Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 806: Opening Party

From morning to evening, the Hogwarts Express traveled at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its name.

Approaching Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick went to the prefect's compartment to explain things. Professor Sprout did not go, she was trimming the extra branches and leaves of a pot of Christmas cactus.

Kyle sat there, staring out the window in a daze.

Before this, he was actually worried about how the Hogwarts opening banquet would be held.

If the most important thing about this event before was the freshmen's sorting, then this year it must be Dumbledore's speech.

It's not that the freshmen's sorting is not important this year, it's just that everyone is not so concerned, especially in this situation, most people obviously want to see Dumbledore more.

He doesn't need to do anything, just showing up can reassure everyone.

Maybe this is why Dumbledore prepared in advance and asked Kyle to pretend to be him.


If he doesn't even show up at the opening party, it's inevitable that people will have a bad association, including that the Death Eaters may also have some temptations against the school.

Of course, as long as he shows up, there's no need to worry about these.

Since a week before the start of school, Kyle has been wondering when Dumbledore will come back.

To be honest, he did disappear for a long time. The closer the school starts, the more worried Kyle becomes.

First of all, time travel is not safe and full of uncertainties. Under normal circumstances, there can't be two Dumbledores in a time period. Once they see each other, they may accidentally kill their past or future "selves".

For example, if Dumbledore in the past killed "Dumbledore" who went back with a time converter, then he would really die in that time period and naturally couldn't come back.

If Dumbledore who went back killed himself at that time, the situation would only be worse. As for what it was... no one knows, because the people who experienced it didn't leave any information at all.

Although Kyle believed that Dumbledore would not make such a common sense mistake, he was not so sure about Ariana.

Even a clear-headed person would lose his composure when facing the things he cares about most, and Dumbledore was no exception.

If he wanted to save Ariana in a fit of anger, he would inevitably have an intersection with his past self, and anything could happen at that time.

Another important point is his return.

If a normal wizard uses the time converter, Dumbledore will live in the past for a hundred years until August of this year, and then return to Bathilda's home in Godric's Hollow to complete the time loop.

That is when he used the time converter to leave.

But this did not happen. It has been a month, and he has not appeared.

One of the reasons is the problem of the time converter. According to Nico, because it has been repaired, it may cause Dumbledore's time point to fall into a special deviation.

In other words, the system is stuck, his screen is not moving, but the outside world is normal.

But Nico also said that even if this happens, it will only take a few days at most, and it will not be stuck for a month.

In addition, in order to avoid this risk, Nico also gave a second option, which is to use the time converter to come back.

This is also the reason why he chose to make another magic stone and use it as the core of the time converter. The magic power provided by the magic stone is enough to support him to travel through time twice.

But Dumbledore did not seem to choose this method. He just disappeared out of thin air.

Before today, Kyle also thought whether Dumbledore was too old and died of old age one day in this hundred years. If so, he really couldn't appear.

But he just gave up this idea.

The life span of wizards is generally very long. For example, the last headmaster of Hogwarts, Armando Dippet, lived for more than 300 years and is still alive and kicking. Bathilda is also more than 100 years old.

Even the witch who sells snacks on the train can live to nearly 200 years old, not to mention Dumbledore, who has deep magic power. As long as he doesn't commit suicide, there is no problem living for 200 years.

But why hasn't he come back yet? Kyle couldn't figure it out.

Another whistle sounded, bringing Kyle back to his senses.

There was a noise outside the box... Hogwarts Express was arriving.

Kyle stood up subconsciously.

"Don't worry." Professor Sprout said, "It's best not to let others know that you came to Hogwarts."

Her meaning was very simple, asking Kyle to wait a while before going out. Kyle understood, nodded and sat back again.

Then Professor Sprout also left the carriage and led other students off the train.

Kyle sat in the car and looked at the crowds outside.

He also saw a huge figure. Hagrid, like in previous years, came to pick up the freshmen across the river to the castle with the oil lamp that had been used for who knows how many years.

Twenty minutes later, the last batch of students took a carriage to the castle. The surroundings returned to silence. Kyle also came outside and looked up at the castle hidden in the night.

"How do you feel? Come back in another identity." Professor McGonagall, who was responsible for sending the students, turned back and walked to Kyle's side.

"I can't tell." Kyle spread his hands, "But if there is a choice, I really don't want to come, and I believe that few graduates want to come back."

