Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 807: Opening Ceremony, First Decision

At the opening banquet, students and professors were enjoying delicious food and talking about their holiday experiences, with the exception of Kyle.

Because he didn't like to eat anything too sweet, but he had to maintain his Dumbledore persona, so he could only find an excuse to eat a full afternoon and sit there and watch.

This process was so painful, especially when the aroma of steak and fried meat came over, Kyle felt as if someone was holding a concert in his stomach.

But he couldn't show it, so he could only hold on. If he couldn't stand it, he could only pretend to be indifferent and eat a few bites of pudding.

He held on for an hour.

Finally, the last piece of orange pudding on the plate disappeared, and the noise in the auditorium gradually subsided.

Kyle knew it was his turn to work again.

To be honest, by now, he had gradually gotten used to the identity of Dumbledore, and his state was not as nervous as at the beginning.

Kyle stood up, and the auditorium immediately returned to silence.

"I know everyone has eaten and drunk enough, and wants to quickly return to the warm bed in the dormitory and have a good night's rest.

"But before that, please allow me to take up some of your time. At the beginning of the semester, I need to give you a few points of attention."

Professor McGonagall turned her head in surprise.

No matter the expression or tone, they were too similar. For a moment, she even thought that this was the real Dumbledore.

But Kyle didn't notice this. He was looking at everyone in the audience at this time.

"Let me think, first of all, the game activities that everyone cares about the most. Some people suggested that in this tense situation this year, it would be best to cancel Quidditch so that everyone can concentrate on studying..."

At this point, the auditorium exploded instantly.

"Oh, no!"

"Quidditch can't be cancelled!"

"I still want to compete for the Quidditch Cup! "Harry was in a bad mood.

He will graduate next year. If Quidditch is cancelled this year, it means that he will not get a Quidditch cup.

If he is defeated by other teams, although he is unwilling, there is nothing he can do. He will get over it after two days.

But if he misses the trophy because of the cancellation of the game, he can't accept it.

"No, Quidditch must not be cancelled." Ron was also very excited and almost jumped out of his seat.

Among the three, only Hermione seemed normal. She was not a member of the Quidditch team and was not very interested in this kind of activity. It didn't matter to her whether the activity was cancelled or not.

"But..." Kyle didn't care about the noisy people and continued.

His voice echoed in the hall, and at the same time, everyone immediately shut up and looked over.

"But I think that the more it is in such a dark moment, the more we need to find something that can bring happiness, so that happiness can dispel the dark clouds.

"So I decided that the Quidditch game will go on as usual. The player review will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who want to join the college team please contact Ms. Hooch."



The cheers were like waves, rushing straight to the ceiling that was cast with magic, and the dark clouds covering the moon seemed to have really dispersed a little.

"Don't get excited yet, listen to me." Kyle raised his voice, "At the same time, I decided that Quidditch this year can only use the brooms provided by the school."

The cheers suddenly became smaller.

"This is unfair!" Ron almost shouted, "Everyone knows that Harry has a Firebolt, which is unfair to us."

His voice was loud, Kyle heard it, and all the professors heard it.

Professor McGonagall frowned, and looked at the direction of her own college like a sharp sword.

With just one glance, Ron sat back with his neck shrunk, but from his flushed face, it can be seen that he still did not accept it.

Not only him, but the entire Gryffindor, including Hermione, did not accept it.

Hermione has no interest in Quidditch, but if the team can win the championship, it is also an honor for the college. Now being inexplicably targeted is definitely unacceptable.

"Some people may wonder why such changes are made." Kyle's expression did not change, and he continued calmly: "Because there are some small changes in this year's competition... First of all, the team that wins the championship will add 200 points to their own college!"

"How much?" Hermione's angry expression was still on her face, but her voice changed, and she subconsciously said: "It was 100 points before."

One hundred points was a lot, and now it has doubled directly, which is too exaggerated.

It can be said that which college can add these 200 points at the end of the school year can directly reverse the ranking of the college cup, and even jump from fourth place to first place.

Of course, the premise is not too bad.

She still remembers that Gryffindor in a previous year only had eight points at the end of the school year, while the first place Hufflepuff had 689 points, which was higher than them.

In that case, even adding three 200 points would be useless.

But that situation is a special case and should not happen again... Well, I hope so.

