Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 871 The Death Eaters' Plan

"If I take out this quill in Hogwarts, I might really get a lot of envious looks."

I don't know if it was influenced by Narcissa, Malfoy stared at the Thunderbird quill and fell into deep thought.

Subconsciously, he thought of a scarred man who had a Firebolt.

The Firebolt was in the shop window, and you could buy it with money, but the Thunderbird quill was different. This kind of thing had been banned long ago. Even if the scarred man now had a rich godfather, he couldn't buy it.

And his follower Weasley would never be able to afford it in his lifetime.


Malfoy shook his head and suddenly realized that he had been expelled from school. It was highly likely that he would never see the scarred man and his follower again. Even if he saw him again, it would only be on the battlefield.

That's good...I really hope that day will come sooner, so that he can do something he has wanted to do for a long time...torture the other party to his heart's content.

"There's nothing good here, let's go back." Malfoy said uninterested.

"Okay." Narcissa naturally had no objection, and reached out to take the Thunderbird quill.

"Mom, what are you going to do with that?"

"Don't you want to buy it?" Narcissa asked.

"No." Malfoy blurted out: "Why should I spend money on something I can't use."

"It can always be used." Narcissa was silent for a moment, "Even if you just use it to write..."

"You, whatever." For some reason, Malfoy didn't object anymore, just took the quill and walked to the counter silently.

"How much."

"Thirty Galleons." Kyle smiled.

"How much?" Malfoy suddenly raised his voice, "Thirty Galleons, are you crazy? This is just a quill!

"In the Literary House, even the best Thunderbird quill only costs one Galleon. "

"This is a Thunderbird feather. " Kyle reminded: "Even if you sell it to an alchemist, you can get twenty Galleons. "

"Then there are still ten Galleons. "

"Craftsmanship. "Kyle said calmly: "The ancient handmade craftsmanship passed down from a hundred years ago is completely incomparable to the goods on the market. Only this can be regarded as a symbol of status."

"Madam..." Kyle looked at Narcissa and said lightly: "I think you can see it."

Narcissa raised her eyebrows.

Can she? No, she can't see it. After all, who would care about the craftsmanship of a feather pen?

And she also thinks that selling a feather pen for thirty Galleons is really a bit too much.

But thinking of Draco staring at the feather pen in a daze just now, she still cleared her throat.

"The craftsmanship, um... average, barely okay, we want it. "

"Mom? "Malfoy turned his head in shock.

The Malfoy family was rich, but he still felt a little bit unacceptable to spend thirty Galleons on a quill.

Although the thunderbird feather itself was worth twenty Galleons, that was only limited to the best feathers on the wings. Not just any feather was so expensive. Besides, after being made into a quill, it would not be sold.

And he always felt that the words of the shopkeeper sounded a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it for a moment.

"It's okay Draco, it's only thirty Galleons." Narcissa brought over another coral ornament and said arrogantly: "Add this, how much is it in total."

"Two hundred Galleons." Kyle said with a smile, while Narcissa was paying, he flicked a piece of parchment into Malfoy's pocket with a slight movement of his fingers.

"The business here must not be very good. "Malfoy didn't notice Kyle's little move, and said in a harsh tone.

He still couldn't accept a quill pen that cost thirty Galleons.

Maybe he would have bought it a few years ago, but only before the third grade... Now he would rather use the money to buy a pure gold quill pen, and even a pure gold quill pen doesn't cost thirty Galleons.

Faced with Malfoy's sarcasm, Kyle just smiled and didn't say anything.

But Narcissa next to him patted his shoulder gently.

"Don't say that, Draco." She poured a pile of Galleons on the table and showed an inexplicable smile, "We should admire the courage and guts of the owner."

"We will come again."

"Look forward to your next visit, ma'am. "

Kyle smiled as he escorted Narcissa and Draco out of the store, then turned around and took the 200 Galleons on the table.

It was Malfoy again. Although he was not as generous as expected, 200 Galleons was not a small amount, more than most stores earn in a month.

But this was not the most important thing. The important thing was that Kyle also got a secret intelligence from Malfoy.

Lucius Malfoy seemed to be going to Cornwall with Barty Crouch Jr. and others recently, and was asked to bring a large amount of Galleons.

This is interesting. Why did the Death Eaters take Galleons to Cornwall? It can't be to solve the housing problem of wandering wizards there.

Cornwall is in the southernmost corner of the UK, surrounded by the sea on three sides. Because of its unique geographical location and the fact that it is far enough away from the Ministry of Magic, it attracts many wizards who are unwilling to take the ordinary road or have ulterior motives.

