Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 870 Don't say anything, I understand.


The Pyrenees Mountains were shrouded in thick clouds in the evening. Due to the fog magic set up by Nicolas Flamel himself at the gate, not many people were watching.

However, today, Beauxbatons welcomed a guest from afar.

Kyle carefully passed through the fog and appeared near the magic fountain.

He raised his head and looked at the mountaintop manor in front of him, carefully identifying it.

"They all look exactly the same. Where is Professor Victor's office?"

Beauxbatons is not like Hogwarts. There are more rooms here, and because of the prevalence of alchemy, the classroom structure inside has undergone varying degrees of change.

For example, the underground classrooms in Hogwarts are really dark outside the window and can only be illuminated by lights, but Beauxbatons are different. The windows of the underground classrooms here may have a branch on the second floor, which can be switched between dim and bright at will.

And it's not the magic window like the one in the Ministry of Magic. The window is really opened on the second floor. The process is also very simple. Just use alchemy to slightly modify the wall and open a magic channel between the two windows to transport sunlight.

Of course, it only looks simple. Anyway, Kyle can't do it... But for Nicolas Flamel or Victor, it shouldn't be difficult.

So what he sees now may not be the location of the real classroom.

"I should have remembered the location when I came last time." Kyle looked around again and shook his head, "Forget it, I won't look for it. Fortunately, I made a backup plan in advance."

Kyle waited for a while, and an owl flew in from outside with its wings flapping. The surrounding fog magic seemed to have no effect on it at all.

The owl landed on the magic fountain next to it, and a pair of big eyes looked over in confusion.

This was hired by Kyle who met it halfway and spent two bags of owl nuts.

Although it didn't conform to the process, Kyle gave too much. Two large bags of imported nuts that could last for a month, the price was just to deliver two letters. No owl could refuse, and it was no exception.

Well... the nuts were brought by Kyle from England, so they should be considered imported goods for French owls.

"This is the second letter." Kyle took off the empty envelope with the words 'Beauxbatons, next to the magic fountain' written on it from the owl's claws, and took out another bulging envelope and tied it to its leg, "Give it to Professor Victor of Alchemy."

The reason why two letters were used was because Kyle was worried that something might happen in the middle... Although the possibility was not great, it was better to be cautious.

Anyway, it was just an extra bag of nuts, and it was not a big deal.

But there was no need for it now, the owl would not lose the letter in Beauxbatons.

Kyle took out a cloth bag and placed it next to the fountain.

The owl immediately flew up and headed straight for a window not far away... That should be where Professor Victor was.

Sure enough, things like sending letters still have to be left to professionals.

Kyle nodded with satisfaction, took out the second generation of nuts and put them in the cloth bag, which was considered to be the final payment.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a jaw-dropping scene.

Fox, the phoenix, flew out at some point and followed the owl. When the owl reached Professor Victor's window, he snatched the envelope from its claws like a bully, and slapped it to the tree next to it.

Can an owl beat a phoenix? Of course not.

But it didn't dare to snatch the letter back, so it could only return to Kyle angrily, staring at him with a look that was mixed with three points of doubt, seven points of shock, and the remaining ninety points of swear words.

Don't think it doesn't know that the red-haired bird and the wizard are in the same group, it has seen it.

...Are wizards playing so wild now, coming to cheat, deliberately pitting a weak and pitiful owl?

If you don't want to give it, you can say it clearly, it doesn't have to have those two bags of nuts.

Kyle laughed awkwardly twice.

To be honest, he didn't expect Fox to do this... Could it be because of what he said in the principal's office?

In this case, Fox delivered the letter... right?

But Phoenix... Why is it necessary to compete with an owl?

He is a professional letter deliveryman.

Kyle looked at the red figure returning, silently took out the third bag of nuts and stuffed it into the cloth bag.

Now that things have come to this, what can he do? Pay him back. He can't let him get his wings slapped in vain.

The owl stopped staring at Kyle and grabbed the bag and left.

It can be seen that the heavy nuts made the owl very tired, but it didn't stop at all, turned around and flew away, as if it was avoiding something terrible.

Kyle looked at the Phoenix flying back and could only helplessly raise a thumb.

OK, well done.

Fox was so calm, holding his head high, as if nothing had happened.

Okay, let's do it.

Kyle sighed. Anyway, the things have been delivered. As for the process, it is not so important. At least now it seems that all three parties are quite satisfied.

"Who is there!" A sharp shout came from not far away. Several people wearing the same robes ran over here. They must have heard the movement just now and came to check the situation.

All the wizards who came were young and strong. They pulled out their wands from a distance.

Beauxbatons is also very good at the school's security, unlike Hogwarts, where Filch, a squib, takes over the security of the entire school.

Not only that, he also had to work part-time as a housekeeper and check for prohibited items. He held many jobs but could only get one salary... Thinking about it this way, the previous principals of Hogwarts were really shameless.