"I can understand." Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "But Dumbledore must show up at the opening banquet."

"I understand, otherwise I would have run away long ago." Kyle said, "By the way, Professor McGonagall, how much is the principal's salary."

"Salary?" Professor McGonagall felt a little bit unable to keep up with Kyle's thoughts. Why did they just talk about the school, and suddenly talked about salary.

But she still thought about it, "It shouldn't be less than 200 Galleons."

Her monthly salary is 200 Galleons, so the principal should be higher.

"Is this money for me?" Kyle asked, "After all, I am replacing Dumbledore to work, and it is reasonable to take his salary."

"Very reasonable." Professor McGonagall couldn't help rubbing his forehead, "Okay, we should go over, as I said just now, Dumbledore must appear at the opening banquet."

"Okay." Kyle sighed and walked into the castle gate with mixed feelings.

But they didn't rush to the castle, but went to the principal's office on the eighth floor first.

There were several robes prepared in advance.

"These are the styles that Dumbledore likes. Pick one." Professor McGonagall said, "Hurry up."

Kyle took a look.

Wow, purple... lavender... lavender stripes, dark purple with gold edges, there was not a single robe that matched Kyle's taste.

Professor McGonagall was urging him to do it again. Kyle had no choice but to pick a blue robe that he liked, then put Dumbledore's hair into the Polyjuice Potion and drank it.

Polyjuice Potion is a magical potion. It smells very bad, but after adding hair, it will become another different smell, and it is different for everyone, a bit like... Bibi Multi-Flavored Beans.

As for the bottle that Kyle drank... I don't know if the sugar that Dumbledore added to the black tea before was accumulated on his hair, a bit like syrup mixed with honey.

It was so sweet that Kyle almost vomited it.


At the same time, the Great Hall.

Because Professor McGonagall was not there, Professor Flitwick helped to sort the freshmen, but few students around paid attention to the Sorting Hat.

They all stared at the direction of the teacher's seat and the side entrance next to it.

"Dumbledore is not here." Ron muttered quietly: "What on earth is he busy with? He didn't even participate in the Sorting Ceremony."

"I don't know, and no one knows where he is." Harry said worriedly: "Is Hogwarts really safe without Dumbledore?"

"Don't worry, this castle is not only about Headmaster Dumbledore, but also Professor McGonagall and others." Hermione on the side was not so worried, "And this place has existed for a thousand years, with various protective magics, and the Death Eaters dare not break in."

"I hope so." Harry said.

He still felt that Hermione's idea was a bit too optimistic.

Without Dumbledore, the protective magic in the castle might not be able to stop Voldemort.

There were many people who had the same idea as him. From the time the freshmen came in to now, students whispering to each other could be seen everywhere in the hall, and it was always noisy.

And as time went by, the noise became louder and louder.

"Oh, look over there!"

Just when Harry was thinking about it, he suddenly felt someone push him hard.

Ron was patting his shoulder excitedly, pointing in the direction of the side door.

"Look, Dumbledore is here!"

Harry looked up and saw Dumbledore who had just walked in. He was wearing a blue robe and was talking to Professor McGonagall next to him.

"They must have been delayed by something." Ron's voice was obviously more relaxed than before. "Remember? Professor McGonagall saw us get on the carriage and left in a hurry. I guess she must have gone to find Dumbledore at that time."

"That's obvious." Hermione said. He looked at Dumbledore and frowned in confusion. "Strange, why do I feel that the headmaster seems a little nervous."

"How is it possible." Ron said nonchalantly, "It's just a sorting ceremony. He doesn't know how many times he has participated in it. How can he be nervous?"

"That's right, maybe I'm dazzled." Hermione didn't care either.

"Walk slower."

In the direction of the teacher's seat, Professor McGonagall said in a low voice without moving her mouth, "You are the headmaster, you don't have to walk so fast."

"I know, but I have no experience." Dumbledore... no, it should be said that Kyle, who had drunk the Polyjuice Potion, said in a low voice.

Who has been the headmaster before, how can he know how fast to walk normally.

"Don't talk, follow me!" Professor McGonagall said again, then walked to the teacher's seat and pulled open the chair in the middle.

This was a reminder to Kyle where to sit.

"Oh, Albus, why are you here so late?" Professor Flitwick next to him asked with a wink.

