll help you with Amelia's problem."

"Okay. "Kyle nodded again.

It seems that Chris has been thinking about this since just now.

Although Kyle didn't really want to stay in the house, he killed dozens of Death Eaters with the Basilisk after all. This number of casualties is rare even in wartime.

Kingsley and others had to go back to work overtime in the middle of the night for this reason.

So Kyle thought that in order not to irritate Chris, he should do as he was told.

Seeing Kyle agreed, Chris breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Kyle unhappily.

In fact, he didn't want Kyle to develop the habit of killing. If you think about it carefully, almost all the Death Eaters who met Kyle in the past few years have left a few lives.

At first, it was because of the Triwizard Tournament. Kyle killed a Death Eater with the Fiendish Fire Curse for the first time. Later, when he and Cedric were cleaning up the Dementors together, they killed two more.

There were also the Death Eaters in the Hogwarts tower some time ago, the werewolves in the Black Forest, and all the way to Godric's Hollow... It can be said that the survival rate of the Death Eaters when they met Dumbledore was higher than when they met Kyle.

Chris was very worried that if this continued, Kyle would be eroded by the negative emotions brought by killing, and eventually become a dark wizard like Voldemort.

But he couldn't say anything.

Because even though he had killed so many Death Eaters, Kyle's magic was still spotless, which made his previous idea untenable.

This made Chris a little embarrassed. He looked at Kyle, shook his head helplessly, and then followed Kingsley and others to leave the square.

In the house, Ron was having a small celebration with the Weasley brothers, and set off a few streamers and firecrackers left over from the wedding in the restaurant.

They didn't need to think so much, and their ideas were simple. As long as the Death Eaters suffered losses, they would be happy. The greater the casualties, the more worth celebrating.

Although they didn't know what happened in Godric's Hollow, it didn't matter. The important thing was that the Death Eaters suffered heavy losses, which was a great victory for the Order of the Phoenix.

If conditions did not allow it, they would even want to hold a grand celebration party.

"Fred, George!" Mrs. Weasley looked at the streamers all over the room, and her temples were throbbing with anger.

"Can you guys be quiet for a bit?" She shouted, "I've been away for a while, and the whole restaurant is almost a mess!"

"It's just a few streamers, not as exaggerated as you say." Fred waved his wand, and the streamers around were immediately blown away by the wind.

"Look, isn't it clean now?"

"What I mean is that you should be more stable. Even if you can't be a role model for your younger brothers and sisters, at least don't lead them astray."

"We? Lead Ron astray?" Fred pointed at himself and George, then turned to look at Ron, "I think he is much more excited than us."

"Yeah." George nodded, "He set off more firecrackers than all of us combined."

"I remember he set off five."

"We each had two."

"Ginny is a..."

"So half of the streamers in this room were made by him."

Fred and George spoke in unison, and Ron's face turned red, staring at them in amazement.

"Didn't you give me all the streamers I released?"

"We just asked you to hold them. When did we tell you to release them?" George said confidently.

Ron was stunned and stammered. He looked at Hermione next to him for help, but Hermione didn't agree with him celebrating from the beginning, so she naturally couldn't help him now.

"Enough." Fortunately, Mrs. Weasley interrupted Fred and George who were chattering, "Now, go back to your room and sleep."

Ron ran out immediately.

The Weasley brothers also shut up in dissatisfaction and went back to their rooms reluctantly, muttering something as they walked... probably meaning that Mrs. Weasley was unfair and only talked about the two of them.

Mrs. Weasley turned a deaf ear to these complaints. Although she didn't know the truth, she knew Fred and George, and it was right to teach them a lesson.

"And you guys, it's time to go to bed too." She said to the rest of the people: "Kyle, do you need me to make an extra perch for the phoenix? But the conditions here are limited, there is only firewood."

"Ah, no need." Kyle shook his head.

Just like people are used to sleeping in beds, phoenixes prefer to stay on perches, and the more precious the wood, the more comfortable it is, just like the one in the principal's office of Hogwarts.

Kyle remembered that the perch was golden, not a decoration added later, it was golden in itself, and it looked like solidified Felix Felicis in the sun.

Although Kyle didn't have that kind of good stuff, he had a whole forest in his box, and Fox must be more comfortable living there than standing on a branch...

But Mrs. Weasley's words also reminded Kyle that if he came across the right materials, he could also try to make a perch for Fox.

Kyle thought as he walked out of the kitchen.


