Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 833 The Generous Mysterious Wizard

"Since you think you're OK..."

Perhaps because Dumbledore is special, Professor Marchbank thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay then."

She looked at Kyle again and reminded him, "Remember, you can't make any noise or do anything extra after you enter, otherwise you won't need to take the exam next year."

"Of course, I understand." Kyle smiled and nodded.

Then, Professor Marchbank turned around and walked quickly into the classroom, muttering, "I must be crazy to agree to this request to let an irrelevant student enter the exam room."

She seemed to regret it a little, thinking that her decision just now was too hasty and not in compliance with the regulations.

After all, it is the most important exam for a wizard during his student period...If the exam results are deviated because of this irrelevant person, it would be a major dereliction of duty for them, the invigilators.

So usually, they would definitely not allow other students to enter the exam room.

But why did she agree just now?

Professor Marchbank was a little confused, but at this time they had already walked into the classroom, and she looked at Dumbledore again.

"Forget it, if it was this student, it shouldn't be affected."

She shook her head and didn't think about it anymore, but just said to Dumbledore according to the procedure: "The next is the Transfiguration test, the content is human body transformation, you need to change your appearance."

"It's really simple content." Dumbledore smiled confidently, and then put his wand on his forehead.

Without reciting any spells, it seemed that a bucket of water was poured from his head, and Dumbledore became blurred.

The next second, two Professor Marchbanks appeared in the classroom, no matter their appearance, height, or clothes, they were all exactly the same.

"Oh, wonderful!" The real Professor Marchbank clapped his hands, picked up the parchment beside him, and drew a big 'O' on it.

"Without a doubt, full marks."

"I must say, Mr. Dumbledore, you are the best student I have ever seen."

"It's my honor." Dumbledore changed back to his original appearance.

"Then, your exam is over." Professor Marchbank nodded with satisfaction. "The transcript will be sent to you in mid-July. Now, go and enjoy your vacation."

"Looking forward to seeing you next time, professor." Dumbledore put his hand on his chest, bowed slightly, and then walked out of the classroom.

Seeing this, Kyle, who had been very quiet, hurriedly followed.

However, Dumbledore seemed to have forgotten him. After leaving the house, he didn't even look back, and went straight upstairs, probably preparing to go back to the common room.

Kyle ran two steps quickly, came to his side, and took the initiative to say: "Thank you."

"What?" Dumbledore turned his head to look at him and said politely: "Oh, it's okay, I hope this experience will make it easier for you to participate."

"You have helped me a lot." Kyle said with a smile,

Although he also knew that Dumbledore should be in a hurry to go back to find his friends now and didn't want to say too much to a stranger like him.

But it was rare to see the headmaster when he was young, and this feeling was so interesting that Kyle still chose to stay here shamelessly.

"It's just that I didn't expect Professor Marchbank to agree to let me watch." He said, "Under normal circumstances, this should be impossible."

"You also said that it was normal." Dumbledore said meaningfully, "This result is the test result that makes me most satisfied."

"So you used the Confusion Charm just now?" Kyle suddenly realized.

This is the only reason that can explain why Professor Marchbank agreed to his request to watch the exam just now, contrary to his usual behavior.

Using the Confusion Charm on the invigilator professor, and during the exam, it must be said that Dumbledore was really playful and courageous when he was young.

Dumbledore didn't say anything, but just slightly raised the corners of his mouth and blinked his eyes. His handsome face, coupled with this action, made the eyes of several witches next to him straighten.

"By the way, I remember you said you were a sixth-year student, right?" Dumbledore suddenly thought of something and asked, "Which college are you from? Why have I never seen you before?"

"Ah..." Kyle suddenly became nervous, "I'm a Hufflepuff, maybe... you didn't notice me."

"Is that so? No wonder, you Hufflepuffs rarely appear in other places outside of class time."

Dumbledore nodded and actually believed the reason Kyle made up casually.

"Although it's a bit presumptuous to say this, some of the headmaster's decisions are indeed a bit absurd. I have always believed that the four colleges of Hogwarts should be equal and should not be divided into different levels.

"Of course, we Gryffindors are not much better than you."

He glanced at Kyle and shook his head, "Sorry, I talked a lot today, and you don't have to thank me. I just have my own purpose and helped you a little by the way.

"If you don't have anything else, I want to go back to the common room first."

"Of course." Kyle moved aside.

Although it was interesting to chat with the young Dumbledore, it was enough for now. If Kyle continued, he was worried that he would notice something.

