Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 869 The points deduction is evened



Accompanied by a crisp sound of wind chimes, Dobby, who was sent by Newt to help in Diagon Alley, jumped out from behind the counter and stared at the customers who came in without blinking.

The one who came was a middle-aged wizard. He just came to withdraw money today, but he suddenly found this newly opened store on the way.

It's really strange. In this situation where Death Eaters are rampant, Diagon Alley is becoming increasingly depressed, and people close their shops and go abroad for refuge every day, there are still people who dare to open a new store to do business in an uncharacteristic way...Isn't he afraid that Death Eaters will come to make trouble?

Although he wanted to leave Diagon Alley, a conspicuous place with dense crowds, as soon as possible, he still walked in out of curiosity to see who was so stubborn.

After entering the store, his first impression was still very good. The bright store gave people a very comfortable feeling. There was also a faint wood fragrance floating in the room...It was the unique smell of rowan wood, and the source of the smell should be the brand new counter.

Using rowan wood to make the counter is tasteful and also rich... This wood is not cheap.

At the same time, he smelled the sweet smell of some kind of fruit, which was strong but not irritating, and refreshing.

"Really good." The wizard thought to himself, "If it was a few years ago, there would be many customers here, but now..."

He shook his head. To be honest, in the current situation, who would still be in the mood to go shopping? What's the point of decorating it well? It's just a waste of Galleons.

He didn't care about the house elf that jumped out, but just turned his eyes to the shelf, wanting to see what the strange fruity fragrance he just smelled was, and then leave as soon as possible.

It was a bunch of grapes, but the fruit was much larger, and each one was plump and round. It looked delicious at first glance, plus the fragrance that went straight into the nostrils.

This thing must taste good.

The wizard swallowed his saliva and wondered whether to buy a bunch to take home. Anyway, the money he just took out was more than enough to buy a bunch of fruits...

Until he saw the price under the fruit...

Without the slightest hesitation, the wizard turned around and held his breath, almost trotting out of the store. He gasped twice until he ran far into the street.

Are you crazy? Ten Galleons for one fruit. Is it made of gold?

No, even if it is made of gold, it can't be so expensive. Let alone eating this thing, it costs a Sickle to smell it.

Just now, he sniffed the smell of the store a lot to find the location of the fruit. The boss would not rush out to ask him for money.

Subconsciously, the wizard quickened his pace again.

No wonder the other party dared to open a store in Diagon Alley at this time. His heart is even darker than that of the Death Eaters. Why doesn't he rob Gringotts!

The customer ran away cursing, and the enthusiastic house elf Dobby could only go back behind the counter.

This is the first person to run away today... the fifth? Or the sixth.

After a whole morning without making a single sale, Dobby, who had a vague concept of prices, sighed and felt a little sorry for Mr. Kyle's trust.

At the same time, Kyle on the other side did not care about his newly opened shop, but stayed on the second floor of his home in St. Catchpole Village.

A subtle explosion suddenly came from the originally quiet village. Kyle subconsciously walked to the window and looked outside.

Mrs. Weasley came back and stood at the door of the Burrow, including himself.

Kyle remembered very clearly that the first time he left Hogwarts after pretending to be the headmaster, he happened to meet Mrs. Weasley who was about to move out of No. 12 Grimmauld Place. It was the scene in front of him.

By tomorrow, he should be ready to go to France to find Connor.

Kyle's eyes flashed, and he took out the completely damaged and unusable time converter from his pocket.

Then Kyle took two steps back and disappeared in the room using Apparition.

At this time, Kyle, who was about to enter the Burrow, suddenly stopped outside the window, as if he had noticed something, and turned to look at the window on the second floor of his house.

"Kyle, what's wrong?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Nothing." Kyle shook his head and walked in, "Mrs. Weasley, I'll help get rid of the pests."

"Then I'll trouble you." Mrs. Weasley said, "The vixens will never be driven away. I don't know how they got in."

While the two of them were cleaning the Burrow, Kyle on the other side had already arrived at the door of the Hog's Head Pub in Hogsmeade.

He didn't go in, but looked inside from the window.

Aberforth was still the same, standing behind the bar with a sinister expression, wiping an even dirtier cup with a dirty rag.

As usual, Dumbledore and Ariana had not come back to find him.

Kyle looked away and walked towards Hogwarts.

He remembered that Dumbledore had said before leaving that he and Ariana were going to do something for the next time travel.