At the stairs, Kyle suddenly heard someone calling him, and when he turned around, he found that it was Hermione, who seemed to have been waiting for him here.

"What's the matter?" Kyle asked.

"Look, aren't you going to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow? I've thought of some more important issues." Hermione said, "It's about..."

"Wait a minute." Kyle interrupted her, "There's something you may not know, I probably won't go to work at the Ministry of Magic tomorrow."

"No, not going?" Hermione frowned, "Why?"

"Because of the You-Know-Who." Kyle explained, "Everyone thinks that the You-Know-Who might be angry with me because of what happened this afternoon, so they put me on house arrest. I may not be able to go anywhere during this period."

"Ah, sorry." Hermione said quickly, "I thought... maybe I was distracted and didn't hear this."

"No, it has nothing to do with you." Kyle said, "This is what they told me outside just now. You were not there at that time."

"That's good." Hermione said, "I'll go back first."

"Wait a minute." Kyle stopped her. "I think if you really want to change something, you can try it yourself."

"Try it yourself?" Hermione was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"It means to learn more about the Ministry of Magic." Kyle said, "To be honest, you don't actually understand the current situation of the Ministry of Magic, and even many of your perceptions are wrong."

"What's wrong?" Hermione looked at Kyle seriously and asked.

"A lot, for example, you always habitually move the school's system to the Ministry of Magic."

Kyle said, "But in fact, they are completely different, and the Ministry of Magic is not another Hogwarts.

It is not that one person simply says a word or makes a suggestion to change everything. Every new bill must be promulgated after careful consideration."

"And what you mentioned before, about the Muggle Mediation Committee, whether an employee is doing well or competent is also difficult to present with the intuitive written results of the school."

"But I really don't see their role." Hermione said.

"That's because you don't need it at all." Kyle said lightly: "You are a wizard born in Muggles. Both you and your parents know how to deal with other Muggles. So after encountering conflicts, you don't need the help of the Ministry of Magic at all."

Hermione did not refute this time.

"How about this." Kyle thought for a moment, "If you have nothing to do this month, go to the Ministry of Magic as a volunteer, just as a way to familiarize yourself in advance. It just so happens that they are quite short of people right now."


Hermione's eyes lit up, "Can I really go?"

"You definitely can't do it yourself." Kyle said, "But I can help recommend them. It just so happens that I know a lot of people in the Ministry of Magic. It should be no problem to find them a helper.

"But there is one thing I must tell you in advance. You are just helping out this time, without any salary. If you feel it's not right, forget it..."

"No, I agree." Hermione said immediately, "After I graduate next year, I will definitely work in the Ministry of Magic, so I am willing to get familiar with the working atmosphere there in advance."

"That's good." Kyle nodded, "Then you go back first, I'll take you there tomorrow."

"Okay." Hermione walked upstairs, but stopped after only two steps.

"Wait a minute, Kyle, didn't you just say that they won't let you leave here?"

"That's right." "Kyle shrugged, "But as long as I don't go out, isn't it okay?"

"Then how are you going to get there? You can't Apparate or use a portkey here, and the fireplace isn't connected to the Floo network."

"You won't forget how you left Godric's Hollow, will you?" Kyle smiled.

Hermione understood instantly, and then her face turned pale, "If I have to be taken by the Phoenix, I'd rather not go to the Ministry of Magic."

"The mysterious man is looking for me, it has nothing to do with you." Kyle said casually, "You can go there by normal means when the time comes, and we can meet near the magic fountain in the hall."

"Okay. "

When he said this, Kyle's eyes accidentally caught the huge portrait hanging next to him.

The portrait of Phineas Black.

This painting is nothing. Kyle had already seen Phineas's face when he was in school. His attention was on the picture frame.

As an ancient pure-blood family and the headmaster of Hogwarts, the picture frame that Phineas made for himself would definitely not be ordinary stuff. The wood on it...

Thinking of this, Kyle subconsciously reached out and put his hand on the picture frame.

This wood is really good. Even after hundreds of years, there is no crack on it, and it feels very smooth, as if touching a piece of warm jade.

What a good thing.

Kyle's eyes lit up. If this thing was dismantled and made into a perch, Fox would definitely like it.

But then he shook his head again...No, this is the portrait of Sirius' great-great-grandfather after all, and this is the ancestral home of the Black family. If you rashly dismantle someone's portrait, it would be a bit impolite.


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