After saying goodbye to Dumbledore, Kyle was ready to leave. In this situation, it was probably impossible to leave through the main entrance. If someone caught him and found out that he was not a student of Hogwarts, he would be in trouble. He could only think of another way.

But this did not bother Kyle. He went to the third floor and found the statue of the hunchbacked witch in his memory.

As expected, the secret passage here was still there.

Kyle took out his wand.

"Separate left and right."

The hunchback of the witch slowly separated, revealing a dark passage.

On the other side of this passage was Honeydukes Candy Store. Because Hogwarts was still taking final exams, there were few people here. There was only one middle-aged wizard sitting behind the counter, carefully checking the number of various candies.

Kyle, who had been invisible in advance, walked past him lightly and walked out of the candy store. But after thinking about it, he turned back openly.

"Oh, guest, welcome." The boss stood up and said puzzledly: "Students of Hogwarts? Aren't you supposed to be taking exams?"

"I've graduated." Kyle said with a smile.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were still a student." The boss said, "What do you want? I can give you a good discount."

"Then let's have some classic candies." Kyle said, "The best-selling ones."

"The best-selling ones must be the exploding chocolate and raspberry honey candy."

"Can I try it?" Kyle said, "Of course, I'll pay."

"Try it?" The boss was a little surprised. He was talking about the hot items in the store, and the price was very reasonable. A large bucket of them could be sold every week. If you were a student at Hogwarts, you shouldn't have eaten these.

But he didn't think much about it, just thinking that Kyle was really tight at school and couldn't afford candy.

He immediately took a box from the shelf, picked some candy and handed it to Kyle.

"Eat it, it's my treat, you don't have to pay."

"Thank you then." Kyle pinched a chocolate ball and threw it into his mouth. As soon as he bit it, it exploded in his mouth, followed by a strong smell of grilled steak.

The steak-flavored chocolate was a bit strange, but the taste was acceptable, a bit like another form of Bibi Multi-Flavor Beans.

And the raspberry bee candy, not only looks like a bee, but also can fly. As long as you open the box, they can fly for six hours. When you want to eat, just open your mouth and the bee candy will fly into your mouth. It is not only interesting, but also tastes good.

"I want all of them."

Kyle took out twenty gold coins and put them on the table.

"Twenty Galleons?" The boss was shocked, "Isn't it a bit too much?"

He thought that the poor boy in front of him suddenly made money and was spending retaliatory money.

"It's okay, I'll give it to my friend." Kyle said, "You help me take it, and add some other classic candies."

At Kyle's insistence, the boss nodded and got busy.

It was not until twenty minutes later that he carried a huge package to the counter.

Looking at the package in front of him that could fill a cart, Kyle was a little stunned...

Twenty Galleons, can you buy so many candies?

Until he saw a large piece of nut chocolate crucible on the shelf, the price was two Sickles, and the same size chocolate crucible would cost at least twelve Sickles when he was in school.

Kyle patted his forehead. He forgot that it was a hundred years ago. Although it was the same Galleon, the price was relatively cheaper.

No wonder the boss looked at him so strangely just now.

But since he had already bought it, it was not easy to return it. Kyle simply took out his wand, let the huge package float around him, and walked out of the store.

But when he reached the door, he suddenly stopped.

"What is this?" He pointed to a branch on the shelf and asked.

There were a few stupid big beetles crawling on the branch. It was hard to imagine that such a thing would appear in a candy store.

"Oh, that's our new product, beetle string." The boss seemed very happy and said with a smile: "The branches are chocolate, the beetles are brown sugar, and you can eat the crumbs of popcorn when you bite them open... This is the idea of ​​my little daughter, she is only three years old this year."

"Really good." Kyle said, "Then give me another box of this."

"Do customers really like it?" The boss's eyes lit up, "Although it tastes good, many people can't accept this shape, thinking it is too realistic."

"Of course." Kyle said, "Give me a box, how much is it."

"No money, just treat it as a gift for big customers." The boss quickly took out a heavy big box, "If the customer likes it, you are welcome to come again."

"Thank you." Kyle did not refuse.

After leaving Honeydukes Candy Store, he came to a remote place and stuffed all the candies into his box.

After that, he didn't rush to Godric's Hollow, but leisurely wandered around Hogsmeade.

The current Hogsmeade is not much different from what he remembered, and the appearance of those shops has hardly changed.

But the difference inside the store is much greater.

For example, the three broomsticks.