"Harry, Ron, you have to work hard!" Hermione said in a deep voice: "As long as we win the Quidditch championship, we have a great chance of winning the house cup."

The two responded, but they were not very excited.

They value Quidditch more than the House Cup. If possible, they would rather not have extra points and use Firebolts.

"In addition, the best member of the championship team will receive a special gold medal in the trophy room." The voice that sounded like a whisper came again.

Trophy Room


Gold Medal?

Even Harry himself didn't notice that his face was quickly turning red, and so was Ron.

But this time it was not because of anger, but excitement.

Having been detained in the trophy room many times, they knew very well that there were no gold medals there, and the only ones were team honors.

Individual gold medals, this is the first time!

The discussion among the crowd was louder than the previous times.

"If we win, will it be written into the school history!" Ron stood up again.

"Unless you can get a gold medal." Hermione thought for a moment and said, "You should be able to show your name in the school history."

She looked a little annoyed. "If I knew there would be such an event this year, I should have practiced flying more."

The school library has a book called "Hogwarts: A History of the School", which records various events that have happened since the school was founded.

But because the school was founded so long ago, with a history of more than a thousand years, it would be impossible to record everything in a big book, so we can only pick some relatively important things.

For example, the Philosopher's Stone in their first year, the Chamber of Secrets in their second year, and the Triwizard Tournament in their fourth year.

Especially the Triwizard Tournament, which was not only written into the school history, but also occupied a full five lines. You know, even the inauguration of the new headmaster can only occupy three lines.

Of course, they don't ask for so much, even just one sentence, or even a name is a great honor for him.

"Let's do it!" Ron slapped the table, "I will train every day this year, and no one can stop me."

"No one is stopping you." Ginny rolled her eyes on the opposite side. Although she was also very excited, she suddenly calmed down after seeing Ron's look.

You must not show it, it looks too stupid.

"Quiet, quiet, you can wait until you get to the dormitory to discuss the plan, at least no one will overhear you." Kyle waved his hand, and finally suppressed the discussion that almost overturned the ceiling.

"Now I have a few other things to announce, first-year students, please note that no students are allowed to enter the forest area on the school grounds."

"Also, it is forbidden to use Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products in school, and it is not allowed to buy from senior students."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Kyle slapped his forehead,

"Because your Professor Snape was accidentally injured during the holidays, this year the Ministry of Magic temporarily arranged an experienced Auror to assist him in teaching you Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Say hello to everyone, Professor Kingsley."

A wizard stood up quickly, it was Auror Kingsley.

Kyle only learned about this from Professor McGonagall after arriving at school.

"Snape is injured?"

At the Gryffindor table, Harry looked excitedly at the teacher's seat, the seat he had been deliberately avoiding.

Snape sat there, without saying a word.

Harry looked at him carefully for a while and found that he looked paler than usual, and he looked very haggard.

"Ha, you deserve it!" Ron said with a smile, "I guessed it a long time ago, after all, he was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor last school year."

"What a pity, he can still come to school."

"But it's not bad now." Harry was also very happy, "Kingsley is a capable Auror, it would be great if he could teach us."

"I hope so."

After introducing the new professor, Kyle thought about it, and after finding that there were no mistakes, he began to direct everyone to sing the school song.

This is also a reserved program of Hogwarts.

There is no fixed tune, everyone can choose their favorite.

After everyone finished singing, they stood up and prepared to return to the dormitory.

"I didn't expect it." Ron led a group of Gryffindor freshmen through the door of the auditorium, and couldn't help saying: "I thought this year's opening banquet would be boring, but I didn't expect there would be so many surprises, especially the individual gold medal for Quidditch competition. There has never been this before, right?"

"Yes." Harry walked beside him, with the same excitement on his face.

In other words, no Quidditch player was not excited. They all wanted the gold medal and to be the first person to receive this honor.

"So we are competitors?"

"Only if we can win the championship." Harry shook his head.

"That's right, let's win the championship first." Ron said with great enthusiasm. "It's a pity that you can't use the Firebolt."

"This is for fairness." Hermione turned her head in front of him, "Only by using the same broom can we see who is better."

"I know." Ron said, but his voice was a little low.

Inexplicably, he glanced at Harry and quickly looked away.

When Hermione was talking just now, Ron felt that he had a very despicable idea.

He thought this rule was very good.