"Something delayed me." Kyle took a deep breath and quickly recalled Dumbledore's previous performance, "I really hope I didn't miss the sorting ceremony."

"Then you have to come ten minutes earlier." Professor Sprout said.

Her performance was much better than Professor Flitwick's. It felt like she was really talking to Dumbledore.

This was also what they had agreed on, to speak proactively and prevent other professors from chatting with the principal as much as possible.

With the arrival of ‘Dumbledore’, the hall gradually became quiet, and the sound of the Sorting Hat could finally be heard clearly.


A freshman completed the sorting, and Kyle applauded along with other professors.

He really wanted the sorting to be slower, preferably until the end.

Because during the sorting, he only needed to sit and applaud, and nothing else.

But this idea was obviously impossible.

When the last freshman was sorted into Ravenclaw, Professor Flitwick left with the Sorting Hat and the triangular stool.

Kyle felt someone kick him from below, it was Professor McGonagall.

At the same time, he also remembered that according to the procedure, Dumbledore was supposed to speak at this time.

Then he stood up.

The eyes of hundreds of people in the audience moved to him at the same time, and for no reason, Kyle felt a burst of nervousness.

“Welcome everyone to Hogwarts, I will say a few words before the banquet begins.” He said subconsciously, and then quickly reacted.

"That's it, eat."

Kyle sat down, and there was thunderous applause around him.

The empty golden plate was immediately filled with rich food, and the freshmen were shocked.

I don't know if it's because of his age, Harry looked at their fussing and thought of himself when he first entered school.

He was like this at that time, and was amazed at the delicious food that appeared on the plate.

"What does he mean by this?" Hermione couldn't help asking.

"Who knows, isn't Dumbledore always like this? Crazy, and always likes to say something that people can't understand." Ron, who had been hungry for a long time, grabbed a chicken leg, "But he is right about one thing."

"What?" Harry asked.

"He did say a few simple words."

At the Ravenclaw long table next door, Luna Lovegood looked at Dumbledore in the teacher's seat, tilted her head, and then looked at the person next to her.

"After graduating from Hogwarts, can you become the headmaster directly?"

"What nonsense are you talking about." The person she asked said with some disgust.

She glanced at the carrot earrings on Luna's ears, and couldn't help but move aside, leaving a large space.

She didn't want to talk to Luna, and didn't want others to misunderstand that she was friends with this famous crazy girl.

But Luna didn't care about her actions. She never cared about other people's attitudes towards her, whether it was disgust or dislike, what did these have to do with her.

Luna glanced at Dumbledore on the stage again and whispered, "Is it not possible? How strange."

But because she was surrounded by nothing, no one heard this sentence.

When the students started to eat, the professors were also eating.

Kyle had already spotted a piece of fragrant grilled steak. The steak was grilled to a light brown color and paired with garlic. It must be delicious.

But before he could start, the steak was taken away by Professor McGonagall next to him, and she quietly moved a plate of frosted raspberry pie over.

Kyle then reacted.

Yes, he is now Dumbledore, and this identity must be kept secret not only from students, but also from most professors.

Dumbledore doesn't like steak, he only likes sweet food.

Kyle looked at the thick layer of icing on the pie... If he took a bite of this thing, his throat would probably be choked.

At this moment, he really regretted it.

Whether it was Voldemort or those robes that didn't meet his aesthetic taste, they only made Kyle hesitate, but now, he really regretted taking this job.

Clothes and other things can be compromised, but the taste preferences... Sorry, as a Hufflepuff, this is really not compromised.

Kyle smiled and put down the tableware silently.

"Albus, what's wrong with you?" Aurora Sinistra, the astronomy professor who happened to see this scene, couldn't help asking, "No appetite?"

Professor McGonagall also looked over, with a bit of nervousness in her eyes.

"No, I just thought that I really shouldn't go to see Newt this afternoon."

"Newt Scamander?" Professor Sinistra asked.

"Yes, his wife Tina likes making cookies. I ate them for a whole afternoon. I thought they tasted good at the time, but now it seems that this was a wrong decision."

Kyle sighed and looked at the frosting pie with a reluctant look, "If I take it away, would it be a bit too rude?"

"Of course not." Professor Sinistra had no doubt, "To be honest, you are the only one who likes this."


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