Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 832 Hogwarts 100 Years Ago

The golden pocket watch shines brightly on the table, and through the hands and gaps, you can vaguely see the brighter red magic stone inside.

Kyle looked at Nico, "Is this fixed?"

"The process went very smoothly." Nico said with a smile, "It was smoother than I imagined. There was not a single mistake."

Now not only Kyle, but also the principals around him couldn't help themselves. They all came over and stretched their necks to look at the table.

"Is this the time turner?" Phineas said.

"Nonsense." Armando Dippet glanced at him. "Otherwise, what is it, a fork?"

"I mean, such a little thing can really bring people back a hundred years ago?" Phineas rarely confronted Armando, and his eyes were always focused on the golden pocket watch.

"What, you want to use it?" Armando mocked: "Unfortunately, the portrait cannot use the time turner."

"If anyone wants to use it, I'll ask... Isn't it okay?" Phineas jumped to his feet.

"It's indeed possible." At this time, a witch's voice came from behind the two of them, "It's even a little longer, no problem."

"Amazing, truly a work of Salazar Slytherin."

"No, only the frame is still there, but most of it has been modified. Strictly speaking, this is another work.

"And using the magic stone as the core... although it is a bit luxurious, it is a very good idea. It can minimize the risk, which is really good."

"It's a pleasure to receive your compliments." Nico smiled: "But one thing I have to admit is that without this crucial framework, I would not be able to reproduce this time turner."

"That sounds pretty good," Phineas said. "Salazar Slytherin's wisdom is unmatched."

He held his head high and looked proud.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him.

"It's just a bit too luxurious." The voice continued: "It just provides the core of magic power. There are many ways to replace it."

"But for now, finding a substitute for what you are talking about is more troublesome than making a magic stone." Nico shook his head and said, "At least we can just find the materials needed for the magic stone."

"You are right...Salazar also thought about using the magic stone as a source of magic power, but at that time there was no trace of the Phoenix in the magic world, so he had to use another method."

"Ha, you made it sound like you were there." Phineas couldn't help but turn around, "Can you stop talking nonsense..."

Phineas's words stopped suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened, and his whole body looked like a rooster that had been strangled by the neck, with his mouth open, but unable to make a sound.

After a while, he managed to squeeze out some movement from his throat.


"It's me." Rowena Ravenclaw nodded lightly.

Her eyes moved from the time turner to Phineas, "Are you also the Headmaster of Hogwarts?"

"Yes, yes, about a hundred years ago." Phineas said nervously,

"Oh." Rowena Ravenclaw nodded without saying anything.

Armando dragged him behind him in disgust, "Ms. Ravenclaw, I didn't expect you to be in school..."

"You can also pretend that I am not here." Rowena Ravenclaw said without any expression on her face, "And I will not participate in any decisions in the school."

"You are joking." Another female principal said excitedly: "We are all very willing to get your guidance, and I believe the current principal is the same."

"No, I won't do that." Rowena Ravenclaw shook her head and said, "I'm just a memory that shouldn't appear here. I don't want to, and can't, interfere with all decisions at this time."

"Then why did you show up this time?"

"To solve the problems left before." Ravenclaw did not explain, but just looked at the time turner again.

The others were confused, but Kyle could probably understand.

This time-turner was left behind by Salazar Slytherin, and strictly speaking it is considered a 'something that shouldn't exist'.

This is probably the reason why Ravenclaw appeared... If Kyle's guess is correct, after he brings Dumbledore back this time, this thing will not appear again.

"Do you still have any questions?"

Kyle noticed Ravenclaw suddenly looking at him.

"Do I need to make some preparations?" He asked quickly: "I remember you told me to stay away from the time turner as much as possible."

"This is still my advice." Ravenclaw said, "But...if you insist on going, remember to keep a clear head. But at this point, you seem to have been prepared. Is it a reset potion?" ...or another name."

Kyle looked at Nico.

"Yes." Nico nodded and explained: "It's the magic potion you drank before. It can make your thinking not affected by time. Even if you have two 'selves', you can still maintain the independence of your mind. "

"That's no problem."

"Wait a minute." Kyle whispered: "If it was a hundred years ago, there seems to be no second me...even my father was not born yet."