"Okay, we should go back." Kyle glanced at the increasingly dark sky and said to Fox.

A flash of flame flashed, and before the other party ran over, one person and one phoenix disappeared.

It has to be said that having Phoenix by your side is very convenient. You can travel between two different countries in a few seconds without having to worry about being traced by the Ministry of Magic, but the process is not very comfortable.

"It's okay, Fox, you can go back." Kyle rubbed his forehead and it took a while to recover.

Fox tilted his head to look at Kyle and let out a clear chirp.

"Ah, don't worry about me, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Kyle suddenly frowned and took out a special Galleons from his pocket. The pattern on it had a conspicuous scratch out of thin air.

The message Galleons, the other one is in Dobby's hand, and now there are changes on it, which can only mean that Dobby is looking for him.

Without hesitation, Kyle immediately apparated to the Leaky Cauldron and quickly arrived at his shop.

"I didn't expect there to be such a store here. It finally gives Diagon Alley a little class."

Before he even entered the door, Kyle heard a familiar voice... with a tone that didn't deserve a beating, who else could it be besides Malfoy.

No wonder Dobby wanted to notify him, he came so soon?

Kyle stopped at the door, waved his wand lightly, and then walked in.

It turned out to be Malfoy inside, and Narcissa was also there.

Dobby stood aside awkwardly, his whole body seemed to be frozen. Obviously, even though Kyle had told him in advance, he still felt subconsciously afraid after seeing his former master.

Because strictly speaking, he betrayed the Malfoy family, and in the perception of house elves, betrayal is a heinous act.

If Dobby hadn't insisted, Kyle wouldn't have let him stay here. Kreacher would have been here long ago, but now it seems that Dobby still overestimated his instinctive reaction.

But the funny thing is that at such a close distance, neither Malfoy nor Narcissa seemed to recognize that the house elf who acted as a shop assistant in front of them was the Dobby who once served them.

But think about it, the Dobby back then was filthy and only wore a tea towel that was dirtier than a pig's head bar rag. He was almost completely different from the clean, rosy-faced and well-dressed house elf he is now. , it’s normal for them not to recognize it.

After Kyle came in, he intentionally or unintentionally exposed his wand. Dobby looked over subconsciously, and then shouted in surprise: "Sir, you are back!"

"Yes." Kyle nodded, "Dignified guests are coming. I will receive them. You can go out first."

Duobei was granted amnesty and ran out quickly.

"It really has no rules." Narcissa frowned slightly, "If it were our house elf, I would definitely throw it a piece of clothing."

Although she had seen her cry with snot and tears, in front of outsiders, Narcissa still displayed the usual arrogance of the Malfoy family and the habit of looking at people through her nostrils.

"You are the shopkeeper here." She looked at Kyle up and down and frowned: "You don't look like an Englishman."

"I graduated from Beauxbatons." Kyle said with a smile.

The way he looks now, he should be a certain Beauxbatons guard. After all, he just saw it and was very impressed.

And it was impossible for Malfoy to go to Beauxbatons without being recognized.

"Beauxbatons..." Narcissa seemed to not care about the other party's identity at all, and asked again: "Are you really the shopkeeper here?"

"Of course." Kyle said.

"Impossible." Narcissa stared at him, "Since you are not British, how can you have the title deed to Diagon Alley."

"This lady..." Kyle smiled and said: "Although I am not British, Galleons do not distinguish between countries."

"Humph, so you bought it?" Narcissa snorted coldly, "Who sold it to you!"

"Trade secrets, madam." Kyle smiled.

Narcissa wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Malfoy.

"Okay, Mom, what does the Black family's buying and selling of property have to do with us?" He turned his head, looked at Kyle and asked, "Are all the things here real?"

"As you said, if I open a store in Diagon Alley, can I sell you fake goods?" Kyle patted his chest, "I can guarantee the authenticity in the name of Ms. Maxim."

"Okay, I want this." He pointed at a shiny bead.

"What a discerning eye..." Kyle smiled even more happily, "Rock oyster pearls are precious alchemical materials and the first choice decorations that symbolize status. Each one only costs eighty Galleons."

A coin-sized bead, one of which is exactly Mr. Weasley's monthly salary.

"One? Not a plate?" Malfoy frowned and actually put the beads down.

He let go...

Kyle was stunned for a moment. Would Malfoy think it was too expensive? And the price he gave was the normal market price, with no markup at all.

Is this still the stupid and rich Draco Malfoy he knew?

"Since you like it, we'll take it." Narcissa, who was next to her, quickly took off the beads and gave them to Malfoy. "You have a good sense. This kind of thing is indeed not common, and the price is reasonable."

"But mom, we..."

"It doesn't matter, we still have this little money." Narcissa interrupted him and turned to look at other shelves, "Maybe we can choose a gift for your godfather..."