Because if Harry could still use the Firebolt, then even if Gryffindor won, the gold medal would probably be his.

Because the Firebolt had such a huge advantage, it almost crushed all the brooms on the market, which would definitely give him a lot of points.

Only now, when everyone uses the same model of broom, does he have a chance.

Ron felt that he shouldn't say that, and as Harry's best friend, he couldn't think that either.

But this kind of thought just appeared and was not under his control at all, which made him dare not even look at Harry, so he could only use other things to divert his attention.

"That little one, hurry up and don't fall behind." He shouted to the freshman at the end of the line.

"Ron, you shouldn't have said that." Hermione looked at him angrily, "You should have called them by their names."

"I know, but I didn't remember." Ron spread his hands. "I dare say many people didn't remember. When the freshmen were sorted, everyone was busy looking for Dumbledore. Who would remember that the freshmen were all busy looking for Dumbledore?" What’s the name?”

After all the students walked out of the auditorium, the professors also left.

Kyle looked at Snape's staggering back and frowned slightly. "what happened to him?"

"I don't know." Professor McGonagall shook her head, "No one knows where he has been since the holiday started, and he didn't return to Hogwarts until last night.

"And he's much better now. When we found him yesterday, he couldn't even walk."

"Fortunately, Dumbledore made arrangements in advance. After the Ministry of Magic learned about the situation here, it immediately arranged for Kingsley to take lessons for him for a period of time."


Kyle felt even more strange.

He could understand Snape's disappearance. He had another identity. After the school holidays, he naturally went to Voldemort to help Dumbledore gather information.

But it's all good, why was he injured? I haven't heard of any big moves by the Death Eaters recently.

The most recent one was Godric's Hollow, but that time it was Bellatrix who led the team, and all the Death Eaters who came with them were nameless Death Eaters, and Snape was not among them.

Could it be that Voldemort blamed him for that defeat?

No reason.

Or is the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor really that evil?

"Let's not talk about it for now. Your performance really surprised me." Professor McGonagall said.

"What, is there any flaw?" Kyle asked.

"On the contrary, it's perfect." Professor McGonagall said, "Even if Mr. Aberforth comes, he probably won't be able to tell that it's you pretending to be Dumbledore."

Having said this, Professor McGonagall suddenly hesitated, and then asked: "Can I ask why you made that decision?"


"Quidditch." Professor McGonagall said, "This is not what we discussed before."

"I just made it up on the spur of the moment." Kyle walked up the stairs. "School shouldn't be a dull place. Find something to keep everyone's attention on. To some extent, it can also alleviate their fear of eating death. The fear of being a disciple, I think it’s pretty good.”

"Although you are right to say that, two hundred points is a bit too much, isn't it? This score can even determine the winner of the Academy Cup." Professor McGonagall stared at Kyle.

She noticed that Dumbledore's silver beard had become much shorter, probably because the Polyjuice Potion was about to expire.

Kyle also noticed this and walked quickly towards the principal's office while explaining:

"Don't the Golden Snitch also have 150 points?" Kyle said, "It's understandable that we regard this Academy Cup as a unique Quidditch game."

Professor McGonagall didn't think she understood.

Quidditch and the House Cup are two different things and it doesn't make any sense.

But there was nothing she could do. Kyle announced this news at the opening party as Dumbledore, which meant that the matter was confirmed.

If she tells everyone that the event is cancelled, it will only cause greater commotion.

And she had just noticed that most people didn't seem to care that much about this outrageous bonus.

If that's the case, there's no need to bother.

And she is also a Quidditch fan herself, so she naturally wants to see the game become more exciting.

"Forget about the score." Professor McGonagall continued: "What about the gold medal? What's going on?"

"Of course it's an extra reward." Kyle stopped in front of the gargoyles on the eighth floor, "Help them cheer up and increase their motivation."

"How do you get the money?" Professor McGonagall mentioned the most critical question, "A solid gold medal is not cheap. Although the school can get it, no one wants to spend such a sum of money on meaningless things. "

"It's easy to say, it doesn't need to be paid by the school."

"Are you prepared to pay out of your own pocket?"

"How can I, a recent graduate, have so much money?"

"Then what do you think?"

"It's very simple." Kyle's hair has completely turned back to black, and his eyes have also changed back. He chuckled, "Of course whoever said it will pay for it."

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