"This effect is not just as simple as having another 'self'." Ravenclaw explained patiently: "In a sense, going back to the past that you have not experienced is more dangerous than normal time travel. If Without the protection of the potion, you will gradually forget everything and get lost in the past. "

"But now it seems that someone has taken all this into consideration." Ravenclaw glanced at Nico again, and then disappeared from the frame.

No one saw how she left, just like no one saw how she came just now.

The quarrel between Professor McGonagall and Minister Bones was heard outside the door again.

Kyle looked up.

"Don't worry about them, it's okay." Nico said. He picked up the time turner and pressed it lightly. "You have more important things now."

As he moved, a ray of red light spread from the magic stone inside the time turner, extending along the lines on the surface until it evenly covered the five hands.

"Okay." Kyle took the pocket watch nervously. "When should I go to find Professor Dumbledore?"

"Go to the beginning of everything." Nico said softly: "If Albus is rejected by time, you will definitely find him there."

"what should I do?"

"Just move the longest pointer once, and I made a mark on it." Nico pointed to the time converter. There was a newly drawn scale on it, which was obvious.

"This is the time I calculated. It may not be so accurate when you dial it, but as long as it doesn't differ too much, it will be fine. It's just a matter of waiting a few more days."


Kyle took a deep breath, pressed his finger on the longest pointer, and applied gentle pressure.

The pointer then started to rotate, easily at first, but then started to feel resistance when it was halfway through the movement. The closer it was to the mark, the greater the resistance.

"Don't stop..." Nico reminded from the side: "You can take your time, but you must not stop."

Kyle pushed the pointer to where the mark was in one breath... not bad, at least it seemed to be facing the mark.

When he released his finger, the red light on the pointer seemed to have found an outlet and immediately poured into the corresponding scale. The time converter began to vibrate violently, broke free from Kyle's hand, and floated in the air.

But Kyle was not surprised. After all, he had seen this kind of scene once... It was the same when Dumbledore used the time turner.

Nico took a small step back and suddenly slapped his forehead while looking at Kyle.

"Oh, I forgot, he shouldn't be allowed to go back here."

"What's wrong?" Armando asked.

"Because he would probably appear in the principal's office in 1899, the year Albus graduated." Nico frowned and said, "Who was the principal at that time?"

Everyone looked towards Phineas Black.

"Look what I'm doing." Phineas subconsciously took two steps back.

"If I remember correctly." Armando narrowed his eyes, "You were the principal at that time, right? After all, I only took office in 1927."

"It's me," Phineas said, "but even so, I can't go back..."

"Oh!" He suddenly said: "I think I've seen him before, that Kyle... No wonder I always feel that that kid looks familiar."

"You didn't make things difficult for him, did you?"

"How do I know? That was a hundred years ago. I see so many people every day. How can I still remember who they are... Wait, what do you want to do?"

Armando immediately took out his weapon and said, "Kyle went to save Albus. If you dare to do anything unnecessary, we will not let you go."

But by this time Kyle couldn't hear them anymore.

He found that everything around him began to blur quickly, and countless pictures flashed rapidly, as if he was watching a movie that was rewinding a thousand times... Nothing could be seen clearly, only countless lines of different colors. , passing quickly in front of my eyes.

This was a long process and not very pleasant. Kyle felt that his eardrums were swollen and he couldn't help but want to scream. He might have screamed, but he couldn't hear his own voice.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, he felt his feet touch solid ground, and everything became clear again...

He saw the familiar yet unfamiliar principal's office.

The layout was similar to what he remembered, but the conspicuous silverware and the huge photo behind the table were gone, replaced by a few ugly statues and a bad color scheme.

"Who are you!" A voice shouted from behind.

"You are a seventh-grade student, right? It's exam time now. If you don't go to the exam room, what are you doing in the principal's office? Do you want to steal something?"

Kyle turned his head subconsciously and saw an equally unfamiliar and familiar face.

Phineas Black... was much younger than he looked in the photo, with black hair and a delicate mustache.

But this attitude still deserves a beating.

When he saw a student appear in his office, his first reaction was to steal something. It was really an unprovoked and bad duty.

Kyle curled his lips and showed a standard smile, "Dear Principal Black, do you think I am a seventh grade student?"

"Otherwise." Phineas said impatiently, "Do you want to say that you are in the first grade?"