Eighty percent of these wizards are on the wanted list, and the remaining 19 percent have not been discovered yet.

It's just that these wizards are well hidden, and coupled with their long-term experience in dealing with Aurors, they can always escape capture time and time again, and the Ministry of Magic has nothing to do about it.

Fortunately, in order to protect themselves, the local wizards gradually became tough and powerful, and their attacks were even more ruthless. They were even worse than those people, and they formed a delicate balance between them.

It's a bit like the relationship between Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley. Everyone is in the same area, but they are clearly separated from each other. You do your thing and I do mine. Although there are occasional minor frictions, most of the time it is a matter of course. .

The Death Eaters must have some purpose in placing their targets there.

Recruiting troops?

It's possible that they just lost a group of people, so they naturally need to replenish their team, and the 'Knockturn Alley' there just meets their recruitment needs, which can also explain why they want to bring Galleon.

Voldemort's name is indeed loud in Britain, and it is also very intimidating to some surrounding countries, but not everyone buys it...especially for those wizards from other places, this name is really not as real as Galleon.

Kyle tapped the table lightly, thinking about whether to go over and join in the fun. To be honest, he really wanted to visit Cornwall. Even if he couldn't stop the Death Eaters' conspiracy, it would be a good idea to come back with some specialties. .

Cornish elves are quite famous in the magical world. Although these troublesome little guys have no offensive ability, they are good at causing damage.


Just when Kyle was hesitating, Dobby walked in cautiously, observing the surrounding situation nervously. It wasn't until he was sure that Narcissa and Malfoy were really not here that he breathed a sigh of relief.

It can be seen that he has not recovered from the shock just now.

"Don't worry, Dobby, you are a free house elf now." Kyle glanced at him, "Don't say they didn't recognize you, even if they did, so what, as long as I'm here, you don't need it at all. Worry about what they will do to you."

"Yes, Dobby is a... free elf." Dobby straightened his chest and walked over with his head held high.

Kyle looked behind him and suddenly said seriously:

"Oh, Ms. Narcissa, it's so nice to see you again."

Dobby's legs weakened and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Almost subconsciously, Dobby hurriedly got up, turned around and said, "Welcome...Welcome to the light...huh?"

When he raised his head stiffly, he found that there was only an empty door in front of him, and an equally empty street outside the door, with no one at all.

"Dobby, you need to get used to it a little more." Kyle couldn't help but smile: "I really should have kept you here just now. Then you will find that they are not as scary as you thought."

"Dobby, Dobby is not afraid of them." The elf said stubbornly.

Kyle shrugged noncommittally.

Although Dobby is an outlier among house elves, some things are not so easy to change.

But don't be in a hurry, take your time, and one day Dobby will be able to truly face all Malfoys calmly.

First step...

"Dobby, next time Malfoy comes again, you should be here to receive him." Kyle said lightly: "Remember, no matter what he buys, the price will increase by at least 30%. Of course, you can also add more, no matter how much he buys in the future. No matter how much, it’s considered your commission.”

"No, no..." In an instant, Dobby's legs became weaker. But it's not because of Malfoy, but because of the so-called commission.

Dobby knows the price of these things very well. They start at ten galleons, fifty galleons can be found everywhere, and there are quite a few of one hundred galleons. Even if it is only one-tenth, it is too much for him, too much. Don't dare to take it.

Dobby likes his current life very much. He wants a salary and just enjoys the process. At the same time, he is afraid of getting kicked out if he takes too much.

He didn't want to be kicked out.

When he was working for Newt, if it weren't for Tina's tough attitude, he would only have wanted a weekly salary of one galleon.

"It doesn't matter, believe me." Kyle looked at Dobby, his voice seemed to be bewitching, "Just once, after you sell something to Malfoy for double the price, you will never be afraid again. He did."

Dobby still shook his head and said hesitantly, "Sir, this... this is wrong."

"That's wrong, but it'll be fine if you don't get discovered." Kyle smiled, casually took out two Galleons and handed them to him, "I almost forgot, this is your commission this time.

"Don't refuse, a free house elf must take a commission."

Dobby, who was just about to continue shaking his head, came over and picked up the two heavy Galleons.

"That's right." Kyle smiled and nodded, "I'm not one of those shameless principals at Hogwarts."

Headmaster of Hogwarts, shameless?

Dobby was confused and had no idea what this meant.