"Don't mention him!" Malfoy seemed to have been stepped on and exploded.

"He also said you should never come to Diagon Alley...I guess he did it on purpose. He wanted to lure you here in this way so that you could buy him expensive gifts.

"They are all the same, they are all for our family's wealth."

"Shut up, Draco!" Narcissa glared at Malfoy, then quickly glanced at Kyle aside.

Kyle consciously turned his face to the side, pretending not to hear anything.

"I hope you never say anything like that again, ever!" Narcissa said in a low voice.

Malfoy also looked frightened, but at the same time he was glad that the shop owner was not British, and he was most likely not a Death Eater.

Otherwise, if what he just said reached Voldemort's ears, he would be dead.

"Severus is not this kind of person." Narcissa quickly changed the subject, "And his identity doesn't require this."

"Then why did he suddenly say those incomprehensible words." Malfoy curled his lips, "What dangers could there be in Diagon Alley? I think he just didn't have a good heart."

Kyle listened to the conversation between the two and probably guessed what was going on.

Because Snape didn't ask for the information he wanted, he turned around and found Malfoy, wanting to remind him to stay away from him.

This is understandable. As a godfather, no matter what the reason, Snape still has some feelings for Malfoy.

But he never expected that because of the previous conflict, Malfoy had no feelings for him, and he seemed to be a bit rebellious... You didn't let me come, but I had to come.

Then he ran over with his mother.

No matter what, it's quite strange. I really want to see Snape's expression after knowing this.

Kyle resisted laughing and tried his best to act like a qualified store clerk, introducing the products in the store to Malfoy and Narcissa.

But they didn't do what Kyle thought. They enjoyed shopping in the store and even asked about the price.

This is so un-Malfoy.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't they stretch out their hands generously, point to a few things, and leave a sentence, "If you don't want these items, wrap up the others?"

What a disappointment.

Kyle sighed, and while Narcissa was looking at a coral ornament and Malfoy walked to the other side of the counter, he quietly took out his wand and put his body between them.

"You must be interested in this thing." Kyle said suddenly.

Malfoy subconsciously turned his head and saw a wand passing in front of his eyes.


Although Malfoy's appearance here this time was an accident, it would be a pity if he didn't do something since he was here.

Malfoy's pupils immediately became dilated, and Kyle hurriedly stepped forward to steady him while staring into his eyes, flipping through his memories like a book.

Of course, not all of them are read. Kyle is not interested in Malfoy's personal affairs and only picks out content related to Death Eaters.

It can only be said that Malfoy has not lied before. His position among the Death Eaters is indeed a bit embarrassing. He is better than cannon fodder, but he is also excluded from the fringe of confidants. Anyone who sees him can laugh at him.

Kyle also saw Barty Crouch Jr., who not only had a bad attitude towards Draco Malfoy, but also had a bad attitude towards Lucius, and arrogantly ordered him to prepare a sum of Galleons for them Used in Cornwall.

That kind of attitude was like ordering a house elf. Malfoy was also very angry. Then he met Snape who came to teach him. Then he ran to Diagon Alley in anger, preparing for revenge consumption...


Wait, what did Barty Crouch Jr. just say?

Kyle was stunned for a moment.

But at this time, Malfoy's eyelids suddenly twitched twice.

Kyle quickly took out his wand again and pointed it at Malfoy's head.

"Everything is forgotten."

At the same time, take two steps back and stand in a more reasonable position.

"Draco, why don't you speak." At this time, Narcissa also came over.

"Huh?" Malfoy responded in a daze as he still didn't know what was going on.

"Don't block the road." Narcissa pushed Kyle away from the two of them unceremoniously, walked over and asked, "What are you looking at? Why haven't you spoken."

"I guess your son must want this." Kyle walked over at the right time and introduced: "The Thunderbird Quill is a real status symbol. He should still be at Hogwarts at this age. Take it out in class. , will definitely become the focus of everyone.

"It's just that this thing may be investigated by the Ministry of Magic. I personally don't recommend it for ordinary people to buy...but then again, a lady with such a temperament as you will definitely not care about this little trouble, right?"

Thunderbird feathers are prohibited trade, but will Malfoy care?

Of course not.

But Narcissa seemed to have misunderstood something. Her eyes turned red when she saw Malfoy staring blankly at the quill.

"Draco, you must really want to go to school..."

"What?" Malfoy finally reacted after being interrupted by Kyle. After hearing what Narcissa said, he immediately said with disdain: "No, I didn't. Who wants to go to that broken place?"

"Don't say it, I understand. Don't worry, I will find a way." Narcissa choked a little, but when she saw Kyle on the side, she immediately pretended to be fierce and scolded:

"What are you looking at? Are all the students of Beauxbatons so rude?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am." Kyle smiled and returned to the counter.


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