This so-called next time travel should be to go back to the past to save Dumbledore.

Kyle didn't know when they would come back, so he had to do something just in case.

But before that, he had to go to Hogwarts first.

It was time to settle some things.

Because it was class time, Hogwarts was quiet, and Kyle walked in through the main gate. On the way, he met Professor Sprout who had just come out of the greenhouse.

"Kyle?" Professor Sprout was a little surprised and walked over quickly, "Didn't Minerva say you just left school? Why are you back again?"

"Oh, I just realized I forgot something, so I came back." Kyle said calmly.

"No one noticed it," Professor Sprout asked nervously.

"Don't worry, professor." Kyle waved his hand and lowered his voice: "As an outstanding graduate, it is normal for me to come back and miss my alma mater. No one will doubt that I am Dumbledore's."

"It's better to be careful," Professor Sprout said. "Do you need me to tell Minerva?"

"No, no need." Kyle shook his head, "I'm just here to pick up something. It won't take long."

"Okay, then you come with me." Professor Sprout took off his dragon leather gloves, "get out of class is not over yet, no one will notice that you have entered the principal's office."


Kyle followed Professor Sprout into the castle and met Filch on the way.

It can be seen that Filch, who is responsible for guarding the school gate, does not welcome Kyle, a "social idler" who has graduated, but with Professor Sprout following him, he cannot drive him away and can only stay in the shadow of the corner. Staring fiercely.

"Argus, go and do your work." Professor Sprout glanced at him, "Kyle just came to me to discuss some things, and I will send him out of school later."

This is already a clear sign of driving people away.

Filch's face froze, but facing Professor Sprout, who was the dean, he could only bow slightly, turned around and left the hall without saying a word.

Then, the two of them walked through the deserted stairs to the eighth floor, in front of the gargoyle stone beast.

"I won't follow you in." Professor Sprout glanced at the time. "get out of class will be over soon. The next one is Gryffindor's Herbology class. If you want to leave school, you can ask the ghost to find Mi Leva.

"Oh, by the way, just knock the second pot-shaped silverware on the table and a ghost will come over."

"Is this how the silverware in the principal's office is used?" Kyle smacked his lips, gaining experience.

He knew that those silverware must be more than just decorative.

"Yes, the second one, don't knock the wrong one."

"It's okay," Kyle said. "I'll leave the school in another way, and I won't be seen."

"That's good."

With a ringing of bells, Professor Sprout left in a hurry. She returned to the castle just to get the antidote potion in the office.

The next class is the seventh grade Gryffindor class, which is about poisonous stinging cactus. Since Mr. Longbottom is among the class members, it is better to prepare some corresponding antidote potions in advance.

Otherwise, Madam Pomfrey would probably mutter about canceling the dangerous Herbology class again.

Really, how can those cute, weak herbs be dangerous? The one who is in danger is obviously Mr. Longbottom, right?

Fortunately, I won’t have to teach him any more soon…

Professor Sprout left, and Kyle entered the principal's office along the passage behind the stone statue.

It's still the same here. The portraits of the principals closed their eyes and pretended to sleep. After hearing the noise, several of them opened one eye.

They stopped pretending to be asleep when they saw that the person coming was Kyle.

"Boy, why are you back again!" Phineas Black asked unceremoniously.

"Nothing, I just came to give you some gifts." Kyle walked over with a smile and took out a lot of finished paint from his pocket.

They were all professional pigments for making magic paintings. Kyle spent a lot of money to buy these things, but he didn't feel bad at all.

Mr. Phineas deserves the best.

Kyle skillfully took out his wand, and with just a few strokes, he drew an outline of a ferocious mace, with at least three-inch long spikes, which shone coldly even in the portrait.

"Wait... you, what do you want to do!" Phineas felt a chill all over his body, but the principals headed by Armando Dippet came over with bright eyes.

"I haven't offended you, right? You can't do this..." Phineas already wanted to run away.

"How can you say I'm offended? This is too outrageous." Kyle said without raising his head: "I just suddenly felt that the principals were too bored to stay in the portraits every day, and I just wanted to give you some fun. "

Looking for fun?

This is obviously just for fun, right? That bastard Dippet has already started doing warm-up exercises!

Phineas felt his legs become weak and wanted to run away.

But the other principals reacted quickly. In order to prevent him from running into other portraits, two middle-aged wizard-looking people immediately ran behind him and held his arms.