"No, I am indeed in seventh grade." After confirming that Phineas really thought so, Kyle breathed a sigh of relief, at least he didn't have to make up excuses for himself.

"Then do you know me?"

"Why should I know you?" Phineas said with a straight face, "Why should I know you? Tell me quickly, which college you are from."

"Hufflepuff," Kyle said.

After hearing about Hufflepuff, the impatience on Phineas's face became more obvious, and he lost interest in continuing the conversation, "If you don't prepare for the exam, why are you coming to the principal's office? Do you want to steal something!"

"Of course not, I just happened to be passing by and wanted to say hello to you. After all, I will graduate soon..."

"No need." Phineas interrupted Kyle rudely and pointed in the direction of the door, "Leave quickly, otherwise you won't be able to graduate... Also, because you maliciously broke into the principal's office, Hufflepah A hundred points will be deducted... Oh, sorry, I forgot that you don't have a hundred points anymore, so let's deduct fifty-seven points!

"Congratulations, because of your own initiative, Hufflepuff has become the only house with zero points."

Phineas chuckled, that face deserved a beating even more.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you like it, principal." Kyle said with a smile, turned and left the principal's office.

He also did not expect that Phineas when he was the headmaster was actually a hundred times worse than him in the portrait, and he made it clear that he despised Hufflepuff without any attempt to hide it.

Is this really the attitude a principal should have?

Kyle looked back at the principal's office door and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Fifty-seven points, right? He remembered it... It doesn't matter. You can settle this account slowly when you get back.

But thanks to Tophinias, Kyle also knew the specific time.

The seventh-grade exam should be held in June 1899. According to the information he had previously obtained, Dumbledore's goal should be August, which means that he will definitely appear two months ahead of schedule.

Okay, the time is just right.

Kyle strolled slowly down the corridor, taking in the scene around him.

He had seen Hogwarts in two different periods, the one he was in, and the Hogwarts of a thousand years ago.

This is the third time... Hogwarts a hundred years ago was also the period when he felt most uncomfortable.

Because it was final exam time, everyone was very busy and walked quickly, but they restrained themselves from making too much noise. There were no people even chatting with each other, even if there were occasionally lower grade students who wanted to If you try to speak, you will be stopped immediately.

"Filch will probably like this." Kyle said in his heart, and couldn't help but quicken his pace, preparing to leave here first.

Hogwarts was a bit too repressive during this period, so it's no wonder that Phineas was called the most unpopular headmaster.

Kyle passed by a row of classrooms and a group of students waiting for exams at the door. When he was about to go downstairs, he suddenly heard the voice of the witch behind him.

"Next, Albus Percival Dumbledore, it's your turn to take the Transfiguration exam."

Kyle immediately stopped and stopped moving.

He turned around and saw a handsome boy walking out of the crowd.

At this time, Dumbledore was about seventeen years old. He was younger than him, with a childish appearance, short reddish-brown hair, and a high-spirited look.

"I'm here." He waved his hand and said politely: "Thank you, Ms. Marchbane."

"I have heard of you a long time ago, a genius student of Hogwarts." The middle-aged witch, the future Professor of March, nodded with a smile.

"But remember, I will not lower the difficulty of the exam just because of your name. On the contrary, I will increase the difficulty appropriately."

"No problem." Young Dumbledore said confidently: "I am confident that I will pass the professor's test."

After saying that, he strode into the classroom.

Professor Marchban seemed to feel something, turned his head subconsciously, and saw Kyle staring at them.

She glanced down at the list, then at the people queuing up, frowned and said, "Why is there one more person? Who are you?"

"Ah, I'm a sixth-grade student." Kyle said quickly: "I'm curious about the content of the exam, so I came here to take a look."

"That's right." Professor Marchban nodded.

"So can I go take a look?" Kyle asked, "and take a closer look at the exam."

"Of course not. You must not be disturbed in any way during the N.E.W.T exam." Professor Marchban said with a straight face, "There is nothing to be curious about. You..."

"It's okay, Professor March." Dumbledore, who had just entered, stuck his head out, "It's just that someone is watching, but it won't affect me. It's good to let the lower-grade students see the exam process and gain experience.

"Besides, this is a spell application test, and he can't help me cheat, can he?"

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