However, Kyle did not explain. He stood up and said, "I'm going out for a while, and I'll leave the store to you. It doesn't matter if there are any customers. I'll take the commission myself... As for Mr. Scamander, I'll go and talk to you." He said it.”

"Yes, sir," said Dobby.

Kyle then left the store.

In Malfoy's memory, Lucius and Barty Crouch Jr. will set off for Cornwall tomorrow, but he doesn't know the specific route and time.

But it’s not a big problem, he can find professionals.

Kyle came to the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron, grabbed a handful of floo powder, smashed it down, and shouted: "Ministry of Magic!"

"Kyle, why are you here?"

Department of Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Items, Mr. Weasley looked at Kyle who suddenly appeared and said in surprise: "Didn't Chris say you traveled to France?"

"That's right," Kyle said, "but because of something, I came back."

"But that's not important." Kyle waved his hand, "Mr. Weasley, I want to know the recent movements of the Death Eaters."

"Death Eaters..." Mr. Weasley's face immediately became serious, he walked quickly to the door, stuck his head out and looked around, and then closed the door.

"Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"I understand they may be making some big moves in Cornwall recently," Kyle said.

"Cornwall..." Mr. Weasley frowned slightly, "Are you sure?"

"Seventy percent," Kyle said after thinking for a moment.

After all, he got the information from Draco, a fringe figure. He was really not sure whether it was true or not.

"Where did you get the news?"

"Well, a Death Eater who wants to be less evil." Kyle said, "But it's up to Professor Dumbledore to decide whether to reveal his name."

"Headmaster Dumbledore? I understand." Upon hearing the name, Mr. Weasley nodded understandingly. "So he asked you to come?"

"Well... that's right." Kyle nodded vaguely.

Dumbledore and Ariana let him move freely before leaving. In a sense, it was okay for him to say so... maybe.

"If we talk about the recent news about Death Eaters, I only know a rough idea, and Alastor knows it best." Mr. Weasley did not doubt Kyle's words and placed a top-shaped looking glass on the table. , and then lowered his voice and said.

"All I know is that he has been following Mauben and Gilman, heading south."

"Moben? Gilman?"

"He is also a Death Eater." Mr. Weasley explained: "A Death Eater more than ten years ago, took advantage of loopholes to escape trial, and recently rejoined the mysterious man.

"Alastor has been following them and has obtained a lot of information. However, his personality means that he cannot tell us much, so we don't know the more detailed information."

"Then do you know where he went?"

"I don't know exactly, but..." Mr. Weasley suddenly paused, "Kyle, you don't want to cause trouble with the Death Eaters, do you?"

"How is that possible..." Kyle waved his hand, "It's my vacation time now, and I'm still waiting to go to France after finishing the message."

"That's good." Mr. Weasley then continued: "Whirlstone Lighthouse, this is the news from Alastor. We always thought that their target was Devon County."

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, and the morning breeze carried a slight salty smell.

On the rocks by the sea, stood a long-faded lighthouse. Two men in black hoods stood under the lighthouse, waiting anxiously for something.

Not long after, there was a fluctuation in the air, and several people with the same appearance appeared nearby out of thin air.

"Mo Ben." The leader said in a low voice, "How did things go?"

"Don't worry, Barty, Gilman is taking that Auror in circles in Devon. Those bugs from the Order of the Phoenix never dreamed that our real target is actually the wizards in Cornwall."

"It's best... like this." The hood was lifted, revealing a young but very pale face.

While talking, he always sticks out his tongue from time to time, looking like a snake spitting out messages.

But when a wizard spits out a message, it not only looks unorthodox, but also a bit disgusting.

It's just that everyone present looked like they were used to it. Even if they felt strange occasionally, they didn't dare to show it.

"Moburn, you have already disappointed the Dark Lord once." Barty Crouch Jr. stared at the Death Eater named Moburn, "I think you will not let the Dark Lord down a second time, right? ?”

"Of course, absolutely not." Moben wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Okay then, let's go." Barty Crouch Jr. said.

The two Death Eaters behind him immediately stepped forward, stretched out their wands and pointed at the lighthouse.

I don't know what they did, but the lighthouse suddenly cracked and spread out from the middle, revealing a dark and deep passage below.

Barty Crouch Jr. was the first to walk in, followed by Mowben, and the other Death Eaters.

When the last Death Eater walked into the passage, there was suddenly a shallow footprint behind him, but his mind was on the dark passage ahead and he did not notice it.

Afterwards, the passage was closed and the lighthouse was restored again.

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