The current owner is naturally not the charming Ms. Rosmerta, but a stern-faced middle-aged wizard. He seems to be unhappy all the time. Even though Kyle is the only customer in the store, he doesn't get a good look.

But the drinks taste good.

Butterbeer has a mellow taste. After taking a sip, the whole body is warm. Kyle bought a hundred cups at once.

When the time comes, just put them in the box and wrap the outer bottle with the Bubblehead Charm, and you don't have to worry about them going bad.

One hundred cups of butter beer, plus some other different drinks and alcoholic beverages, cost less than fifty Galleons in total, which can be said to be quite a bargain.

The boss was busy enough and looked even more unhappy.

The next stop was Wenrenju, and Kyle bought out their Thunderbird quills and Mobike squid ink.

In another thirty years, these two magical animals will be listed as prohibited trade, and then these things will not be available.

Especially Mobike squid, like dragon eggs, is listed as a Class A prohibited trade product. Its ink can be preserved for a thousand years without fading, so it is more expensive than dragon blood in the market, and it is not necessarily available.

And here, there is a whole shelf.

Kyle was not polite at all, and bought out all the two large boxes of stock.

From then on, Kyle couldn't stop. He carefully went around the shops here. He bought everything he liked without considering the price.

After that, Hogsmeade had a legend that there was an unknown rich man who spent money like water in the village.

Some shops planned to sell two months of inventory, but he bought them all in two minutes, and he still thought it was not enough.

For a while, this mysterious rich man became the topic of conversation for everyone.

At first, people thought that the man used fake gold coins, otherwise who would buy things like that, not one or two, but directly buy inventory.

Some people went to Gringotts as soon as they were afraid, and then learned from the goblins that they took real Galleons, genuine goblin craftsmanship.

Although goblins are greedy, there is one good thing. They value their craftsmanship very much, and their products never cut corners. Whether it is Galleons from a hundred years ago or a hundred years later, they are all the same.

Or in other words, what Kyle used was Galleons from a hundred years ago... or even earlier.

Now, the villagers of Hogsmeade were even more curious, and they all discussed the origins of the young man.

Some said he was the heir of an ancient pure-blood family, some said he was an excellent wizard who started from scratch, and some thought he was a speculator doing illegal business.

But no matter which statement, in the end, it would turn to his generous style of spending. Some shops even increased their inventory several times overnight, expecting big customers to come again.

However, Kyle didn't know that he had added so many strange titles. At this time, he had already left Hogsmeade Village and went to Diagon Alley.

Yes, Diagon Alley, not Godric's Hollow.

After a tour of Hogsmeade, Kyle found that he liked this era too much, but Hogsmeade Village was too small, and he finished the tour in half a day, which was really not fun.

In contrast, Diagon Alley is a really good place, with all kinds of good things emerging in an endless stream, and even dragon eggs are openly sold outside.

It's a pity that there is only one shell.

Kyle took out ten Galleons and bought it.

"Don't you have a complete one?" He looked at the shop owner and asked, "I'm willing to pay ten times the price."

Ten times?

That's one hundred Galleons!

The boss was a little tempted. He didn't doubt that Kyle was bragging, because this man had been here for more than one day. In recent days, he had spent more than two hundred Galleons in various stores.

He also bought a lot of things that he thought were useless, such as the horns of the Aerym bull. This kind of thing was really useless except for being expensive. It could only be bought back as a decoration.

In his opinion, Kyle was a fat sheep with a lot of money, so he could naturally afford one hundred Galleons.

Of course, Kyle would not tell him that in another sixty-seven years, a flying broom company called "Light Wheel" would quickly become popular throughout the magic world, and he would also not tell him that the flying broom at that time would usher in a significant innovation.

Because someone found that the first broom of the Light Wheel Company was added with the horn powder of the Aerym bull. This material can greatly improve the stability of the broom during flight.

At that time, the price of this material increased at a terrifying rate, and it increased tenfold in one year.

Although it gradually dropped later, it was still much higher than the beginning... These are all business secrets, and they are also golden Galleons.

"I can try my best to help you find a complete dragon egg." The shopkeeper lowered his voice and said, "But I will only try my best. You know, fire dragons are magical animals that are prohibited from trade. The Ministry of Magic is very strict. Empty dragon eggshells are not a big deal, but getting a complete dragon egg is too risky."


Kyle raised his eyebrows and took out a bag and shook it, "If I pay 200 Galleons, the risk will not be so great."

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