"My child is also kind-hearted, where are you going!" One of the bearded wizards stared at Phineas sinisterly, almost showing his ill intentions on his face.

Phineas began to struggle, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not break free from the restraints of his colleagues.

During this time, Kyle had also completed his work.

In addition to the extremely intimidating maces and two-handed axes, he also thoughtfully drew one-handed swords, daggers and thorn vine whips for the witch principals.

During this period, Armando Dippet had been observing Kyle.

Although the portrait did not have the ability to think, he could tell with experience that the current Kyle and the one who just left did not seem to be the same person.

Of course, being able to come here means that he is not someone else pretending to be someone else, but the kid named Kyle, but he gives people a different feeling...

And he can also see that this kid is coming for Phineas, and the undisguised malice can be seen even in his portrait.

But what does it matter? Armando Dippet chuckled twice.

He is just a portrait, and he doesn't care what happened. He cares about having fun later.

He also has to thank Phineas, who uses his selfless mind and broad mind to provide everyone with a wealth of leisure and entertainment activities.

What a good person...

Armando Dippet rubbed his hands, and couldn't wait to pick a handy long-handled axe from the large arsenal... The same model as the Hogwarts statue, he has long wanted to try it.


Listening to the howling from the portrait, Kyle felt that he was open-minded.

When he first returned to 1899, Phineas wanted to deduct 100 points from him, but because the score was not enough, he directly reset the Hufflepuff's house score to zero. Kyle has always remembered it.

In order to repay the headmaster, he directly drew 100 swords, swords, sticks and axes according to the highest standard, and this matter was even.

After putting down the wand, Kyle moved his sore wrist.

Although the voice in the portrait was refreshing, Kyle did not forget the main purpose of coming here this time.

He searched in the headmaster's office and finally found a blue scarf with phoenix feathers. Then he carefully pulled out the feathers and put them on the perch at the door to light them.

He needs Fawkes now, but it is impossible for him to find his current self, so he can only try this method.

The phoenix is ​​sensitive to its own feathers, and this is Dumbledore's office, maybe it can sense it...

Kyle thought, not sure if this method would work. If not, he would have to go there in person.

Just thinking about it, the headmaster's office suddenly lit up.

Fox landed on the perch, tilted his head, and looked at Kyle in confusion, as if he didn't understand why he was here.

"Fox, I'm so glad you're here." Kyle said, "Don't be surprised, both of them are me, but something happened."

Fox turned his head back.

"I need your help with something." Kyle took out an envelope, "Can you help me send this to Beauxbatons and give it to Professor Victor who is in charge of alchemy? This is also related to Professor Dumbledore."

Fox grabbed the envelope, but did not leave. He just continued to look at Kyle and made a crisp chirping sound.

"You don't know the location?" Kyle was stunned for a moment. The phoenix can go anywhere at will, but it can't find the corresponding location with just an address... This is the talent of owls, and it is also the main reason why they can become messengers.

"Hasn't Professor Dumbledore taken you there?" Kyle asked.

Fox nodded.

"This..." Kyle rubbed his forehead, "What about Beauxbatons, do you know?"

Fox continued to shake his head.

"Forget it, take me with you." Kyle sighed, "Let's go to France first."

The things in the envelope are very important, he doesn't trust the owl, it's safer to leave it to Fox.

This time Fox moved, flew to Kyle skillfully, and let him grab his tail.

Kyle didn't notice that when he was talking, the principals behind him also gathered together.

"Did you hear it?" Armando Dippet whispered to a witch: "He just said, 'Both of them are me', what does this mean."

"Time converter." Delis Devonte blurted out.

"So, this kid is from the past?" Armando blinked. "Albus disappeared in the past, and he came back from the past. If that's the case, this kid must have brought Albus back... But why doesn't he come to Hogwarts?"

"Albus naturally has his own ideas." Devonte said without looking back: "Are you sure you still want to stay here? Phineas is running fast."

Armando turned back subconsciously and saw that Phineas had sneaked to the edge of the picture frame. As long as he crossed the picture frame, he could run into other portraits, and it would be difficult to catch him at that time.

After all, after leaving Hogwarts, they can only move in their own portraits.

"Hey, stop right there!" Armando didn't care about what Dumbledore was thinking, and rushed over with the long-handled axe beside him.

"Look at my new magic, faint!"

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